The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 891
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[uncredited] (chron.) (continued)
- * American Legend, (iv) Suspense Magazine April 2010 [Ref. Clive Cussler]
- * The American Prison System, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 5 1921
- * American Seized on the Riviera, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 28 1925
- * American Was First Stowaway, (ms) Mystery Magazine #59, April 15 1920
- * America’s “Black Hole of Calcutta”, (ms) Private Detective Stories July 1943
- * America’s Favorite Suspense Authors on the Rules of Fiction, (cl) Suspense Magazine June/July 2016 [Ref. Anthony Franze]
- * America’s First Phony Currency, (ar) Super-Detective December 1943
- * Amiable Bandits Discuss Weather, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 4 1925
- * Ammonia Fumes Used Against Criminals, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 20 1920
- * Ammonia Sponge Used in Holdup, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 26 1919
- * Amnesia Victim Loses Fifty Thousand Dollars, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 29 1922
- * Amnesia Victim’s Wife to Return Insurance, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 29 1922
- * Among Friends, (ts) Mystery September 1934
- * Among Us Cops, (ms) Fifteen Detective Stories April 1955
- * Amorous Assault, (ms) Manhunt May 1957
- * An Amorous Burglar, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 8 1919
- * An Amorous Eye, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 19 1924
- * Amputates Finger to Hide Identity, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 9 1921
- * Anancy Climbs the Wall, An Afro-Jamaican Fable, (ss) New Mystery v3 #1, 1994
- * An Ancient Anti-Crime Society, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 12 1927
- * Ancient Artist Is Working Through Chicago Woman, (ms) Mystery Magazine #80, March 1 1921
- * The Ancient Art of Thuggery, (ms) Scotland Yard #6, October 1930
- * Ancient Indian Burial Rites, (ms) Mystery Magazine #112, July 1 1922
- * Ancient Indian Ditches, (ms) Mystery Magazine #3, December 15 1917
- * The Ancient Monk [Sexton Blake], (ss) Answers February 13 1909, as by Hal Meredeth
- * Ancient Ship Wonder, (ms) Mystery Magazine #95, October 15 1921
- * And Now—Heroes of the Press, (cn) The Illustrated Detective Magazine July 1931
- * And One Who Kept His Illusions, (ms) Clues September 1927
- * Andre Spada “Robber-King of Corsica”, (ar) Mystery Adventures Magazine January 1937
- * And the Hits Just Keep on Coming, (iv) Suspense Magazine May 2012 [Ref. Eric Jerome Dickey]
- * And Then She Squealed, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine January 2 1932
- * And the Thief Escaped, (ms) Detective Story Magazine May 6 1919
- * And the Villain Still Pursued Her, (pm) Stirring Detective and Western Stories April 1941
- * And the Winner Is…, (iv) Suspense Magazine October/November/December 2019 [Ref. L. A. Chandlar]
- * Andy McNab DCM MM, (ar) A Shot in the Dark #14, Winter 1997/1998 [Ref. Andy McNab]
- * Anecdotage, (is) (by Frederic Dannay) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #125, April 1954 [Ref. Arthur Morrison]
- * Angel Face, (ms) Mystery Magazine #167, November 1 1924
- * The “Angel-Faced Boy” Is Arrested, (ms) Mystery Magazine #122, December 15 1922
- * “Angel-faced Boy” Was Pickpocket, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 18 1922
- * Angels of Mercy with C.J. Lyons, (iv) Suspense Magazine July 2009 [Ref. Cathryn J. Lyons]
- * Anglo-American Differences of Opinion, (ed)
- * Angry Enough to Kill, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 12 1930
- * Angry Waters, (ts) Mystery December 1934
- * Aniline Dyes Reveal Criminals, (ms) Detective Story Magazine May 13 1919
- * Animal Plants That Live in the Snow, (ms) Mystery Magazine #10, April 1 1918
- * Animals and Insects on Trial, (ms) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction May 19 1928
