The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 441
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Keeler, Harry Stephen (1889-1967) (about) (chron.)
- * The Fourth King, (n.) Complete Detective Novel Magazine #4, October 1928
- * The Services of an Expert, (ss) 10 Story Book September 1914
- * Sing Sing Nights, (n.) Hutchinson’s Adventure-Story Magazine Feb, Mar, Apr 1927
- * The Skull of the Walzing Clown, (n.) Dutton, 1935
- * The Strange Visitor, (sl) The Detective Magazine #49 Sep 26, #50 Oct 10 1924
- * The Twelve Coins of Confucius, (na) Chicago Ledger December 8 1917 (+4)
- * Victim Number Five, (vi) Young’s Magazine September 1914
_____, [ref.]
Keene, Day; pseudonym of Gunard Hjertstedt (1904-1969) (about) (chron.)
- * Affair on Buzzard’s Island, (ss) Private Detective Stories October 1945
- * Annie, Get Your Shiv!, (ss) Detective Tales June 1950
- * As Deep as the Grave [Tom Doyle], (nv) Detective Tales January 1946
- * Babes in the Morgue, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine September 1950
- * A Better Mantrap, (ss) Detective Tales October 1947
- * Beyond the Green Door, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine June 1949
- * Big Shot, (nv) New Detective Magazine March 1942
- * Blaze of Glory, (na) Detective Tales November 1942
- * Blonde and Bad, (ss) Smashing Detective Stories March 1951
- * Blonde Trouble in Nightmare City [Tom Doyle], (na) Detective Tales August 1948
- * Blood on the Good Earth, (ss) Detective Tales January 1944
- * The Bloody Tide, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine June 1950
- * Booty and the Beast, (ss) Private Eye July 1953
- * Boy Kills Girl, (ss) Flynn’s Detective Fiction June 1944
- * Brother, Can You Spare a Grave?, (na) Dime Mystery Magazine July 1944
- * Captain Friday, Corpse Agent, (na) Detective Tales August 1941
- * Carnage by Candlelight, (ss) Ten Detective Aces January 1946
- * The Case of the Reluctant Corpse, (ss) Detective Tales December 1944
- * Caught by the Camera, (ss) All-Story Detective February 1949
- * The Charlie McCarthy Murders, (nv) Detective Tales March 1942
- * Claws of the Hell-Cat [Matt Mercer], (na) Dime Mystery Magazine January 1946
- * Come Seven, Come Slaughter [Tom Doyle], (ss) Detective Tales April 1947
- * The Cop and the Doll, (ss) The Phantom Detective Spring 1951
- * Corpse at the Wedding Feast, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine September 1943
- * The Corpse Confesses [Matt Mercer], (nv) Ten Detective Aces August 1942
- * The Corpse Exchange [Matt Mercer], (na) Detective Tales December 1943
- * A Corpse for Cinderella, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine May 1945
- * Corpse on Delivery, (ss) New Detective Magazine January 1949
- * Corpses Come in Pairs, (ss) Detective Tales April 1944
- * The Corpse That Ran Away, (na) Dime Mystery Magazine March 1942
- * A Corpse There Was…, (nv) New Detective Magazine May 1945
- * The Corpse They Couldn’t Kill [Herman Stone (Herman the Great)], (na) Detective Tales January 1948
- * A Corpse Walks in Brooklyn [Silent Smith (The Silver Fox)], (na) Detective Tales October 1945
- * Crawl Into Your Coffin, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine May 1950
- * Crawl Out of That Coffin! [Matt Mercer], (na) Detective Tales September 1947
- * Credit the Corpse, (na) 5-Detective Mysteries December 1942/January 1943
- * Cupid’s Corpse Parade [Silent Smith (The Silver Fox)], (na) Dime Mystery Magazine July 1942
- * Dance with the Death-House Doll, (ss) Detective Tales May 1945
- * Danger! Dead Men! Detour!, (na) Detective Tales April 1941
- * Danger Lies Dreaming, (na) New Detective Magazine November 1950, as "Death Lies Dreaming"
- * Danny and the Big-Time, (ss) Detective Tales June 1948
- * Dead—as in Mackerel! [Tom Doyle], (na) Detective Tales February 1945
- * Dead Dreams for Sale, (ss) Terror Detective Story Magazine #3, February 1957
- * Dead Man’s Shoes (with John Gregory Betancourt), (ss) Black Cat Weekly #27, 2022
- * Dead Men Do Tell Tales, (ss) Short Stories May 1949
