The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 895
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[uncredited] (chron.) (continued)
- * Canine Diamond Digger, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine July 1937
- * The Cannibal Family, (ar) Flynn’s January 9 1926
- * Cannibalism—Civilized & Savage, (ms) Speed Mystery January 1943
- * Cannibal Plants, (ms) Speed Mystery March 1943
- * Can Science Explain Werewolves?, (ms) Speed Mystery January 1943
- * Can Scopolamine Make a Prisoner Confess?, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 24 1923
- * Can the Fingerprint Be Obliterated?, (ms) Clues 2nd February 1929
- * Can This Be Murder?, (ts) The Illustrated Detective Magazine June 1932
- * Can’t Jail a Gossip, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 23 1928
- * Canto for a Gypsy, (br) The Armchair Detective February 1973 [Ref. Martin Smith]
- * Can’t Recognise Criminal by Physical Characteristics, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 29 1919
- * Can You Answer These?, (pz) Scientific Detective Annual 1946
- * Can You Explain This?, (cl) The Illustrated Detective Magazine Dec 1931, Jan, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov 1932
- * Can You Find the Guilty One, (pz) The Illustrated Detective Magazine December 1930
- * Can You Obliterate That Dancing Girl?, (ms) The Saint Detective Magazine October 1957
- * Can You Solve This Picture Crime?, (pz) Mammoth Detective August 1944
- * Can You Solve This Picture Mystery?, (pz) Mammoth Mystery Feb 1945, Mar 1946
- * Can You Tell How Egan Knew?, (pz) Black Mask December 1933
- * Can You Tell How Egan Punctured Todd’s Alibi?, (pz) Black Mask May 1934
- * Can You Tell What Clue Egan Found?, (pz) Black Mask November 1933
- * Capital Offenses in Ancient Egypt, (ms) Best Detective Magazine January 1930
- * Capital Punishment in Michigan, (ms) Flynn’s Weekly April 2 1927
- * Capital Punishment in Missouri, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 7 1919
- * Capital Punishment No Deterrent, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 28 1925
- * Cappy the Heel, (ms) Flynn’s April 10 1926
- * Captain Adam Yulch, (ms) The Saint Detective Magazine June 1958
- * Captain Barnaby’s Log, (ms) Mystery Magazine May 15 1926
- * Captain for a Day, (ms) Baffling Detective Mysteries May 1943
- * Captain Kidd, (pm) Flynn’s December 5 1925
- * Captain Mike’s Fingerprinters, (cl) Dan Dunn Detective Magazine Sep, Nov 1936
- * Captain Performs Hangman’s Duty, (ms) Detective Story Magazine February 10 1923
- * Captain Stoll’s Beat, (ar) Flynn’s Weekly September 4 1926
- * Captured by Mail, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 15 1928
- * Captured for Trooper Killings, (ms) Detective Story Magazine February 11 1928
- * The Capture of Marjorie Callahan, (ms) Mystery Magazine #161, August 1 1924
- * Captures Readers with His Latest Marcus Ryker Thriller, (iv) Suspense Magazine Summer 2020 [Ref. Joel C. Rosenberg]
- * Cara Black Interview, (iv) Crimespree Magazine #15, November/December 2006 [Ref. Cara Black]
- * Cara Black Interviewed, (iv) Crimespree Magazine #35, March/April 2010 [Ref. Cara Black]
- * Car Burglar Sentenced, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 19 1925
- * The “Cardiff Giant” Fraud, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 20 1921
- * Card Party Prizes, (ms) Mystery January 1933
- * Cards and Their Fascination, (ms) Mystery Magazine #35, April 15 1919
- * Card Sharpers Reap Harvest in Europe, (ms) Detective Story Magazine May 28 1927
- * Career of the “Chicago Widow”, (ms) Mystery Magazine #161, August 1 1924
- * Careful Burglars Get Big Loot, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 4 1925
- * Carelessness Betrays Thief, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 19 1929
- * Caress of the Widow, (ms) International Detective Cases March 1937
- * The Caricatured Bank Note, (ms) Clues March 1927
- * Car Looked Better Than Cows, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 21 1928
- * Carried Away, (cn) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine September/October 2017
- * The Carrier Pigeon Plot [Sexton Blake], (na) (by H. H. Clifford Gibbons) The Union Jack #1296,
- * Carrier Pigeons Used to Transport Illicit Drugs, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 24 1923
- * Carries Burglar’s Bullet Near Heart 59 Years, (ms) Detective Story Magazine May 8 1926
- * Carries Murder Secret to Grave, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 8 1927
- * A Car Spotter, (ms) Best Detective Magazine October 1931
- * Cartoon Key, (ms) Best Detective Magazine November 1936
- * Car Trap, (ms) Manhunt July 1957
- * A Cartridge Without a Gun, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 11 1930
- * Cartwheel Crime, (ms) Manhunt July 1957
- * Carving Out a Niche of Her Own, (iv) Suspense Magazine August 2014 [Ref. Maegan Beaumont]
- * A Case for Mike Warren, (ss) Leisure Detective #12, 195?
