The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 314
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Gibson, Walter B(rown) (chron.) (continued)
- * Masters of Death [Kent Allard (The Shadow); Shiwan Khan (The Golden Master)], (n.) The Shadow May 15 1940, as by Maxwell Grant; not the same as the story with a very similar title in the September 15, 1933 issue.
- * Merry Mrs. Macbeth [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow February 1945, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Messenger of Death [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow August 1943, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Mobsmen on the Spot [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Detective Monthly April 1932, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Money Master [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow December 15 1942, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Mother Goose Murders [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow March 1946, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Mox [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine November 15 1933, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Muggers [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow November 1943, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Murder by Magic [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow August 1945, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Murder by Moonlight [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow December 1943, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Murderer’s Throne [Norgil the Magician], (ss) Crime Busters February 1938, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Murder Every Hour [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine June 1 1935, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Murder for Sale [Kent Allard (The Shadow); Thumb Gaudrey; Pointer Trame; The Hand], (n.) The Shadow July 1 1938, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Murder House [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine March 15 1937, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Murdering Ghost [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow November 15 1942, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Murder in Wax [Norgil the Magician], (ss) Crime Busters April 1939, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Murder Lake [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow June 1943, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Murder Mansion [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow December 1 1941, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Murder Marsh [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine October 1 1934, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Murder Marsh [John Harverson (The Shadow)], (nv) The Thriller Library #486, May 28 1938, as by Maxwell Grant; heavily abridged and rewritten from the story of the same name in The Shadow Magazine, October 1, 1934.
- * The Murder Master [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow February 15 1938, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Murder Town [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine June 15 1936, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Murder Trail [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine March 15 1933, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Museum Murders [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow January 1 1943, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Mystery of Moloch [Norgil the Magician], (nv) Crime Busters June 1939, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Norgil [Norgil the Magician], (ss) Crime Busters November 1937, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Northdale Mystery [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow May 1 1942, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The North Woods Mystery [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine February 15 1936, as by Maxwell Grant
- * No Time for Murder [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow December 1944, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Old Crime Week [Norgil the Magician], (ss) Crime Busters February 1939, as by Maxwell Grant
- * One Night in Paris [Gerard Whitestone (The Great Gerard)], (nv) The Saint Detective Magazine November 1955
- * The Plot Master [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine February 1 1935, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Python [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine November 15 1935, as by Maxwell Grant
- * “Q” [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow June 15 1940, as by Maxwell Grant
- * A Quarter of Eight [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow October 1945, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Quetzal [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine February 15 1937, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Rackets King [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow June 15 1938, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Racket Town [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow December 15 1937, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Radium Murders [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow September 15 1937, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Realm of Doom [Kent Allard (The Shadow); Thumb Gaudrey; The Hand], (n.) The Shadow February 1 1939, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Red Blot [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine June 1 1933, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Red Menace [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow, a Detective Monthly November 1931, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Ribbon Clues [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine October 1 1935, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Ring of Death [Norgil the Magician], (ss) Crime Busters January 1938, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Road of Crime [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine October 1 1933, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Robot Master [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow May 1943, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Romanoff Jewels [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine December 1 1932, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Room of Doom [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow April 1 1942, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Salamanders [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine April 1 1936, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Scent of Death [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow June 1 1940, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Sealed Box [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow December 1 1937, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Second Double [Norgil the Magician], (ss) Crime Busters March 1938, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Secret Document Q4 [John Harverson (The Shadow)], (nv) The Thriller Library #572, January 20 1940, as by Maxwell Grant; heavily abridged and rewritten from “Washington Crime” (The Shadow Magazine, April 1, 1937).
- * Serpents of Siva [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow April 15 1938, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Seven Drops of Blood [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine December 1 1936, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Shadowed Millions [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine January 1 1933, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Shadow Laughs [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow, a Detective Monthly October 1931, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Shadow Meets the Mask [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow August 15 1941, as by Maxwell Grant; not the same as the story of the same name in the January 10, 1944 issue.
- * The Shadow Meets the Mask [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow October 1944, as by Maxwell Grant; not the same as the story of the same name in the August 15, 1941 issue.
