The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Series/Imprint: Page 18
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Darby, Tom
- Dan L. Hollifield:
- Abducted, (na) Aphelion #26, July 1999
- There Once Was a Disposable Man…, (ss) Aphelion #239, May 2019
- Catch a Falling Starfighter, (ss) Aphelion #241, July 2019
- Back in the Saddle Again, (ss) Aphelion #245, November 2019
- Performance Anxiety, (nv) Aphelion #300, November 2024
Darcy, Lord (about)
- Randall Garrett:
- The Eyes Have It, (nv) Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction January 1964
- A Case of Identity, (na) Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction September 1964
- The Muddle of the Woad, (na) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact June 1965
- Too Many Magicians, (n.) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact August 1966, etc.
- A Matter of Gravity, (nv) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact October 1974
- The Sixteen Keys, (nv) Fantastic Stories May 1976
- The Ipswich Phial, (na) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact December 1976
- The Bitter End, (nv) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine September/October 1978
- The Napoli Express, (na) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine April 1979
Dargon (about)
- Mike Adams:
- Mike Adams & Victor M. Cardoso:
- Pam Atchley:
- Chains of Freedom, (ss) DargonZine v13 #12, 2000
- A Woman’s Fear, (ss) DargonZine v14 #1, 2001
- A Woman’s Determination, (ss) DargonZine v14 #2, 2001
- A Woman’s Prayer, (ss) DargonZine v14 #3, 2001
- Sy Burns, (ss) DargonZine v15 #2, 2002
- Malice, (sl) DargonZine v15 #4, 2002, etc.
- Cherryseye, (ss) DargonZine v15 #10, 2002
- Pam Atchley & Victor M. Cardoso:
- Pam Atchley & Dave Fallon:
- Pam Atchley, Dave Fallon & R. F. Niro:
- Pam Atchley & Rhonda Gomez:
- Pam Atchley & Ornoth D. A. Liscomb:
- Pam Atchley & Mark A. Murray:
- Jon Ballinger:
- James Bayers:
- Michelle Brothers:
- Michelle Brothers & Maxim Khaytsus:
- Josh Brown:
- Rogers Cadenhead:
- Victor M. Cardoso:
- Victor M. Cardoso & Mike Adams:
- Victor M. Cardoso & Pam Atchley:
- Victor M. Cardoso & R. F. Niro:
- Joseph Carney:
- Redale’s Shore Leave, (ss) DargonZine v24 #3, 2011, as by Woodsong
- Five Days in Winter, (sl) DargonZine v25 #3, 2012, etc.
- For a Slice of Apple Pie, (ss) DargonZine v26 #2, 2013
- Jacer and Ratches Grand Plan, (ss) DargonZine v26 #5, 2013
- Drunken Treasure, (ss) DargonZine v29 #1, 2016
- A Tale of Dark Revenge, (ss) DargonZine v30 #1, 2017
- Amordante Prima, (ss) DargonZine v30 #2, 2017
- A Tale of Dark Magic, (ss) DargonZine v30 #3, 2017
- A Tale of Dark Endings, (ss) DargonZine v31 #2, 2019
- Port of Call—Dargon, (ss) DargonZine v31 #1, 2019
- Joseph Carney & Keith English:
- Joseph Curwen:
- Rendezvous, (ss) FSFnet v4 #1, 1986
- Dreamer’s Holiday, (ss) FSFnet v4 #3, 1986
- Calls of Courtesy, (ss) FSFnet v4 #4, 1986
- Growing Concern, (ss) FSFnet v6 #5, 1986
- Through the Veil, (ss) FSFnet v7 #3, 1987
- A Difficult Recovery, (ss) FSFnet v7 #5, 1987
- Noble Favor, (ss) FSFnet v10 #1, 1988
- Rena Deutsch:
- Fate of a Child, (sl) DargonZine v11 #10, 1998, etc.
- Past, Present, and Presage, (sl) DargonZine v13 #10, 2000, etc.
- Spirit of a Woman, (sl) DargonZine v15 #3, 2002, etc.
