The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 70
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Blassingame, Wyatt (Rainey) (chron.) (continued)
- * Ghost of a Murdered Nation [Brian O’Reilly (The Ghost)], (ss) Ace G-Man Stories August 1942
- * Ghost of Vanishing G-Men [Brian O’Reilly (The Ghost)], (nv) Ace G-Man Stories November 1940
- * Ghosts Killed Free [Brian O’Reilly (The Ghost)], (vi) Ace G-Man Stories September 1941
- * The Ghost Wears a Badge [Brian O’Reilly (The Ghost)], (nv) Ace G-Man Stories September/October 1939
- * Ghouls of the Green Death, (na) Dime Mystery Magazine November 1934
- * The Ghoul Will Choose a Girl, (ss) Detective Short Stories April 1942
- * The Girl from Yesterday, (ss) Double Detective September 1939
- * The Girl in the Mist, (ss) The Saint Mystery Magazine April 1960
- * G-Man Gun-Ghost [Brian O’Reilly (The Ghost)], (ss) Ace G-Man Stories November/December 1939
- * G-Man’s Carnival of Murder [Allan Blade], (ss) Ace G-Man Stories May/June 1938
- * G-Man Without a Grave [Brian O’Reilly (The Ghost)], (nv) Ace G-Man Stories January/February 1940
- * Goddess of Terror, (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories September 1935
- * The Grain That Needed Blood, (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories May 1938, as by William B. Rainey
- * Grandstand G-Man [Allan Blade], (ss) Ace G-Man Stories November/December 1937
- * Graves Are for the Dead, (nv) Complete Detective February 1939
- * A Grim Guest, (ss) Ten Detective Aces January 1934
- * Grow Weary of the Night, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly July 22 1939
- * Gun Ballad for Americans, (ss) Ace G-Man Stories April 1943
- * Harvest of the Tiny Killer, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine August 1937
- * The Hearse of the Turtle, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine January 1949
- * He Kills in Darkness [John Smith], (ss) Detective Tales June 1937
- * His Brother’s Hangman, (ss) Detective Tales August 1935
- * A Home for Murder, (nv) G-Men Detective November 1948
- * Home Town, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly June 24 1939
- * Honeymoon in Hell, (na) Dime Mystery Magazine September 1934
- * The Horror in His Bed, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine May 1936
- * Horror in the Hold, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine December 1933
- * Horror Song for the Ghost [Brian O’Reilly (The Ghost)], (ss) Ace G-Man Stories June 1940
- * The House of Vanished Brides, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine February 1935
- * Hunt Down the Dead, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine September 1943
- * I Am the Demon, (ss) Startling Mystery Magazine April 1940, as by William B. Rainey
- * I Make My Own Laws, (nv) The Phantom Detective Fall 1951
- * The Indian Key Jook, (ss) Private Detective Stories August 1943
- * The Insane Corpse, (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories April 1940, as by William B. Rainey
- * Intent to Murder [“Trouble” Train], (nv) Thrilling Detective February 1939
- * It Could Be Murder [Eddie Carveth], (ss) Spicy Detective Stories August 1942, as by William B. Rainey
- * It Takes Brains, (ss) Great Detective September 1934
- * John Smith and the Murder Master [John Smith], (na) Detective Tales July 1940
- * John Smith and the War-Makers [John Smith], (nv) Detective Tales December 1940
- * John Smith, Graveyard Detective [John Smith], (ss) Detective Tales June 1941
- * Key to a Killer’s Heart, (ss) Detective Tales June 1940
- * Killer of Madman’s Creek, (nv) Clues Detective Stories May 1943
- * Killer on the Keys, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly December 24 1938
- * Killer’s Brand, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly December 12 1936
- * Killer’s Hostage, (ss) Detective Tales January 1936
- * Killers in Glass Houses [The Bishop], (nv) Black Mask January 1941
- * The Killer Strikes Out, (ss) Detective Tales July 1938, as by William B. Rainey
- * Kiss the Bullets Goodbye [Eddie Carveth], (ss) Spicy Detective Stories October 1942, as by William B. Rainey
- * Knowledge of Crime, (ss) Popular Detective March 1948
- * The Lady and the Corpse, (ss) Detective Tales June 1938, as by William B. Rainey
- * The Last Fare, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly September 4 1937
- * The Lesson Is Murder, (nv) Private Detective Stories April 1943
- * Let Somebody Else Be Hero, (ss) Private Detective Stories July 1940
- * Listen for the Butcher’s Laugh, (nv) All Star Detective December 1941
- * List of the Dead [John Smith], (nv) Detective Tales June 1943
