The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 328
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Chaplinsky, Joshua (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * Bone Dust, (ss) Deciduous Tales #1, Fall/Winter 2017
- * Dreams of the Werehouse, (ss) Hinnom Magazine #4, 2017
- * Fundament of Justice, (ss) Mythic #11, Summer 2019
- * The Hand of God, (ss) Dark Moon Digest #21, October 2015
- * Maison d’Oeufs, (ss) Unnerving Magazine #1, December 2016
- * Nobody Rides for Free, (nv) Dark Moon Digest #31, April 2018
- * Satanic Panic Attack, (ss) Dark Moon Digest #38, January 2020
- * Take Off That Mask This Instant!, (ss) Dark Moon Digest #43, April 2021
- * The Unbearable Weight of Knowing, (ss) Unnerving Magazine #8, 2018
- * Whispers in the War of a Dreaming Ape, (ss) Pantheon Magazine #11, Summer 2017
- * The Whole Infernal Machine, (ss) Kzine #18, May 2017
Chapman, Dawn (fl. 2010s) (chron.)
- * Home (Tales from the Secret King), (ss) SciFan Magazine #5, May 2017
- * Octav’s Rise to Ainoren [The Secret King Universe], (ss) SciFan Magazine #1, January 2017
- * SciFan Exclusive Preview:
* ___ The Summit [The Secret King Universe] (with Steven Kogan), (ex) SciFan Magazine #2, February 2017
- * SciFan Featured Preview:
* ___ The Secret King—First Contact [The Secret King Universe], (ex) SciFan Magazine #3, March 2017
- * The Secret King—First Contact [The Secret King Universe], (ex) SciFan Magazine #3, March 2017
- * The Summit [The Secret King Universe] (with Steven Kogan), (ex) SciFan Magazine #2, February 2017
- * Tales from the Secret King: Chace Forgets [The Secret King Universe], (ss) SciFan Magazine #4, April 2017
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Chapman, G. Ken (?-1981) (chron.)
- * News from the SFA, (ms) Science-Fantasy Review #6, July 30 1939
- * A Real Analytical Laboratory, (ar) Science-Fantasy Review #8, August 31 1939
- * [letter], (lt) Tales of Wonder #6, Spring 1939
- * [letter from London], (lt) The Fantast April 1939
- * [letter from London, England], (lt) Weird Tales September 1939
- * [letter from London, S.E. 25, England], (lt) Astounding Science-Fiction November 1942
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Chapman, Greg (fl. 2000s-2020s) (chron.)
- * Allure of the Ancients (with Mark Farrugia), (cs) Midnight Echo #5, February 2011
- * The Bone Maiden, (ss) SQ Mag #20, May 2015
- * Christmas Mourning, (ss) Morpheus Tales Christmas Horror Special 2011
- * Cthulhu, (il) Cyäegha #15, Spring 2016
- * Editorial, (ed) Midnight Echo #17, August 2022
- * A Final Message from the President, (ms) Midnight Echo #15, November 2020
- * The King in Yellow, (il) Cyäegha #16, Summer 2016
- * Mother’s House, (ss) Midnight Echo #10, November 2013
- * What Hath God Wrought, (ss) Devolution Z #5, December 2015
- * Widget World, (ss) Black Petals #22, Winter 2003
- * Wither, (ss) Midnight Echo #16, December 2021
- * [front cover], (cv) SQ Mag #4, September 2012
- * [front cover], (cv) Morpheus Tales #32, October 2018
- * [front cover], (cv) Midnight Echo #13 Dec 2018, #14 Dec 2019, #15 Nov 2020
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Midnight Echo #7 May, #8 Nov 2012, #9 May, #10 Nov 2013
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Morpheus Tales #28 Jan, #29 Oct 2016, #31 Oct 2017
- * [letter], (lt) Weird Tales Spring 2003
_____, ed.
_____, [ref.]
Chapman, Irwin M.; pseudonym of Paul Dale Anderson (1944-2018) (chron.)
- * Book Reviews, (rc) 2AM Spring 1989
- * John Borkowski: An Appreciation, (ar) 2AM Fall 1987 [Ref. John Borkowski]
- * New Books, (br) 2AM Spr, Sum 1988
- * Small Press Reviews, (fr) 2AM Fll, Win 1986, Spr, Sum, Fll, Win 1987, Spr, Sum, Fll, Win 1988, Spr, Sum, Fll,
Win 1989
Spr, Aug 1990, Spr, Fll 1991, Spr, Fll 1992
Chapman, Jason K. (fl. 2000s-2010s) (about) (chron.)