- * Animals in the Money, (ms) Speed Detective January 1944
- * Animals That Never Drink, (ms) Mystery Magazine #31, February 15 1919
- * Anita Blake Turns 25 in “Crimson Death”, (iv) Suspense Magazine November/December 2016 [Ref. Laurell K. Hamilton]
- * Anne Brashler Contest Results, (cn) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine January 1978
- * Anne Cleeves, (ar) Crime Time #23, 2001
- * Anne Perry, (ar) Crime Time #22, 2001 [Ref. Anne Perry]
- * Announcement, (ms) Mystery Adventures December 1936
- * Announcement of April Dragnet, (ms) The Dragnet Magazine March 1930
- * An Announcement of Importance, (ms) Detective Fiction Weekly March 8 1941
- * Announcement of June Detective-Dragnet, (ms) Detective-Dragnet Magazine May 1930
- * Announcement of May Detective-Dragnet, (ms) The Dragnet Magazine April 1930
- * Announcement of October Detective-Dragnet, (ms) Detective-Dragnet Magazine September 1930
- * Announcement of September Detective-Dragnet, (ms) Detective-Dragnet Magazine August 1930
- * Ann Rule Interview, (iv) Over My Dead Body! #7, Spring 2000 [Ref. Ann Rule]
- * Annual MWA ‘Edgars’ Awarded, (ms) The Armchair Detective July 1977
- * Another Almost Perfect Crime, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 8 1927
- * Another Counterfeiter Comes to Grief, (ms) Clues 1st July 1928
- * Another Daring Silk Robbery, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 5 1919
- * Another “Dead Line” in New York, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 20 1920
- * Another Deluge May Come, (ar) Mystery Magazine #108, May 1 1922
- * Another “Didn’t Know It Was Loaded”, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 15 1928
- * Another Double Life, (ms) Clues 1st May 1928
- * Another Escaped Lifer Gives Himself Up, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 8 1921
- * Another Great Train Robbery, (ms) Edgar Wallace Mystery Magazine #23, June 1966
- * Another Gunman Murdered in Chicago, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 17 1920
- * Another Infernal-Machine Outrage, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 15 1919
- * Another Insurance Murder?, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 1 1921
- * Another Invention to Foil Thieves, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 12 1921
- * Another Jean Valjean Case, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 17 1919
- * Another Mail Robbery Near Chicago, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 23 1920
- * Another Mystery Solved, (ms) Mystery Magazine #1, November 15 1917
- * Another Narcotic Menace, (ms) Best Detective Magazine March 1935
- * Another Riot at Bedford Reformatory, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 14 1920
- * Another Slump, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine June 27 1931
- * Another Way to Identify Criminals, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 30 1919
- * Answers to “The Criminologist’s Corner”, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine December 1941
- * Anti-Crime West Point, (ms) Best Detective Magazine July 1935
- * Anti-Fog Machine, (ms) Mystery Magazine #105, March 15 1922
- * Anti-Horse-Thief Society Disbands, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 7 1922
- * Antiquated Prison System of the United States, (ms) Best Detective Magazine August 1931
- * An Antique Chest Filled with Woman’s Bones, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 22 1922
- * Anti-Rat Commandos, (ms) Private Detective Stories January 1944
- * Antiseptics in the Middle Ages, (ms) Mystery Magazine #12, May 1 1918
- * Ant-Tank Gun Used by Our Men, (ms) Mystery Magazine #29, January 15 1919
- * Anxious to Die, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine May 7 1932
- * Any Job Is a Job, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine June 6 1931
- * The Apache Brigade, (ar) Flynn’s November 21 1925
- * Apartments Better Than Tents, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine May 23 1931