- * A Case for the Morgue, (ss) Scarlet Gang Smashers May 1936, as by Robert Martin
- * A Case in Point, (ms) Clues May 1927
- * The Case of Abandoned Bungalow, (pz) The Thriller #12, April 27 1929
- * Case of a Stolen Bride, (ms) Hollywood Detective May 1948
- * The Case of Charley Ross, (ms) Detective Story Magazine May 27 1919
- * The Case of Gregory Raynor, (pz) The Thriller #156, January 30 1932
- * A Case of Identity, (ms) Clues 2nd August 1928
- * A Case of Poisoning in Vienna, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 25 1922
- * A Case of Remorse, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 24 1927
- * The Case of the Blazing Island [Sexton Blake], (na) (by G. H. Teed) The Union Jack #591,
- * The Case of the Blonde Playgirl, (pi) Startling Detective Adventures #99, October 1936
- * The Case of the Bubble Dancer [Sob Sister Sue], (cs) (by Rex Hayden Maxon) Private Detective Stories July 1937
- * The Case of the Conistan Diamond [Sexton Blake], (na) (by G. H. Teed) The Union Jack #594,
- * The Case of the Crook Oil King [Sexton Blake], (na) (by George Norman Philips) The Sexton Blake Library
- * The Case of the Curious Bride, (cn) Black Mask May 1935
- * The Case of the Double-Crosser, (ss) Crime Story Magazine #4, 195?
- * The Case of the Duelling Pistols [Dixon Hawke], (ss) Dixon Hawke’s Case Book Spring 1940
- * The Case of the ‘Fence’, (pz) Suspense (UK) January 1961
- * The Case of the Funny Feet, (pz) Private Detective Stories August 1937
- * The Case of the Gambler’s Diary, (pz) Suspense (UK) August 1960
- * The Case of the Grey Envelope [Sexton Blake], (na) (by George Norman Philips) The Union Jack #1276,
- * The Case of the Lucky Legs, (cn) Black Mask July 1935
- * The Case of the Malted Milk Murderer, (ts) The American Weekly
- * The Case of the Money King [Sexton Blake], (na) (by G. H. Teed) The Union Jack #495,
- * The Case of the Purple Cotton [Sexton Blake], (na) (by G. H. Teed) The Union Jack #492,
- * The Case of the Scorpion, (pz) Suspense (UK) November 1960
- * The Case of the Secret Courier [Sexton Blake], (na) (by G. H. Teed) The Union Jack #498,
- * The Case of the Stolen Van Dyke, (pz) The Thriller #16, May 25 1929
- * The Case of the Telephone Dial, (pz) Suspense (UK) January 1961
- * The Case of the Traitor, (pz) Suspense (UK) September 1960
- * The Case of the Velvet Claws, (cn) Black Mask June 1935
- * Cases in Code, (pz) Suspense (UK) Jul, Dec 1960
* ___ The Case of the ‘Fence’, (pz) Suspense (UK) January 1961
* ___ The Case of the Gambler’s Diary, (pz) Suspense (UK) August 1960
* ___ The Case of the Scorpion, (pz) Suspense (UK) November 1960
* ___ The Case of the Telephone Dial, (pz) Suspense (UK) January 1961
* ___ The Case of the Traitor, (pz) Suspense (UK) September 1960
- * The Cashier Didn’t Know Her, (ms) Mystery Magazine #157, June 1 1924
- * Cashier’s Attention Drawn to Messenger, Not Checks, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 6 1921
- * Cashier’s Quick Wit Saves $11,000, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 28 1926
- * Cashier Stages Fake Holdup, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 1 1921
- * Cash Prize Contest, (cn) Detective Action Stories Feb, Mar 1932
- * Cash Prize Contest Winners, (ms) Mystery Magazine #129, April 1 1923
- * Cast-Iron Alibi, (ms) All-Story Detective April 1949
- * The Catcher Caught, (ms) Flynn’s July 25 1925
- * Catches Firebug Redhanded, (ms) Detective Story Magazine February 5 1918
- * Catching a Counterfeiter, (ms) Flynn’s November 14 1925
- * Catching Parrots, (ar) Mystery Magazine #105, March 15 1922
- * Catch Thief by Magic, (ms) Mystery Magazine #97, November 15 1921
- * Catch Tiny Burglars, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 12 1921
- * Catch Youthful Jailbreaker, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 29 1921
- * The Caterpillar Cop., (br) The Armchair Detective August 1973 [Ref. James McClure]
- * “Cat-Eye Lil” Arrested in Milwaukee, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 20 1926
- * Cat Foils Kidnaping Plot, (ms) Detective Story Magazine May 5 1917
- * Cat Gives Clew to Detectives, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 9 1920
- * Cat Grants Reprieve, (ms) Clues 2nd April 1928
- * Cath Staincliffe, (ar) Crime Time #23, 2001
- * Cat Implicated in Prison Break, (ms) Best Detective Magazine January 1937
- * Cats Are Cats, (ms) Speed Mystery January 1944
- * A Cat’s Legacy, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine January 16 1932
- * A Cat’s Tale, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 22 1929
- * Cats Trained as Firebugs, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 9 1921
