The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 418
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Crockett, Ward (fl. 2000s) (chron.)
- * Doors of Seconds, (ss) Three-Lobed Burning Eye #18, October 2008
- * Influx, (ss) OG’s Speculative Fiction #17, March 2009
- * It Kills Birds, (ss) Ideomancer June 2009
- * Louis Jazz, Son of God, (ss) Kaleidotrope #6, April 2009
- * Teaching Assistant, (vi) Greatest Uncommon Denominator Magazine #4, Spring 2009
Croft, Frederick William (fl. 1970s-1980s) (chron.)
- * Astarte, (pm) Etchings & Odysseys #2, 1983
- * Be Prepared!, (ss) Eldritch Tales #5, April 1979
- * A Bit of High Finance [Aurelius], (ss) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact September 1979
- * Falconhigh, (pm) Eldritch Tales #17, 1988
- * The Gilded Mask, (pm) Etchings & Odysseys #2, 1983
- * Life Among the Brain Stealers [Aurelius], (ss) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact December 1979
- * Mermaids, (pm) Eldritch Tales #13, 1987
- * The Murderers, (ss) Space and Time #61, Winter 1981/1982
- * An Open Letter to Outer Space, (ss) Starspeak October 1974
- * Skipping, (ss) Eldritch Tales #9, 1983
- * Undead hungers live again…, (pm) Starspeak October 1974
- * Wolf-Moon, (pm) Etchings & Odysseys #2, 1983
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Croft, Tehani (fl. 2000s-2010s); previously known as Tehani Wessely (about) (chron.)
- * Editor: Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #27, #31 2007, #37 2008, as by Tehani Wessely
- * Editorial, (ed) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #16, December 2004/January 2005
- * Editorial, (ed) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #37, 2008, as by Tehani Wessely
- * Fantasy: Imagined Worlds, or Current Social Commentary?, (ar) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #34, 2008, as by Tehani Wessely
- * From the “Other” Editor, (ed) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #36, 2008, as by Tehani Wessely
- * Interview—Dave Luckett, (iv) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #2, August 2002 [Ref. Dave Luckett]
- * Interview: Jackie Kessler, (iv) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #34, 2008 [Ref. Jackie Kessler], as by Tehani Wessely
- * Interview: Kate Forsyth, (iv) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #4, December 2002 [Ref. Kate Forsyth]
- * Interview—Tansy Rayner Roberts, (iv) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #3, October 2002 [Ref. Tansy Rayner Roberts]
- * Interview with Robin Hobb, (iv) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #31, 2007 [Ref. Robin Hobb], as by Tehani Wessely
- * Machinations: An Anthology of Ingenious Designs, (br) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #3, October 2002
- * Reviews (with Launz Burch), (rc) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #34, 2008, as by Dirk Flinthart & Tehani Wessely
- * Reviews (with Edwina Harvey & I. E. Lester), (rc) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #35, 2008, as by Edwina Harvey, I. E. Lester & Tehani Wessely
- * Science Fiction in the Antipodes: An Australian Speculative Fiction Roundtable (with Joyce Chng, Matthew Farrer, Ambelin Kwaymullina & Gillian Polack), (ar) Strange Horizons July 24 2017
- * The State of Science Fiction and Fantasy in Australia, (ar) SQ Mag #14, May 2014, as by Tehani Wessely
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Croke, Marie (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * All the Boys in the Sea, (ss) Fireside Magazine #103, Summer 2022
- * All the Starlit Worlds I’ve Visited…Without You, (ss) Dark Matter Magazine #11, September/October 2022
- * Bone-Wood-Metal, (ss) Kaleidotrope Autumn 2023
- * Cessation of Civilization, (ss) DreamForge #4, December 2019
- * Dance of Wood and Grace, (ss) Zooscape #10, March 1 2021
- * Delivery for 3C at Song View, (ss) Diabolical Plots #83, January 2022
- * Drop Shipment Standard Procedure, (ss) Dark Matter Magazine #3, May/June 2021
- * Flock of Words and Wonder, (ss) Apparition Literary Magazine #16, Wonder, October 2021
- * Her Mother, the Storm, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #370, December 1 2022
- * How Many Crab Pots Does It Take to Destroy a Neighborhood?, (ss) Dark Moon Digest #42, January 2021
- * The Impermanent Surface of Lake Scintillate, (ss) Orion’s Belt August 2024
- * Instructions for Bottling Tornadoes: Please Read Before You Leave, (vi) Flash Fiction Online #107, August 2022
- * Like Ladybugs, Bright Spots in Your Mailbox, (nv) Diabolical Plots #104, October 2023
- * A Lullaby of Anguish, (ss) Apex Magazine #145, 2024
- * Our Echoes Drifting Through the Marsh, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #423, January 9 2025
- * Secrets Locked in Metal Scrap, (nv) Luna Station Quarterly #58, June 2024
- * Shades of Amber, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #95, May 17 2012
- * The Swift-Footed Darling of the Rocks (Do NOT Actually Call Me That), (ss) Zooscape #14, April 15 2022
- * Ten Poisons That Cannot Kill the Queen (with Anna Madden), (ss) Lackington’s #24, Fall 2021
- * To Seek Himself Again, (ss) Apex Magazine #127, 2021
- * Turn to Stone Ourselves, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #364, September 8 2022
- * Veins of My Sister, (nv) Deep Magic #72, Spring 2021
- * The Weight of Fortunes in an Endless Labyrinth, (vi) Factor Four Magazine #41, November 2024
- * Your Space Between, (ss) Apex Magazine #132, 2022
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Cron, Joe (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * Art of the Homeless, (ss) Pulphouse Fiction Magazine #13, 2021
- * Case Cracked, (ss) Fiction River #9, Fantastic Detectives, September 2014
- * The Final Fall, (ss) Pulphouse Fiction Magazine #30, 2024
- * Henry and Beth at the Funeral Home, (ss) Fiction River #31, Feel the Love 2019
- * The Untimely Demise of Rachel Tamson, (ss) Fiction River Special #2, Editor Saves 2018
Cron, Tom (chron.)