- * Shadow Over Alcatraz [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow December 1 1938, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Shadow’s Justice [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine April 15 1933, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Shadow’s Rival [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine June 15 1937, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Shadow’s Shadow [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine February 1 1933, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Shadow, the Hawk and the Skull [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow December 15 1940, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Shadow Unmasks [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine August 1 1937, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Ships of Doom [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow November 1 1939, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Shiwan Khan Returns [Kent Allard (The Shadow); Shiwan Khan (The Golden Master)], (n.) The Shadow December 1 1939, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Silent Death [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine April 1 1933, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Silent Seven [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Detective Monthly February 1932, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Silver Scourge [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine July 15 1933, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Silver Skull [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow January 1 1939, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Silver Venus [Norgil the Magician], (ss) Crime Busters September 1938, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Sinister Broadcast [John Harverson (The Shadow)], (nv) The Thriller Library #501, September 10 1938, as by Maxwell Grant; heavily abridged and rewritten from “Death Jewels” (The Shadow, August 1, 1938).
- * Six Men of Evil [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine February 15 1933, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Sledge-Hammer Crimes [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine August 1 1936, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Smugglers of Death [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow June 1 1939, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Spoils of the Shadow [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine September 1 1934, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Spy Ring [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow April 1 1940, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Star of Delhi [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow July 1 1941, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Stars Promise Death [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow December 1945, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Strange Case of Washington Irving Bishop, (ar) Mystery Digest May 1957
- * The Strange Disappearance of Joe Cardona [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine November 15 1936, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Syndicate of Death [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow February 1944, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Taiwan Joss [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow September 1945, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Tank-Town Tour [Norgil the Magician], (nv) Street & Smith’s Mystery Magazine November 1940, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Tear-Drops of Buddha [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow May 1945, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Teeth of the Dragon [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow November 15 1937, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Temple of Crime [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow November 15 1941, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Terror Island [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine August 15 1936, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Third Shadow [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine March 15 1936, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Third Skull [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine May 15 1935, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Three Brothers [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow May 15 1939, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Three Stamps of Death [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow June 1945, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Thunder King [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow June 15 1941, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Time Master [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow April 1 1941, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Toll of Death [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow March 1944, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Too Many Ghosts [Norgil the Magician], (nv) Street & Smith’s Mystery Magazine May 1940, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Tower of Death [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine May 1 1934, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Town of Hate [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow July 1944, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Trail of Vengeance [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow November 1 1942, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Treasures of Death [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine December 15 1933, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Treasure Trail [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine May 15 1937, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Triple Trail [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine April 15 1935, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Twins of Crime [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow June 1 1942, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Unseen Killer [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine December 1 1934, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Vampire Murders [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow September 1 1942, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Vanished Treasure [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow October 15 1938, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Veiled Prophet [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow March 15 1940, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Vengeance Bay [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow March 1 1942, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Vengeance Is Mine [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine January 1 1937, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Vindicator [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow March 15 1939, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Voice [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow November 1 1938, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Voice of Death [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow February 15 1940, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Voodoo Death [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow June 1944, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Voodoo Master [Kent Allard (The Shadow); Rodil Mocquino (The Voodoo Master)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine March 1 1936, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Voodoo Trail [Kent Allard (The Shadow); Rodil Mocquino (The Voodoo Master)], (n.) The Shadow June 1 1938, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Washington Crime [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine April 1 1937, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Wasp [Kent Allard (The Shadow); The Wasp], (n.) The Shadow October 1 1940, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Wasp Returns [Kent Allard (The Shadow); The Wasp], (n.) The Shadow February 1 1941, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Wealth Seeker [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine January 15 1934, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Whispering Eyes [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Summer 1949, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The White Skulls [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow November 1945, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Wizard of Crime [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow August 15 1939, as by Maxwell Grant; not the same as the story of the same name in the February 15, 1943 issue.
- * Wizard of Crime [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow February 15 1943, as by Maxwell Grant; not the same as the story of the same name in the August 15, 1939 issue.
- * Xitli, God of Fire [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow December 1 1940, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Yellow Band [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow August 15 1937, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Yellow Door [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine July 1 1936, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Zemba [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine December 1 1935, as by Maxwell Grant
_____, [ref.]
Giesy, J(ohn) U(lrich) (1877-1947) (about) (chron.)
- * Apples Is Apples, (ss) Mystery Stories May 1928
- * The Case of Allison Towne, (ss) Clues April 1927
- * The Case of Francesca Sinconni, (ss) Clues 2nd April 1928
- * The Case of Mary Farley, (ss) Clues May 1927
- * The Case of Michael Garflin, (ss) Clues 1st July 1928
- * The Case of Nicolai Urmia, (ss) Clues August 1927
- * The Case of the Aged Spinster, (ss) Clues November 1927
- * The Case of the Little Artist, (ss) Clues 1st June 1928
- * The Case of the Missing Peddler, (ss) Clues June 1927
- * The Mystery Woman (with Junius B. Smith), (sl) Flynn’s Oct 18, Oct 25, Nov 1, Nov 8, Nov 15 1924
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