- * The Apparitions of Souter Fell, (ms) Mystery Magazine #2, December 1 1917
- * Appeal to Thief’s Sympathy Succeeds, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 1 1921
- * Appearances That Lied, (ms) Flynn’s May 30 1925
- * Appertaining to Thugs, (ms) Best Detective Magazine Feb 1930, Mar 1931
- * An Apple a Day, (cn) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine November/December 2018
- * Appleby’s Answer, (br) The Armchair Detective August 1973 [Ref. Michael Innes]
- * Appointment with a Stranger, (ss) Smashing Detective #2, 1954
- * Apprehension after Chinatown Crime, (ms) Detective Story Magazine February 5 1921
- * April Awaits You, (ms) Black Mask March 1938
- * April Henry Interview, (iv) Crimespree Magazine #63, 2016 [Ref. April Henry]
- * The April Issue, (ms) Black Mask March 1930
- * April Issue Another Knockout!, (ms) Black Mask March 1936
- * April Showers for the Spring Bride, (ms) The Illustrated Detective Magazine April 1931
- * April’s Snappy Issue, (ms) Black Mask March 1933
- * The April Thrill Docket, (ms) Dime Detective Magazine Mar 1939, Mar 1940, Mar 1942, Mar 1945, Mar 1946, Mar 1947, Mar 1948, Mar 1949
- * Arab Writes 110 Words on Single Grain of Rice, (ms) Mystery Magazine #96, November 1 1921
- * Archbishop’s Son in C.I.D. at Scotland Yard, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 19 1919
- * Archeologist Found a Great Fortune, (ms) Mystery Magazine #105, March 15 1922
- * The Archimedean Monkey, (ms) Mystery Magazine #97, November 15 1921
- * Architectural Wonder in Jungles of Java, (ms) Mystery Magazine #73, November 15 1920
- * Are Finns Jonahs?, (ms) Mystery Magazine February 15 1926
- * Are the Crooks Cleverer than the Cops?, (iv) Midnight #8, October 7 1922 [Ref. Richard E. Enright]
- * Are Women Unsatisfactory Witnesses?, (ms) Detective Story Magazine May 6 1919
- * Are You Hungry for More & “Dying for a Taste”? Meet Leslie Karst, (iv) Suspense Magazine April 2016 [Ref. Leslie Karst]
- * Argues His Own Case, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine October 1939
- * Arkansas Has Jail for Safe, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 10 1923
- * Arkansas Wants Part of Texas, (ms) Mystery Magazine #111, June 15 1922
- * Arm Citizens Against Robbers, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 28 1922
- * Armed Motor Cyclists Guard Mail, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 7 1922
- * Armed Thugs Seize $1,200, (ms) Mystery Magazine #146, December 15 1923
- * Armor Added to Omaha Police Equipment, (ms) Detective Story Magazine May 14 1921
- * Armored Cars for City Pay Rolls, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 15 1927
- * Armored Cars for Wall Street Securities, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 11 1922
- * Armored Sedan Protects Diva’s Jewels, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 3 1926
- * Armored Tower for Distillery, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 12 1921
- * Armored Trucks for Mails, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 7 1922
- * Armor for New York Detectives, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 31 1921
- * Arms and Ammunition Confiscated in Chinatown, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 10 1923
- * Army of Convicts Urged, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 20 1917
- * Arnold’s Vampire, (ms) Mystery Magazine March 1 1926
- * Arraignment Waved, (ms) Manhunt February 1956
- * An Arrest but No Jail, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 20 1930
- * Arrested After a Four-Year Search, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 27 1926
- * Arrested After Eighteen Years, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 11 1925
- * Arrested After Twenty-two Years, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 23 1919
- * Arrested as a Bandit, (ms) Mystery Magazine #134, June 15 1923
- * Arrested at Prison Gate, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 14 1922
