The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Date: Page 422
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Paul, Conrad (fl. 1950s) (items)
- Covered for Death, (ss) Thrilling Detective (Australia) #10, 1954
- Death Came in Nylons [Colin Calhoun], (nv) Colin Calhoun Detective #3, 195?
- The Naked Corpse Was Different [Colin Calhoun], (nv) Colin Calhoun Detective #7, 195?
- The Stripper Died Dressed [Colin Calhoun], (nv) Colin Calhoun Detective #8, 195?
- Why Strip the Corpse? [Colin Calhoun], (nv) Colin Calhoun Detective #9, 195?
- Hot Ice [Colin Calhoun], (nv) Colin Calhoun Detective #10, 195?
- The Screaming Death [Colin Calhoun], (nv) Colin Calhoun Detective #11, 195?
- Murder Unlimited [Colin Calhoun], (nv) Colin Calhoun Detective #12, 195?
- Blondes Bleed Too [Colin Calhoun], (nv) Colin Calhoun Detective #13, 195?
- The Lady Came Running, (nv) Colin Calhoun Detective #13, 195?
- A Corpse Can’t Get a Girl, (ss) Thrilling Detective (Australia) #4, 195?
- Dead Girls Don’t Need Furs, (nv) Thrilling Detective (Australia) #5, 195?
- The Deadly Diary, (nv) Thrilling Detective (Australia) #14, 195?
- Exposed to Murder, (nv) Thrilling Detective (Australia) #12, 195?
- Man About a Redhead, (ss) Thrilling Detective (Australia) #13, 195?
- Naked Murder, (nv) Thrilling Detective (Australia) #9, 195?
- Nudes Can’t Conceal Much, (nv) Thrilling Detective (Australia) #6, 195?
- She Died Without Nylons, (ss) Thrilling Detective (Australia) #13, 195?
- The Skirt Made One Slip, (ss) Thrilling Detective (Australia) #8, 195?
- Stripped for Action, (nv) Thrilling Detective (Australia) #1, 195?
- They Paid in Blood, (nv) Thrilling Detective (Australia) #2, 195?
- Undressed to Kill, (ss) Thrilling Detective (Australia) #11, 195?
Paul, Perry (fl. 1930s) (items)
- The Jane from Hell’s Kitchen, (nv) Gun Molls Magazine October 1930
- The Madame from Cell No.6 [The Madame], (ss) Gun Molls Magazine November 1930
- Punch Pansy, (ss) Gun Molls Magazine December 1930
- The Madame Comes Back [The Madame], (ss) Gun Molls Magazine January 1931
- The Green Widow, (nv) Gun Molls Magazine February 1931
- The Theft of the Grand Conde Diamond, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly March 21 1931
- The Madame Goes Dramatic [The Madame], (nv) Gun Molls Magazine April 1931
- The Murder at the Crescent Arms [The Madame], (ss) Gun Molls Magazine May 1931
- The Madame Spots the Spot [The Madame], (ss) Gun Molls Magazine July 1931
- The Madame Naturals [The Madame], (ss) Gun Molls Magazine August 1931
- The Madame Plays the Gee-Gees [The Madame], (ss) Gun Molls Magazine September 1931
- The Madame Hedges a Bet [The Madame], (ss) Gun Molls Magazine October 1931
- The Madame Grabs Clouds [The Madame], (ss) Gun Molls Magazine November 1931
- The Madame Takes a Wisey [The Madame], (ss) Gun Molls Magazine December 1931
- The Madame Says Thumbs Down [The Madame], (ss) Gun Molls Magazine January 1932
- The Madame Blows Hot [The Madame], (ss) Gun Molls Magazine February 1932
- Was Harry’s Face Pink!, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly October 1 1938
Paust, Gil(bert Harry) (1912-1988); used pseudonym Roy James (about) (items)
- The Death Know, (ss) American Detective (Australia) #10, October 1952, as by Roy James
- Murder Tough, (nv) American Crime Magazine #6, November 1952, as by Roy James
- The Death Deal, (ss) American Detective (Australia) #3, 1953, as by Roy James
- Death Deals Double, (ss) American Detective (Australia) #4, 1953, as by Roy James
- Surefire Trouble, (ss) American Detective (Australia) #6, 1953, as by Roy James
- Dead Wrong, (ss) American Detective (Australia) #7, 1953, as by Roy James
- Fate of a Girl, (ss) American Detective (Australia) #10, 1953, as by Roy James
Pawley, Eugene (fl. 1940s-1960s) (items)
- The Corpse Pays Off, (ss) Detective Book Magazine Winter 1941/1942
- Double-Take Heist, (ss) Detective Fiction June 1942
- Ashes of Murder Betray the Love-Sick Lothario, (ar) Flynn’s Detective July 1942
- The Laundry-Mark Dick, (ar) 5-Detective Mysteries December 1942/January 1943
- No Time to Lie, (ss) The Saint Detective Magazine July 1954
- Pattern for Homicide, (ss) Famous Detective Stories June 1955
- Bury Him Deep, (nv) Famous Detective Stories August 1955
- Cancelled in Red, (ss) Famous Detective Stories October 1955
- Tip-Off from the Dead, (ss) Smashing Detective Stories November 1955
- Killer Trap, (ss) Smashing Detective Stories January 1956
- Trail of Heartbreak, (ar) Famous Detective Stories April 1956
- The Little Dog Died, (ss) Famous Detective Stories August 1956
- The Lost Hour, (ss) Smashing Detective Stories November 1956
- Return Trip, (nv) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine December 1956
- Bait for the Red-Head, (nv) Manhunt January 1957
- The Red Jacket, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine January 1957
- The Justice of Suma, (ss) Suspense (UK) September 1960
Payne, Stephen (1888-1970) (about) (items)
- The Fifth Loop, (ss) Black Mask January 1928
- Night-Riding Ruddy, (ss) Black Mask August 1928
- A Change of Garb, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly December 1 1928
- The Cop and the Key, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly August 8 1936
- The Sealed Clue, (ss) Ten Detective Aces April 1937
- Murder Money, (ss) Black Mask (UK) March 1938
- Secret of the Ghost Town, (na) Ranch Romances 1st October 1939
- The Gun, (ss) Crack Detective Stories March 1945
- Mysterious Passenger, (ss) Thrilling Detective April 1945
- Wife with a Gun, (vi) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine July 1972
Peabody, Frank (fl. 1930s) (items)
- Stool Pigeons, (cl) Complete Detective Novel Magazine #42, December 1931, etc.
