The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 2036
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Watson, Ian (chron.) (continued)
- * The Tragedy of Solveig [Kaleva], (nv) Asimov’s Science Fiction December 1996
- * True Love, (pm) Weird Tales Summer 2001
- * Tulips from Amsterdam, (ss) Interzone #110, August 1996
- * Undervoidable, (vi) Nature Physics June 2015
- * Universe on the Turn, (ss) Last Wave v1 #4, 1984
- * Universe Zoo, (pm) Star*Line September/October 2000
- * Unreal Messages?, (pm) Asimov’s Science Fiction September 2001
- * Vile Dry Claws of the Toucan, (ss) Semiotext(e) #14, 1989
- * Virtually Lucid Lucy, (ss) New Worlds 2 ed. David S. Garnett, Gollancz, 1992
- * A Walk to Manhome, and Away [Yaleen], (na) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction January 1984
- * Werechihuahua, (pm) Mythic Delirium #6, Winter/Spring 2002
- * What Actually Happened in Docklands, (ss) Interzone #132, June 1998
- * When Jesus Comes Down the Chimney, (ss) Interzone #18, Winter 1986/1987
- * When the Aliens Stop to Bottle, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact January/February 2018
- * When the Timegate Failed, (ss) Interzone #14, Winter 1985/1986
- * When Thought-Mail Fails, (vi) Nature #6759, November 18 1999
- * Where Would Our Eternal Roman Empire Be Without Coffee?, (vi) Shoreline of Infinity #19, Winter 2020/2021
- * White Socks, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction February 1985
- * Windows, (nv) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine December 1986
- * The Wire Around the War, (ss) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine mid December 1985
- * The World Science Fiction Convention of 2080, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction October 1980
- * The Worm’s Head [Yaleen], (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction February 1984
- * You Are Here (Or- Can Human Machines Find Happiness in Slavery?), (vi) The Dream Zone #9, May 2001
- * Zombie Bombs (with Mike Allen), (pm) Helix #8, Spring 2008
- * [letter], (lt) Science Fiction Review #20 Feb, #23 Nov 1977, #29 Jan/Feb, #33 Nov 1979, #36 Aug 1980, #43 Sum 1982
- * [letter], (lt) Science Fiction Eye #9, November 1991
_____, [ref.]
- * Afterlives (with Pamela Sargent) by Andrew Andrews, (br) Science Fiction Review #61, Winter 1986
- * The Book of Ian Watson by Richard E. Geis, (br) Science Fiction Review #58, Spring 1986
- * Chekhov’s Journey by John Clute, (br) Interzone #5, Autumn 1983
- * The Coming of Vertumnus by Brian M. Stableford, (br) Interzone #89, November 1994
- * Convention Soundbites by Andrew Hook, (iv) New Horizons #5, 2010
- * Converts by Richard E. Geis, (br) Science Fiction Review #55, Summer 1985
- * Converts by Darrell Schweitzer, (br) Thrust #24, Spring/Summer 1986
- * Deathhunter, (br) Extro v1 #1, 1982
- * Deathhunter by David Langford, (br) Science Fiction Review #42, Spring 1982
- * Destabilizing Reality by Peter Crowther, (iv) Interzone #75, September 1993
- * Evil Water by Lee Montgomerie, (br) Interzone #21, Autumn 1987
- * The Fire Worm by Paul J. McAuley, (br) Interzone #26, November/December 1988
- * The Flies of Memory by John Clute, (br) Interzone #46, April 1991
