The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Date: Page 542
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Thompson, Jim; [i.e., James Myers Thompson] (1906-1977) (items)
- Bellboy, (ss) Mercury Mystery Book-Magazine February 1956
- Prowlers in the Pear Trees, (ss) Mercury Mystery Book-Magazine March 1956
- The Flaw in the System, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine July 1956
- Murder Came on the Mayflower, (ss) Mercury Mystery Book-Magazine November 1956
- The Cellini Chalice [Mitch Allison], (nv) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine December 1956
- The Frightening Frammis [Mitch Allison], (nv) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine February 1957
- Forever After, (ss) Shock—The Magazine of Terrifying Tales May 1960
- Exactly What Happened, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine April 1967
- The Ripoff, (sl) The New Black Mask Quarterly No.1 ed. Matthew J. Bruccoli & Richard Layman, HBJ, 1985, etc.
Thompson, John H(eadon) (1890-1949) (about) (items)
- Dinners for Two, (ss) Flynn’s November 8 1924
- Soup, (ss) Flynn’s January 2 1926
- Cupid Retrieves an Arrow, (ss) Flynn’s Weekly October 16 1926
- Where There’s a Will, (ss) Flynn’s Weekly November 6 1926
- Bill Meets the Widow, (ss) Flynn’s Weekly November 20 1926
- Wholesale—on Commission, (ss) Flynn’s Weekly January 8 1927
- Old Safety Razor Blades, (ss) Flynn’s Weekly January 29 1927
- Guesswork, (ss) Flynn’s Weekly March 12 1927
- The Philanthropist, (ss) Flynn’s Weekly April 16 1927
- Worst Aid, (ss) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction June 25 1927
- Raw Material, (ss) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction November 5 1927
- A Matter of Averages, (ss) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction April 21 1928
- Justice, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly November 3 1928
- Bessie’s Ankle, (ss) Cabaret Stories December 1928
- Dead Man’s Shoes, (ss) Cabaret Stories January 1929
- The Reformers, (ss) Cabaret Stories January 1929
- Listen, Officer [Bill & Jim], (ss) Cabaret Stories March 1929
- Guilty, (ss) The Underworld Magazine November 1929
- The Bump-Off, (pm) Scotland Yard #10, March 1931
- How to Nab ’Em, (pm) Scotland Yard #14, August 1931
- A Museum Piece, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly April 9 1932
- The Ticking Package, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly December 17 1932
- The Soiled Blotter, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly September 9 1933
Thompson, Keene (fl. 1910s-1920s) (items)
- Practical Theory, (ss) Detective Story Magazine March 5 1916
- A Double-Edged Disguise, (ss) Detective Story Magazine June 5 1916
- The Billion-Dollar “Movie”, (ss) Detective Story Magazine July 5 1916
- Bije Hicks, Detective [Bije Hicks], (ss) Detective Story Magazine August 20 1916
- Bije Hicks Seeks New Laurels [Bije Hicks], (ss) Detective Story Magazine September 5 1916
- Bije Hicks Finds a Clew [Bije Hicks], (ss) Detective Story Magazine September 20 1916
- Bije Hicks and the Safe-Blower [Bije Hicks], (ss) Detective Story Magazine November 20 1916
- Home for Christmas, (ss) Detective Story Magazine December 20 1916
- The Thief Who Couldn’t Fail, (ss) Detective Story Magazine February 20 1917
- Two Birds, (ss) Detective Story Magazine March 20 1917
- No Arrest, (ss) Detective Story Magazine June 5 1917
- The Triple Cross, (ss) Detective Story Magazine September 11 1917
- Silas Spoggs, Crook [Silas Spoggs], (ss) Detective Story Magazine September 18 1917
- Silas Spoggs’ Clean-Up [Silas Spoggs], (ss) Detective Story Magazine October 2 1917
- All That Glitters, (ss) Detective Story Magazine March 26 1918
- All That Was Coming, (ss) Detective Story Magazine May 14 1918
- Bricked, (ss) Detective Story Magazine May 28 1918
- Easy Graft, (ss) Detective Story Magazine January 7 1919
- Bije Hicks, Detectuff [Bije Hicks], (ss) Detective Story Magazine November 9 1929
Thompson, Mervyn (fl. 1920s) (items)
- The Diamond Pendant, (ss) The Detective Magazine #35, March 14 1924
- The Balloon Clue, (ss) The Detective Magazine #45, August 1 1924
- Dead Men All, (ss) The Detective Magazine #46, August 15 1924
- Paradox, (ss) The Detective Magazine #64, April 24 1925
- Death Drums, (ss) Hutchinson’s Adventure-Story Magazine June 1925
- Blue Slendong, (ss) Hutchinson’s Adventure-Story Magazine August 1925
- Shades of Night, (ss) Hutchinson’s Adventure-Story Magazine September 1925
- Sentence of Death, (ss) Hutchinson’s Adventure-Story Magazine January 1926
- Out of the North, (ss) Hutchinson’s Adventure-Story Magazine March 1926
Thompson, Robert W. (fl. 1930s-1940s) (items)
- Small-Time Hero, (ss) Detective Tales October 1936
- A Date with Death, (ss) Detective Tales November 1937
- Murder Romance, (ss) Detective Tales December 1937
- Cops Don’t Make the Rules, (ss) Detective Tales February 1938
- A Gun in the Hand, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly August 20 1938
- Dead Men Don’t Need Alibis, (ss) Detective Tales September 1938
