The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
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Derleth, August (William) (chron.) (continued)
- * The Maugham Obsession [Tex Harrigan], (ss) Fantastic Universe June/July 1953
- * McElwin’s Glass, (ss) Weird Tales January 1943
- * McGovern’s Obsession, (ss) Weird Tales September 1937
- * McIlvaine’s Star [Tex Harrigan], (ss) If July 1952
- * “Melodie in E Minor”, (vi) Weird Tales February 1929
- * Memoir for Lucas Payne, (ss) Strange Stories August 1939
- * A Message for His Majesty, (ss) Strange Stories October 1939
- * The Metronome, (ss) Terror by Night ed. Christine Campbell Thomson, Selwyn & Blount, 1934
- * Mr. Ames’ Devil, (ss) Fantastic Adventures August 1942
- * Mr. Berbeck Had a Dream, (ss) Weird Tales November 1935
- * Mr. George, (nv) Weird Tales March 1947, as by Stephen Grendon
- * The Mrs. Anne Radcliffe Literature Award, (ar) The Arkham Collector #1, Summer 1967, uncredited.
- * Mrs. Bentley’s Daughter, (ss) Weird Tales October 1930
- * Mrs. Corter Makes Up Her Mind, (ss) Fantastic Adventures May 1942
- * Mrs. Elting Does Her Part, (ss) Strange Stories August 1939, as by Tally Mason
- * Mrs. Lannisfree, (ss) Weird Tales November 1945
- * Muggridge’s Aunt, (ss) Weird Tales May 1935
- * The Murky Glass (with H. P. Lovecraft), (nv) Saturn, Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction May 1957; written by Derleth from a fragment by Lovecraft.
- * A Near Catastrophe, (ms) The Arkham Collector #6, Winter 1970, uncredited.
- * Necrology, (ob) The Arkham Collector #9 Spr 1971, #6 Wtr, #7 Sum 1970, #8 Wtr 1971, #1 Sum 1967 [Ref. Virgil Finlay], uncredited.
- * Nellie Foster, (ss) Weird Tales June 1933
- * Nightmares and Daydreams, (ms) The Arkham Collector #1, Summer 1967 [Ref. Nelson Bond], uncredited.
- * The Night Rider, (vi) Weird Tales January 1927
- * The Night Road, (ss) Weird Tales May 1952
- * Nightshade, (lr) The Arkham Collector #1, Summer 1967, uncredited.
- * The Night Train to Lost Valley, (ss) Weird Tales January 1948, as by Stephen Grendon
- * No Light for Uncle Henry, (ss) Weird Tales March 1943
- * A Note About The Outsider and Others, (ms) The Alchemist December 1940
- * The Occupant of the Crypt (with Mark R. Schorer), (ss) Weird Tales September 1947
- * An Occurrence in an Antique Shop, (ss) Weird Tales January 1929
- * Of Brian Lumley, (ms) The Arkham Collector #3, Summer 1968 [Ref. Brian Lumley], uncredited.
- * Of Miles Pennoyer, (ms) The Arkham Collector #3, Summer 1968 [Ref. Margery Lawrence], uncredited.
- * Of William Hope Hodgson, (ms) The Arkham Collector #5, Summer 1969 [Ref. W. H. Hodgson], uncredited.
- * Old Mark, (ss) Weird Tales August 1929
- * Omega, (pm) Wonder Stories November 1934
- * On Book Sales, (lt) Amra v2 #7, 1959
- * “Only Deserted”, (pm) The Phantagraph March/April 1937
- * On Publication Dates, (ar) The Arkham Collector #1, Summer 1967, uncredited.
