The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index

Magazine Contents Lists: Page 1034

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    Whispering Willow:   (about)
    Very elusive small press crime magazine that ran for five issues, each labelled with names like “Dagger Edition” rather than being dated.

    Whispering Willow

    • Publishers:
      • Whispering Willows Ltd.; 2517 South Central, POB 890294, Oklahoma City, OK, 73189-0294: Whispering Willow.
    • Editors:

    Whispering Willow Mysteries
    Title changed from Whispering Willow.

    • Publishers:
      • Whispering Willows Ltd.; 2517 South Central, POB 890294, Oklahoma City, OK, 73189-0294: Whispering Willow Mysteries.
    • Editors:

    Who? Detective Magazine   (about)
    Short-lived magazine publishing original stories by South African authors.

    • Publishers:
      • Dolphin Press (Pty.) Ltd.; 16 Hans Street, Jeppe, Johannesburg, South Africa: Who? Detective Magazine.
    • Editors:

    Whodunit?   (about)
    Unusual magazine with a stated policy of using only stories with surprise endings although, in the single issue published, only one story was actually a whodunit.

    • Publishers:
      • I.D. Publications, Inc.; 8383 Sunset Boulevard, Hollywood, CA 90069: Whodunit?.
    • Editors:

    Wild & Wooly Mammoth Detective   (about)
    One-shot fanzine—a parody of the Ziff-Davis pulps.

    • Publishers:
      • Pulp Confidential Press; 1001 W. Collins Avenue, Collingswood, NJ 08107: Wild & Wooly Mammoth Detective.

    Wild & Wooly Mammoth Detective [v1 #1, 1991] (Pulp Confidential Press, $10.00, 12pp, 8.5″ x 5.5″, cover by George Chastain)
    Has a cover “price” 25 cents. Produced in a numbered edition of 100 copies, distributed in a manila envelope with matching numbered label. 9 interior illustrations by George Chastain.
    Details supplied by Rick Hall.

    Wit   (about)
    Despite the title, this magazine, subtitled “Modern Mirth and Mystery” mainly contained a series of detective stories about sleuths Rex Dimond & Sally Dexter by Martin Thomas, and anonymous mystery vignettes.

    • Publishers:
      • Wit Publications (BCM/Bizarresque); London WC1: Wit.

    Wit [No. 1, 1947] (Wit Publications, 1/-, 52pp, 4.75″ x 7.25″)
    Subtitled “Modern Mirth and Mystery”.

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