- * Dead on Arrival [Herman Stone (Herman the Great)], (na) Detective Tales April 1945
- * Deaf, Dumb, and Deadly!, (ss) Detective Tales April 1948
- * Death Is My Bride, (ss) Flynn’s Detective Fiction July 1944
- * Death Is My Shadow, (nv) Private Detective Stories March 1946
- * Death Lies Dreaming, (na) New Detective Magazine November 1950
- * Death-March of the Dancing Dolls [Doc Egg], (na) Dime Mystery Magazine September 1945
- * The Death of You, (ss) New Detective Magazine July 1949
- * Doc Egg’s Graveyard Reunion [Doc Egg], (na) Dime Mystery Magazine February 1946
- * The Double-Crossing Corpse, (nv) Detective Tales January 1943
- * Do You Take This Life?, (ss) New Detective Magazine May 1949
- * Enter—Pat Petunia, (ss) Big-Book Detective Magazine June 1942
- * Exam for the Dead, (na) 5-Detective Mysteries February/March 1943
- * Eyes in the Night, (na) New Detective Magazine January 1948
- * The Farmer’s Daughter Murders [Tom Doyle], (na) Detective Tales October 1944
- * The Female Is More Deadly, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine December 1943
- * For Old Crime’s Sake, (nv) Short Stories April 10 1948
- * Fry Away, Kentucky Babe! [Tom Doyle], (na) Detective Tales December 1947
- * The Ghost of Cock Robin, (nv) Detective Tales January 1941
- * A Great Whirring of Wings, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine November 1943
- * A Hearse of Another Color [Silent Smith (The Silver Fox)], (na) Dime Mystery Magazine November 1942
- * Hell’s Scarlet Flower [Doc Egg], (na) Dime Mystery Magazine May 1944
- * A Hero for Hell’s Backyard, (ss) Detective Tales May 1944
- * Herr Yama from Yokohama, (nv) Ace G-Man Stories February 1943
- * He Who Dies Last, Dies Hardest!, (nv) Detective Tales May 1943
- * Homicidal Baby [Herman Stone (Herman the Great)], (na) Detective Tales April 1949
- * Homicide House, (ss) Detective Tales July 1947
- * Hook, Line and Sinker, (ss) Detective Tales October 1941
- * How Deep My Grave?, (ss) Famous Detective Stories November 1952
- * The Human Equation, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly January 18 1941
- * If a Body Meet a Body, (na) Detective Tales June 1946
- * If the Coffin Fits— [Tom Doyle; Doc Egg], (na) Dime Mystery Magazine March 1945
- * I’ll Be Seeing You, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine November 1946
- * I’ll Die for You, (ss) New Detective Magazine January 1950
- * The Island God Forgot, (nv) Strange Detective Mysteries October 1941
- * It Ain’t Hay, Brother!, (ss) Detective Tales May 1947
- * It Could Happen Here!, (na) Ace G-Man Stories September 1940
- * Johnny-Come-Deadly, (ss) Detective Tales March 1948
- * Keep Out of My Coffin, (nv) Strange Detective Mysteries September 1942
- * Killer in the Snow, (nv) Detective Tales February 1943
- * Kill Me, Kill My Dog [Silent Smith (The Silver Fox)], (ss) Detective Tales September 1945
- * Kitten on the Corpse [Herman Stone (Herman the Great)], (na) Detective Tales April 1946
- * Knock Twice for Murder!, (ss) Detective Tales June 1949
- * The Lady from Hellas, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly May 31 1941
- * The Lady Means—Die!, (nv) New Detective Magazine November 1948
- * Last of the Fighting Ainsleys, (na) Ace G-Man Stories September 1941
- * The Laughing Dead, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine October 1949
- * League of the Grateful Dead, (na) Dime Mystery Magazine February 1941
- * Letter to a Marine, (ss) Detective Tales September 1943
- * Lie Down—You’re Dead!, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine February 1943
- * Little Miss Murder [Doc Egg], (na) Detective Tales November 1946
- * Make Mine Murder!, (ss) New Detective Magazine September 1944
- * Manana, Mug—Manana, (na) 5-Detective Mysteries October/November 1942
- * The Man from Hell, (na) Dime Mystery Magazine November 1943
- * Manhattan Murder-Go-Round [Silent Smith (The Silver Fox)], (na) Detective Tales August 1944
- * The Man Who Came to Kill, (na) Detective Tales February 1944
- * The Man Who Died Four Times, (ss) Popular Detective July 1952
