The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Date: Page 515
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Gaw, Miranda (fl. 2000s) (items)
- Last Supper, (pm) Sybil’s Garage #5, February 2008
- A Manual for Good Housekeeping in the Age of Global Warming, (pm) Kaleidotrope #4, April 2008
- The Affair of the Necklace, (pm) Farrago’s Wainscot #10, April 2009
- Maria Antonia Von Hapsburg Recalls the Day She Lost Her Name, (pm) Farrago’s Wainscot #10, April 2009
- Marie Antoinette Performs la Toilette du Matin, (pm) Farrago’s Wainscot #10, April 2009
Gay, [Dr.] Pamela (fl. 2010s) (items)
- Dear Mars, (ar) Lightspeed #3, August 2010
- When Universes Collide, (ar) Lightspeed #5, October 2010
- Black Holes: Starving and Misunderstood, (ar) Lightspeed #7, December 2010
- The Icy Ecosystem of Europa, (ar) Lightspeed #12, May 2011
- The Lonely Universe, (ar) Lightspeed #16, September 2011
- The Physics of a Populated Universe, (ar) Lightspeed #17, October 2011
- How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Dwarf Planets, (ar) Mothership Zeta #1, October 2015
- Astronauts Prepping to Be the Martian: They Build Things and Grow Things…in Space, (ar) Mothership Zeta #3, April 2016
- Inside the Matrix, (ar) Mothership Zeta #4, July 2016
Gayle, Chad (fl. 2020s) (items)
- Where the Shadow Falls, (ss) The Colored Lens #38, Winter 2021
- It’s a Big Ask, This Thing Called Love, (ss) Andromeda Spaceways Magazine #92, Q3 2023
- The Trouble with AI-Nine, (ss) Dark Horses #20, September 2023
- Making Music on Ganymede, (ss) DreamForge Anvil #16, Worlds in Transition 2024
- If Your Child’s a Dragon, (ss) Zooscape #21, August 15 2024
- How Should I Feel?, (ss) Cosmic Horror Monthly #52, October 2024
Gaylord, Adam (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (items)
- Robot Mothers, (ss) Penumbra (online) April 2014
- The Monster Maker, (vi) Liquid Imagination #21, May 2014
- The There-It-Is Store, (ss) T. Gene Davis’s Speculative Blog May 25 2015
- Virtual Ghosts, (vi) Perihelion June 12 2015
- The Superhero Registry, (ss) Diabolical Plots #6, August 2015
- Butterfly of the Apocalypse, (vi) Factor Four Magazine #6, July 2019
- Forced Fields, (ss) Diabolical Plots #81, November 2021
Gaynord, Theresa C. (fl. 2010s-2020s) (items)
- The Birth of the Demon Fish, (pm) Aphelion #243, September 2019
- Alicia’s Gift, (pm) Aphelion #244, October 2019
- The Indigo Child, (ss) Aphelion #244, October 2019
- Astral Traveling, (pm) Aphelion #245, November 2019
- Where Ghosts Reside, (pm) Aphelion #245, November 2019
- Mythic Delirium, (pm) Aphelion #246, December 2019/January 2020
- Outward Show, (pm) Aphelion #246, December 2019/January 2020
- Japanese Katauta: Eclipse of the Red Moon, (pm) Aphelion #247, February 2020
- Starburst, (pm) Aphelion #247, February 2020
- El Cuco, (ss) Aphelion #248, March 2020
- The JuJu Man, (pm) Aphelion #248, March 2020
- Love Eternal, (pm) Aphelion #248, March 2020
- An Offering for Hades, (pm) Aphelion #248, March 2020
- The Old Hag, (pm) Aphelion #248, March 2020
- Island of the Dolls, (pm) Aphelion #249, April 2020
- Seven Sisters, (pm) Aphelion #249, April 2020
- Cat People, (pm) Aphelion #250, May 2020
