The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 822
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Wallace, Robert (chron.) (continued)
- * Murder Millions [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) (by Norman A. Daniels) The Phantom Detective Fall 1951
- * Murder Mold, (ss) The Masked Detective Winter 1942
- * Murder Money [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) (by Laurence Donovan) The Phantom Detective April 1943
- * Murder Moon Over Miami [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) (by Laurence Donovan) The Phantom Detective January 1942
- * Murder Music, (nv) Popular Detective October 1938
- * Murder of a Marionette [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) (by C. S. Montanye) The Phantom Detective December 1944
- * Murder of a Plaster Saint [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) (by Norman A. Daniels) The Phantom Detective February 1944
- * Murder Rides the Skies [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) (by Norman A. Daniels) The Phantom Detective December 1939
- * Murder’s Agent [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) (by Norman A. Daniels) The Phantom Detective Summer 1953
- * Murder Set to Music [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) The Phantom Detective Summer 1949
- * Murder Stalks a Billion [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) (by Laurence Donovan) The Phantom Detective December 1941
- * The Murder Syndicate [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) (by Emile C. Tepperman ,[?]) The Phantom Detective December 1938
- * Murder Under the Big Top [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) (by Norman A. Daniels) The Phantom Detective December 1943
- * Notes of Doom [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) (by Norman A. Daniels) The Phantom Detective June 1935
- * Odds on Death [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) (by Prentice Winchell) The Phantom Detective Spring 1953
- * Off the Record, (ss) Thrilling Detective January 1942
- * The Payoff, (ss) Detective Novels Magazine January/February 1938
- * The Phantom and the Crime Legion [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) (by George A. McDonald) The Phantom Detective October 1940
- * The Phantom and the Curio Murders [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) (by Laurence Donovan) The Phantom Detective February 1941
- * The Phantom and the Daggers of Kali [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) (by E. Hoffmann Price) The Phantom Detective April 1940
- * The Phantom and the Green Glare Murders [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) The Phantom Detective November 1940
- * The Phantom and the Melody Murders [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) (by Charles Greenberg) The Phantom Detective September 1940
- * The Phantom and the Television Murders [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) The Phantom Detective December 1940
- * The Phantom and the Uniformed Killers [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) The Phantom Detective May 1940
- * The Phantom and the Vampire Murders [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) (by Don Tracy ,[?]) The Phantom Detective July 1940
- * The Phantom Comes Through [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) (by Donald Clough Cameron) The Phantom Detective January 1940
- * “The Phantom Hits Murder Steel” [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) The Phantom Detective June 1940
- * The Phantom Murders, (na) Thrilling Detective April 1932
- * The Phantom’s Gamble with Death [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) (by George A. McDonald) The Phantom Detective February 1940
- * The Phantom’s Greatest Gamble [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) (by Laurence Donovan) The Phantom Detective January 1941
- * The Phantom’s Murder Money [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) The Phantom Detective August 1940
- * The Phantom’s Murder Trail [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) (by Ray Cummings) The Phantom Detective March 1940
- * The Phantom Strikes Back [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) (by W. T. Ballard) The Phantom Detective October 1939
- * The Pharaoh’s Mark [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) (by Norman A. Daniels) The Phantom Detective August 1935
- * A Poser for Poe, (ss) Triple Detective Winter 1949
- * The Prince of Murder [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) (by Norman A. Daniels) The Phantom Detective July 1935
- * Prison Break, (ss) Thrilling Detective December 1941
- * The Quietest Job, (ss) Thrilling Detective January 1938
- * Race Horses of Death [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) (by Laurence Donovan) The Phantom Detective October 1941
- * The Radio Murders [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) (by Emile C. Tepperman ,[?]) The Phantom Detective April 1939
- * Rats Are Smart, (vi) Thrilling Mystery Winter 1943
