The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 1154
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Linzner, Gordon (Bruce) (1949- ); used pseudonym Irene Anfleming (chron.)
- * Alanna, (ss) The Argonaut #6, Summer/Fall 1979
- * Amateur Night, (vi) The Diversifier February/March 1979
- * Ballad of Borrell, (ss) Wyrd #6, Winter 1976/1977
- * The Battle of the Wizards [Horan], (ss) Space and Time #3, Spring 1968
- * The Best-Laid Plans, (vi) Space and Time #1, Spring 1966
- * Black Wolf: Dragon (with Ken W. Raney), (cs) Space and Time #35, March 1976
- * Butterball [James Blood], (ss) Space and Time #2, Fall 1967, as by Irene Anfleming
- * A Capsule History, (vi) Space and Time #6, Summer 1969
- * The Chaos Beast, (ss) Eerie Country #7, 1982
- * Children of Glory [James Blood], (nv) Space and Time #67, Winter 1984/1985
- * The Choosing, (ss) Space and Time #11, April 1971
- * Colony, (gp) Space and Time #11, April 1971
- * Cry Me a River, (ss) Dark Moon Digest #43, April 2021
- * Cthark, (ss) Space and Time #4, Winter 1968
- * The Dead Don’t Dream, (vi) Space and Time #138, Autumn 2020
- * Demons Are Forever [James Blood], (ss) Space and Time #48, July 1978
- * Desperate Acts, (ss) Dragon March 1985
- * A Door Opens, (ss) Space and Time #133, Spring/Summer 2019
- * The Editor’s Page, (ed) Space and Time #37 Jul 1976, #69 Wtr, #70 Sum 1986, #72 Sum 1987, #73 Wtr 1988
- * Eee-Urp!, (ed) Space and Time; #38-73.
- * Eee-Urp!, (ed) Space and Time #40 Jan, #45 Nov 1977, #49 Oct 1978
- * Encounter [Horan], (ss) Space and Time #5, Spring 1969
- * End of the Quest [Horan], (ss) Space and Time #21, November 1973
- * Falling Doom, (ss) Black Lite #2, October 1976
- * The Feline Phantom, (ss) Dragon June 1982
- * The File on Steven Hill, (ss) Space and Time #13, September 1971
- * The Final Battle [Horan], (ss) Space and Time #36, May 1976
- * Four for the Holidays, (ss) Dark Moon Digest #46, January 2022
- * Friedman’s Folly, (ss) Space and Time #1, Spring 1966
- * G-Men in Action, (pm) Space and Time #64, Summer 1983
- * The Gold Chain, (ss) Whispered Legends ed. Joey Froehlich, Froehlich, 1983
- * The Great Wet Hope [James Blood], (ss) Space and Time #54, January 1980
- * A Hasty Passage (with Alex Saviuk), (cs) Space and Time #7, August 1969
- * Heat of the Moment, (ss) Abyss & Apex #81, 1st Quarter 2022
- * The Honorable Design, (ss) Fantasy Book August 1983
- * Ichiyusai’s Curse, (ss) Dragonfields #4, Winter 1983
- * Inner Orbit, (ed) Space and Time; #76-78, 80.
- * Inner Orbit, (ed) Space & Time #74 Sum 1988, #75 Wtr, #76 Sum 1989, #77 Wtr, #78 Sum 1990, #79 Wtr 1991, #80 Sum 1992
- * The Inn of the Dove, (ss) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine June 1981
- * Invention, (vi) Space and Time #9, July 1970
- * The Key, (vi) Space and Time #2, Fall 1967
- * Last Trick, (vi) Argonaut #11, Fall 1984
- * The Lunatic, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction December 1983
- * Madrigal, (ss) Phoenix May 19 1970
- * The Magistrate’s Pillow, (ss) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine March/April 1985
- * Malison on Thirty-Fifth Street, (ss) Violent Legends ed. Joey Froehlich, Weird House, 1988
- * The Man with the Silver Stake [James Blood], (ss) Space and Time #50, January 1979
- * Masquerade, (vi) Jeet #1, April 1977
- * Melinae, (nv) Fantasy Book February 1983
- * The Melting Man, (ss) On Spec #114, 2020
- * Midnight Swordsman (with Frank Miller), (cs) Space and Time #18, May 1973
- * Moonfever [James Blood], (ss) Space and Time #32, September 1975
- * Moshigawa’s Homecoming, (ss) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine November 1981
- * MTA Announces New Plan to Ease Subway Congestion, (ss) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine September 1982
- * Nastasi of the Apes Returns (with Larry Lee), (cs) Space and Time #3, Spring 1968
- * Night’s Stalkers [James Blood], (nv) Space and Time #70, Summer 1986
- * Only the Dead, (ss) Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine May/June 2014
- * The Past, (ss) Phoenix May 19 1970, as "Madrigal"
- * The Peddler’s Bowl, (ss) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine July/August 1983
- * Phantoms, (pm) parAbnormal Magazine December 2024
- * The Pool of Xoctl, (ss) Eldritch Tales #2, 1981
- * Poop!, (ed) Space and Time; #11-37.