- * On “The Lurker at the Threshold”, (ar) The Arkham Sampler Spring 1948
- * Open, Sesame!, (ss) The Arkham Sampler Winter 1949, as by Stephen Grendon
- * The Ormolu Clock, (ss) Weird Tales January 1950
- * The Other Side of the Wall [Tex Harrigan], (ss) 10 Story Fantasy Spring 1951
- * The Owl on the Moor (with Mark R. Schorer), (ss) Weird Tales September 1928
- * The Pacer (with Mark R. Schorer), (ss) Weird Tales March 1930
- * Pacific 421, (ss) Weird Tales September 1944
- * The Panelled Room, (ss) Westminster Magazine September 1933
- * Parrington’s Pool, (ss) Weird Tales July 1947, as by Stephen Grendon
- * Passing of Eric Holm, (ss) Strange Stories December 1939, as by Will Garth
- * The Penfield Misadventure [Tex Harrigan], (ss) Orbit v1 #5, 1954
- * Phantom Lights, (ss) The Fantasy Fan May 1934
- * The Philosophers’ Stone, (vi) Weird Tales June 1928
- * Pikeman, (ss) Weird Tales January 1946
- * The Place in the Woods, (ss) Weird Tales May 1954
- * The Place of Desolation, (ss) Weird Tales March 1952
- * Pogo, (ms) The Arkham Collector #3, Summer 1968, uncredited.
- * The Pontine Dossier, (lr) The Arkham Collector #1, Summer 1967, uncredited.
- * The Pool in the Wood, (pm) The Arkham Sampler Winter 1949
- * The Portrait, (ss) Weird Tales April 1930
- * Potts’ Triumph, (ss) Weird Tales September 1950
- * The Praed Street Irregulars, (ar) The Arkham Collector #1, Summer 1967, uncredited.
- * Prince Borgia’s Mass [Chronicles of the City-States], (ss) Weird Tales August 1931
- * The Projected Arkham House Program, (ms) The Arkham Collector #1, Summer 1967, uncredited.
- * Providence: Two Gentlemen Meet at Midnight, (pm) The Arkham Sampler Autumn 1948
- * The Realm of Redonda, (ms) The Arkham Sampler Spring 1949
- * Red Hands (with Mark R. Schorer), (ss) Weird Tales October 1932
- * The Remarkable Dingdong [Tex Harrigan], (ss) Spaceway April 1954
- * Renewal Time, (ms) The Arkham Collector #3, Summer 1968, uncredited.
- * The Return of Andrew Bentley (with Mark R. Schorer), (ss) Weird Tales September 1933
- * The Return of Hastur, (nv) Weird Tales March 1939
- * The Return of Sarah Purcell, (ss) Weird Tales July 1936
- * Revenants, (pm) Macabre #5, Summer 1959
- * Riders in the Sky (with Mark R. Schorer), (ss) Weird Tales May 1928
- * Rising Costs, (ms) The Arkham Collector #8, Winter 1971, uncredited.
- * The River (with Mark R. Schorer), (ss) Weird Tales February 1927
- * A Room in a House, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Fall 1950
- * The Room in the Annex, (ss) Strange Stories December 1939, as by Tally Mason
- * The Sandwin Compact, (nv) Weird Tales November 1940
- * The Satin Mask, (ss) Weird Tales January 1936
- * Saunder’s Little Friend, (ss) Weird Tales May 1948
- * Scarlatti’s Bottle, (ss) Weird Tales November 1929
- * Schedule Changes, (ms) The Arkham Collector #9, Spring 1971, uncredited.
- * The Seal of the Damned, (nv) Fantastic Universe July 1957
- * “Sexton, Sexton, in the Wall”, (ss) Weird Tales January 1953
- * The Shadow on the Sky, (ss) Strange Tales of Mystery and Terror January 1932
- * The Shadow Out of Space (with H. P. Lovecraft), (nv) The Survivor and Others by H. P. Lovecraft & August Derleth, Arkham House, 1957
- * The Sheraton Mirror, (ss) Weird Tales September 1932
- * The Shuttered House [Sac Prairie], (ss) Weird Tales April 1937
- * The Shuttered Room (with H. P. Lovecraft), (nv) The Shuttered Room and Other Pieces by H. P. Lovecraft, Arkham House, 1959
- * “The Shuttered Room” on Film, (mr) The Arkham Collector #3, Summer 1968, uncredited.
- * The Slanting Shadow, (ss) The Fantasy Fan February 1935
- * The Slayers and the Slain, (ss) Weird Tales September 1949
- * The Sleepers, (ss) Weird Tales December 1927
- * Someone at the Pasture Gate, (pm)
- * Something from Out There, (ss) Weird Tales January 1951
- * Something in Wood, (ss) Weird Tales March 1948
- * The Song of the Pewee, (ss) The Arkham Sampler Autumn 1949, as by Stephen Grendon
- * Spawn of the Maelstrom (with Mark R. Schorer), (ss) Weird Tales September 1939
- * The Statement of Justin Parker, (ss) Weird Tales December 1928
- * Stuff of Dreams [Sac Prairie], (ss) New Stories (UK) October/November 1935
- * The Survivor (with H. P. Lovecraft), (nv) Weird Tales July 1954; written by Derleth from a fragment by Lovecraft.
- * Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos, (ms) The Arkham Collector #3, Summer 1968, uncredited.
- * The Telephone in the Library, (nv) Weird Tales June 1936
- * The Tenant, (ss) Weird Tales March 1928
- * The Tenant at Number Seven, (ss) Weird Tales November 1928
- * The Testament of Claiborne Boyd [Laban Shrewsbury], (nv) Weird Tales March 1949
- * They Shall Rise (with Mark R. Schorer), (ss) Weird Tales April 1936
- * A Thin Gentleman with Gloves, (ss) Weird Tales November 1943
- * The Thing That Walked on the Wind [Cthulhu], (ss) Strange Tales of Mystery and Terror January 1933
- * The Thinker and the Thought [Tex Harrigan], (ss) Orbit v1 #4, 1954
- * Thinker, Mark VII [Tex Harrigan], (ss) Orbit v1 #4, 1954, as "The Thinker and the Thought"
- * A Thin Man with Gloves, (ss) Weird Tales November 1943, as "A Thin Gentleman with Gloves"
- * Thirty Years of Arkham House, (ms) The Arkham Collector #5, Summer 1969, uncredited.
- * This Great Lover Won Women by Magic Powers, (ar) True Mystic Crimes April 1931, as by Tally Mason
- * Those Who Seek, (ss) Weird Tales January 1932
- * Three Gentlemen in Black, (ss) Weird Tales August 1938
- * The Three-Storied House, (ss) Weird Tales July 1928
- * To a Spaceship, (pm) Wonder Stories March 1934
- * The Trail of Cthulhu [Laban Shrewsbury], (nv) Weird Tales March 1944
- * A Traveler in Time [Tex Harrigan], (ss) Orbit v1 #2, 1953
- * The Tsanta in the Parlor, (ss) Weird Tales July 1948, as by Stephen Grendon
- * The Turret Room (with Mark R. Schorer), (vi) Weird Tales September 1927
- * Twilight Play, (ss) Weird Tales November 1949
- * Two New Spring Books, (ms) The Arkham Collector #9, Spring 1971, uncredited.
- * The Ungrateful House [Tex Harrigan], (ss) Orbit v1 #3, 1954
- * The Vanishing of Simmons, (ss) Weird Tales February 1933
- * The Vengeance of Ai (with Mark R. Schorer), (ss) Strange Stories April 1939, as by Mark R. Schorer
- * The Watcher from the Sky [Laban Shrewsbury], (nv) Weird Tales July 1945
- * The Weird Tale in English Since 1890, (ar) The Ghost #3, May 1945
- * The Wheel Turns, (ar) Amra v2 #2, 1959
- * The Whippoorwills in the Hills, (nv) Weird Tales September 1948
- * The Whistler, (ss) Weird Tales May 1930
- * The White Moth, (ss) Weird Tales April 1933
- * “Who Shall I Say Is Calling?”, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction August 1952
- * A Wig for Miss DeVore, (ss) Weird Tales May 1943
- * Wild Grapes, (vi) Weird Tales July 1934
- * The Wind from the River, (ss) Weird Tales May 1937
- * The Wind in the Lilacs, (ss) The Arkham Sampler Spring 1948, as by Stephen Grendon
- * The Woman at Loon Point (with Mark R. Schorer), (ss) Weird Tales December 1936
- * Wraiths of the Sea, (vi) Mind Magic July 1931
- * Your Picture Can Be Your Death Warrant, (ar) True Mystic Crimes April 1931, as by Tally Mason
- * [letter], (lt) Weird Tales Sep 1927, Jul 1932, Mar 1944, Mar 1948, Sep 1953
- * [letter], (lt) Strange Tales of Mystery and Terror January 1933
- * [letter], (lt) The Fantast December 1941
- * [letter], (lt) Acolyte Spring 1945
- * [letter] (with Donald Wandrei), (lt) Weird Tales May 1941
- * [letter from Madison, WI], (lt) Weird Tales February 1928
- * [letter from Sauk City, WI], (lt) Weird Tales Feb, Mar, Jun 1926, Feb 1937, Jan 1942
- * [letter from Sauk City, WI], (lt) Astounding Stories May 1936, May 1949
- * [letter from Wisconsin], (lt) Famous Fantastic Mysteries Dec 1947, Apr 1948
- * [untitled notes], (ms) The Arkham Collector #1, Summer 1967, uncredited.
