The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
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German, Wade (chron.) (continued)
- * The Toad God Gift (with David C. Kopaska-Merkel), (pm) Beyond Centauri October 2010
- * Toads, (pm) Spectral Realms #9, Summer 2018
- * The Tomb of Wilum Hopfrog Pugmire, (pm) Spectral Realms #11, Summer 2019
- * Tomorrow Was the Last Time I Saw You for the First Time Again, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #100, January 2015
- * Trans-Neptunian Shores, (pm) Mythic Delirium #25, Summer/Fall 2011
- * Two Poems of Carcosa, (gp) Cyäegha #13, Spring 2015
- * Two Sonnets: New Lost Worlds (and) The Black Idol, (pm) The Weird Fiction Review #2, Fall 2011
- * The Unnameable Clears Its Throat (with David C. Kopaska-Merkel), (pm) Star*Line Winter 2016
- * Vision of Ys, (pm) Spectral Realms #21, Summer 2024
- * A Voyage to Carcosa, (pm) Dreams from a Black Nebula by Wade German, Hippocampus Press, 2014
- * Whippoorwills, (pm) Midnight Echo #3, September 2009
- * Witch House, (pm) Weird House Magazine #2, 2023
- * Witch Music, (pm) Strange Sorcery #10, October 2009
- * Wizards of Thaagos, (pm) Strange Sorcery #9, March 2009
- * Zone, (pm) Star*Line September/October 2008
- * [selected poetry], (pm) Nameless Magazine #1 Spr/Sum, #2 Fll/Win 2012
- * [unknown poem], (pm) The Weird Fiction Review #4, Fall 2013
_____, [ref.]
Germano, Peter B. (1913-1983); used pseudonym Barry Cord (chron.)
- * Blood Quest of the Hawk, (ss) Famous Western Fall 1945, as by Barry Cord
- * The Lost Planet, (na) Thrilling Wonder Stories March 1941, as by Barry Cord
- * Martian Heritage, (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories December 1942, as by Barry Cord
- * The Pyramids from Space, (na) Amazing Stories November 1951, as by Barry Cord
- * Victory in Valhalla, (ss) Famous Western Winter 1946, as by Barry Cord
- * Water Hole Wake, (ss) Dime Western Magazine March 1949, as by Barry Cord
Gernsback, Hugo; [né Gernsbacher] (1884-1967); used pseudonyms Dr. Grego Banshuck, Mohammed Ulysses Socrates Fips, Greno Gashbuck, Kars Gugenchob, Gus N. Habergock & Beno Ruckshagg (about) (chron.)
- * The Airplane of the Future, (ar) Science and Invention September 1920
- * Airplanes Must Have Radio, (ed) Air Wonder Stories November 1929
- * Airship vs Airplane, (ed) Air Wonder Stories October 1929
- * “Air Wonder Stories”, (ed) Air Wonder Stories July 1929
- * Amazing Creations, (ed) Amazing Stories May 1927
- * The Amazing Einstein, (ed) Amazing Stories April 1929
- * Amazing Life, (ed) Amazing Stories November 1928
- * An Amazing Phenomenon, (ed) Amazing Stories December 1928
- * Amazing Reading, (ed) Amazing Stories January 1929
- * Amazing Thinking, (ed) Amazing Stories March 1928
- * The Amazing Unknown, (ed) Amazing Stories August 1928
- * Amazing Youth, (ed) Amazing Stories October 1927
- * And Sodden Death, (ss) Science-Fiction Plus November 1952
- * Artificial Diamonds, (ed) Science and Invention September 1920
- * Baron Münchhausen’s New Scientific Adventures:
* ___ 1. I Make a Wireless Acquaintance, (ss) Electrical Experimenter May 1915
* ___ 2. How Münchhausen and the Allies Took Berlin, (ss) Electrical Experimenter June 1915
* ___ 3. Münchhausen on the Moon, (ss) Electrical Experimenter July 1915
* ___ 4. The Earth as Viewed from the Moon, (ss) Electrical Experimenter August 1915
* ___ 5. Münchhausen Departs for the Planet Mars, (ss) Electrical Experimenter October 1915