- * The Architect of Heaven, (ss) Clarkesworld #56, May 2011
- * Brief Candle, (ss) Clarkesworld #38, November 2009
- * For the Love of Jazz, (ss) Cosmos #17, October/November 2007
- * Inside Job, (ss) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #42, 2009
- * Johnny Plays ’Round Saturn’s Rings, (ss) Jim Baen’s Universe December 2008
- * The Long Fall, (ss) Grantville Gazette v31, 2010
- * The Long Happy Death of Oxford Brown, (nv) Asimov’s Science Fiction February 2014
- * The Magic of Science, (ss) New Myths #6, March 2009
- * The Quantiversal Coefficient of Fate, (ss) Electric Spec October 31 2008
- * This Petty Pace, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction October/November 2011
- * When Dreams Wake, (ss) Bull Spec #7, Spring 2012
Chapman, John L(eslie) (1920- ) (chron.)
- * Another’s Eyes, (ss) Super Science Stories January 1941
- * Crystal World, (ss) Cosmic Stories March 1941
- * Cycle, (ss) Marvel Stories November 1940
- * Escape Thru Time, (ss) Science Adventure Stories #1, 1938
- * In the Earth’s Shadow, (ss) Comet December 1940
- * Into the Sun, (ss) Comet May 1941
- * Lunar Gun, (ss) Stirring Science Stories February 1941
- * Stroke, (vi) Science Fiction Quarterly #7, Summer 1942
- * Time, Inc., (ss) Cosmic Stories May 1941
- * Upon the Dark Moon, (vi) Science Fiction December 1939
- * X-Raying the Editors, (ar) The Science Fiction Collector June 1937
- * [letter], (lt) Thrilling Wonder Stories April 1937
- * [letter from Minneapolis, MN], (lt) Astounding Stories Feb, Apr 1936, Aug 1938, Oct 1940, Apr 1941
- * [letter from Minneapolis, MN], (lt) Weird Tales August 1939
- * [letter from Minot, ND], (lt) Astounding Stories June 1935
_____, [?]
Chapman, Stepan (1951-2014) (chron.)
- * All Is Lost, (pm) Not One of Us #24, September 2000
- * Aphrodite and the Geneticist, (ss) Freezer Burn Magazine #3, Winter 1996
- * Ariadniad, (ss) Electric Velocipede #6, Spring 2004
- * The Berry-Wriggles, (pm) Not One of Us #19, March 1998
- * Buzzy Motions, (pm) Not One of Us #22, September 1999
- * The Chosen Donor, (ss) Leviathan v1 #1, 1996
- * The Comedian, (vi) The Ultimate Unknown #6, Winter 1997
- * The Creature of Sound, (pm) Not One of Us #20, September 1998
- * The Delegate, (ss) Freezer Burn Magazine #10, 1997
- * A Dream of Microscopes, (ss) Freezer Burn Magazine #7, 1997
- * The Driver, (ss) Penumbra (online) January 2013
- * An Excess of Weather, (ss) Talebones #3, Spring 1996
- * Fat Nate’s Master Plan, (ss) Electric Velocipede #4, Spring 2003
- * Hidden Hearts, (vi) The Zone and Premonitions #8, Autumn 1999
- * A Human at the Barbecue, (ss) Freezer Burn Magazine #4, 1996
- * The Hush, (ss) New Pathways #19, January 1991
- * The Instruction of Toothpick, (ss) Aberrations #38, July 1996
- * The Kidnapping, (ss) Grue #15, Fall 1993
- * A Legend of the Wheelgirls, (ss) Scheherazade #17, 1998
- * The Life of Saint Serena, (ss) Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet #15, January 2005
- * Losing the War, (vi) Scheherazade #22, 2001
- * The Man Who Built Half of Oz, (ar) Science Fiction Eye #14, Spring 1996
- * Minutes of the Last Meeting, (nv) Leviathan, Volume Two ed. Jeff VanderMeer & Rose Secrest, Ministry of Whimsy, 1998
- * The One-Armed Elek, (ss) Dossier by Stepan Chapman, Creative Arts Book Company, 2001
- * Rachel’s Version, (ss) Redsine (online) #3, December 2000
- * The Silent People, (ss) Redsine #7, January 2002
- * A Song on the Drift Ice, (ss) Indigenous Fiction #3, August 1999
- * Spraying for Bugs, (ex) Fantastic Worlds v1 #1, 1996
- * The Stiff and the Stile, (vi) Premonitions #5, 2004
- * Testing…One, Two, Three, Four, (ss) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact December 1969
- * The Throw-Away Man, (vi) Weirdbook #3, 1970
- * When the Moths Came Down, (vi) Freezer Burn Magazine #5, 1996
- * [front cover], (cv) The Ultimate Unknown #8, Summer 1997
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