The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 1743
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Sheffield, Charles (A.) (chron.) (continued)
- * Hidden Variables by Peter J. Andrews, (br) Beyond #1, Fall 1981
- * An Interview with Charles Sheffield by Karl T. Pflock, (iv) Science Fiction Review #33 Nov 1979, #34 Feb 1980
- * The McAndrew Chronicles by Gene DeWeese, (br) Science Fiction Review #48, Fall 1983
- * The Nimrod Hunt by Algis Budrys, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction December 1986
- * Proteus Unbound by Ken Brown, (br) Interzone #29, May/June 1989
- * The Science of the Creative Dead-Zone by Nick Talbot, (br) Science Fiction (Australia) v11 #3, 1992
- * Sight of Proteus by Stephen P. Brown, (br) Science Fiction Review #30, March/April 1979
- * Sight of Proteus by Ken Brown, (br) Interzone #29, May/June 1989
- * Summertide by Steven Sawicki, (br) Quantum #37, Summer 1990
- * Summertide by Steven Sawicki, (br) Science Fiction Review #4, Summer 1991
- * Visions of the Future by Jeffrey M. Elliot, (iv) Questar October 1980
- * The Web Between the Worlds by Richard E. Geis, (br) Science Fiction Review #33, November 1979
Shehadeh, Ramsey (fl. 2000s-2020s) (chron.)
- * Cigarettes and Coffee, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction January/February 2023
- * Creature, (ss) Weird Tales March/April 2008
- * The Diner on the Edge of Hell, (ss) Weird Tales Summer 2011
- * Epidapheles and the Inadequately Enraged Demon, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction July/August 2010
- * Epidapheles and the Insufficiently Affectionate Ocelot, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction March/April 2010
- * How I Got Here, (ss) Weird Tales July/August 2008
- * Jimmy’s Roadside Cafe, (ss) Strange Horizons June 30 2008
- * Leaky Graves, (ar) Weird Tales Fall 2009
- * Psychopomp, (ss) Shimmer #18, February 2014
Shelby, Jennifer (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * Broke Down & Starside, (ss) DreamForge #7, December 2020
- * Essence, (pm) Polar Starlight February 2024
- * The Feline, the Witch, and the Universe, (ss) Space and Time #135, Winter 2019
- * Forest Season for the Sometime Tree, (vi) Small Wonders #2, August 2023
- * Free Hugs, (ss) Metaphorosis July 2021
- * The Girl with Starlight Hair, (ss) Kaleidotrope Autumn 2023
- * Hellion Babysitting Services, (vi) Speculative North #4, 2021
- * Meriden’s Moonlet, (vi) Hybrid Fiction August 2020
- * The Mermaid’s Tail, (ss) Kaleidotrope Winter 2021
- * Mother/Murder, (pm) Augur Magazine v5 #2, 2022
- * Mrs Coleman’s Backyard Refugee Camp, (ss) Andromeda Spaceways Magazine #68, September 2017
- * Pardon Me While I Deliquesce, (pm) Polar Starlight August/September 2024
- * Poetry Birds, (pm) Space and Time #144, 2023
- * The Second Form of Ginny Elder, (ss) Hearth Stories #1, Winter 2023
- * Teeth of the Lion, (vi) Abyss & Apex #84, 4th Quarter 2022
- * The Voiceless of Shalott, (ss) Luna Station Quarterly #46, June 2021
- * Zsezzyn, Who Is Not a God, (ss) Metaphorosis June 2020
Sheldon, Alice (Hastings Bradley Davey) (1915-1987); used pseudonyms Raccoona Sheldon & James Tiptree, Jr. (chron.)
- * All This and Heaven Too, (nv) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine mid December 1985, as by James Tiptree, Jr.
- * And I Awoke and Found Me Here on the Cold Hill’s Side, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction March 1972, as by James Tiptree, Jr.
- * Angel Fix, (nv) Worlds of If July/August 1974, as by Raccoona Sheldon
- * Beam Us Home, (ss) Galaxy Science Fiction April 1969, as by James Tiptree, Jr.
- * Beaver Tears, (ss) Galaxy Science Fiction May 1976, as by Raccoona Sheldon
- * Beyond the Dead Reef, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction January 1983, as by James Tiptree, Jr.
- * Birth of a Salesman, (ss) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact March 1968, as by James Tiptree, Jr.
- * The Boy Who Waterskied to Forever, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction October 1982, as by James Tiptree, Jr.
- * Collision, (na) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine May 1986, as by James Tiptree, Jr.
- * The Color of Neanderthal Eyes, (na) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction May 1988, as by James Tiptree, Jr.
- * The Earth Doth Like a Snake Renew, (nv) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine May 1988, as by James Tiptree, Jr.
- * Fault, (ss) Fantastic August 1968, as by James Tiptree, Jr.
- * Forever to a Hudson Bay Blanket, (ss) Fantastic Stories August 1972, as by James Tiptree, Jr.
- * Good Night, Sweethearts, (na) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction March 1986, as by James Tiptree, Jr.