- * The Professor’s New York Adventure, (ss) Space and Time #103, Spring 2008
- * Project 37940-J, (vi) Space and Time #8, February 1970
- * The Puzzling Return of Jake McBrewster, (ss) The Argonaut #7, Fall/Winter 1980
- * Return of the Jaward [Jakor & Rayun], (nv) The Literary Magazine of Fantasy and Terror v2A, 1975
- * The Revenge of Nolfur [Horan], (ss) Space and Time #7, August 1969
- * The Ring of Aa, (ss) The Weirdbook Sampler ed. W. Paul Ganley, Ganley, 1988
- * Rune of the Dwark King [Horan], (nv) Space and Time #14, February 1972
- * Sand, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction May 1982
- * Saved by a Hair, (ss) Space and Time #142, Fall/Winter 2022
- * Settling, (ss) Space and Time #129, Summer 2017
- * Shantytown, (ss) 34 Orchard #10, Autumn 2024
- * Spawn of the North (with George C. Diezel, II), (ss) Space and Time #33, November 1975
- * The Spirit of West 76th [Evelyn Slade], (ss) Fantasy Book March 1986
- * The Sun-Child, (ss) Space and Time #11, April 1971
- * Superedgar, (cs) Space and Time #3, Spring 1968
- * Thicker Than Blood, (ss) Moonbroth #29/30, 1977
- * Through the Gates of Hell [Morgan Smith] (with Earl Johnson, Jr. & Robert E. Weinberg), (cs) Space and Time #22, January 1974
- * Thunderboomer [James Blood], (ss) Space and Time #41, March 1977
- * Tuesday Night at the Powers Club, (ss) Whispered Legends ed. Joey Froehlich, Froehlich, 1983
- * The Weeping Oni, (vi) Factor Four Magazine #21, March 2023
- * The Winged Demon [Jakor & Rayun], (ss) The Literary Magazine of Fantasy and Terror v1 #2, 1973
- * The Wise Man of the Mountain, (ss) Paradox Summer 1982
- * You Only Die Twice [James Blood], (ss) Space and Time #12, June 1971
_____, ed.
- * Editor:
* ___ Space and Time, #1 - #76.
* ___ Space and Time, #77 -. (with Jani Anderson)
- * Editor: Space and Time #37 Jul 1976, #40 Jan, #45 Nov 1977, #49 Oct 1978, #69 Wtr, #70 Sum 1986, #71 Wtr, #72 Sum 1987, #73 Wtr, #74 Sum 1988,
#75 Wtr, #76 Sum 1989
#81 Spr, #82 Fll 1993, #83 Spr, #84 Fll 1994, #85 Spr, #86 Fll 1995, #87 Sum 1997, #88 Sum 1998, #89 Spr, #90 Fll 1999, #91 Spr,
#92 Fll 2000
#93 Spr, #94 Fll 2001, #95 Spr, #96 Fll 2002, #97 Spr 2003, #98 Spr 2004, #99 Spr 2005
- * Editor (with Jani Anderson): Space & Time #77 Wtr, #78 Sum 1990, #79 Wtr 1991, #80 Sum 1992
_____, [ref.]
Lipinski, Miroslaw (fl. 1980s-2010s) (chron.)