_____, ed.
- * Editor:
* ___ The Arkham Sampler, 48/Win - 49/Fll.
- * Editor: The Arkham Collector #1 Sum 1967, #2 Wtr, #3 Sum 1968, #4 Wtr, #5 Sum 1969, #6 Wtr, #7 Sum 1970, #8 Wtr, #9 Spr, #10 Sum 1971
_____, [ref.]
- * August Derleth 1909-1971 by L. Sprague de Camp, (ob) Amra v2 #55, 1971
- * August Derleth: Myth-Maker by Robert M. Price, (ar) Crypt of Cthulhu #6, St. John’s Eve 1982
- * Beacheads in Space by Groff Conklin, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction February 1953
- * Beacheads in Space, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #47, July 15 1954
- * Beachheads in Space, (br) Weird Tales January 1953
- * Beachheads in Space by Groff Conklin, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction February 1953
- * Beachheads in Space by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Astounding Science Fiction November 1953
- * Beachheads in Space by Kenneth F. Slater, (br) Nebula Science Fiction #9, 1954
- * Beyond Time and Space by Groff Conklin, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction October 1950
- * Beyond Time and Space by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Astounding Science Fiction September 1958
- * Beyond Time & Space by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Astounding Science Fiction March 1951
- * A Biographical Sketch of August W. Derleth by Raymond A. Palmer, (bg) Fantasy Magazine March 1936
- * Chronological Bibliography, (bi) BFS Booklet #7, 1984
- * Dark Glory: Derleth’s Achievements by Nic Howard, (bg) BFS Booklet #7, 1984
- * A Day in Derleth Country by Lin Carter, (ar) Is October 1971
- * Derleth: An American Life in Literature by Nic Howard, (bg) BFS Booklet #7, 1984
- * Derleth As I Knew Him by Ramsey Campbell, (ar) Dark Horizons #7 Dec 1973, #8 Apr 1974
- * The Derleth-Blackwood Correspondence by Mike Ashley, (bi) Out of the Woodwork #1, 1986
- * The Derleth Mythos by Richard L. Tierney, (ar) HPL: A Tribute to Howard Phillips Lovecraft (1890-1937) ed. Meade & Penny Frierson, Meade and Penny Frierson, 1972
- * Derleth’s Lament to Love by Sam Moskowitz, (ar) The Scream Factory #15, Autumn 1994
- * Derleth’s Notes Toward a Biography by John D. Haefele, (ar) Crypt of Cthulhu #112, Candlemas 2019
- * Far Boundaries by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Astounding Science Fiction February 1952
- * Far Boundaries by Groff Conklin, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction December 1951
- * Far from Time: Clark Ashton Smith, August Derleth, and Arkham House by John D. Haefele, (ar) The Weird Fiction Review #1, Fall 2010
- * From Other Worlds by James Colvin, (br) New Worlds SF #145, November/December 1964
- * Ghosts of Sauk County by John Howard, (ar) All Hallows #18, June 1998
- * In Lovecraft’s Shadow: The Cthulhu Mythos Stories of August Derleth by S. T. Joshi, (br) Weird Tales Summer 1999
- * Interview: August Derleth by Torsten Jungstedt, (iv) 1963
- * Letter to August Derleth, 1945 by E. Hoffmann Price, (lt) Sword & Fantasy #3, July 2005
- * Letter to August Derleth, ca. January 1933 (“I was much interested in your accounts…”) by Robert E. Howard, (lt) Amra v2 #30, 1964
- * Letter to August Derleth, ca. July 1933 (“Thanks immensely for the opportunity of reading…”) by Robert E. Howard, (lt) The Howard Collector Autumn 1971
- * Letter to August Derleth, May 9, 1936 (“I am indeed sorry to learn of the deaths…”) by Robert E. Howard, (lt) The Howard Collector Summer 1964
- * The Lovecraft-Derleth Connection by Robert M. Price, (ar) Crypt of Cthulhu #6, St. John’s Eve 1982
- * Lovecraft’s Literary Executor by George T. Wetzel, (ar) Fantasy Commentator Winter 1978/1979
- * May He Rest in the Elder Sign: August Derleth by Eddy C. Bertin, (ar) Forbidden Knowledge De Lage Landen 2015; translated from the Dutch (Info-Sfan, No. 9, September 1971).