* ___ 6. Münchhausen Lands on Mars, (ss) Electrical Experimenter November 1915
* ___ 7. Münchhausen Is Taught “Martian”, (ss) Electrical Experimenter December 1915
* ___ 8. Thought Transmission on Mars, (ss) Electrical Experimenter January 1916
* ___ 9. The Cities of Mars, (ss) Electrical Experimenter March 1916
* ___ 10. The Planets at Close Range, (ss) Electrical Experimenter April 1916
* ___ 11. Martian Amusements, (ss) Electrical Experimenter June 1916
* ___ 12. How the Martian Canals Are Built, (ss) Electrical Experimenter November 1916
* ___ 13. Martian Atmosphere Plants, (ss) Electrical Experimenter February 1917
- * Borrowing an Aerial (or Two), (ss) Radio News March 1923, as by Mohammed Ulysses Socrates Fips
- * Can Man Free Himself from Gravity?, (ed) Science Wonder Stories February 1930
- * Cash Prize Contest, (cn) Future Fantasy and Science Fiction December 1942
- * The Cities of Mars, (ss) Electrical Experimenter March 1916
- * Cold Light, (ed) Science and Invention January 1921
- * Cosmatomic Flyer, (vi) Science-Fiction Plus March 1953, as by Greno Gashbuck
- * Crime Prevention, (ed) Amazing Detective Tales September 1930
- * A Different Story, (ed) Amazing Stories August 1927
- * Disembodied Thought, (ed) Wonder Stories May 1935
- * The Earth as Viewed from the Moon, (ss) Electrical Experimenter August 1915
- * Editorial, (ed) Amazing Stories April 1926, as "A New Sort of Magazine"
- * Editorially Speaking, (ed) Amazing Stories September 1926
- * The Egg and You, (ar) Science-Fiction Plus November 1952, as by Kars Gugenchob
- * Einstein Theory and the Fourth Dimension, (ar) Science and Invention December 1920 [Ref. Albert Einstein]
- * The Electric Duel, (vi) Science and Invention August 1923
- * The Electronic Baby, (ss) Digest of Digests 1946, as by Dr. Grego Banshuck
- * Evolution on Mars, (ar) Science and Invention August 1924
- * Exploration of Mars, (nv) Science-Fiction Plus March 1953
- * Extra Sensory Perception, (ar) Satellite Science Fiction June 1959 (unpublished)
- * Facts Outfictioned, (ed) Amazing Stories May 1928
- * Fiction Versus Facts, (ed) Amazing Stories July 1926
- * $50.00 for a Letter, (ed) Amazing Stories Quarterly Summer 1928
- * The $500.00 Cover Prize Contest, (ed) Amazing Stories June 1927
- * $500.00 Prize Story Contest, (ed) Amazing Stories December 1926
- * Future Aviation Problems, (ed) Air Wonder Stories Aug 1929, Mar 1930
- * Glider Flying, (ed) Air Wonder Stories December 1929
- * Good News for Our Readers, (ed) Wonder Stories Quarterly Fall 1932
- * Hidden Wonders, (ed) Science Wonder Stories September 1929
- * How Criminals Are Identified, (ed) Amazing Detective Tales July 1930
- * How Münchhausen and the Allies Took Berlin, (ss) Electrical Experimenter June 1915
- * How the Martian Canals Are Built, (ss) Electrical Experimenter November 1916
- * The Human Factor, (vi) Science-Fiction Plus November 1952, as by Greno Gashbuck
- * Ice Boiling-Hot, (ed) Science and Invention December 1920
- * Idle Thoughts of a Busy Editor, (ed) Amazing Stories March 1927
- * Imagination and Reality, (ed) Amazing Stories October 1926
- * I Make a Wireless Acquaintance, (ss) Electrical Experimenter May 1915
- * The Impact of Science-Fiction on World Progress…, (ar) Science Fantasy Bulletin #9, October 1952; speech delivered at the Tenth World Science Fiction Convention in Chicago, August 31, 1952.
