The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index

Magazine Contents Lists: Page 1009

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    Trapped Detective Story Magazine [v4 #3, October 1959] ed. W. W. Scott (Headline Publications, Inc., 35¢, digest)
    “Terror for the Teacher” by Alan Lance is listed on the cover, but appeared later in the November 1959 issue of Guilty Detective Story Magazine.
    Details taken from Table of Contents.

    Trapped Detective Story Magazine [v6 #1, August 1961] (35¢, digest)
    “Beatnik Wife” by Dan Malcolm and “Wife Swap Party” by Brad Steiger are listed on the cover; the former appeared later in the September 1961 issue of Guilty Detective Story Magazine; the latter has not been located and may be non-fiction.
    Details supplied by Scott Owen.

    Triangle Quarterly   (about)
    Pulp magazine that reprinted contents of various US pulps of various genres.

    • Publishers:
      • The American News Company, Ltd.; Toronto, Ontario: Triangle Quarterly.

    Triangle Quarterly [Spring (March-May) 1943] (American News Company, Limited, 25¢, pulp)
    Issue not indexed.

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