- Dark Shadows-Barnabas Collins, (pm) Aphelion #250, May 2020
- Dragons Guard the Moon, (ss) Aphelion #250, May 2020
- On Aether’s Favorite Horse, (pm) Aphelion #251, June 2020
- Silence, (pm) Aphelion #251, June 2020
- Tourniquet, (ss) Aphelion #251, June 2020
- To Be Kept in the Librarian’s Poison Cupboard, (pm) Aphelion #252, July 2020
- The Death of Ophelia, (pm) Aphelion #253, August 2020
- Time Is Not Amenable, (pm) Aphelion #253, August 2020
- Believe, (pm) The Sirens Call #51, Halloween 2020
- The Fiddler’s Song, (pm) The Sirens Call #51, Halloween 2020
- Funeral at the Louisiana Bayou, (pm) Black Petals (online) #93, Autumn 2020
- Homage to Samhain, (pm) The Sirens Call #51, Halloween 2020
- Where Gods Encircle and Sins Recite, (pm) Aphelion #254, September 2020
- White Kimono, (pm) The Sirens Call #51, Halloween 2020
- The Widow Paris, (pm) Black Petals (online) #93, Autumn 2020
- Quick Death Take Me!, (pm) Aphelion #255, October 2020
- Moon Goddess, (pm) Aphelion #256, November 2020
- How Saint Anthony Helped Me Find My Soul Once Again, (pm) Aphelion #257, December 2020/January 2021
- The Reflective Forest, (pm) Aphelion #257, December 2020/January 2021
- The Kindred, (pm) Aphelion #258, February 2021
- Incantation to Venus, (pm) Aphelion #259, March 2021
- The Invocation of Thor, (pm) Aphelion #259, March 2021
- Cétshamhain—Empress of Stone, (pm) Aphelion #260, April 2021
- Gilded by Forbidden Love, (pm) Aphelion #260, April 2021
- Izabelle, (pm) Aphelion #261, May 2021
- Summer Tea Party, (pm) Aphelion #262, June 2021
- Mirrors of Intellect, (pm) Aphelion #263, July 2021
- The Rowan Tree, (pm) Aphelion #263, July 2021
- In Silence They Return, (pm) Aphelion #264, August 2021
- Lost Lady, (pm) Aphelion #267, November 2021
- Apple Island, (pm) Aphelion #275, August 2022
Gazaway, Sharmon Michelle (fl. 2020s) (items)
- Autumn’s Come Undone, (ss) Metaphorosis April 2021
- Gunpowder and Salt, (vi) New Myths #56/57, Fall/Winter 2021
- A Mermaid’s Tale, (pm) New Myths #61, Winter 2022
- Beware Inattentional Blindness, (vi) The Sirens Call #61, Spring 2023
- crow confessions, (pm) parAbnormal Magazine March 2023
- Irreconcilable Differences, (pm) The Sirens Call #61, Spring 2023
- Mother Knows Best, (vi) The Sirens Call #61, Spring 2023
- Of Flying Horses, (pm) The Sirens Call #61, Spring 2023
- Sedna of the Dune Deeps, (pm) Solarpunk Magazine #12, November/December 2023
- Fauna and the Flora, (pm) Journ-E #5, Vernal Equinox 2024
- Current Miranda Rights for Cougars, (pm) Star*Line Summer 2024
Gebbie, Vanessa (fl. 2000s-2010s) (items)
- Three Stages in Learning to Fly, (vi) The Cafe Irreal #21, February 2007
- Uncovering the Walkways, (ss) The Cafe Irreal #24, November 2007
- Jamie Hawkins’ Muse, (ss) Greatest Uncommon Denominator Magazine #2, Spring 2008
- The Note-Takers, (ss) The Cafe Irreal #27, August 2008
- Storm Warning, (vi) The Cafe Irreal #29, February 2009
- Flood, (vi) The Cafe Irreal #50, May 2014
- Package, (vi) The Cafe Irreal #64, November 2017
Gechter, Albert E. (fl. 1950s-1970s) (items)
- On Crom-Cruach and Aquilonia, (lt) Amra v2 #8, 1959
- Who Was Crom?, (ar) Amra v2 #9, 1960 [Ref. Robert E. Howard]
- On Ocean Trade, (lt) Amra v2 #16, 1961