- * The Red Bishop Murders [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) (by Charles Greenberg ,[?]) The Phantom Detective August 1943
- * Rehearsal for Revenge, (nv) Thrilling Detective February 1943
- * The Rubber Knife Murders [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) (by Norman A. Daniels ,[?]) The Phantom Detective April 1944
- * The Sabotage Murders [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) (by Henry Kuttner) The Phantom Detective July 1941
- * The Sampan Murders [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) (by Laurence Donovan) The Phantom Detective September 1939
- * A Scrap of Paper [Larry Gregg], (ss) G-Men January 1936
- * Servant of Satan [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) (by C. S. Montanye) The Phantom Detective March 1949
- * Sign of the Noose, (na) Detective Novels Magazine February 1942
- * The Sign of the Scar [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) (by George A. McDonald) The Phantom Detective September 1936
- * The Silent Death [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) (by W. Ryerson Johnson) The Phantom Detective December 1936
- * The Silent Killer [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) (by Norman A. Daniels) The Phantom Detective Winter 1952
- * The Silent Menace [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) (by D. L. Champion) The Phantom Detective August 1934
- * The Sinister Dr. Wong, (nv) Popular Detective June 1935
- * Sinister House, (nv) 5 Detective Novels Magazine Summer 1950
- * Six Prints of Murder [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) (by Norman A. Daniels) The Phantom Detective June 1936
- * Snowed Under, (ss) G-Men May 1938
- * Spawn of Death [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) The Phantom Detective September 1934
- * Specter of Death [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) (by Jack F. Byrne ,[?] & Norman A. Daniels ,[?]) The Phantom Detective August 1936
- * The Staring Killer [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) (by Prentice Winchell) The Phantom Detective Winter 1953
- * The Stir Bird, (ss) Thrilling Detective October 1933
- * Stones of Satan [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) (by Charles Greenberg ,[?]) The Phantom Detective March 1943
- * Streamlined Murder [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) (by Laurence Donovan) The Phantom Detective February 1942
- * Suckers Can’t Wait, (ss) G-Men Detective March 1942
- * Tailor’s Goose, (ss) Detective Novels Magazine June 1943
- * The Talking Dead [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) (by D. L. Champion) The Phantom Detective July 1934
- * The Tall Tomb [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) (by Norman A. Daniels) The Phantom Detective Winter 1950
- * They Must Never Know, (ss) Detective Novels Magazine December 1941, as by G. T. Fleming-Roberts
- * The Thousand Islands Murders [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) (by Laurence Donovan) The Phantom Detective August 1941
- * Three Piles of Gold, (ss) Thrilling Mystery September 1941
- * The Tick-Tack-Toe Murders [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) (by Anatole Feldman) The Phantom Detective March 1934
- * The Tidewater Murders [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) (by Charles Greenberg ,[?]) The Phantom Detective November 1946
- * The Timber Tract Murders [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) (by C. S. Montanye) The Phantom Detective July 1948
- * The Tomb of Death [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) (by George A. McDonald) The Phantom Detective November 1934
- * The Torch of Doom [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) (by George A. McDonald) The Phantom Detective February 1937
- * Trail of Blood, (na) Thrilling Detective March 1934
- * The Trail to Death [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) (by George A. McDonald) The Phantom Detective May 1941
- * Tycoon of Crime [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) (by George A. McDonald) The Phantom Detective February 1938
- * The Video Victims [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) (by Norman A. Daniels) The Phantom Detective Spring 1951
- * The Web of Murder [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) (by Emile C. Tepperman ,[?]) The Phantom Detective February 1939
- * What’s a Hundred Dollars?, (vi) Popular Detective January 1937
- * When You Have to Die, (ss) Thrilling Detective December 1942
- * Written in Blood [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) (by D. L. Champion ,[?]) The Phantom Detective May 1935
- * The Wrong Way Out, (ss) The Phantom Detective December 1933
- * The Yacht Club Murders [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) (by Charles Greenberg) The Phantom Detective January 1939
- * Yellow Shadows of Death [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) (by Charles Greenberg) The Phantom Detective July 1938
Wallmann, Jeffrey M(iner) (1941-2018); used pseudonyms Robert Hart Davis, William Jeffrey & Matthew Miner (chron.)