- * Game, Twist, and Match by Richard Harland, (br) Science Fiction (Australia) v10 #1, 1988
- * The Gardens of Delight by Paul McGuire, III, (br) Science Fiction Review #45, Winter 1982
- * Hard Questions by Gwyneth Jones, (br) Interzone #112, October 1996
- * Ian Watson Interviewed by David Langford, (iv) Science Fiction Review #42, Spring 1982
- * Ian Watson Interviewed by Philip Madden, (iv) infinity plus May 2004
- * Ian Watson: Roof-Gardening Under Saturn by Rhys H. Hughes, (ar) The Zone #3, Autumn 1995
- * Ian Watson Talks to David Langford by David Langford, (iv) Extro v1 #1, 1982
- * Inquisitor by Peter T. Garratt, (br) Interzone #45, March 1991
- * Inquisitor by Gwyneth Jones, (br) Interzone #46, April 1991
- * The Jonah Kit by Richard E. Geis, (br) Science Fiction Review #25, May 1978
- * Lucky’s Harvest by John Clute, (br) Interzone #77, November 1993
- * The Martian Inca by Steve Lewis, (br) Science Fiction Review #32, August 1979
- * Meat by Phyllis McDonald, (br) Interzone #29, May/June 1989
- * Miracle Visitors by Keith Soltys, (br) Science Fiction Review #32, August 1979
- * On Saving Books, or Hard Questions: How I Learned to Stop Worrying, Love the Small Press and Write Poetry by John Kenny, (iv) Albedo One #27, 2003
- * Oracle by Chris Gilmore, (br) Interzone #123, September 1997
- * Pictures at an Exhibition by Richard E. Geis, (br) Science Fiction Review #42, Spring 1982
- * Queenmagic, Kingmagic by John Clute, (br) Interzone #18, Winter 1986/1987
- * Salvage Rites by Wendy Bradley, (br) Interzone #30, July/August 1989
- * Space Marine by Peter T. Garratt, (br) Interzone #74, August 1993
- * A Speculation of SF Writers by Michael Bishop, (ar) Thrust #15, Summer 1980
- * Stalin’s Teardrops by Paul J. McAuley, (br) Interzone #53, November 1991
- * The 1000 Year Reich, (br) Shoreline of Infinity #5, Autumn 2016
- * Under Heaven’s Bridge (with Michael Bishop) by Steve Lewis, (br) Science Fiction Review #45, Winter 1982
- * Upwellings from the Oracle by Barry Forshaw, (iv) Interzone #124, October 1997
- * Weird Tales Talks with Ian Watson by Darrell Schweitzer, (iv) Weird Tales Summer 1993
- * Whores in Babylon by Simon Ounsley, (br) Interzone #26, November/December 1988
Watson, K. J. (fl. 2020s) (chron.)
- * Awaken from Your Granite Slumber, (ss) The Stygian Lepus #13, 2024
- * In This Heat, (vi) The Sirens Call #66, Summer 2024
- * The Isle, (vi) The Sirens Call #61, Spring 2023
- * Malign Presence, (vi) The Sirens Call #59, Halloween 2022
- * Monochrome, (vi) The Sirens Call #59, Halloween 2022
- * Not a Pebble, (vi) Black Petals (online) #108, Summer 2024
- * Shingle, (vi) The Sirens Call #63, Halloween 2023
Watson, Mike (fl. 2010s-2020s) (chron.)
- * The Enigma of Charlie Peabody, (ss) Grantville Gazette v78, 2018
- * Greetings! [1632], (ss) Grantville Gazette v68, 2016
- * The Keeper of Barrington Light, (ss) Grantville Gazette v83, 2019
- * The Marshal Comes to Suhl [1632], (nv) Grantville Gazette v70, 2017
- * The Phantom of Barrington Light, (ss) Grantville Gazette v84, 2019
- * The Searchers [1632], (ss) Grantville Gazette v87, 2020
- * SMC [1632], (sl) Grantville Gazette v71, v72, v73 2017
Watson, Rosamund Marriott; [née Ball] (1860-1911); used pseudonym Graham R. Tomson (about) (chron.)