- * The Balance, (ss) Nocturne #1, Autumn 1988
- * The Cult of Puke, (ss) Twisted #6, Summer/Fall 1991
- * Introduction, (in) The Grabinski Reader #1 Sum 1986, #2 Spr 1987, #3 Spr 1988, #4 Spr 1989, #5 Spr 1990
- * Introduction to “Nuptial Flames”, (is) Fungi #21, Summer 2013 [Ref. Stefan Grabinski]
- * It’s a Lonesome Old Town, (ss) Souls in Pawn ed. George Hatch, Horror's Head Press, 1992
- * Night Moods, (ss) After Hours Winter 1989
- * A Primary Checklist to the Fiction of Stefan Grabinski, (bi) The Grabinski Reader #3, Spring 1988
- * The Psychofantasy of Stefan Grabinski, (ar) Tekeli-li! #4, Winter/Spring 1992 [Ref. Stefan Grabinski]
- * The Sacrifice, (ss) Nøctulpa #2, Spring 1988
- * Seeing Stone, (pm) Deathrealm #6, Summer 1988
- * The Sweet Sorrow of Night, (ss) After Hours Autumn 1991
- * Tales by Moonlight II: A Review, (br) The Grabinski Reader #5, Spring 1990
- * The Travelling Coffin, (ss) Fantasy Macabre #15, 1992
- * The Well, (vi) Not One of Us #7, January 1991
- * [unknown article], (ar) The Mage #13, Fall 1990 [Ref. Stefan Grabinski]
_____, ed.
_____, trans.
- * The Area by Stefan Grabinski, (ss) The Grabinski Reader #1, Summer 1986; translated from the Polish.
- * Before the Long Journey by Stefan Grabinski, (ss) The Grabinski Reader #2, Spring 1987; translated from the Polish.
- * Conflagration Site by Stefan Grabinski, (ss) Poe Forevermore #1, Autumn 2012
- * The Frenzied Farmhouse by Stefan Grabinski, (ss) Crypt of Cthulhu #66, Lammas 1989
- * Fumes by Stefan Grabinski, (ss) Fantasy Macabre #14, 1992; translated from the Polish (“Czad”, 1913).
- * The Glance by Stefan Grabinski, (ss) The Grabinski Reader #3, Spring 1988; translated from the Polish (“Spojrzenie”, 1921).
- * He Had to Move On by Roman Jaworski, (ss) Fantasy Macabre #15, 1992
- * The Motion Demon by Stefan Grabinski, (ss) The Grabinski Reader #5, Spring 1990; translated from the Polish (“Demon Ruchu”, 1919).
- * Nuptial Flames by Stefan Grabinski, (ss) Fungi #21, Summer 2013; translated from the Polish.
- * On a Tangent by Stefan Grabinski, (ss) Lore v1 #9, 1998; translated from the Polish (“Po stycznej”, Na Wzgorzu Roz, 1918).
- * Red Magda by Stefan Grabinski, (ss) Sacrum Regnum #2, 2013
- * Saturnin Sektor by Stefan Grabinski, (ss) The Grabinski Reader #2, Spring 1987; translated from the Polish (“Saturnin Sektor”, 1920).
- * The Siding by Stefan Grabinski, (nv) The Grabinski Reader #5, Spring 1990; translated from the Polish (“Ślepy tor”, 1919).
- * The Sloven by Stefan Grabinski, (ss) Tekeli-li! #4, Winter/Spring 1992; translated from the Polish (“Smoluch”, 1919).
- * Strabismus by Stefan Grabinski, (ss) The Grabinski Reader #1, Summer 1986; translated from the Polish (“Zez”, 1918).
- * Szamota’s Mistress by Stefan Grabinski, (ss) The Grabinski Reader #3, Spring 1988; translated from the Polish (“Kochanka Szamoty”, 1922).
- * Ultima Thule by Stefan Grabinski, (ss) Nocturne #2, 1989; translated from the Polish (“Ultima Thule”, 1919).
- * The Wandering Train by Stefan Grabinski, (ss) Fantasy Macabre #11, 1988; translated from the Polish (“Błędny pociąg (Legenda kolejowa)”, 1919).
_____, [ref.]
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