- * Arrested Eighteen Times, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 4 1928
- * Arrested for Nonsupport of Child Long Dead, (ms) Best Detective Magazine September 1931
- * Arrested for Obeying Law, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine June 25 1934
- * Arrested for Old Murder, (ms) Detective Story Magazine February 20 1917
- * Arrested on Mother’s Day, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 11 1928
- * Arrested While in Jail, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine October 3 1931
- * An Arrest for Every Year, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 8 1930
- * Arrest on Suspicion, (ms) Best Detective Magazine April 1930
- * Arrest Police Chief as Robber, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 10 1921
- * An Arsenal Captured, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 10 1931
- * “Arsenic Murder Trust” Stirs Chicago, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 27 1923
- * Arson for Alimony, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine February 20 1932
- * Arsonists Busy, (ms) Best Detective Magazine October 1936
- * Arson Ring, (ms) Best Detective Magazine June 1934
- * An Art Forger, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 4 1925
- * The Artful Dodger, (ms) Flynn’s April 4 1925
- * The Artful Touch, (ms) Flynn’s October 17 1925
- * Arthur J. Burks, (bg) Dime Mystery Magazine March 1936 [Ref. Arthur J. Burks]
- * Art in Prison, (ms) The Shadow Magazine November 1 1932
- * Artist Bios, (bg) Pulp Modern Fall 2022
- * Artistic Dummy Left in Cell by Escaping Prisoner, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 26 1919
- * Artistic Taste, (ms) Manhunt April 1956
- * An Artistry Addiction, (iv) Suspense Magazine September/October 2013 [Ref. Jessica Allain]
- * The Artists, (bg) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine November 2006
- * Artist Sketches Thief, (ms) Best Detective Magazine January 1937
- * The Artist’s Model Murder, (cn) Mystery January 1933
- * The Art of Secret Writing, (ar) Mystery Magazine #137, August 1 1923
- * The Art of Suspense, (iv) Mystery Tribune #8, Winter 2019 [Ref. Charlaine Harris]
- * The Art of Thrilling, (iv) Suspense Magazine April 2013 [Ref. Andrew Gross]
- * Art Steps In, (ms) Mystery May 1934
- * Ashes of Tael, (ar) Mystery Magazine June 1927
- * Ashes to Ashes, (br) The Armchair Detective April 1971 [Ref. Emma Lathen]
- * As I Was Saying—What’s in a Name?, (ms) The Black Mask February 1927
- * “Ask Beccles”—A Review of the Successful Mystery Play Christmas Puzzles, (ss) Hutchinson’s Mystery Story Magazine December 1926
- * Asked to Dig His Own Grave, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 29 1924
- * Ask Madame Pythagoras, (cl) Midnight Mystery Stories #21 Jan 13, #23 Jan 27, #24 Feb 3, #25 Feb 10 (unpublished) 1923
- * Ask Madame Pythagoras—She Knows!, (cl) Midnight Mystery Stories #17 Dec 9, #18 Dec 16 1922
- * Ask Mother What to Do, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine June 6 1931
- * Ask Police to Take Cash, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 18 1920
- * Asks $50,000 Damages for Kick by Horse, (ms) Detective Story Magazine May 5 1923
- * Asks Law to Supervise Radio Communication, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 12 1922
- * Asks Pardon to Serve Other Sentences, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 5 1921
- * Asks the Question “What Has Become of You”, (iv) Suspense Magazine June 2014 [Ref. Jan Elizabeth Watson]
- * Ask Unified Prison System for New York, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine June 1938
- * Ask Yourself “Who Buries the Dead”, (iv) Suspense Magazine March 2015 [Ref. C. S. Harris]
- * As Much as I’ll Admit To: An Interview with Tony Fennelly, (iv) Murderous Intent Winter 1998 [Ref. Tony Fennelly]
- * As Old as Life Itself, (ms) Complete Detective Novel Magazine #11, May 1929
- * Assassin’s Dilemma, (ms) The Saint Detective Magazine September 1957
- * As the Clock Strikes, (ss) Scotland Yard #3, July 1930