- * All-Souls Day, (pm) Tares: A Book of Verse by Rosamund Marriott Watson, Kegan, Paul, Trench, 1884
- * A Ballad of the Werewolf, (pm) A Summer Night, and Other Poems by Graham R. Tomson, Methuen, 1891, as by Graham R. Tomson
- * Ghosts, (pm) The Cosmopolitan September 1892, as by Graham R. Tomson
- * Nachtstuck, (pm) Tares: A Book of Verse by Rosamund Marriott Watson, Kegan, Paul, Trench, 1884
- * Ultima Thule, (pm) Tares: A Book of Verse by Rosamund Marriott Watson, Kegan, Paul, Trench, 1884
Watt, D. P. (fl. 2000s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * Apotheosis, (ss) Nemonymous #10, 2010, uncredited.
- * Blood and Smoke, Vinegar and Ashes, (nv) The Silent Garden v1, 2018
- * Harry’s Pin, (ss) The Weird Fiction Review #10, Fall 2019
- * Laudate Dominum (for Many Voices), (ss) Shadows & Tall Trees #5, Summer 2013
- * The Phantasmagorical Imperative, (nv) Sacrum Regnum #1, 2011
- * Shallabalah, (ss) The Ghosts & Scholars M.R. James Newsletter #26, October 2014
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Watt, John F(armer) (1915-1968); used pseudonyms Kenneth Boyce, Kenneth Boyea, Ian Bruce, Hamilton Donne, John Ellis, James Elton, Bruce Fenton, Mack James, Mack Jones, Frank C. Kneller, Ray Mason, D. J. Mencer, D. J. Mencet, D. R. Mencet, Rod Patterson, James Robertson, John Robertson, Neil J. Spalding, Neil J. Spaulding & Edward Stokes (chron.)
- * Alien Threat, (nv) Tales of Tomorrow #10, 1954, as by Mack Jones
- * Captives of Vesta, (nv) Wonders of the Spaceways #10, 1954, as by Ray Mason
- * Convoy to the Unknown, (nv) Wonders of the Spaceways #1, 1951, as by D. R. Mencet
- * Crimson Terror, (nv) Futuristic Science Stories #10, 1953, as by Rod Patterson
- * Danger Out of Space, (nv) Tales of Tomorrow #9, 1953, as by Frank C. Kneller
- * Death from the Swamps, (ss) Worlds of Fantasy #6, 1952, as by Ray Mason
- * The Death Planet, (nv) Worlds of Fantasy #4, 1951, as by D. J. Mencer
- * Death Ships, (nv) Futuristic Science Stories #2, 1950, as by Frank C. Kneller
- * Destination-Infinity!, (ss) Wonders of the Spaceways #10, 1954, as by Rod Patterson
- * The Devil’s Weed, (nv) Futuristic Science Stories #13, 1953, as by Ray Mason
- * Doomed World, (nv) Worlds of Fantasy #4, 1951, as by Ray Mason
- * The Final Threat, (ss) Wonders of the Spaceways #10, 1954, as by John Robertson
- * The Fire Goddess, (ss) Futuristic Science Stories #2, 1950, as by D. J. Mencet
- * Forgotten World, (nv) Tales of Tomorrow #3, 1950, as by John Ellis
- * The Fugitive, (nv) Tales of Tomorrow #10, 1954, as by Bruce Fenton
- * The Green Cloud, (nv) Wonders of the Spaceways #1, 1951, as by John Robertson
- * The Green Ray, (nv) Futuristic Science Stories #1, 1950, as by Ray Mason
- * Journey Into Tomorrow, (nv) Futuristic Science Stories #9, 1953, as by Frank C. Kneller
- * The Last Chance, (nv) Tales of Tomorrow #11, 1954, as by Frank C. Kneller
- * Last Survivor, (nv) Worlds of Fantasy #12, 1954, as by Neil J. Spaulding
- * The Lethal Mist, (nv) Tales of Tomorrow #11, 1954, as by Kenneth Boyea
- * Lost in Space, (nv) Futuristic Science Stories #13, 1953, as by D. R. Mencet