- Kidnaping Tales, (cl) Complete Detective Novel Magazine #49, July 1932, etc.
- How I Would Have Handled the Lindbergh Case, (ar) Complete Detective Novel Magazine #51, September 1932
- The Line-Up, (cl) Complete Detective Novel Magazine #52, October 1932, etc.
- Leopard Men of Gangland, (ar) Complete Detective Novel Magazine #62, August/September 1933
Peacock, Wilbur Scott (1915-1979) (about) (items)
- Too Late to Live, (ss) Detective Tales October 1938
- Vintage for Vengeance, (ss) Ten Detective Aces February 1939
- Death for Two Grand, (ss) Undercover Detective April 1939
- Pin Game, (ss) Detective Yarns April 1939
- Blue Print for Murder, (ss) Detective and Murder Mysteries July 1939
- The Law Is Blind, (ss) Detective Yarns August 1939
- Quench My Flaming Flesh!, (ss) Detective and Murder Mysteries September 1939
- The Dead Die Twice, (ss) Detective Yarns October 1939
- Ghoul’s Jamboree, (nv) Double-Action Detective November 1939
- Tourist’s Slay Ride, (ss) Double-Action Detective February 1940
- A Masterpiece for the Morgue, (ss) Detective Yarns March 1940
- Mr. Bingler’s Pet Corpse [Mr. Bingler], (nv) Detective Tales September 1940
- Mr. Bingler’s Murder Spree [Mr. Bingler], (nv) Detective Tales March 1941
- Medal for Valour, (ss) Detective Tales April 1941
- Short-Order Crook, (vi) Detective Tales August 1941
- A Present for Butch, (ss) Black Book Detective November 1941
- Copper, (ss) Thrilling Detective December 1941
- The Cop Was a Coward, (ss) Hooded Detective January 1942
- No Civilians, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine February 1942
- Crypt of Horror, (ss) True Gangster Stories April 1942
- Clean Kill, (vi) Detective Tales June 1942
- I’ll Kill You, Copper, (ss) True Gangster Stories August 1942
- Let’s Forget Our Fear!, (nv) Detective Tales August 1942
- A Magician Plays Detective, (nv) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine October 1942
- Mr. Bingler’s Murder Maze [Mr. Bingler], (nv) Crack Detective March 1943
- On the Beat, (bg) Crack Detective March 1943
- Killer’s Final Curtain, (ss) Crack Detective Stories November 1943
- Trial Without Error, (ss) Detective Tales May 1944
- Lacy Runs a Fence Brand, (ss) Famous Western Summer 1944
- Complete Evidence, (ss) Crack Detective Stories November 1944
- Muscle Man, (ss) Crack Detective Stories January 1945
- Crime Casts a Shadow, (ss) Crack Detective Stories May 1945
- Eye-Witness, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine November 1945
- Hunt the Hunter, (ss) Detective Tales June 1946
- Wait Till the Heat Dies, Danny, (ss) Detective Tales September 1946
- Firehorse, (ss) Mystery Book Magazine November 1946
- Hagan’s Beat, (ss) Detective Tales January 1947
- Copperhead, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine March 1947
- Murder Moon, (nv) New Detective Magazine March 1947
- Take Your Lumps, Kid, (ss) G-Men Detective March 1947
- Walk Softly, Killer, (na) Mystery Book Magazine March 1947
- Wired for Murder!, (ss) Detective Tales June 1947
- He Who Hunts the Tiger, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine October 1947
- My Best Friend Is Death, (ss) Mystery Book Magazine Winter 1948
- K-9 Nemesis, (ss) Ten Detective Aces July 1948
- Puzzle in Paint, (nv) Popular Detective July 1949
- In at the Kill, (nv) Popular Detective November 1950
- The Killer, (ss) The Phantom Detective Spring 1952
- D.O.A. Spells Murder [Kewpie Donovan], (na) Famous Detective Stories May 1953
- Death Wears White [Kewpie Donovan], (nv) Famous Detective Stories August 1953
- Murder in Miniature, (nv) Famous Detective Stories February 1954
- Murder Comes in Threes, (na) Famous Detective Stories June 1954
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