The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 863
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Wonderly, Ray (fl. 1990s-2000s) (chron.)
- * The Anna Trap, (ss) Futures #14, April/May 2000
- * Death in Full Bloom, (ss) Futures #10, August/September 1999
- * Ghost Summer, (ss) Futures #12, December 1999/January 2000
- * Kiss It Good-Bye, Dave, (ss) Futures #15, June/July 2000
- * What a Man’s Gotta Do, (ss) Futures #11, October/November 1999
Wonderly, W(illiam) Carey (1890-1931) (about) (chron.)
- * Floating Horror, (nv) All Star Detective Stories January 1931
- * The Heart of a Tinpanner, (sl) Midnight #9 Oct 14, #10 Oct 21, #11 Oct 28, #12 Nov 4, #13 Nov 11, #14 Nov 18, #15 Nov 25, #16 Dec 2, #17 Dec 9 1922
- * Little Sins, (ss) Cabaret Stories December 1928
- * No Killer, (ss) The Illustrated Detective Magazine October 1931
Wood, (Samuel) Andrew (1887-1966) (about) (chron.)
- * The Gentle Blackmailer [Peter Wright (The Amateur Millionaire)], (ss) Flynn’s January 10 1925
- * The Golden Gambler [Peter Wright (The Amateur Millionaire)], (ss) Flynn’s January 3 1925
- * An Impromptu Father [Peter Wright (The Amateur Millionaire)], (ss) Flynn’s February 7 1925
- * The Midnight Road, (na) The Thriller Library #555, September 23 1939
- * Peter Makes Good [Peter Wright (The Amateur Millionaire)], (ss) Flynn’s February 14 1925
- * Peter Makes Money [Peter Wright (The Amateur Millionaire)], (ss) Flynn’s January 24 1925
- * The Ship of Sinners [Peter Wright (The Amateur Millionaire)], (ss) Flynn’s January 31 1925
- * Two Elephants, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine April 25 1931
- * White Eye of Klan [Peter Wright (The Amateur Millionaire)], (ss) Flynn’s January 17 1925
Wood, Clement (1888-1950) (about) (chron.)
- * First Catch Your Fish [King Green & Moxie Sloss], (ss) Flynn’s October 4 1924
- * The Grand Exalted Gobbler [King Green & Moxie Sloss], (ss) Flynn’s November 8 1924
- * In a Diamond Darkly [King Green & Moxie Sloss], (ss) Flynn’s September 20 1924
- * Kid Dropper Plays It Alone, (ss) Racketeer Stories February 1930
- * Knights of the Night [O. P. Judd], (sl) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction Jan 28, Feb 4, Feb 11, Feb 18 1928
- * The Man Who Died Twice [O. P. Judd], (sl) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction May 5, May 12, May 19, May 26 1928
- * The Man Who Limped, (ss) Complete Detective Novel Magazine #27, September 1930
- * A Mislaid Romance [King Green & Moxie Sloss], (ss) Flynn’s November 29 1924
- * The Missing Mr. Goosby [King Green & Moxie Sloss], (ss) Flynn’s February 7 1925
- * The Most Murdered Man, (ss) Complete Detective Novel Magazine #20, February 1930
- * The One-Penny Orange, (ss) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction April 7 1928
- * The Twenty-Two Joneses, (nv) Flynn’s December 20 1924
Wood, Dick (fl. 1970s) (chron.)
- * Cry Wolf, (ss) Boris Karloff Tales of Mystery Story Digest Magazine June 1970
- * Escape Into Fear, (ss) Boris Karloff Tales of Mystery Story Digest Magazine June 1970
- * The Iron Mask, (ss) Boris Karloff Tales of Mystery Story Digest Magazine June 1970
- * Old Jeb’s Bitter Secret, (ss) Boris Karloff Tales of Mystery Story Digest Magazine June 1970
- * The Quill Pen, (ss) Boris Karloff Tales of Mystery Story Digest Magazine June 1970
- * Restless Hands, (ss) Boris Karloff Tales of Mystery Story Digest Magazine June 1970
- * The Strange Fate of E. Neadle, (ss) Boris Karloff Tales of Mystery Story Digest Magazine June 1970
- * Terror of the Black Pearl, (ss) Boris Karloff Tales of Mystery Story Digest Magazine June 1970
- * Vengeance of the Castle Creature, (ss) Boris Karloff Tales of Mystery Story Digest Magazine June 1970
- * Voyage of No Return, (ss) Boris Karloff Tales of Mystery Story Digest Magazine June 1970
- * The Well of Fear, (ss) Boris Karloff Tales of Mystery Story Digest Magazine June 1970
Wood, James F. (fl. 1950s-1960s) (chron.)