- Journey’s End, (sl) DargonZine v18 #5, 2005, etc.
- Journey’s End, (sl) DargonZine v19 #5, 2006, etc.
- Uprooted, (ss) DargonZine v21 #3, 2008
- Changes, (ss) DargonZine v22 #4, 2009
- A Second Chance, (ss) DargonZine v23 #3, 2010
- Undercurrents, (ss) DargonZine v24 #1, 2011
- Rena Deutsch & Liam Donahue:
- Rena Deutsch & Mark A. Murray:
- Rena Deutsch & Jim Owens:
- Rena Deutsch & Carlo N. Samson:
- Rena Deutsch & Cheryl Spooner:
- Liam Donahue:
- Measure of a Man, (sl) DargonZine v16 #2, 2003, etc.
- Little Yorgai and the Beast of Leagues, (ss) DargonZine v18 #1, 2005
- Have You Ever Been to Northern Hope?, (sl) DargonZine v18 #2, 2005, etc.
- The Margre Arisen, (ss) DargonZine v19 #3, 2006
- Taking Root, (ss) DargonZine v20 #1, 2007
- A Father’s Gift, (ss) DargonZine v20 #4, 2007
- The Stone Man, (ss) DargonZine v21 #3, 2008
- The Far Patrol, (ss) DargonZine v23 #4, 2011
- Shattered Dreams, (ss) DargonZine v25 #1, 2012
- The Killing Time, (ss) DargonZine v26 #2, 2013
- The Life and Death of Gillem Stonecutter, (ss) DargonZine v26 #5, 2013
- The Path to Power, (ss) DargonZine v27 #3, 2014
- Fleeing Fears, (ss) DargonZine v27 #4, 2014
- Seeking the Stone, (ss) DargonZine v30 #3, 2017
- Between Mallet and Slab, (ss) DargonZine v31 #2, 2019
- King’s Key, (sl) DargonZine v32 #1, 2020
- Liam Donahue & Rena Deutsch:
- Liam Donahue & Jim Owens:
- Liam Donahue, Jim Owens & John L. White:
- Sue Donnymouse:
- John Doucette:
- Inquiries, (ss) DargonZine v1 #1, 1988
- The Game Begins, (ss) DargonZine v2 #1, 1989
- Conflict of Interest, (sl) DargonZine v3 #1, 1990, etc.
- Campaign for the Laraka, (sl) DargonZine v3 #8, 1990
- For What We Are About to Receive… Part I, (ss) DargonZine v6 #3, 1993
- Campaign for the Laraka, (sl) DargonZine v7 #1, 1994, etc.
- Deliverance: Praeludium, (ss) DargonZine v11 #2, 1998
- Deliverance, (sl) DargonZine v11 #5, 1998, etc.
- John Doucette & Carlo N. Samson:
- Rich Durbin:
- Keith English:
- And Two Steps Back, (ss) DargonZine v25 #4, 2013
- Sowing Seeds, (sl) DargonZine v26 #4, 2013, etc.
- Cursed, (sl) DargonZine v28 #2, 2015
- Death Blooms, (sl) DargonZine v29 #1, 2016, etc.
- Keith English & Joseph Carney:
- Bill Erdley:
- Be Careful What You Wish For…, (ss) DargonZine v3 #5, 1990
- Understanding, (ss) DargonZine v3 #11, 1990
- Dummy, (ss) DargonZine v5 #1, 1992
- The Evening After…, (ss) DargonZine v7 #2, 1994
- A Lesson Learned, (ss) DargonZine v7 #5, 1994
- The Scent of Balsam, (ss) DargonZine v8 #1, 1995
- Jon Evans:
- Sons of Gateway, (sl) DargonZine v2 #3, 1989, etc.