- * “Impossible” Facts, (ed) Amazing Stories August 1926
- * Incredible Facts, (ed) Amazing Stories January 1927
- * The Infinite Brain, (vi) Future Combined with Science Fiction June 1942
- * Interplanetary “Plot” Contest, (ed) Wonder Stories Quarterly Spring 1931
- * Interplanetary Travel, (ed) Amazing Stories February 1927
- * Keeping Warm, (ed) Science and Invention November 1920
- * The Killing Flash, (ss) Science Wonder Stories November 1929
- * Life on Other Planets, (ed) Wonder Stories December 1930
- * Life, the Amazing Puzzle, (ed) Amazing Stories February 1929
- * The Lure of Scientifiction, (ed) Amazing Stories June 1926
- * The Magnetic Storm, (ss) Electrical Experimenter August 1918
- * Mars, (ed) Science and Invention August 1924
- * Martian Amusements, (ss) Electrical Experimenter June 1916
- * Martian Atmosphere Plants, (ss) Electrical Experimenter February 1917
- * “The Mighty Mite”, (ed) Science-Fiction Plus October 1953
- * The Most Amazing Thing, (ed) Amazing Stories April 1927
- * Münchhausen Departs for the Planet Mars, (ss) Electrical Experimenter October 1915
- * Münchhausen Is Taught “Martian”, (ss) Electrical Experimenter December 1915
- * Münchhausen Lands on Mars, (ss) Electrical Experimenter November 1915
- * Münchhausen on the Moon, (ss) Electrical Experimenter July 1915
- * The Mystery of Time, (ed) Amazing Stories September 1927
- * New Amazing Facts, (ed) Amazing Stories October 1928
- * New Amazing Stories Quarterly, (ed) Amazing Stories February 1928
- * A New Sort of Magazine, (ed) Amazing Stories April 1926
- * One Thousand Miles an Hour, (ed) Air Wonder Stories January 1930
- * On Reprints, (ed) Wonder Stories Quarterly Winter 1933
- * Our Amazing Minds, (ed) Amazing Stories June 1928
- * Our Amazing Senses, (ed) Amazing Stories July 1928
- * Our Amazing Stars, (ed) Amazing Stories March 1929
- * Our Amazing Universe, (ed) Amazing Stories September 1928
- * Our Unstable World, (ed) Amazing Stories January 1928
- * Oxygen on Mars, (ed) Wonder Stories November 1933
- * The Planets at Close Range, (ss) Electrical Experimenter April 1916
- * Plausibility in Scientifiction, (ed) Amazing Stories November 1926
- * The Poor Fish, (ss) Radio News September 1925, as by Mohammed Ulysses Socrates Fips
- * Postscript, (ms) Wonder Stories August 1934, as by Mohammed Ulysses Socrates Fips
- * Pseudo Science-Fiction, (ed) Science-Fiction Plus April 1953
- * Radio and the Criminal, (ed) Amazing Detective Tales June 1930
- * The Radio Brain, (vi) Digest of Digests 1946, as by Gus N. Habergock
- * Ralph 124C 41+, (n.) Modern Electrics Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1911, Jan, Feb, Mar 1912
- * Results of Interplanetary Plot Contest, (ed) Wonder Stories Quarterly Summer 1931
- * The Results of the $300.00 Prize Contest, (ed) Science Wonder Stories March 1930
- * The Rise of Scientifiction, (ed) Amazing Stories Quarterly Spring 1928
- * Rocket Flying, (ed) Air Wonder Stories September 1929
- * Science and the Criminal Mind, (ed) Scientific Detective Monthly March 1930
- * Science Fiction, (ed) Science Fiction March 1939
- * The Science-Fiction Industry, (ed) Science-Fiction Plus May 1953
- * The Science Fiction League, (ed) Wonder Stories Apr, May 1934
- * Science-Fiction Semantics, (ed) Science-Fiction Plus August 1953
- * Science Fiction That Endures, (ed) Amazing Stories April 1961
- * Science Fiction vs. Science Faction, (ed) Wonder Stories Quarterly Fall 1930
- * Science Fiction Week, (ed) Science Wonder Stories May 1930
- * Science vs. Crime, (ed) Scientific Detective Monthly January 1930
- * Science Wonder Stories, (ed) Science Wonder Stories June 1929
- * Scientific Crime Detection, (ed) Scientific Detective Monthly February 1930
- * Skepticism in Science-Fiction, (ed) Science-Fiction Plus June 1953
- * Snow and Ice Melters, (ar) Science and Invention January 1921
- * Space Flying, (ed) Amazing Stories November 1927
- * Stations in Space, (ed) Air Wonder Stories April 1930
- * Status of Science-Fiction, (ed) Science-Fiction Plus December 1953
- * Strange Facts, (ed) Amazing Stories December 1927
- * Stranger Than Science-Fiction:
* ___ TV Speed Demon, (cl) Science-Fiction Plus April 1953
* ___ We All Live in the Past, (cl) Science-Fiction Plus March 1953
- * The Subconscious Mind and Crime, (ed) Scientific Detective Monthly May 1930
- * The Superfect Crime, (ss) PreScience Fiction September 1952, as by Beno Ruckshagg
- * Surprising Facts, (ed) Amazing Stories July 1927
- * Telepathy, (ed) Wonder Stories May 1931
- * Thank You!, (ed) Amazing Stories May 1926
