The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
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Cormack, Donald G(raham) (1909-2002); used pseudonym Donald Graham (chron.)
- * The Chorus Horror Trained, (nv) Horror Stories June/July 1939, as by Donald Graham
- * Coming of the Rat Men, (nv) Terror Tales May/June 1939, as by Donald Graham
- * Hell’s Frozen Kingdom, (ss) Horror Stories June/July 1938, as by Donald Graham
- * Lovely Maids of Murder, (nv) Terror Tales September/October 1939, as by Donald Graham
- * Madman’s County Fair, (nv) Terror Tales November/December 1939, as by Donald Graham
- * Madman’s Darling, (ss) Terror Tales March/April 1938, as by Donald Graham
- * The Morgue That Madness Filled, (nv) Horror Stories April/May 1939, as by Donald Graham
- * New Brides for the Dying, (nv) Sinister Stories May 1940, as by Donald Graham
- * Pleasure Cruise—to Hell, (nv) Terror Tales May/June 1938, as by Donald Graham
- * Revelry in Hell, (nv) Uncanny Tales April/May 1939, as by Donald Graham
- * Revolt of the Circus Freaks, (nv) Horror Stories October/November 1938, as by Donald Graham
- * The Road That Ran Through Hell, (nv) Horror Stories December 1938/January 1939, as by Donald Graham
- * Satan Lives for My Love, (nv) Uncanny Tales May 1940, as by Donald Graham
- * Things That Once Were Girls, (ss) Horror Stories August/September 1938, as by Donald Graham
- * Where Beauty Dwelt with Terror, (nv) Uncanny Tales March 1940, as by Donald Graham
Cornell, P. A. (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * Can We Talk About Spanglish, Por Favor?, (ar) Constelación #1, January 2021
- * The Collective Memories of Dogs and Robots, (ss) Augur Magazine v6 #1, 2023
- * Decorative, (ss) Compelling Science Fiction Short Stories, Flame Tree Publishing, 2022
- * Face the Music, (vi) Factor Four Magazine #31, January 2024
- * A Fall Backward Through the Hourglass, (ss) Cossmass Infinities #8, April 2022
- * How to Impress a Top Food Critic and Put Your Restaurant on the Galactic Map, (ss) Dragon Gems Spring 2024
- * In the Grip of Yesterday, (ss) Cossmass Infinities #9, July 2022
- * Into the Frozen Wilds, (ss) Galaxy’s Edge #59, November 2022
- * Kiss It Better, (ss) Galaxy’s Edge #42, January 2020
- * The Life You’ve Given Me, Rusty, (vi) Lightspeed #173, October 2024
- * Once Upon a Time at the Oakmont, (ss) Fantasy Magazine #96, October 2023
- * ¿Podemos hablar del Spanglish, Please?, (ar) Constelación #1, January 2021; translated from the English (“Can We Talk About Spanglish, Por Favor?”) by Inés Galiano.
- * The Procedure, (vi) Abyss & Apex #89, 1st Quarter 2024
- * Splits, (ss) Cossmass Infinities #6, September 2021
- * Tabula Rasa, (ss) Departure Mirror #2, Winter 2021
- * They Fell to Earth in a Downpour, (vi) Frozen Wavelets #2, Winter 2020
- * Vinyl Wisdom, (ss) A Punk Rock Future ed. Steve Zisson, Zsenon Publishing, 2019
- * A World Unto Myself, (ss) Apex Magazine #138, 2023
Cornell, Paul (1967- ) (about) (chron.)
- * British Summertime, (ss) infinity plus June 2002
- * The Copenhagen Interpretation [Jonathan Hamilton], (nv) Asimov’s Science Fiction July 2011
- * Distribution, (ss) Uncanny Magazine #38, January/February 2021
- * Don’t You Worry, You Aliens, (ss) Uncanny Magazine #13, November/December 2016
- * Find a Way Home, (ss) Uncanny Magazine #6, September/October 2015
- * A Ghost Story for Christmas, (ss) Weird Tales #367, 2023
- * The Greys, (nv) Interzone #126, December 1997
- * Little Icons, (ss) Mind’s Eye #1, July 1990
- * The Telling Silence of A Ghost Story for Christmas, (ar) Uncanny Magazine #55, November/December 2023
_____, [ref.]
- * British Summertime by Paul Brazier, (br) Interzone #184, November/December 2002
- * Capital Letters by Paul F. Cockburn, (iv) Interzone #245, March/April 2013
- * Convention Soundbites by Andrew Hook, (iv) New Horizons #5, 2010
- * The Dead Men Diaries by Paul Beardsley, (br) Interzone #167, May 2001
- * Goth Opera by Paul Beardsley, (br) Interzone #90, December 1994
- * Happy Endings by Paul Brazier, (br) Interzone #117, March 1997
- * Interview: Paul Cornell by Caroline M. Yoachim, (iv) Uncanny Magazine #38, January/February 2021
- * London Falling by Paul F. Cockburn, (br) Interzone #245, March/April 2013
- * Oh No It Isn’t by Paul Beardsley, (rv) Interzone #148, October 1999
- * Something More by Paul Brazier, (br) Interzone #175, January 2002
- * Unashamedly English by Paul Brazier, (iv) Interzone #125, November 1997
Corner, Jason L. (fl. 2000s-2020s) (chron.)
- * Boy, Reclining, (ss) Mirror Dance #47, Autumn 2020
- * Cosmic Music, (ss) Electric Spec February 28 2008
- * The Knife, (ss) Abyss & Apex #20, 4th Quarter 2006
- * Make Sure to Breed Two, Then the Tree Needs You, (ss) Swords and Sorcery Magazine #120, January 2022
- * Miles Blows His Last, (ss) Ideomancer September 2009
- * Sports, (ss) Perihelion February 12 2017
Cornford, Laurence J. (fl. 1990s-2000s) (chron.)
- * The Doom of Enos Harker (with Lin Carter), (ss) Nightscapes #2, August 1997; based on the fragment “The Strange Doom of Enos Harker” by Lin Carter.
- * The Fear of Liqoimkh, (ss) The Eldritch Dark website 1997
- * Masters of Terror (with James Ambuehl), (ss) Perfect Timing ed. Mark Phippen & Helen Fayle, 1998
- * The Price of a Book, (ss) Cthulhu Cultus #6, 1997
- * The Return of Rhan-Tegoth, (ss) Nightscapes #7, April 1998
- * The Worm in the Wood, (ss) Mythos Online #3, 1997
Cornwell, Craig (fl. 1990s-2010s) (chron.)
- * Cold Stone Killer, (ss) Aphelion #107, January 2007
- * Hamlin 2: Village of the Damned, (ss) Aphelion #42, December 2000
- * Handel’s House of Horror, (ss) Aphelion #106, November 2006
- * Love Bomb, (ss) Aphelion #169, December 2012
- * McJock’s Beanstalk, (ss) Aphelion #38, August 2000
- * Nine, (ss) Aphelion #30, November 1999
- * Rain, (ss) Aphelion #114, September 2007
- * Rham the Uncivil, (ss) Aphelion #39, September 2000
- * There’s No Business Like Snow’s Business, (ss) Aphelion #37, July 2000
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