- * Madam Murder’s Children [John Smith], (nv) Detective Tales May 1939
- * Maiden of Moonlight, (nv) Spicy Mystery Stories May 1942, as by William B. Rainey
- * The Man Who Could Not Die, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine November 1935, as by William B. Rainey
- * A Mask for a Killer, (ss) Double Detective April 1940
- * The Master of Suicides, (nv) Strange Detective Mysteries March 1941
- * Me—Target for Tonight!, (nv) Detective Tales May 1948
- * Mr. Smith Goes to Hades [John Smith], (nv) Detective Tales February 1943
- * Mistress of Terror, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine May 1935
- * Mistress of the Worm-Men [Joe Gee], (na) Dime Mystery Magazine February 1940
- * The Monster Seeks a Mate, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine April 1937, as by William B. Rainey
- * Morgue Express, (ss) Detective Tales December 1935
- * The Multiplying Corpse, (ss) Detective Tales April 1937
- * Mummy Medicine, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine May 1934
- * Murder at the Morgue [John Smith], (na) Detective Tales March 1939
- * Murder Backstage, (ss) Alibi February 1934
- * Murder by Mail, (ss) The Feds May 1937
- * Murder for a Sea Shell [Joe Fall], (nv) Federal Agent July 1937
- * Murder Gives No Parole [John Smith], (nv) Detective Tales June 1938
- * Murder Grows Fast, (nv) Black Mask May 1937
- * Murder in Paradise, (ss) Private Detective Stories January 1945
- * Murder Is Bad Luck, (nv) Black Mask March 1940
- * Murder of a Blonde, (nv) Detective Short Stories September 1942
- * The Murder of the Magician’s Girl [Eddie Carveth], (nv) Private Detective Stories June 1939
- * Murder on Artificial Hill, (nv) Private Detective Stories July 1940, as by William B. Rainey
- * Murder on Midnight, (nv) Thrilling Detective October 1947
- * Murder Out of Season [Joe Fall], (nv) Federal Agent March 1937
- * Murder’s a Sure Thing, (ss) Detective Short Stories March 1939
- * Murder Should Be Planned, (ss) Complete Detective August 1938
- * Murder Takes a Bus, (ss) Detective Tales April 1938, as by William B. Rainey
- * My Love Brings Death!, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine April 1936
- * My Love Is Accursed, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine August 1936
- * New in Town, (ss) Romantic Detective June 1938
- * The Night Is Filled with Fear, (ss) Detective Short Stories April 1938
- * A Night of Rain, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly March 18 1939
- * Night Without End, (nv) Thrilling Detective April 1949
- * No Parole for the Dead [John Smith], (nv) Detective Tales July 1937
- * No Parole from Hell [John Smith], (nv) Detective Tales August 1937
- * No Priority on Corpses [Brian O’Reilly (The Ghost)], (nv) Ace G-Man Stories December 1942
- * Nymph of Damnation, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine April 1938, as by William B. Rainey
- * Obituary at Gun-Point, (ss) Detective Tales September 1939
- * Occupation: Murder, (ss) Ace G-Man Stories March/April 1937
- * The Odds on Murder, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly October 2 1937
- * Once a Crook, (ss) Private Detective Stories August 1941, as by William B. Rainey
- * One Thousand Witnesses, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories February 1937, as by William B. Rainey
- * On Parole, (ss) Double Detective March 1939
- * Open Season on Dead Men [Joe Fall], (nv) Detective Tales December 1938
- * Pallid Mistress, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories June 1942, as by William B. Rainey
- * Pathway to Glory, (ss) Detective Novels Magazine August 1942
- * Pick Up a Murder, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories July 1941, as by William B. Rainey
- * The Poison Ivy Murder, (ss) Private Detective Stories July 1943
- * Prelude to Dying, (ss) Detective Tales December 1940, as by William B. Rainey
- * Prey of the Beast-Woman, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine April 1936, as by William B. Rainey
- * Prey of the Living Dead!, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine November 1935
- * The Prince of Pain, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine February 1938
- * Princess of Burning Death [Joe Gee], (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine March 1940
- * Quietly My Casket Waits, (nv) Detective Tales May 1941
- * Race for the Morgue, (ss) Mystery Book Magazine Winter 1948
- * The Ranch of Vanishing Men [Joe Fall], (nv) Federal Agent September 1937
- * The Reluctant Corpse, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine May 1948
- * Retained by the Corpse [John Smith], (nv) Detective Tales November 1941