- * Astrologer Guided the Criminal, (ms) Mystery Magazine #151, March 1 1924
- * The Astrologer Had Said It, (ar) Flynn’s December 19 1925
- * Astrologer Runs Business in Almshouse, (ms) Best Detective Magazine June 1934
- * Athletes Help, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine May 16 1931
- * Athletic Policeman Subdues Powerful Antagonist, (ms) Mystery Magazine #130, April 15 1923
- * Athletic Temperatures, (ms) Midnight #1, August 19 1922
- * Atlanta Prisoners Earn $45,000 Bonus, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 26 1922
- * Atlanta Slayer Caught in Detroit, (ms) Detective Story Magazine May 27 1922
- * At Large, (cl) The Detective Magazine #35 Mar 14, #36 Mar 28, #37 Apr 11, #38 Apr 25, #39 May 9, #40 May 23, #41 Jun 6, #42 Jun 20, #43 Jul 4, #47 Aug 29, #48 Sep 12,
#50 Oct 10, #51 Oct 24, #52 Nov 7, #53 Nov 21, #54 Dec 5, #55 Dec 19 1924
#56 Jan 2, #57 Jan 16, #58 Jan 30, #59 Feb 13, #60 Feb 27, #61 Mar 13, #62 Mar 27, #63 Apr 10, #64 Apr 24, #65 May 8 1925
- * At Last—the Truth About Dorothy Arnold, (ms) The Illustrated Detective Magazine March 1931
- * At Odds, (ms) Dime Detective Magazine August 1951
- * An Atom of Intent, (ms) Clues March 1927
- * The A. T. Stewart Grave Robbery, (ms) Best Detective Magazine May 1931
- * The A.T. Stewart Grave Robbery, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 10 1919
- * Attacked by a Ghost!, (iv) Suspense Magazine May 2010 [Ref. Donald Allen Kirch]
- * Attempted Suicide No Longer a Crime in New York, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 15 1919
- * Attempts Suicide Before Electrocution, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 28 1925
- * Attempts to Hold Up a Policeman, (ms) Mystery Magazine #157, June 1 1924
- * Attempts to Rejuvenate the Aged Arouse Clergy, (ms) Mystery Magazine #76, January 1 1921
- * The Attempt to Assassinate Washington, (ms) The Saint Detective Magazine July 1957
- * Attempt to Revive Executed Criminal, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 27 1921
- * Attempt to Steal Bishop’s Ring, (ms) Best Detective Magazine October 1935
- * Attention, Teen Age Smokers!, (ms) The Saint Mystery Magazine March 1962
- * At the Bottom of the Quarry, (ms) Detective Story Magazine February 11 1922
- * At the Controls, (iv) Suspense Magazine November 2010 [Ref. Alan Jacobson]
- * At the Editor’s Desk, (ed) The Master Thriller Series #22, 1938
- * At the Mountains of Murkiness, (br) The Armchair Detective August 1973
- * At the Scene of the Crime, (ms) Clues October 1926
- * At the Sign of the Sphinx, (pz) The Illustrated Detective Magazine October 1931
- * Attica’s New Prison, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine November 14 1931
- * Auburn Prison Break a Failure, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 18 1926
- * Auditor Killed in His Office by Police, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 17 1920
- * August Is Hefty, (ms) Black Mask July 1936
- * The August Thrill Docket, (ms) Dime Detective Magazine Jul 1937, Jul 1938, Jul 1941, Jul 1943, Jul 1944, Jul 1945, Jul 1947, Jul 1948, Jul 1949, Jul 1950
- * The August Thrill Docket, (ms) Dime Detective Magazine (Canada) February 1942
- * Australian Detective Studying Foreign Methods, (ms) Detective Story Magazine February 19 1927
- * Australian Murderer Trapped by Finger Prints, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 24 1920
- * An Austrian Will Mystery Solved, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 20 1926
- * Author, Author!, (bg) Double-Action Detective and Mystery Stories #9 Win 1957, #10 May 1958
- * Author Bios, (bg) Thuglit #1 Sep/Oct, #2 Nov/Dec 2012, #3 Jan/Feb, #4 Mar/Apr, #5 May/Jun, #6 Jul/Aug, #7 Sep/Oct, #8 Nov/Dec 2013, #13 Sep/Oct 2014, #18 Jul/Aug, #19 Sep/Oct,
#20 Nov/Dec 2015
#21 Jan/Feb 2016
- * Author Bios, (bg) Switchblade #3 Oct, #3 Oct (Special Edition) 2017, #4 Jan, #5 Apr 2018, #11 Oct, Tech Noir 2019, #12 Jun, #13 Nov 2020
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