- * Caught After Three Years, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 30 1929
- * Caught a Suspect, (ms) Mystery Magazine #167, November 1 1924
- * Caught by a Ruse, (ms) Flynn’s August 15 1925
- * Caught by a Walking Stick, (ms) Flynn’s May 2 1925
- * Caught by His Own Precaution, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 13 1930
- * Caught in Harlan Coben’s Web of Intrigue, (iv) Suspense Magazine June 2010 [Ref. Harlan Coben]
- * Caught in His Own Trap, (ar) Mystery Magazine #135, July 1 1923
- * Caught in His Own Trap, (ms) Flynn’s October 17 1925
- * Caught in Two Hours, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 18 1921
- * Caught Stealing the Payroll, (ms) Mystery Magazine #155, May 1 1924
- * Caught with the Loot, (ms) Flynn’s September 5 1925
- * Cause Célèbre [Rex Dimond], (ss) Wit #2, 1947
- * Cautious Burglars, (ms) Clues 2nd June 1929
- * The Cave of Death, (ar) Mystery Magazine #142, October 15 1923
- * Cecil Day Lewis Named Poet Laureate of England, (ms) The Armchair Detective January 1968
- * Cedars of Lebanon Destroyed by Way, (ms) Mystery Magazine #61, May 15 1920
- * Cell Block in Sing Sing Criticized, (ms) Clues Detective Stories December 1937
- * The Cell of Cataleptic [Sexton Blake], (na) (by Jack Lewis) The Union Jack #620,
- * Censorship, (ms) Manhunt September 1957
- * The Census in Ancient Times, (ms) Mystery Magazine #22, October 1 1918
- * The Centurion’s Escape, (ss) (by Colin Mackenzie) Once a Week May 23 1863
- * “Chain Bandit” Caught at Last, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 21 1922
- * Chained Son in Yard, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 26 1920
- * The Chair Burglar, (ms) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction January 21 1928
- * Chairman Noir, (iv) Crime Factory #5, February 2002 [Ref. Russell James]
- * Challenge Is Not a Roadblock, (iv) Suspense Magazine April 2012 [Ref. Brian Blocker]
- * Challenge to the Reader, (cn) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine March 1977
- * Challenge to the Reader!, (qz) Suspense (UK) Aug, Sep, Oct, Dec 1958, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr 1959
- * Champion Burglar in England a Woman, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 6 1920
- * Champion Time Server, (ms) Clues 2nd May 1928
- * Chandler Before Marlowe, (br) The Armchair Detective August 1973 [Ref. Raymond Chandler]
- * Changed Conditions in the West Virginia State Prison, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 13 1920
- * Changed Faces, (ms) Speed Detective January 1944
- * Changeling Children, (ms) Mystery Stories April 1928
- * A Change of Heart, (br) The Armchair Detective February 1973 [Ref. Helen McCloy]
- * Changes Prison After Fashioning Dummy, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 12 1927
- * Changing Crime Technique, (ms) Best Detective Magazine January 1937
- * A Chaplain versus a Connecticut Prison, (ms) Best Detective Magazine March 1931
- * Character Quiz, (qz) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine Mar, May, Jun 1942, Jun 1943
- * Character Revealed by the Shape of the Head, (ms) Mystery Stories August 1928
- * Characters Are People Too, (iv) Suspense Magazine July 2012 [Ref. Lynda Fitzgerald]
- * Character Training in Prison, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 21 1928
- * Character Witnesses Saved Dog’s Life, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 17 1920
- * Charge Boy with Forgery, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 5 1916
- * Charge of Fraud Against “Dead” Man, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 27 1923
- * Charge Prisoner Was Murdered, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 20 1917
- * Charges against Fugitive Dropped, (ms) Detective Story Magazine May 22 1926
- * Charity Sheen, Gentleman, (sl) Scotland Yard #1 Mar, #2 May, #3 Jul, #4 Aug, #5 Sep, #6 Oct 1930
- * The Charity Visitor, (ms) Clues 2nd December 1928
- * Charles Guiteau, (ar) Flynn’s February 13 1926
- * Charlie Shafer, (iv) Hardluck Stories Spring 2003 [Ref. Charlie Shafer]
- * Charlotte Boyett-Compo, (bg) Over My Dead Body! #8, Winter 2000
- * The Charm of a Crook, (ms) Flynn’s June 13 1925
- * Charms of Death Valley, (ms) Mystery Magazine #113, July 15 1922
- * Chartered for Death, (na) Flynn’s Detective Fiction May 1944, as by Edward S. Williams
- * Charting the Back of Hands, (ms) Flynn’s May 16 1925
- * The Chase, (sa) Movie Mystery Magazine #3, December 1946/January 1947 [Ref. Cornell Woolrich]; novelization of the movie “The Chase” which was derived from the Woolrich novel The Black Path of Fear.