- The Lost Cities of Africa, (br) Amra v2 #22, 1962 [Ref. Basil Davidson]
- On Weapons of Choice, (lt) Amra v2 #22, 1962
Geddes, Cindie (c1970- ) (about) (items)
- A Pleasing Shape, (ss) After Hours Summer 1994
- Better than Cats, (vi) After Hours Winter 1995
- Control, (ss) Terminal Fright #7, Spring 1995
- The Nerve, (ss) Palace Corbie #6, 1995
- Symbiosis, (ss) Epitaph #2, 1997
- China Moll, (ss) Fiction River #12, Risk Takers, March 2015
- The Whirring Dreams of Aberrant Blood, (ss) Fiction River #13, Alchemy & Steam, June 2015
- Daughter of Joy, (ss) Fiction River #16, Hidden in Crime, November 2015
Gedge, Sue (fl. 2000s-2020s) (items)
- Never Speak Ill of the Dead, (ss) All Hallows #38, February 2005
- The Bloodstone, (ss) Supernatural Tales #10, 2006
- A Long Way from Elsinore, (ss) The Silent Companion #3, Spring 2008
- The Eggman and the Carpenter, (ss) The Silent Companion #4, 2008
- Inheritance, (ss) The Silent Companion #5, 2009
- Young, Gifted and Dead, (ss) The Silent Companion #6, 2010
- A Ghost Story’s for Christmas, (ss) The Silent Companion #7, 2011
- Oh Whistle and I’ll Clobber You My Lass, (ss) The Silent Companion #8, 2012
- An Evening with Gig Hel, (ss) The Silent Companion #9, 2013
- Through the Gate, (ss) The Silent Companion #10, 2014
- The Audition, (nv) The Silent Companion #11, 2015
- Face Down Amongst the Floribunda, (ss) The Silent Companion #12, 2016
- Pale Students of Unhallowed Arts, (ss) The Silent Companion #14, 2018
- Plague Dream, (ss) Supernatural Tales #52, Spring 2023
Gee, C. E. (fl. 2010s) (items)
- Annie, (ss) Aphelion #197, July 2015
- Neil’s Capstone, (ss) Aphelion #201, November 2015
- Ron’s Revelation, (ss) Aphelion #201, November 2015
- Flashback, (ss) Aphelion #205, April 2016
- Switcheroo, (ss) Aphelion #205, April 2016
- As the Crow Flies, (ss) Aphelion #207, June 2016
- More Than a Feeling, (ss) Aphelion #208, July 2016
- Buck’s Driving Force, (ss) Aphelion #209, August 2016
- Bot Babe, (ss) Aphelion #211, October 2016
- Reborn, (ss) Aphelion #212, November 2016
- Queen of Denial, (ss) Aphelion #216, April 2017
- Dymond in the Rough, (ss) Aphelion #218, June 2017
- A Genesis, (ss) Aphelion #219, July 2017
- American Holocaust, (ss) Aphelion #220, August 2017
- Neil’s Touchstone, (ss) Aphelion #221, September 2017
- Ripper, (ss) Aphelion #222, October 2017
- Kraugg’s Choice, (ss) Aphelion #224, December 2017/January 2018
- Fly, Robin, Fly, (ss) Perihelion January 12 2018
- For All Mankind, (ss) Aphelion #225, February 2018
- Trojan Truth, (ss) Aphelion #226, March 2018
- Buck’s Moonbase Theory, (ss) Aphelion #227, April 2018
- Spirit’s Proxy, (ss) Aphelion #228, May 2018
- Rebekah’s Relative, (ss) Aphelion #229, June 2018
- The Champion, (ss) Aphelion #230, July 2018
- Foresight, (ss) Aphelion #231, August 2018
- Ejection, (ss) Aphelion #233, October 2018
- Pappy’s Trip, (ss) Aphelion #233, October 2018
- First Flight, (ss) Aphelion #234, November 2018
- Draft Dodging, (ss) Aphelion #235, December 2018/January 2019
- Skulls, (ss) Aphelion #236, February 2019
- One Man’s Meat, (ss) Aphelion #237, March 2019
- Roswell, (ss) Aphelion #238, April 2019
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