- * Happiness Is a Warm Spaceship, (na) If November 1969, as by James Tiptree, Jr.
- * Her Smoke Rose Up Forever, (nv) Final Stage ed. Edward L. Ferman & Barry N. Malzberg, Charterhouse, 1974, as by James Tiptree, Jr.
- * I’m Too Big but I Love to Play, (nv) Amazing Stories March 1970, as by James Tiptree, Jr.
- * In Midst of Life, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction November 1987, as by James Tiptree, Jr.
- * The Last Flight of Dr. Ain, (ss) Galaxy Science Fiction March 1969, as by James Tiptree, Jr.
- * Last Night and Every Night, (ss) Worlds of Fantasy v1 #2, 1970, as by James Tiptree, Jr.
- * Lirios: A Tale of the Quintana Roo, (nv) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine September 28 1981, as by James Tiptree, Jr.
- * Love Is the Plan the Plan Is Death, (nv) The Alien Condition ed. Stephen Goldin, Ballantine, 1973, as by James Tiptree, Jr.
- * The Man Doors Said Hello To, (ss) Worlds of Fantasy v1 #3, 1970/71, as by James Tiptree, Jr.
- * The Man Who Walked Home, (ss) Amazing Science Fiction Stories May 1972, as by James Tiptree, Jr.
- * Mother in the Sky with Diamonds, (nv) Galaxy Science Fiction March 1971, as by James Tiptree, Jr.
- * The Mother Ship, (nv) If June 1968, as by James Tiptree, Jr.
- * The Neat Sheet, (pm) Asimov’s Science Fiction October/November 1996, as by James Tiptree, Jr.
- * The Nightblooming Saurian, (ss) If May/June 1970, as by James Tiptree, Jr.
- * The Only Neat Thing to Do, (na) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction October 1985, as by James Tiptree, Jr.
- * On the Last Afternoon, (nv) Amazing Science Fiction Stories November 1972, as by James Tiptree, Jr.
- * Our Resident Djinn, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction October 1986, as by James Tiptree, Jr.
- * Painwise, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction February 1972, as by James Tiptree, Jr.
- * Parimutuel Planet, (nv) Galaxy Science Fiction January 1969, as by James Tiptree, Jr.
- * The Peacefulness of Vivyan, (ss) Amazing Science Fiction Stories July 1971, as by James Tiptree, Jr.
- * Please Don’t Play with the Time Machine, (vi) Amazing Stories Fall 1998, as by James Tiptree, Jr.
- * Pupa Knows Best, (nv) If October 1968, as by James Tiptree, Jr.
- * The Screwfly Solution, (nv) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact June 1977, as by Raccoona Sheldon
- * Slow Music, (na) Interfaces ed. Ursula K. Le Guin & Virginia Kidd, Ace, 1980, as by James Tiptree, Jr.
- * The Snows Are Melted, The Snows Are Gone, (nv) Venture Science Fiction November 1969, as by James Tiptree, Jr.
- * Time-Sharing Angel, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction October 1977, as by James Tiptree, Jr.
- * The Women Men Don’t See, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction December 1973, as by James Tiptree, Jr.
- * Yanqui Doodle, (nv) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine July 1987, as by James Tiptree, Jr.
- * Your Haploid Heart, (nv) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact September 1969, as by James Tiptree, Jr.
- * [illustration(s)] (with Ursula K. Le Guin), (il) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction September 2006, as by Ursula K. Le Guin & James Tiptree, Jr.
- * [letter], (lt) The Alien Critic #7, November 1973, as by James Tiptree, Jr.
- * [letter], (lt) Thrust #8, Spring 1977, as by James Tiptree, Jr.
_____, [ref.]
- * Alice Sheldon (1915-1987) by Gardner R. Dozois, (ob) Locus July 1987
- * Alice Sheldon: What’s in a Name? by Lynne Lumsden Green, (ar) Aurealis #154, September 2022
- * Another Letter to Tiptree by Gillian Polack, (ar) Strange Horizons May 16 2016
- * Being James Tiptree, Jr. by Kelly Robson, (ar) Clarkesworld #127, April 2017
- * Bodies of Text and Bodies of Women in James Tiptree, Jr. and William Gibson by Val Nolan, (ar) Interzone #299, May 2024
- * Brightness Falls from the Air by D. Douglas Fratz, (br) Thrust #23, Fall/Winter 1985
- * Brightness Falls from the Air by Lee Montgomerie, (br) Interzone #19, Spring 1987
- * Byte Beautiful by Andrew Andrews, (br) Science Fiction Review #59, Summer 1986
- * Crown of Stars by W. Ritchie Benedict, (br) Thrust #32, Winter 1989
- * Daniel Dann Versus “The Monster of the Spaceways” by Kohan Johnson, (br) Science Fiction (Australia) v2 #1, 1979
- * Dear Dr Sheldon by Gwyneth Jones, (ar) Strange Horizons August 24 2015
- * From the Heart’s Basement by Barry N. Malzberg, (ar) Pulphouse: A Fiction Magazine July 1992
- * James Tiptree, Jr. and the Tiptree Awards by James Schellenberg, (br) Challenging Destiny #23, November 2006
- * James Tiptree, Jr. Is Raccoona Sheldon Is Alice B. Sheldon Is Alli Is… by Michael Bishop, (ar) Quantum #42, Summer/Fall 1992; parts originally appeared in Byte Beautiful by James Tiptree, Jr., Doubleday, 1985. and in Readercon 5 Program Book, 1992.
