The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 126
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Carr, John Dickson (chron.) (continued)
- * John Dickson Carr’s Solution to “The Mystery of Edwin Drood”, (ar) The Armchair Detective v14 #4, 1981 [Ref. Charles Dickens]
- * The Jury Box, (rc) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1970, Jan, Feb, Apr, May, Jun,
Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1971
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1972
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1973
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1974
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1975
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Aug, Sep, Oct 1976
- * The Lion’s Paw [Colonel March], (nv) The Strand Magazine July 1938, as "Error at Daybreak", by Carter Dickson
- * The Locked Room [Dr. Gideon Fell], (ss) The Strand Magazine July 1940
- * The Man Who Explained Miracles [Sir Henry Merrivale], (na) The Housewife January 1956 (+2), as "Ministry of Miracles", by Carter Dickson
- * The Man Who Saw the Invisible [Colonel March], (ss) The Strand Magazine April 1938, as "The New Invisible Man", by Carter Dickson
- * The Man Who Was Dead, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine May 1935
- * New Murders for Old, (ss) The Illustrated London News Christmas 1939
- * The One Real Horror, (ss) The Illustrated London News Christmas 1939, as "New Murders for Old"
- * The Other Hangman, (ss) A Century of Detective Stories, Hutchinson, 1935, as by John Dickson Carr
- * Persons or Things Unknown, (ss) The Sketch Christmas 1938, as by Carter Dickson
- * The Phantom Archer, (pl) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #55, June 1948; first broadcast on Suspense, CBS radio, March 9, 1943.
- * Poison in Jest, (n.) Harper, 1932
- * The Problem of the Green Capsule [Dr. Gideon Fell], (n.) Harper, 1939
- * The Problem of the Wire Cage [Dr. Gideon Fell], (n.) Harper, 1939
- * The Proverbial Murder [Dr. Gideon Fell], (nv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine July 1943
- * The Proverbial Murderer [Dr. Gideon Fell], (nv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine July 1943, as "The Proverbial Murder"
- * The Reader Is Warned [Sir Henry Merrivale], (n.) Morrow, 1939, as by Carter Dickson
- * Right Before Your Eyes [Colonel March], (ss) The Strand Magazine February 1939, as "The Hiding Place", by Carter Dickson
- * The Silver Curtain [Colonel March], (ss) The Strand Magazine August 1939, as by Carter Dickson
- * Stand and Deliver!, (ar) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine Mar, Apr 1973
- * Strictly Diplomatic [Colonel March], (ss) The Strand Magazine December 1939, as by Carter Dickson
- * Terror’s Dark Tower, (nv) Detective Tales October 1935
- * The Third Bullet [Dr. Gideon Fell], (na) Hodder & Stoughton, 1937, as by Carter Dickson
- * To Wake the Dead, (ss) The Sketch Christmas 1937, as "Blind Man’s Hood", by Carter Dickson
- * To Wake the Dead [Dr. Gideon Fell], (n.) Harper’s Magazine 1938; not the same as the story of the same name in the December 1966 issue of Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine.
- * The Unicorn Murders [Sir Henry Merrivale], (n.) Morrow, 1935, as by Carter Dickson
- * The White Priory Murders [Sir Henry Merrivale], (n.) Morrow, 1934, as by Carter Dickson
- * William Wilson’s Racket [Colonel March], (ss) The Strand Magazine February 1941, as by Carter Dickson
- * Will You Make a Bet with Death?, (pl) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #125, April 1954; first broadcast on Suspense, CBS radio, November 10, 1942.
- * Will You Walk Into My Parlor?, (pl) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #24, September 1945
- * The Wrong Problem [Dr. Gideon Fell], (ss) The Evening Standard August 13 1936
_____, [ref.]
- * Adolf Hitler and John Dickson Carr’s Least-Known Locked Room by Douglas G. Greene, (ar) The Armchair Detective v14 #4, 1981
- * Best Mysteries of the Month by Steven E. Steinbock, (rv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine July/August 2022
- * Doctor Gideon Fell by Brian Adrian, (ar) Sherlock Holmes: The Detective Magazine #25, 1998
- * The Eight of Swords by Marvin Lachman, (br) The Armchair Detective August 1974
- * EQMM’s First Critics by Jon L. Breen, (ar) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine November 2016
- * The Golden Age of Crime Fiction, Part 5: John Dickson Carr by Alan Perry, (ar) Sherlock #63, 2004
- * Henri Bencolin by Fred Dueren, (ar) The Armchair Detective February 1975
- * Hocus-Pocus at Drumis Tree by Handon C. Jorricks, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine April 1966
- * The Impossible John Dickson Carr by Mike Ashley, (ar) Crime Time #50, 2006
- * “I’m the Old Man” by Dan Andriacco, (ar) Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine #22, 2017
- * Issue #583—Dedicated to Messrs. Boucher, Breen, Carr, Haycraft & Hubin by The Editor(s), (ed) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine May 1991
- * John Dickson Carr by Philip L. Scowcroft, (ar) A Shot in the Dark #8, Summer 1996
- * John Dickson Carr (1906-1977) by Edmund Crispin, (pm) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine September 1978
- * John Dickson Carr, Alias Roger Fairbairn, and the Historical Novel by Douglas G. Greene, (ar) The Armchair Detective October 1978
- * John Dickson Carr: Fairplay Foremost by Douglas G. Greene, (ar) The Armchair Detective Spring 1995
- * John Dickson Carr on British Radio by Douglas G. Greene, (ar) The Armchair Detective January 1979
- * John Dickson Carr’s Dr. Gideon Fell by Pasquale Accardo, M.D., (ar) The Strand Magazine #9, 2002
- * John Dickson Carr Tribute, (ms) The Armchair Detective April 1977
- * The Judas Window by James Sandoe, (br) The Armchair Detective May 1974
- * The Jury Box: John Dickson Carr by James E. Keirans, (ar) The Armchair Detective Summer 1991
- * The Sound of Suspense: John Dickson Carr as a Radio Writer by Francis M. Nevins, Jr., (ar) The Armchair Detective October 1978
- * Stanislaw Lem and John Dickson Carr: Critics of the Scientific World-View by Edmund Miller, (ar) The Armchair Detective v14 #4, 1981
- * Suspense on the High Seas: John Dickson Carr by James E. Keirans & Tony Medawar, (ar) The Armchair Detective Fall 1991
- * [cartoon(s)] by Ralph Sallon, (ct) Edgar Wallace Mystery Magazine #27, October 1966
- * [front cover], (cv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine March 25 1981
- * [front cover] by Jon Weiman, (cv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine May 1991
Carr, Wooda Nick; [i.e., Wooda Nicholas Carr] (1923-2020) (about) (chron.)
- * The Black Marble [Martin Gort], (ss) Detective Mystery Stories #1, December 1998
- * The Building, (ss) Detective Mystery Stories #17, November 2000
- * The Skull, (ar) Pulp Adventures December 1998
- * The Stone Sculptress [Martin Gort], (ss) Detective Mystery Stories #4, March 1999
- * The Undertaker: The Bird, (ss) Skullduggery April 1980
- * The Vestibule, (ss) Detective Mystery Stories #19, March 2001
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