The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 2142
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Yeovil, Jack; pseudonym of Kim Newman (1959- ) (chron.)
_____, [ref.]
- * Demon Download by Peter T. Garratt, (br) Interzone #45, March 1991
- * Genevieve Undead by Peter T. Garratt, (br) Interzone #78, December 1993
- * Genevieve Undead by Gwyneth Jones, (br) Interzone #88, October 1994
- * Route 666 by Neil Jones, (br) Interzone #89, November 1994
- * Silver Nails by Neil Jones, (br) Interzone #188, April 2003
Yerke, T. Bruce (1923-1998); used pseudonym Carlton J. Fassbinder (chron.)
- * Morte Jambe, (ss) Acolyte Summer 1944
- * Reflections on Falling Over Backwards in a Swivel Chair, (ms) Fan Slants February 1944, as by Carlton J. Fassbinder
- * The Revolt of the Scientists, (ar) Futuria Fantasia Summer 1939
- * Shadow of Things to Come, (ar) Science Fiction Collector October/November 1938
- * [letter], (lt) Amazing Stories April 1938
- * [letter], (lt) The Alchemist February 1941
- * [letter from Hollywood, CA], (lt) Astounding Science-Fiction Jun, Dec 1938, Apr 1939
- * [letter from Hollywood, CA], (lt) Unknown October 1939
- * [letter from Huntington Park, CA], (lt) Astounding Stories May 1936
- * [letter from Los Angeles, CA], (lt) Astounding Stories Apr, Dec 1937
Yermakov, Nicholas (Valentin); former name of Simon Hawke (1951- ) (chron.)
- * Drift Away, (ss) Proteus ed. Richard S. McEnroe, Ace, 1981
- * The ECM War, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction April 1982
- * Far Removed from the Scene of the Crime, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction April 1980
- * Fortunes of a Fool, (ss) Dragon February 1985
- * A Glint of Gold, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction July 1980
- * Melpomene, Calliope… and Fred, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction December 1980
- * The Orpheus Implant, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction February 1981
- * The Surrogate Mouth, (nv) Galaxy Science Fiction November/December 1978
- * The Whisper of Banshees, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction August 1979
- * Writer’s Block, (nv) Galaxy Science Fiction February 1978
Yerxa, Frances; [born Frances Ferris] (1917-2019); previously known as Fran Ferris (about) (chron.)
- * Managing Editor:
* ___ Imagination, 53/01 - 58/10., as by Frances Hamling
- * An Air Plant, (ms) Amazing Stories August 1947
- * The Amazing Amazon, (ms) Amazing Stories March 1949
- * “Anapou and Bitou”, (ms) Fantastic Adventures May 1948, as by Fran Ferris
- * Ancient Barbering Customs, (ms) Fantastic Adventures July 1947
- * An Annamite Funeral, (ms) Fantastic Adventures October 1947
- * Atlantis: Stepping Stone Between Europe and America, (ms) Amazing Stories August 1947
- * Big Bertha Betatron, (ms) Fantastic Adventures January 1949, as by Fran Ferris
- * “The Bitter Cold…”, (ms) Fantastic Adventures January 1949
- * By the Stars, (ar) Amazing Stories February 1949
- * Cambodian Dancers, (ms) Fantastic Adventures September 1947
- * Cannibalism on Easter Island, (ms) Fantastic Adventures December 1947, as by Fran Ferris
- * Catching the Akuaku, (ms) Fantastic Adventures January 1948, as by Fran Ferris
- * Comets and Meteors, (ar) Fantastic Adventures January 1948
- * The Corneal Lens, (ms) Fantastic Adventures December 1948
- * Demon Marriages, (ms) Fantastic Adventures February 1948, as by Fran Ferris
- * Egyptian Beliefs, (ar) Fantastic Adventures June 1948, as by Fran Ferris
- * Evolution of the Stars, (ar) Amazing Stories December 1948, as by Fran Ferris
- * Floating on Air, (ms) Amazing Stories November 1948, as by Fran Ferris
- * Fountain of Youth, (ms) Amazing Stories February 1949, as by Fran Ferris
- * Freddie Funk’s Flippant Fairies [Freddie Funk], (ss) Fantastic Adventures September 1948
- * Ghost Superstitions, (ar) Fantastic Adventures February 1948
- * Heat Rays, (ar) Amazing Stories October 1948