- The Knight of Stone, (ss) DargonZine v2 #4, 1989
- Tracks, (ss) DargonZine v7 #5, 1994
- Storm Dancer, (ss) DargonZine v8 #1, 1995
- Coup, (ss) DargonZine v9 #5, 1996
- Sailor’s Homecoming, (ss) DargonZine v10 #4, 1997
- On a Night Like This, (ss) DargonZine v10 #7, 1997
- Storm Dancer II, (ss) DargonZine v12 #12, 1999
- Leave the Ocean to Cirrangill, (ss) DargonZine v13 #13, 2000
- Last Night I Dreamed I Tried to Kiss You, (ss) DargonZine v14 #6, 2001
- Idol Hands, (sl) DargonZine v18 #5, 2005, etc.
- Damned Magic, (ss) DargonZine v22 #3, 2009
- Essart and the Lady, (ss) DargonZine v23 #2, 2010
- The Lie, (ss) DargonZine v24 #2, 2011
- Justin Time, (ss) DargonZine v25 #2, 2012
- Harvest Ale, (ss) DargonZine v26 #4, 2013
- Insecurities, (ss) DargonZine v27 #4, 2014
- Clayton Fair:
- Dave Fallon:
- Dave Fallon & Pam Atchley:
- Dave Fallon, Pam Atchley & R. F. Niro:
- Rhonda Gomez:
- Rhonda Gomez & Pam Atchley:
- Dan Granata:
- Tim Guba:
- Brandon Haught:
- M. Wendy Hennequin:
- Worthy of the Title, (sl) FSFnet v10 #3, 1988, etc.
- A Visit to Connall, (ss) FSFnet v11 #3, 1988
- Trial by Fire, (sl) DargonZine v1 #1, 1988, etc.
- Gift of War, (ss) DargonZine v3 #2, 1990
- When the War-God Weeps, (ss) DargonZine v3 #3, 1990
- Some Snatch of Honor, (ss) DargonZine v3 #4, 1990
- Hunting of the Red Tiger, (sl) DargonZine v3 #6, 1990, etc.
- A Night Off the Town, (ss) DargonZine v3 #7, 1990
- My Father’s Curse, (ss) DargonZine v3 #8, 1990
- Opus Interruptus, (ss) DargonZine v3 #11, 1990
- Blood on Oron’s Crossroads, (ss) DargonZine v4 #2, 1991
- The Changeling Never Known, (ss) DargonZine v4 #4, 1991
- Lessons, (ss) DargonZine v5 #1, 1992
- Sonnet to the Bichanese, (ss) DargonZine v5 #1, 1992
- Knight of the Moon Jewel, (sl) DargonZine v9 #1, 1996, etc.
- M. Wendy Hennequin & Ornoth D. A. Liscomb:
- Trey Holliday:
- Eric Holmquist:
- Richard Jervis:
- J. D. Kenyon:
- Maxim Khaytsus:
- Unlikely Partners, (sl) DargonZine v1 #1, 1988, etc.
- Dragon Hunt, (sl) DargonZine v2 #2, 1989, etc.
- Fortunes, (ss) DargonZine v2 #3, 1989
- Materia Medica, (sl) DargonZine v3 #3, 1990, etc.
- The Bronze Horseman, (ss) DargonZine v3 #7, 1990, etc.
- Ghosts of the Past, (ss) DargonZine v3 #10, 1990
- Slavers, (ss) DargonZine v4 #1, 1991
- Fortunes 2, (ss) DargonZine v4 #3, 1991
- Pact, (sl) DargonZine v4 #3, 1991, etc.
- Place Unto Wrath, (ss) DargonZine v6 #1, 1993
- Vengeance Is Mine …, (ss) DargonZine v6 #4, 1993
- Kidnapped, (sl) DargonZine v7 #3, 1994, etc.
- …I Shall Repay, (ss) DargonZine v7 #4, 1994
- Rifts, (ss) DargonZine v7 #6, 1994
- Last Stand, (ss) DargonZine v10 #1, 1997
- Night One, (ss) DargonZine v10 #2, 1997
- Rats!, (ss) DargonZine v10 #2, 1997
- Night Two, (ss) DargonZine v10 #3, 1997
- Night Three, (ss) DargonZine v10 #4, 1997
- On the Prowl, (sl) DargonZine v12 #4, 1999, etc.
- Loren Armare, (sl) DargonZine v13 #8, 2000, etc.
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