- * A Case for Quiet (with Bill Pronzini), (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine August 1971, as by William Jeffrey
- * The Cinder Man [Sam Culp], (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine October 1972
- * Coyote and Quarter Moon (with Bill Pronzini), (nv) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine October 1981
- * Danger—Michael Shayne at Work [Mike Shayne] (with Bill Pronzini), (nv) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine April 1972, as by Brett Halliday
- * Day of the Moon [Flagg] (with Bill Pronzini), (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine June 1970, as by William Jeffrey
- * Death in Waiting, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine January 1970
- * The Facsimile Shop (with Bill Pronzini), (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine September 1970, as by William Jeffrey
- * Final Gamble, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine February 1976
- * Fire Hazard (with Bill Pronzini), (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine April 1970, as by William Jeffrey
- * The Fumigator, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine November 1971, as by Matthew Miner
- * The Half-Invisible Man (with Bill Pronzini), (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine May 1974
- * House Call (with Bill Pronzini), (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine August 19 1981
- * I Owe You a Dinner, Marty, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine May 1971
- * The Island [Flagg] (with Bill Pronzini), (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine August 1972, as by William Jeffrey
- * I Want a Lawyer (with Bill Pronzini), (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine March 1973, as by William Jeffrey
- * The Losing Percentage [Sam Culp], (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine December 1971
- * The Mark of a Man, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine August 1974
- * A Matter of Living, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine June 1969
- * Monday Is the Dullest Night of the Week (with Bill Pronzini), (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine July 1970, as by William Jeffrey
- * Murder Is No Man’s Friend [Flagg] (with Bill Pronzini), (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine November 1970, as by William Jeffrey
- * Now You See Her…, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine March 1971
- * O’Flaherty’s Wake (with Bill Pronzini), (vi) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine September 1975, as by William Jeffrey
- * Once a Thief (with Bill Pronzini), (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine August 1975
- * The Pattern of Murder [Sam Culp], (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine November 1971
- * The Pawns of Death [Charlie Chan] (with Bill Pronzini), (na) Charlie Chan Mystery Magazine August 1974, as by Robert Hart Davis
- * The Pro, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine June 1971
- * Ransom Demand, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine July 1972
- * Retribution (with Bill Pronzini), (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine August 1970, as by William Jeffrey
- * A Run of Bad Luck (with Bill Pronzini), (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine March 1972, as by William Jeffrey
- * Shell Game (with Bill Pronzini), (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine June 1972, as by William Jeffrey
- * A Slight Case of Suspicion (with Bill Pronzini), (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine September 1973, as by William Jeffrey
- * Stalemate, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine December 1970
- * Sweet Hostage, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine June 1973
- * The Ten Million Dollar Hijack [Flagg] (with Bill Pronzini), (nv) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine January 1972, as by William Jeffrey
- * There’s Always a Flaw, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine December 1970, as by Matthew Miner
- * The Wife Who Cried “Wolf”, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine April 1974
- * You Can’t Count on Anything, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine July 1970
_____, [ref.]
Walpole, [Sir] Hugh (Seymour) (1884-1941) (about) (chron.)
- * Behind the Screen, Chapter I, (rr) The Listener June 18 1930; first broadcast on the BBC National Programme, 14 June 1930.
- * The Death of My Uncle Robert, (ss) Liberty December 28 1929, as "Tarnhelm"
- * The Etching, (ss) Good Housekeeping April 1924
- * I’ll Show You My Tarn, (ss) Success October 1923, as "The Tarn"
- * Mr. Nix, (ss) Pictorial Review October 1920, as "The Strange Case of Mr. Nix"
- * Mrs. Lunt, (ss) The Ghost Book ed. Cynthia Asquith, Hutchinson, 1926
- * The Silver Mask, (ss) Harper’s Bazaar March 1932
- * The Strange Case of Mr. Nix, (ss) Pictorial Review October 1920
- * The Tarn, (ss) Success October 1923
- * Tarnhelm, (ss) Liberty December 28 1929
- * The Twisted Inn, (ss) The Smart Set June 1915
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