- * Thought Transmission on Mars, (ss) Electrical Experimenter January 1916
- * $300.00 Prize Contest, (ed) Amazing Stories April 1928
- * $300.00 Prize Story Contest, (ed) Science Wonder Stories November 1929
- * $300.00 Prize Story Contest, (ed) Air Wonder Stories February 1930
- * TV Speed Demon, (ar) Science-Fiction Plus April 1953
- * We All Live in the Past, (ar) Science-Fiction Plus March 1953
- * What Is Life?, (ed) Wonder Stories March 1932
- * When Is a Confession?, (ed) Amazing Detective Tales August 1930
- * Wonder Facts, (ed) Wonder Stories Quarterly Winter 1931
- * The Wonders of 2031, (ed) Wonder Stories February 1932
- * Wonders of Atomic Power, (ed) Wonder Stories May 1932
- * Wonders of Automatism, (ed) Wonder Stories July 1934
- * The Wonders of Bio-Mechanics, (ed) Wonder Stories November 1934
- * Wonders of Colors, (ed) Wonder Stories November 1932
- * The Wonders of Creation, (ed) Wonder Stories April 1931
- * The Wonders of Distance, (ed) Wonder Stories July 1932
- * Wonders of Distribution, (ed) Wonder Stories March/April 1936
- * The Wonders of Dreams, (ed) Wonder Stories September 1932
- * Wonders of Extravagance, (ed) Wonder Stories October 1935
- * Wonders of Fiction, (ed) Wonder Stories December 1934
- * The Wonders of Flight, (ed) Wonder Stories November 1930
- * The Wonders of Gravitation, (ed) Science Wonder Stories July 1929
- * Wonders of Intelligence, (ed) Wonder Stories February 1933
- * Wonders of Interplanetary Life, (ed) Wonder Stories April 1933
- * The Wonders of Interstellar Flight, (ed) Science Wonder Stories December 1929
- * The Wonders of Knowledge, (ed) Wonder Stories August 1932
- * Wonders of Life, (ed) Wonder Stories December 1931
- * The Wonders of Light-Time, (ed) Wonder Stories April 1932
- * Wonders of Mars, (ed) Wonder Stories January 1933
- * Wonders of Memory, (ed) Wonder Stories August 1930
- * Wonders of Micro-Life, (ed) Wonder Stories January 1934
- * The Wonders of Motion-Matter, (ed) Wonder Stories December 1933
- * Wonders of Mystery Rays, (ed) Wonder Stories November/December 1935
- * Wonders of Orientation, (ed) Wonder Stories June 1935
- * Wonders of Other Worlds, (ed) Science Wonder Stories January 1930
- * Wonders of Our Color Sense, (ed) Wonder Stories February 1934
- * Wonders of Pressure, (ed) Wonder Stories October 1934
- * Wonders of Progress, (ed) Wonder Stories April 1935
- * Wonders of Radio Waves, (ed) Wonder Stories March 1934
- * Wonders of Reality, (ed) Wonder Stories August 1934
- * Wonders of Sight, (ed) Wonder Stories October 1932
- * The Wonders of Sleep, (ed) Wonder Stories June 1930
- * The Wonders of Space, (ed) Science Wonder Stories August 1929
- * Wonders of Space-Distances, (ed) Wonder Stories January 1935
- * Wonders of Space Flight, (ed) Wonder Stories Aug 1933, Jan/Feb 1936
- * The Wonders of Space-Matter, (ed) Wonder Stories September 1930
- * The Wonders of Space Radiation, (ed) Wonder Stories January 1932
- * Wonders of Speed, (ed) Science Wonder Stories October 1929
- * The Wonders of Stellar Space, (ed) Science Wonder Stories April 1930
- * Wonders of Suspended Life, (ed) Wonder Stories July 1935
- * Wonders of Technocracy, (ed) Wonder Stories March 1933
- * Wonders of the Commonplace, (ed) Wonder Stories June 1932
- * Wonders of the Earth’s Interior, (ed) Wonder Stories September 1931
- * Wonders of the Future, (ed) Wonder Stories March 1931
- * Wonders of the Human Body, (ed) Wonder Stories June 1931
- * Wonders of the Machine Age, (ed) Wonder Stories July 1931
- * Wonders of the Planets, (ed) Wonder Stories September 1934
- * The Wonders of the Simple, (ed) Wonder Stories February 1931
- * Wonders of the Stars, (ed) Wonder Stories November 1931
- * Wonders of the Universe, (ed) Wonder Stories December 1932
- * Wonders of the Unknown, (ed) Wonder Stories July 1930
- * Wonders of the Vacuum, (ed) Wonder Stories January 1931
- * Wonders of the Void, (ed) Wonder Stories August 1931
- * Wonders of Thought, (ed) Wonder Stories May 1933
- * The Wonders of Time, (ed) Wonder Stories June 1934
- * Wonders of Touch, (ed) Wonder Stories June 1933
- * Wonders of Transplanted Organs, (ed) Wonder Stories September 1935
- * Wonders of Transportation, (ed) Wonder Stories August 1935
- * Wonders of Weight, (ed) Wonder Stories March 1935
- * Wonders of World Speeds, (ed) Wonder Stories October 1933
- * Wonders of Your Body, (ed) Wonder Stories February 1935
- * The World in 2046, (nv) Tame 1945
- * World War III—In Retrospect, (nv) Newspeek 1950
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