- * The Chair, (ss) London Mystery Selection #41, April 1959
- * Dying Words, (ss) John Creasey Mystery Magazine November 1961
- * The Face of the Dummy, (ss) John Creasey Mystery Magazine January 1960
- * The Guinea-Pig, (ss) London Mystery Selection #43, December 1959
- * The Man in the Overcoat, (ss) John Creasey Mystery Magazine December 1959
- * Perfect Stranger, (ss) John Creasey Mystery Magazine February 1962
- * Pick Up for Murder, (ss) John Creasey Mystery Magazine May 1959
- * “Porphyria”, (ss) John Creasey Mystery Magazine February 1959
- * Tidy Corpse, (ss) John Creasey Mystery Magazine July 1959
Wood, Kenneth P(rice) (1898-1945) (about) (chron.)
- * The Accusing Conscience, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly May 31 1941
- * Animals Before the Law, (ar) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine July 1938
- * Animals Under Arrest, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly May 10 1941
- * A Case for Science, (ms) Detective Fiction Weekly August 11 1934
- * Crime Oddities, (cl) Detective Fiction Weekly May 4, May 18, Jul 6, Aug 10, Sep 21, Oct 19, Nov 30 1940, Jan 4, Feb 22, Mar 22, Apr 12,
Jun 14, Jul 5, Jul 19, Aug 2, Dec 27 1941
Jan 24, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1942
- * Cruel Blue-Laws of Old New England, (ms) Great Detective November 1933
- * Death Wears Moccasins, (ar) Famous Western Winter 1946
- * The Dog That Convicted a Murderer, (ms) Detective Fiction Weekly August 11 1934
- * Evolution of the Executioner, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly March 9 1940
- * Fingerprint Traps Man After 15 Years, (ar) Crack Detective Stories May 1945
- * Frisco Clean-Up, (ar) Crack Detective Stories July 1946
- * Guarding New York’s Billions, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly June 28 1941
- * Guarding New York’s Millions, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly June 28 1941, as "Guarding New York’s Billions"
- * How “Buffalo Bill” Earned His Name, (ts) Famous Western Fall 1945
- * How Forgery Is Detected, (ar) Detective Short Stories November 1942
- * Killers Die Hard [Slim Holt], (ss) Famous Western Summer 1945
- * Law West of the Pecos, (ar) Complete Cowboy October 1941 [Ref. Judge Roy Bean]
- * Making a Man’s Word Count, (ss) Crack Detective Stories January 1947
- * Making a Man’s Word Good, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly March 23 1940
- * The Man Who Couldn’t Be Hanged, (ar) Complete Detective Novel Magazine #63, October 1933
- * The Moon Guillotine, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly April 28 1934
- * Oddities of Crime, (ms) Pocket Detective Magazine Jun, Aug 1937
- * Origins of the Third Degree, (ar) Crack Detective Stories July 1945
- * Power of Falling Water, (ms) Great Detective November 1933
- * A Real Case of Ruby Lips, (ms) Great Detective November 1933
- * Resourcefulness of the Secret Service, (ms) Great Detective November 1933
- * Sarah E. Howe, Swindler Extraordinary, (ms) Great Detective November 1933
- * Solving Typewriter Mysteries, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly July 12 1941
- * Theft of Murillo’s St. Anthony, (ms) Great Detective November 1933
- * Tincup Elects a Sheriff, (ss)
- * Uncle Sam’s X-Ray Eye, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly July 7 1934
- * When Animals Were Tried and Sentenced, (ar) New Detective Magazine September 1935
- * The Will of Jesse Burright, (ms) Great Detective November 1933
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