- No Time out for Death, (ss) Ace G-Man Stories September/October 1938
- The Girl and the Gunman, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly November 5 1938
- Home from Homicide, (ss) Double Detective November 1938
- A Matter of Death—and Faith, (ss) Detective Tales November 1938
- Guard My Flaming Body, (ss) Top-Notch Detective December 1938
- Till Death Do Us Part, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly January 28 1939
- Censored in Hell, (ss) Detective Short Stories January 1939
- Killer in the Dark, (ss) Detective Tales January 1939
- Crimson Siren, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine February 1939
- Cadaver on Horseback, (ss) Complete Detective May 1939
- Frame for Murder, (ss) Detective Novels Magazine June 1939
- Hardboiled, (ss) Thrilling Detective July 1939
- Dummy Up and Die!, (ss) Detective Short Stories September 1939
- Frame for a Lady, (nv) Complete Detective October 1939
- Heads I Lose, Tails You Win, (ss) Double Detective January 1940
- Fifty Grand Prize, (ss) Double Detective February 1940
- Live by the Rod, (ss) Exciting Detective Fall 1940
- Tailor-Made Fall-Guy, (ss) Detective Short Stories November 1940
- Without Benefit of Witness, (ss) Popular Detective December 1940
- A Hero for the Kid, (ss) New Detective Magazine November 1941
Thompson, W. Harold (fl. 1920s); used pseudonym Rowan Glen (items)
- Crab-Apple Farm [Clarence Goode], (ss) The Detective Magazine #48, September 12 1924, as by Rowan Glen
- The Mystery of the Brown Boot [Clarence Goode], (ss) The Detective Magazine #49, September 26 1924, as by Rowan Glen
- Professor Rumbold’s Putter [Clarence Goode], (ss) The Detective Magazine #50, October 10 1924, as by Rowan Glen
- The Barhaven Criminal [Clarence Goode], (ss) The Detective Magazine #51, October 24 1924, as by Rowan Glen
- The Case of the Countess Orloff [Clarence Goode], (ss) The Detective Magazine #52, November 7 1924, as by Rowan Glen
- The Anon. Letter [Clarence Goode], (ss) The Detective Magazine #53, November 21 1924, as by Rowan Glen
- The Ghost of Castlefields Hall [Clarence Goode], (ss) The Detective Magazine #54, December 5 1924, as by Rowan Glen
- The Crime of Angus MacGregor [Clarence Goode], (ss) The Detective Magazine #55, December 19 1924, as by Rowan Glen
- Watching Women [Clarence Goode], (ss) The Detective Magazine #56, January 2 1925, as by Rowan Glen
- The Mystery of Marcus Jelf [Clarence Goode], (ss) The Detective Magazine #57, January 16 1925, as by Rowan Glen
- The Bramley Heath Affair [Clarence Goode], (ss) The Detective Magazine #58, January 30 1925, as by Rowan Glen
- The Disappearance of Lady Thorbar [Clarence Goode], (ss) The Detective Magazine #59, February 13 1925, as by Rowan Glen
Thomsen, Jim (c1965- ) (items)
- Coffee Shops, Flip-Flops and Oozy Submachine Guns, (ar) Suspense Magazine August 2011
- The Ride Home, (ss) West Coast Crime Wave ed. Brian THornton, BSTSLLR.COM, 2011
- Trust Your Dialogue! He Said Vehemently, (ar) Suspense Magazine August 2014
- Don’t Press the Pause Button!, (ar) Suspense Magazine September 2014
- Line Editing: You Need This, and It’s Not the Same as Copy Editing, (ar) Suspense Magazine October/November 2014
- Five Takeaways from a Bouchercon Rookie, (ar) Suspense Magazine December 2014
- Torture Your Darlings, (ar) Suspense Magazine February 2015
- At the End of My Trope, (ss) Suspense Magazine March 2015
- The Hand Is on the Other Foot, (ar) Suspense Magazine May 2015
- Editor, Heal Thyself, (ar) Suspense Magazine June 2015
- Black Lab, (ss) Pulp Modern Winter 2017
- [photography], (pt) Rock and a Hard Place #12, Fall 2024
Thomson, Basil (Home) (1861-1939) (about) (items)
- The Scotland Yard Machine, (ar) The Detective Magazine #1, November 24 1922
- The Great Pearl Robbery, (ts) Cosmopolitan October 1923
- The Mystery of Dorothy Arnold, (ar) The Detective Magazine #34, February 29 1924
- The Mystery of an Orchard, (ar) The Detective Magazine #36, March 28 1924
- Beauty in the Dock, (ar) The Detective Magazine #39, May 9 1924
- The Disappearance of Bessie Bouton, (ar) The Detective Magazine #43, July 4 1924
- Was Dr. Graves Innocent?, (ar) The Detective Magazine #52, November 7 1924
- The Bournemouth Murder Mystery, (ar) Clues 2nd July 1930
Thomson, Christine (Mary) Campbell (1897-1985); used pseudonym Flavia Richardson (about) (items)
- Out of the Earth, (ss) Hutchinson’s Mystery Story Magazine April 1925, as by Flavia Richardson
- Blood of the Beast, (ss) Hutchinson’s Mystery Story Magazine May 1925, as by Flavia Richardson
- White Chimneys, (ss) Hutchinson’s Mystery Story Magazine June 1925, as by Flavia Richardson
- The Beautiful Mrs. Forrest, (nv) Hutchinson’s Mystery Story Magazine August 1925, as by Flavia Richardson
- When Hell Laughed, (ss) Hutchinson’s Mystery Story Magazine January 1926, as by Flavia Richardson
- The Red Turret, (ss) Switch on the Light ed. Christine Campbell Thomson, Selwyn & Blount, 1931, as by Flavia Richardson
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