- * Lunar Revolt, (nv) Worlds of Fantasy #2, 1950, as by Frank C. Kneller
- * Lust for Conquest, (nv) Wonders of the Spaceways #1, 1951, as by Frank C. Kneller
- * Marooned on Venus, (nv) Worlds of Fantasy #11, 1953, as by Bruce Fenton
- * Martian Outcast, (nv) Wonders of the Spaceways #3, 1952, as by Neil J. Spalding
- * Martian Terror, (nv) Worlds of Fantasy #8, 1953, as by Ray Mason
- * No Tomorrows, (ss) Futuristic Science Stories #14, 1954, as by Kenneth Boyea
- * Perilous Expedition, (nv) Worlds of Fantasy #4, 1951, as by James Elton
- * Plan for Conquest, (nv) Worlds of Fantasy #2, 1950, as by D. J. Mencer
- * Prisoners of Mars, (nv) Wonders of the Spaceways #6, 1953, as by D. R. Mencet
- * Project Survival, (nv) Tales of Tomorrow #8, 1953, as by Kenneth Boyea
- * The Purple Sun, (nv) Wonders of the Spaceways #8, 1953, as by John Robertson
- * Rebels of Venus, (nv) Futuristic Science Stories #7, 1952, as by Frank C. Kneller
- * Renegades of the Void, (nv) Wonders of the Spaceways #10, 1954, as by Kenneth Boyea
- * Riddle of the Robots, (nv) Worlds of Fantasy #12, 1954, as by Kenneth Boyea
- * Robot Rebels, (nv) Worlds of Fantasy #12, 1954, as by Bruce Fenton
- * Robot Threat, (ss) Wonders of the Spaceways #6, 1953, as by Kenneth Boyce
- * Satellite in Space, (nv) Wonders of the Spaceways #9, 1954, as by John Robertson
- * Satellite Peril, (nv) Tales of Tomorrow #8, 1953, as by Bruce Fenton
- * Scarlet Invaders, (nv) Worlds of Fantasy #1, 1950, as by D. R. Mencet
- * Scourge of Space, (nv) Wonders of the Spaceways #3, 1952, as by D. R. Mencet
- * Sillisian Menace, (nv) Wonders of the Spaceways #7, 1953, as by Frank C. Kneller
- * Slave Ships, (nv) Tales of Tomorrow #4, 1952, as by Ray Mason
- * Slaves of Space, (nv) Futuristic Science Stories #9, 1953, as by Bruce Fenton
- * Space Menace, (nv) Worlds of Fantasy #13, 1954, as by Bruce Fenton
- * Spacemen’s Luck, (nv) Futuristic Science Stories #12, 1953, as by Frank C. Kneller
- * Space Warning, (nv) Wonders of the Spaceways #6, 1953, as by James Robertson
- * Spawn of Space, (nv) Wonders of the Spaceways #7, 1953, as by Ray Mason
- * Spawn of the Void, (nv) Futuristic Science Stories #4, 1951, as by Edward Stokes
- * Suicide Mission, (nv) Tales of Tomorrow #4, 1952, as by Mack James
- * Terror from the Skies, (nv) Futuristic Science Stories #4, 1951, as by Hamilton Donne
- * The Thought Machine, (ss) Tales of Tomorrow #6, 1953, as by Ray Mason
- * Threat from Mars, (nv) Worlds of Fantasy #6, 1952, as by Frank C. Kneller
- * Threat from Space, (nv) Tales of Tomorrow #4, 1952, as by Bruce Fenton
- * Traitor of the Void, (nv) Futuristic Science Stories #14, 1954, as by D. R. Mencet
- * Vandal of the Void, (nv) Worlds of Fantasy #1, 1950, as by Frank C. Kneller
- * The World Beyond, (nv) Worlds of Fantasy #11, 1953, as by Frank C. Kneller
- * World of Dread, (nv) Futuristic Science Stories #14, 1954, as by Frank C. Kneller
- * World of Fear, (nv) Futuristic Science Stories #12, 1953, as by D. R. Mencet
- * Wreckers of Space, (nv) Worlds of Fantasy #6, 1952, as by Mack James
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