- * Ride Your Own Trail, (nv) Street & Smith’s Western Story November 22 1941, as by Van Cort
- * Road of Missing Persons [Johnny Allen], (ss) Detective Tales January 1939
- * Satan Drives the Bus, (ss) Ace Detective Magazine October 1936
- * Satan Names a Victim, (ss) Double-Action Detective October 1938
- * Satan’s Jackpot, (nv) Ten Detective Aces October 1941
- * Satan’s Thirsty Ones, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine May 1938
- * Search Warrant for Hell, (ss) Detective Tales January 1938, as by William B. Rainey
- * Shark, (ss) Thrilling Detective December 1936
- * Shark River Manhunt, (nv) Thrilling Adventures January 1943
- * Ship from Hell, (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories March 1938, as by William B. Rainey
- * The Sideshow Horrors, (nv) Strange Detective Mysteries November 1937
- * Siren of Horror Hall, (ss) Strange Detective Mysteries March 1940, as by William B. Rainey
- * The Skeleton Dances, (ss) Great Detective October 1934
- * Slated for Murder, (ss) Street & Smith’s Mystery Magazine November 1942
- * Slaves of the Tomb Maidens, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine February 1936
- * Some Call It Murder [The Bishop], (nv) Black Mask January 1940
- * Song of the Dead, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine March 1935
- * Spy-Fighting Fool of the F.B.I., (ss) Ace G-Man Stories November/December 1938
- * Statues Cannot Walk, (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories March 1937, as by William B. Rainey
- * Steeplechase for Corpses [John Smith], (nv) Detective Tales September 1938
- * Steps Coming Closer, (ss) Double Detective December 1939
- * Stepsons of Death, (ss) Ace G-Man Stories September/October 1938
- * The Street of the Silent Dead, (na) New Detective Magazine May 1943
- * A Tax on Murder, (ss) Public Enemy May 1936
- * 10,001 Motives for Murder [The Bishop], (nv) Black Mask August 1940
- * They Knew All the Time, (ss) Double Detective November 1939
- * They Thirst by Night, (na) Dime Mystery Magazine June 1935
- * The Third Bullet, (ss) Romantic Detective February 1938
- * Three Hours to Live!, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine October 1934
- * 3 + 1 = Murder, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine November 1935
- * Three to One on Murder, (nv) Private Detective Stories October 1937
- * Through Hell to Glory, (ss) New Western Magazine March 1946, as by Van Cort
- * Tiger, Tiger, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly August 12 1939
- * Toast to Death, (ss) Detective Tales July 1936
- * The Tongueless Horror, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine April 1934
- * Too Many Alibis, (ss) Double Detective January 1940
- * Too Many Murderers, (nv) Detective Tales February 1939, as by William B. Rainey
- * To the Woods Without an Ear, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly November 11 1939
- * Trailer Camp Murder, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories July 1938, as by William B. Rainey
- * Trailer-Town Murder [Joe Fall], (nv) Federal Agent May 1937
- * Traitors Spell Death with a “G”, (na) Ace G-Man Stories January/February 1939
- * Tryst with the Unknown, (ss) Mystery Tales March 1938
- * Unloved Corpse, (ss) Speed Detective August 1943
- * Valley of the Walking Dead, (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories April 1941, as by William B. Rainey
- * The Voice of the Mist, (ss) 10 Story Mystery Magazine December 1941
- * The Voodoo Murders [John Smith], (na) Detective Tales August 1939
- * Wanted—A Man with Bloody Hands, (nv) Detective Tales July 1938
- * Weather Clear, Track Bloody, (ss) Detective Tales September 1939, as by William B. Rainey
- * When the Rats Fed, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine April 1934, as by William B. Rainey
- * Whispering Death, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine February 1934, as by William B. Rainey
- * The Whispering Voices of Madness, (nv) Mystery Tales June 1938
- * The Whistling Dwarf Brings Death [Joe Gee], (ss) Strange Detective Mysteries March 1940
- * A Winning Ticket on Murder, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories November 1939, as by William B. Rainey
- * Without Benefit of Bullets, (ss) Detective Tales October 1936
- * Wolf Bait!, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine February 1934
- * Worse Than Murder, (nv) Detective Short Stories January 1942
- * You Can’t Buy Guts, (ss) Detective Tales January 1941
- * You Can’t Insure the Dead [John Smith], (nv) Detective Tales January 1940
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