- * Chase After a Forger, (ms) Mystery Magazine #153, April 1 1924
- * Chased for Twenty Thousand Miles, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 16 1922
- * Chases His Creativity, (iv) Suspense Magazine April 2011 [Ref. Michael Harvey]
- * Chasing Her Dream, (iv) Suspense Magazine February 2011 [Ref. Leslie Tentler]
- * “Chauffeur” Once Meant “Bandit”, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 20 1917
- * “Chauffeur” Once Meant “Bandit”, (ms) Best Detective Magazine February 1930
- * Chauffeur’s Admission Was to Employer’s Disadvantage, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 2 1921
- * Cheaper by the Dozen, (ms) Detective Tales June 1951
- * Cheaters Get Fooled, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine September 5 1931
- * Cheaters’ Paradise, (ms) Midnight #4, September 9 1922
- * Cheating Sing Sing, (ms) Detective Story Magazine February 24 1920
- * Cheating with Cheaters, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine October 3 1931
- * Cheats the Chair—Almost, (ms) Clues 1st May 1928
- * Checkers Cause Sentence Extension, (ms) Detective Story Magazine May 5 1917
- * Check-Mate!, (ms) Dime Detective Magazine April 1952
- * Check Out a
Different Distinctive Side of Thrillers, (iv) Suspense Magazine January/February 2017 [Ref. Libby Fischer Hellmann]
- * Checks Must Bear Endorser’s Finger Prints, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 13 1920
- * Check Swallower Nearly Beats Police, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine March 28 1931
- * Check! Triple Check!, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine October 1937
- * Cheerful Mourners, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine January 2 1932
- * “Cheese Gang” Captured, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 30 1929
- * Chemist Aids in Identification of Stolen Platinum, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 14 1920
- * A Chemist Detective, (ms) Mystery Magazine #142, October 15 1923
- * Chemistry Aids Homicide Cops, (ms) Private Detective Stories October 1945
- * Chemistry Exposes Crime, (ar) Mystery Magazine #127, March 1 1923
- * Chemistry to Aid in the Detection of Crime, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 26 1922
- * Cherchez la Femme, (qz) The Phantom Detective Fall 1952
- * Cherchez la Femme!, (ms) Detective Romances November 1936
- * Chester K. Steele, Maker of Crime Puzzles, (is) Detective Story Magazine August 4 1923
- * Chewing Gum Used in Bank Theft, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 3 1921
- * Chewing Tobacco Clue, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine August 1938
- * Chews Way to Freedom, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 30 1921
- * Chicago Bullets Save Deportation Cost, (ms) Detective-Dragnet Magazine January 1932
- * Chicago Called Greatest Crime Center, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 7 1922
- * Chicago Cops Adopt Modern Methods, (ar) Super-Detective April 1943
- * Chicago Detectives Get Big Haul of Narcotics, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 28 1925
- * Chicago Getting Better, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 15 1928
- * Chicago Has a Musical Burglar, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 25 1922
- * Chicago Loop District Rocked by Dynamite Bomb, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 5 1922
- * “Chicago May” Turns Up, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 8 1919
- * Chicago Murder Mystery, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 9 1919
- * Chicago Police Raid Taxi-Dance Hall, (ms) Real Detective June 1932
- * Chicago’s 1924 Crime Record, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 27 1925
- * Chicago’s Famous Crime Buster, (ar) Crime Busters October 1938
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