- * Married to Murder!, (na) Dime Mystery Magazine January 1947
- * Marry the Sixth for Murder!, (na) Detective Tales May 1948
- * Mighty Like a Rogue, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine January 1950
- * A Minor Matter of Murder, (nv) Short Stories December 25 1945
- * Miracle on 9th Street, (ss) Thrilling Detective April 1952
- * Mr. Smith’s Flying Corpses [Silent Smith (The Silver Fox)], (na) Dime Mystery Magazine December 1940
- * Murder—as Usual [Herman Stone (Herman the Great)], (na) Flynn’s Detective Fiction October 1943
- * Murder by Short Wave [Silent Smith (The Silver Fox)], (na) Detective Tales November 1943
- * Murder—Do Not Disturb, (ss) New Detective Magazine March 1950
- * The Murder Frame [Matt Mercer], (nv) Thrilling Detective December 1941
- * Murder Hound, (ss) Detective Tales February 1942
- * Murder in Paradise [Silent Smith (The Silver Fox)], (na) Dime Mystery Magazine September 1941
- * Murder Is GI, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine July 1944
- * Murder Is My Sponsor, (na) Detective Tales April 1942
- * Murder on My Mind, (nv) Detective Tales July 1945
- * Murder Stop, (ss) Famous Detective Stories November 1950
- * Murder—Straight Ahead, (na) Flynn’s Detective Fiction August 1944
- * My Lady of the Darkness, (ss) 10 Story Mystery Magazine December 1942
- * My Little Gypsy Cheat-Heart, (na) Dime Detective Magazine August 1951
- * The Mystery of Tarpon Key, (na) Detective Tales August 1942
- * The Night I Died, (na) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine August 1945
- * No Arrest, As Yet, (ss) Detective Tales July 1941
- * No Grave Could Hold Him!, (na) Dime Mystery Magazine February 1948
- * No Match for Murder, (ss) Black Mask May 1948
- * Nothing to Worry About, (ss) Detective Tales August 1945
- * Old Homicide Week, (ss) Detective Tales April 1950
- * Once Upon a Crime, (na) New Detective Magazine November 1946
- * Or Would You Rather Be a Corpse?, (na) Detective Tales June 1945
- * Out of This World, (ss) Private Detective Stories March 1944
- * Pardon My Corpse [Tom Doyle], (na) Detective Tales July 1946
- * The Passing of Johnny McGuire, (ss) 15 Story Detective May 1951
- * Polly Wants a Killer, (na) Dime Detective Magazine January 1951
- * Poor Little Murder-Girl!, (na) Detective Tales October 1948
- * Positively—the Final Appearance!, (nv) 10 Story Mystery Magazine June 1942
- * Quietly My Hangnoose Waits [Matt Mercer], (na) Dime Mystery Magazine May 1946
- * Red Hands I Love, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine October 1951
- * Reunion on Murder Mountain, (na) Detective Tales April 1943
- * Rhapsody in Blood, (na) Dime Mystery Magazine January 1943
- * Satan’s Jackpot, (ss) Detective Tales December 1942
- * Sauce for the Gander, (ss) Black Mask May 1943
- * Seven Keys to Murder, (na) Dime Mystery Magazine September 1944
- * She Shall Make Murder, (na) Detective Tales November 1949
- * Silent Smith and the Hounds of Death [Silent Smith (The Silver Fox)], (na) Detective Tales January 1945
- * A Slight Mistake in Corpses, (na) Detective Tales May 1942
- * So Dead the Rogue, (nv) New Detective Magazine January 1947
- * Some Die Easy, (nv) New Detective Magazine May 1948
- * So Sorry You Die Now! [Matt Mercer], (na) Dime Mystery Magazine January 1945
- * Star Light, Star Bright, (ss) Hollywood Detective February 1945
- * The Stars Say Die! [Herman Stone (Herman the Great)], (na) Detective Tales November 1941
- * Stay as Dead as You Are! [Matt Mercer], (na) Detective Tales October 1946
- * Swamp Scandal, (ss) Detective Tales August 1952
- * Sweet Tooth of Murder [Herman Stone (Herman the Great)], (nv) Dime Detective Magazine June 1944
- * $10,000 Worth of Hell, (nv) Strange Detective Mysteries January 1943
- * They Call It Murder, Honey-Chile!, (na) Detective Tales February 1950
- * Thirteen Must Die! [Matt Mercer], (nv) Detective Tales July 1948
- * This Is Murder, Mr. Herbert!, (ss) Detective Tales November 1944
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