- * Herbs for What Ails You, (ar) Fantastic Adventures April 1948, as by Fran Ferris
- * Ikhnaton’s Revolution, (ms) Fantastic Adventures July 1948, as by Fran Ferris
- * I Wake Up Dreaming, (ss) Fantastic Adventures June 1948
- * Machines to Make Machines, (ar) Amazing Stories June 1948
- * Magic Water, (ms) Amazing Stories February 1948
- * The Mental Tool, (ms) Fantastic Adventures March 1949, as by Fran Ferris
- * Microchemistry, (ms) Amazing Stories September 1948
- * The Miniature God, (ms) Fantastic Adventures March 1948, as by Fran Ferris
- * Missing Missiles, (ms) Amazing Stories December 1948
- * Mutations, (ms) Amazing Stories June 1948
- * The Myth of the Arawaks, (ms) Fantastic Adventures May 1948
- * Negative Problem, (ss) Amazing Stories August 1947
- * “Nessie” Is Home, (ms) Fantastic Adventures August 1948
- * The New Telescope, (ms) Amazing Stories July 1948
- * One More Spring, (ss) Amazing Stories September 1947
- * The Phantom Nun, (ms) Amazing Stories March 1949, as by Fran Ferris
- * Pictured Rocks, (ms) Fantastic Adventures November 1948, as by Fran Ferris
- * Preaching to Fish, (ms) Fantastic Adventures July 1948
- * The Psychic Stimulus, (ms) Fantastic Adventures March 1948
- * Queen of the Gods, (ms) Fantastic Adventures March 1949
- * Radar Probes the Atom, (ms) Fantastic Adventures February 1949, as by Fran Ferris
- * Records of Early Eclipses, (ms) Fantastic Adventures November 1947, as by Fran Ferris
- * Relativity-Fantasy?, (ms) Amazing Stories August 1948
- * Reports from the Ionosphere, (ms) Fantastic Adventures October 1947, as by Fran Ferris
- * Reverse Analogy, (ms) Fantastic Adventures November 1948
- * Rings of Death, (ms) Fantastic Adventures November 1947
- * Rocket Mail, (ms) Fantastic Adventures October 1948
- * Samuel Clemens’ Vision, (ms) Fantastic Adventures September 1948, as by Fran Ferris
- * The Screwy Little Quantum, (ar) Fantastic Adventures February 1949
- * The Secondary Heart, (ar) Amazing Stories May 1948
- * Slipstick Slants, (ar) Amazing Stories November 1948
- * Song of India, (ms) Amazing Stories January 1949
- * Spices of Life, (ms) Fantastic Adventures December 1947
- * Supersound Put to Work, (ms) Fantastic Adventures June 1948
- * Symbolism of Numbers, (ms) Fantastic Adventures July 1947, as by Fran Ferris
- * Taboo of Knots, (ms) Fantastic Adventures September 1947, as by Fran Ferris
- * A Ticket to Paradise, (ms) Fantastic Adventures April 1948
Yerxa, Leroy (Arnold) (1915-1946); used pseudonyms Elroy Arno, Alexander Blade, Richard Casey, Lee Francis, Henry Gade, G. H. Irwin, Frank Patton & Morris J. Steele (about) (chron.)
- * All Kinds of People, (ss) Fantastic Adventures April 1945
- * “Anything You Say, Dear”, (ss) Amazing Stories February 1946
- * Appointment with the Past, (na) Fantastic Adventures February 1944, as by Lee Francis
- * Bridge of Banishment, (nv) Amazing Stories May 1943
- * Bury Me Deep, (nv) Fantastic Adventures June 1944
- * Carrion Crypt, (ss) Fantastic Adventures July 1947, as by Richard Casey
- * Change for the Bitter, (ss) Fantastic Adventures April 1945, as by Lee Francis
- * The Chemical Vampire, (ss) Amazing Stories March 1949, as by Lee Francis
- * Citadel of Hate, (na) Fantastic Adventures June 1943, as by Lee Francis
- * Cloak of Satan, (nv) Fantastic Adventures December 1943, as by Frank Patton
- * Comet from Yesterday, (nv) Amazing Stories March 1945, as by Lee Francis
- * Corporal Webber’s Last Stand, (ss) Fantastic Adventures October 1942
- * The Cosmic Sisters, (nv) Amazing Stories September 1946
- * Crossed Wires, (nv) Amazing Stories March 1944
- * Cursed Cavern of Ra, (nv) Amazing Stories September 1945, as by Lee Francis
- * Daughter of Destiny, (nv) Amazing Stories April 1943, as by Lee Francis
- * Death Rides at Night [“Arrow” Larson], (nv) Amazing Stories August 1942
- * Double for Destiny, (na) Amazing Stories December 1946
- * Dummy of Death, (nv) Fantastic Adventures October 1945