- * Mr. Derleth Entertains by Nic Howard, (ar) Dark Horizons #25, Summer 1982
- * M.R. James and the “Native of Wisconsin” by Rosemary Pardoe, (ar) The Ghosts & Scholars M.R. James Newsletter #17, April 2010
- * The Muddle in High Street by Timothy Burall, (ar) Crypt of Cthulhu #111, Michaelmas 2018
- * My Visit with August Derleth by Joseph A. West, (ar) Etchings & Odysseys #6, 1985
- * New Horizons: Yesterday’s Portraits of Tomorrow by S. T. Joshi, (br) Weird Tales Summer 2000
- * Night’s Yawning Peal by A. Langley Searles, (br) Fantasy Commentator Spring/Summer 1952
- * Night’s Yawning Peal by Sam Merwin, Jr., (br) Amazing Stories September 1952
- * Obit on August Derleth, (ob) Mirage #10, 1971
- * The Other Side of the Moon, (br) Authentic Science Fiction #71, July 15 1956
- * The Other Side of the Moon by Leslie Flood, (br) New Worlds Science Fiction #49, July 1956
- * The Other Side of the Moon by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Astounding Science Fiction November 1959
- * The Outer Reaches by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Astounding Science Fiction May 1952
- * The Outer Reaches by Groff Conklin, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction April 1952
- * Over the Edge by L. Sprague de Camp, (br) Amra v2 #30, 1964
- * Portals of Tomorrow by Groff Conklin, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction October 1954
- * Portals of Tomorrow by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Astounding Science Fiction March 1955
- * Return to Sauk City by Sam Moskowitz, (ar) The Scream Factory #16, Winter 1995/1996
- * Select Bibliography, (bi) BFS Booklet #7, 1984
- * Serendipitous Canonization by John D. Haefele, (ar) Crypt of Cthulhu #110, Roodmas 2018
- * Solar Pons Meets Cthulhu: Detective Elements in Derleth’s Mythos Tales by S. T. Joshi, (ar) Crypt of Cthulhu #6, St. John’s Eve 1982
- * Strange Ports of Call by Theodore Sturgeon, (br) Astounding Science Fiction November 1948
- * Strange Ports of Call by Sam Moskowitz, (br) Fantastic Novels Magazine July 1949
- * The Survivors and Others (with H. P. Lovecraft) by Floyd C. Gale, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction December 1957
- * A Tale of Two Glossaries by Timothy Burall, (ar) Crypt of Cthulhu #108, Hallowmas 2017
- * Time to Come by Groff Conklin, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction November 1954
- * Time to Come by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Astounding Science Fiction July 1959
- * Two Deaths by John Howard, (ar) All Hallows #12, June 1996
- * The Weird Literary Life and Times of Stephen Grendon by John D. Haefele, (ar) Nameless Magazine #2, Fall/Winter 2012
- * Who Shall I Say Is Calling…, (br) Shroud #6, Spring 2009
- * Who’s Who in Science Fiction: August Derleth, Writing Unlimited by Robert E. Briney, (bg) Destiny Winter 1951/Spring 1952
- * Worlds of Tomorrow by Groff Conklin, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction June 1953
- * Worlds of Tomorrow, (br) Weird Tales July 1953
- * Worlds of Tomorrow by Sam Moskowitz, (br) Science-Fiction Plus October 1953
- * Worlds of Tomorrow by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Astounding Science Fiction Dec 1953, Mar 1959
- * Worlds of Tomorrow, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #52, December 15 1954
- * Worlds of Tomorrow by Kenneth F. Slater, (br) Nebula Science Fiction #11, 1954
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