- * The Door of Lives, (ss) Nova Science Fiction #6, 2001
- * Double Trouble (with Robert Alley), (ss) Nova Science Fiction #1, 1999
- * Guardians of Mankind, (ss) Nova Science Fiction #5, 2001
- * The Man Who Saw the Omniverse, (ss) Nova Science Fiction #3, 2000
- * Reich Quest, (ss) Nova Science Fiction #1, 1999
- * Tuning the Crosswhen Radio, (ss) Nova Science Fiction #7, 2001
Cronenberg, David (1943- )
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- * Brooding on Success: Interview with David Cronenberg by Stephen Jones, (iv) Dark Horizons #25, Summer 1982
- * Crimes of the Future: The Inner Beauty Contents of Cronenberg by Keith A. Raymond, (mr) Savage Planets October 2022
- * Faces of Death by John Gilbert & Mark Salisbury, (iv) Fear #22, October 1990
- * Interview: David Cronenberg by David Barr Kirtley, (iv) Nightmare #28, January 2015
- * Killing Note: An Interview with David Cronenberg by Philip Nutman, (iv) Skeleton Crew v2 #1, 1990
- * Metaphor and the Body in the Works of David Cronenberg by Claire Fitzpatrick, (ar) Aurealis #143, August 2021
- * No Concessions! by Tim Lucas, (iv) Fear #4, January/February 1989
- * The Poetry of Flesh by Mike O’Driscoll, (mr) The Third Alternative #20, 1999
- * Stress Deformations: A Review of Crash by Patrick Hudson, (mr) The Zone and Premonitions #6, Winter 1997/1998
- * A Talk with David Cronenberg by James Verniere, (iv) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine November/December 1983
- * TZ Interview: David Cronenberg by James Verniere, (iv) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine December 1988
- * Whispers from the East: An Interview with David Cronenberg and Viggo Mortensen by Lawrence French, (iv) Dark Discoveries #17, Summer/Fall 2010
Cronley, Renee (fl. 2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * Along Came a Spider, (pm) The Sirens Call #65, Spring 2024
- * Equilibrium, (vi) The Sirens Call #61, Spring 2023
- * Escaping Inferno, (vi) The Sirens Call #66, Summer 2024
- * Haunted, (pm) parAbnormal Magazine December 2022
- * The Intruder, (ss) parAbnormal Magazine December 2022
- * Logical Creatures, (pm) New Myths #63, Summer 2023
- * Ready to Bargain, (pm) New Myths #54, March 2021
- * The Sisters Three, (pm) On Spec #125, 2023
- * Your Friend on the Other Side, (pm) The Sirens Call #60, Winter 2022
Cronos, Jan (fl. 2010s-2020s) (chron.)
- * Dark Encounter, (ss) The Chamber Magazine January 6 2023
- * Death Rattle, (ss) Black Petals (online) #90, Winter 2019/2020
- * Forearmed, (ss) Black Petals (online) #94, Winter 2021
- * Ghosted, (pm) parAbnormal Magazine September 2024
- * Grandad’s Legacy, (ss) Black Petals (online) #89, Autumn 2019
- * Rendition, (ss) The Chamber Magazine January 6 2023
- * She Remains, (pm) Strange Horizons September 9 2024
Crook, Compton N(ewby) (1908-1981); used pseudonym Stephen Tall (chron.)
- * Allison, Carmichael and Tattersall, (nv) Galaxy Science Fiction April 1970, as by Stephen Tall
- * The Angry Mountain, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction June 1970, as by Stephen Tall
- * The Bear with the Knot on His Tail [Stardust], (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction May 1971, as by Stephen Tall
- * Birds Fly South in Winter [Stardust], (nv) Galaxy Science Fiction November/December 1971, as by Stephen Tall
- * Chlorophyll, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction June 1976, as by Stephen Tall
- * Gods on Olympus [Stardust], (na) Worlds of If September/October 1972, as by Stephen Tall
- * Home Is the Hunter, (ss) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact August 1979, as by Stephen Tall
- * The Hot and Cold Running Waterfall, (nv) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine May 1980, as by Stephen Tall
- * The Invaders [Stardust], (nv) Worlds of If July/August 1973, as by Stephen Tall
- * The King Is Dead: Long Live the Queen!, (ss) Amazing Science Fiction Stories January 1978, as by Stephen Tall
- * The Lights on Precipice Peak, (ss) Galaxy Science Fiction October 1955, as by Stephen Tall
- * The Mad Scientist and the FBI, (ss) Galaxy Science Fiction December 1970, as by Stephen Tall
- * The Man Who Saved the Sun, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction January 1977, as by Stephen Tall
- * The Merry Men of Methane [Stardust], (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction May 1980, as by Stephen Tall
- * Mushroom World [Stardust], (na) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction November 1974, as by Stephen Tall
- * The Rock and the Pool, (nv) Galaxy Science Fiction December 1976, as by Stephen Tall
- * Seventy Light-Years from Sol [Stardust], (nv) Worlds of Tomorrow November 1966, as by Stephen Tall
- * Space Bounce, (ss) Worlds of If September/October 1973, as by Stephen Tall
- * “Talk with the Animals—”, (ss) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact September 1970, as by Stephen Tall
- * This Is My Country, (nv) Galaxy Science Fiction February 1971, as by Stephen Tall
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