The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 107
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Buckner, Mary (Henrietta) Dale (1898-1971); used pseudonyms Donald Dale & Conrad Kimball (about) (chron.)
- * Bodies for the Vulture-Man [Sarah Wilson], (ss) Strange Detective Mysteries March 1940, as by Donald Dale
- * Call to the Murder Girls, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine May 1938, as by Donald Dale
- * Corpse-Bride, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine June 1938, as by Donald Dale
- * The Devil’s Ballet, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine January 1938, as by Donald Dale
- * The Devil’s Kiss Is Cold, (ss) Mystery Tales November 1938, as by Donald Dale
- * The Devil’s University, (nv) Mystery Tales February 1939, as by Donald Dale
- * The Devil Wears Rubber Gloves, (ss) Detective Short Stories October 1938, as by Donald Dale
- * Drink for the Damned, (ss) Startling Mystery Magazine February 1940, as by Donald Dale
- * Hospitality in Hell, (ss) Mystery Tales May 1939, as by Donald Dale
- * I See with Dead Men’s Eyes, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine May 1937, as by Donald Dale
- * Maids for the Dust-Devils, (na) Dime Mystery Magazine July 1938, as by Donald Dale
- * The Murder Child, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine February 1937, as by Donald Dale
- * Secret of the Swamp, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine September 1938, as by Donald Dale
- * The Soul Bazaar, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine August 1938, as by Donald Dale
- * The Thousand Dead Eyes [Sarah Wilson], (nv) Strange Detective Mysteries September 1940, as by Donald Dale
- * Time’s Dark Chapter, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine February 1938, as by Donald Dale
Buckner, Vic; pseudonym of Barry Forshaw (1948- ) (chron.)
- * Aristotle Detective, (br) Crime Time #29, 2002 [Ref. Margaret Doody]
- * Byzantine Bloodshed: Tom Harper, (ar) Crime Time #39, 2004 [Ref. Tom Harper]
- * Headhunters, (br) Crime Time #37, 2004 [Ref. Michel Crespy]
- * Jon Stock’s The Cardamom Club, (br) Crime Time #36, 2003 [Ref. Jon Stock]
- * Murder, Torture and Depravity with Ingrid Pitt, (iv) Crime Time #23, 2001 [Ref. Ingrid Pitt]
- * Stepping Into the Shoes of Sherlock Holmes, (rv) Crime Time #41, 2004
- * Vic Bruckner Looks at Pale as the Dead, (br) Crime Time #29, 2002 [Ref. Fiona Mountain]
Budrys, Algis; [working name of Algirdas Jonas Budrys] (1931-2008); used pseudonyms David C. Hodgkins, William Scarff & John A. Sentry (about) (chron.)
- * Between the Dark and the Daylight, (ss) Infinity Science Fiction October 1958, as by David C. Hodgkins
- * Blood on My Jets, (na) Rocket Stories July 1953
- * The Burning World, (nv) Infinity Science Fiction July 1957
- * A Death in the Family, (nv) Fifteen Detective Stories April 1955
- * Firegod, (ss) Rocket Stories July 1953, as by William Scarff
- * Funny Name, (ss) Bestseller Mystery Magazine July 1958
- * The Hunter, (ss) Manhunt October 1955, as by John A. Sentry
- * The Nest Egg, (ss) The Pursuit Detective Story Magazine #14, March 1956
- * Old Flame, (ss) The Pursuit Detective Story Magazine #12, November 1955
- * The Start of It All, (ss) The Pursuit Detective Story Magazine #16, July 1956
- * Two Old Men and a Gun, (ss) Famous Detective Stories February 1954
Buggé, Carole (Elizabeth) (1953- ); used pseudonyms C. E. Lawrence & Carole Lawrence (about) (chron.)
- * BBC’s Sherlock: A Review, (rv) Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine March/April 2014
- * The Curse of Edwin Booth [Sherlock Holmes], (nv) Sherlock Holmes: The American Years ed. Michael Kurland, Minotaur Books, 2010
- * Plotting a Crime, (ar) Suspense Magazine March 2013
- * The Revenge of the Fenian Brotherhood [Sherlock Holmes], (nv) The Confidential Casebook of Sherlock Holmes ed. Marvin Kaye, St. Martin's, 1998
- * Sherlock Holmes on Radio, (ar) Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine Spring 2009
- * SHMM Speaks with Ron Goulart, (iv) Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine Winter 2008 [Ref. Ron Goulart]
- * Silent Victim, (ex) Pinnacle, 2010, as by C. E. Lawrence
- * The Strange Case of the Haunted Freighter [Sherlock Holmes], (nv) Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine Winter 2008
- * The Way It Is, (ss) Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine #18, 2015
- * The Way It Is, (ex) Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine Spring 2012
- * A Woman of Her Time: An Interview with New York City’s Chief Toxicologist, (iv) Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine Winter 2010 [Ref. Marina Stajic]
_____, [ref.]
Bull, Lois (Millicent) [i.e., Lois Bull Habersham] (1900-1971); used pseudonym Melville Burt (chron.)
- * Cement Kimono, (ss) G-Men June 1937, as by Melville Burt
- * Clean Slate (with James E. Smith), (ss) Clues Detective Stories May 1936, as by Melville Burt & James E. Smith
- * Cloud of Doom [Jerry Todd], (ss) Complete Detective Novel Magazine #73, August 1934, as by Melville Burt
- * Evidence in Sand, (ss) Complete Detective Novel Magazine #67, February 1934, as by Melville Burt
- * Flickering Death, (nv) Complete Detective Novel Magazine #68, March 1934, as by Melville Burt
- * The Heresford Necklace, (qz) Complete Detective Novel Magazine #54, December 1932
- * The Jig-Saw Murder, (ss) Complete Detective Novel Magazine #65, December 1933, as by Melville Burt
- * Man Killer, (ss) Complete Detective Novel Magazine #74, September 1934, as by Melville Burt
- * The Man Who Killed Himself, (ar) Complete Detective Novel Magazine #58, April 1933
- * The Missing Finger, (ar) Complete Detective Novel Magazine #64, November 1933
- * Murder in the Air [Jerry Todd], (nv) Complete Detective Novel Magazine #64, November 1933, as by Melville Burt
- * The Sodium Chloride Alibi, (ar) Complete Detective Novel Magazine #66, January 1934
- * The Trail of an Heiress, (ss) Complete Detective Novel Magazine #61, July 1933, as by Melville Burt
- * The Yellow Robe Murders [Jerry Todd], (n.) Complete Detective Novel Magazine #76, January/February 1935, as by Melville Burt
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