The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index

Magazine Contents Lists: Page 22

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    Ace Mystery:   (about)
    The first three issues of Ace Mystery were really weird horror magazines rather than mystery magazines, offering the usual mix of sadistic fantasy, weird menace and sexual apprehension. The last two issues, retitled Detective Romances, were somewhat more sedate.

    Ace Mystery

    • Publishers:
      • Periodical House, Inc.; 29 Worthington Street, Springfield, MA: Ace Mystery.
    • Editors:

    Detective Romances
    Title changed from Ace Mystery.

    • Publishers:
      • Periodical House, Inc.; 29 Worthington Street, Springfield, MA: Detective Romances.
    • Editors:

    The Acolyte   (about)
    Probably the premiere fanzine of the early 1940’s. The first two issues were hectographed, the remainder were mimeographed. In spite of the poor format, the content is impressive enough to justify indexing.

    • Publishers:
      • Francis T. Laney; Clarkston, WA: Acolyte, Fall 1942 – Fall 1943.
      • Francis T. Laney; Los Angeles, CA: Acolyte, Spring 1944 – Spring 1946.
    • Editors:

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