- * James Tiptree, Jr.: The Double Life of Alice B. Sheldon (with Julie Phillips) by Maureen Kincaid Speller, (br) Interzone #205, August 2006
- * James Tiptree, Jr.: The Double Life of Alice B. Sheldon (with Julie Phillips) by Paul Kincaid, (br) Interzone #205, August 2006
- * Meet Me at Infinity by Paul J. McAuley, (br) Interzone #158, August 2000
- * The Starry Rift by Ken Brown, (br) Interzone #28, March/April 1989
- * Star Songs of an Old Primate by Robert Frazier, (br) Science Fiction Review #25, May 1978
- * 10,000 Light-Years from Home by Darrell Schweitzer, (br) Science Fiction Review #22, August 1977
- * James Tiptree, Jr. by Charles Platt, (bg) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine April 1983
- * Up the Walls of the World by Richard E. Geis, (br) Science Fiction Review #24, February 1978
- * Up the Walls of the World by Algis Budrys, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction September 1978
- * Up the Walls of the World by D. Douglas Fratz, (br) Thrust #11, Fall 1978
Sheldon, Anne (fl. 1990s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * Azeman, (pm) Dreams of Decadence #13, Winter 2000/Spring 2001
- * Blizzardry, (pm) Talebones #28, Summer 2004
- * The Duke of Bedford Prays for His Brother’s Soul, (ss) Paradox #10, Winter 2006/2007
- * Featured Poet, (gp) Dreams of Decadence #13, Winter 2000/Spring 2001
- * Fionn and the Birgha, (pm) Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet #34, July 2016
- * The Flowers on the Harp, (ss) Black Gate Fall 2003
- * Haunts, (pm) Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet #34, July 2016
- * Home Is Where the Heart Is, (pm) Weird Tales Winter 1999/2000
- * Island Folklore, (pm) Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet #30, September 2014
- * Lady Amigdalla and the Prince, (pm) Talebones #37, Winter 2008
- * Maelbrigte’s Woman, (pm) Strange Horizons June 13 2011
- * Murava, (pm) Dreams of Decadence #13, Winter 2000/Spring 2001
- * Red Shift, (pm) Star*Line May/June 2002
- * Sea Witch, (pm) Worlds of Fantasy & Horror Winter 1996/1997
- * Snow White Turns 39, (pm) Worlds of Fantasy & Horror Winter 1996/1997
- * Three Poems, (gp) Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet #34, July 2016
- * Three Poems, (pm) Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet #43, June 2021
- * Twice in My Late Morning Dream, (pm) Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet #34, July 2016
- * Two Poems, (pm) Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet #12, June 2003
Sheldon, Deborah (fl. 2000s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * Across the White Desert, (ss) Aurealis #87, February 2016
- * All the Stars in Her Eyes, (nv) Andromeda Spaceways Magazine #80, September 2020
- * Barralang, pop. 63, (ss) Dimension6 #19, 2020
- * Can’t Sleep? Three Different Brushes to Melt Away Insomnia, (ss) Andromeda Spaceways Magazine #90, Q1 2023
- * Carbon Copy Consumables, (ss) Midnight Echo #15, November 2020
- * Editorial, (ed) Midnight Echo #14, December 2019
- * Hair and Teeth, (ss) Aurealis #113, August 2018
- * Mothers and Sons, (ss) Andromeda Spaceways Magazine #96, Q3 2024
- * The Palm Leaf, (ss) Aurealis #160, May 2023
- * Perfect Little Stitches, (ss) Midnight Echo #11, April 2015
- * Smothered, Still and Silent, (pm) Midnight Echo #17, August 2022
- * The Stairwell, (ss) Midnight Echo #16, December 2021
- * The Tea and Sugar Train, (ss) Dimension6 #18, 2019
- * What the Sea Wants, (ss) SQ Mag #25, March 2016
_____, ed.
Sheldon, Glenn (fl. 1980s-2000s) (chron.)
- * Accentuated Man in a Gradient Light, (pm) Ice River #1, Summer 1987
- * Anne Rice Gives Horror More than a Transfusion, (ar) The Blood Review April 1990
- * Dream Looking Down at Its Nightmare Face, (pm) Deathrealm #4, Winter 1987
- * Pair of Albino Magpies, (pm) Grue #7, 1988
- * Paris Green, (pm) Twisted #4, Summer 1987
- * Swept Away, (pm) Grue #12, Winter 1991
- * To Win a Packet of Seeds, Name this Poem, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #11, January 1987
- * When the Cycle Slaps Its Life in Your Face, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #12/13, March 1987
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