- * The Emperor’s Eye, (nv) Fantastic Adventures May 1947
- * Freddie Funk’s Forest Forge [Freddie Funk], (ss) Fantastic Adventures January 1945
- * Freddie Funk’s Forgetful Elephant [Freddie Funk], (ss) Fantastic Adventures April 1944
- * Freddie Funk’s Madcap Mermaid [Freddie Funk], (ss) Fantastic Adventures January 1943
- * Freddie Funk’s Seven League Boots [Freddie Funk], (nv) Fantastic Adventures December 1943
- * The Garden of Hell, (nv) Fantastic Adventures May 1943
- * Heroes Die Hard, (ss) Fantastic Adventures December 1943, as by Henry Gade
- * Hitler’s Right Eye, (ss) Fantastic Adventures June 1944, as by Lee Francis
- * Is This the Night?, (ss) Amazing Stories March 1945, as by Alexander Blade
- * Jenny—The Flying Ford, (ss) Amazing Stories November 1943, as by Elroy Arno
- * Johnny Rain-Maker, (ss) Amazing Stories November 1943
- * Jones Buys War Blondes [Willowby Jones], (ss) Fantastic Adventures December 1943, as by Elroy Arno
- * Jones Gets the Willies [Willowby Jones], (ss) Fantastic Adventures March 1943, as by Elroy Arno
- * LeRoy Yerxa, (bg) Amazing Stories August 1942
- * Lost Legions of Carthage, (na) Fantastic Adventures June 1943
- * Louie’s Cat Eye, (ss) Fantastic Adventures December 1942
- * The Lying Lie Detector, (ss) Amazing Stories March 1945
- * The Man with Two Minds, (ss) Amazing Stories July 1946
- * Meet My Mummy, (nv) Fantastic Adventures May 1947, as by Elroy Arno
- * Meet the Authors:
* ___ LeRoy Yerxa, (bg) Amazing Stories August 1942
- * Mistress of the Dark, (nv) Fantastic Adventures May 1943, as by Elroy Arno
- * Moon Slave, (nv) Fantastic Adventures February 1946
- * Mysterious Crater, (nv) Amazing Stories September 1945
- * Nazi, Are You Resting Well?, (ss) Fantastic Adventures July 1943
- * Oliver Performs a Miracle, (ss) Amazing Stories October 1942
- * One-Way Ticket to Nowhere, (nv) Amazing Stories December 1942
- * Pearl-Handled Poison, (ss) Fantastic Adventures December 1943, as by Richard Casey
- * Perfume for a Princess, (na) Fantastic Adventures December 1947, as by Elroy Arno
- * Phantom Commando, (ss) Fantastic Adventures August 1943
- * Phantom Transport [“Arrow” Larson], (nv) Amazing Stories February 1943
- * Professor Cyclone, (nv) Fantastic Adventures December 1943, as by Alexander Blade
- * Queen of the Flaming Diamond, (nv) Amazing Stories January 1943
- * Secret of the Yomar, (nv) Fantastic Adventures July 1947, as by Elroy Arno
- * Shadow of the Spider, (nv) Amazing Stories March 1943, as by Lee Francis
- * Side Street, (ss) Amazing Stories November 1946
- * Spawn of the Glacier, (na) Fantastic Adventures December 1943
- * The Spirit of Egypt, (ss) Amazing Stories August 1943
- * Stone Goddess of Yunan, (na) Amazing Stories August 1943, as by Lee Francis
- * The Story Escapes Me, (nv) Fantastic Adventures December 1945
- * The Strange Tea of Ting Sun Fu, (nv) Amazing Stories March 1949
- * Taming of the Tyrant, (nv) Fantastic Adventures September 1946
- * Tears for the Crocodile, (ss) Fantastic Adventures December 1945, as by Lee Francis
- * A Thought in Time, (ss) Fantastic Adventures February 1944
- * Through the Asteroids—to Hell!, (ss) Planet Stories Fall 1946
- * Trick with a Brick, (ss) Fantastic Adventures October 1943, as by Elroy Arno
- * Two Worlds to Conquer, (nv) Amazing Stories September 1945, as by Elroy Arno
- * Valley of the Black Sun, (ss) Amazing Stories April 1943
- * Warlord of Peace, (ss) Amazing Stories March 1947
- * Warrior Maids of Libya, (na) Fantastic Adventures October 1943
- * Witch of Blackfen Moor, (na) Fantastic Adventures December 1943, as by Lee Francis
- * The Wooden Ham, (ss) Fantastic Adventures December 1943, as by Morris J. Steele
- * You Bet Your Life, (ss) Fantastic Adventures May 1948, as by Elroy Arno
- * You Can Say That Again, (ss) Fantastic Adventures December 1943, as by G. H. Irwin
- * [letter from Chicago, IL], (lt) Unknown Worlds April 1942
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