The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
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Rice, Linda Lee (fl. 2010s-2020s) (chron.)
- * The Dark Trail of Red, (pm) The Sirens Call #44, April 2019
- * Lost in Insanity, (pm) The Sirens Call #44, April 2019
- * The Monster, (pm) The Sirens Call #44, April 2019
- * Moonlight Madness, (pm) The Sirens Call #44, April 2019
- * Pale, Pale, Heart, (vi) The Sirens Call #60, Winter 2022
- * She Who Is Not Me, (pm) The Sirens Call #45, June 2019
- * The Untrodden Path, (pm) The Sirens Call #45, June 2019
- * What We Have Become, (vi) The Sirens Call #60, Winter 2022
- * The Window Behind Me, (pm) The Sirens Call #44, April 2019
- * Within the Shadows, (vi) The Sirens Call #54, Summer 2021
- * The Woman in the Black Dress, (vi) The Sirens Call #60, Winter 2022
Rich, H(arold) Thompson (1893-1957); used pseudonym Henry Leigh (chron.)
- * The Avenger, (pl) Weird Tales January 1926
- * The Beast Plants, (ss) Argosy July 26 1930
- * The Black Box, (ss) Weird Tales December 1925
- * The Corpse Wanted Company, (ss) Ghost Stories September 1929, as "The Thing That Came Home from the War", by Henry Leigh
- * The Crimson Crucifix, (ss) Weird Tales December 1924
- * The Diamond Thunderbolt, (nv) Astounding Stories July 1931
- * The Flying City, (nv) Astounding Stories of Super-Science August 1930
- * Green Horror, (ss) Weird Tales August 1938
- * The House of the Fog, (na) Ghost Stories Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun 1931
- * Little Island, (ss) Weird Tales April 1925
- * The Orange Opal, (ss) Weird Tales May 1925
- * The Phantom Express, (vi) Weird Tales October 1926
- * The Purple Cincture, (ss) Weird Tales August 1925
- * The Sev’n-Ring’d Cup, (ss) Weird Tales September 1925
- * Spawn of the Comet, (nv) Astounding Stories November 1931
- * The Sunken Empire, (nv) Astounding Stories of Super-Science January 1931
- * The Thing That Came Home from the War, (ss) Ghost Stories September 1929, as by Henry Leigh; as told to H. Thompson Rich
- * Thirty-One Elephants, (nv) Doc Savage Spring 1949
_____, as told to
Rich, Mark (David) (1958- ) (chron.)
- * Across the Sky, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact June 1994
- * The Alien Reads a Romance, (pm) The Mage #6, Winter 1987
- * All Our Boroughs Plumbing, (ss) Tales as Like as Not Fall 1984
- * Almost Like Laughter, (vi) Midnight Zoo v2 #5, 1992
- * Ancient Materials, (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Spring 2002
- * And I, Dwarfed Beneath the Resplendent Dream, (pm) Treaders of Starlight August 1976
- * Angel Death, (pm) The Tome #6, 1990
- * Another Day, (ss) Electric Velocipede #9, Fall 2005
- * An Ape at Evening, (ss) Tales as Like as Not Winter 1984
- * Aquarium, (ss) Freezer Burn Magazine #4, 1996
- * Ashes of Penis Thrown to Sea, (ss) Stygian Articles #11, 1997
- * The Asking Place, (ss) Science Fiction Age July 1994
- * Asleep in the Arms of Ambience, (ss) Talebones #27, Winter 2003
- * At the Matter-Transmitter, (pm) SPWAO Showcase #6, 1986
- * Barside, (vi) Zero Gravity Freefall #0, October 1994
- * The Beauty Monster, (ss) Science Fiction Age September 1996
- * Beer Can Medusa, (ss) Tales of the Unanticipated #27, Autumn 2006
- * Before This Dawn, (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry October/December 1988
- * Below Light Speed, (pm) Fungi #11, Autumn 1986
- * Blood in the Kitchen, (pm) Thin Ice #8, 1990
- * Booked, (ss) Tales of the Talisman v3 #3, 2007
- * Branch Graft, (pm) Fungi #10, Summer 1986
- * Breaking Windows, (pm) Beyond #4, May 1986
- * A Broken Delusion or 2, (pm) Cthulhu Calls January 1976
- * Cancer Punch, (ss) Galactic Citizen #15, Summer 1997
- * Cargoes of Immensity: October 4, 2004, (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Winter 2004/2005
- * Carrier of a Kingdom, (ss) Shadow Sword #1, March 1993
- * Catch & Release, (ss) Electric Velocipede #4, Spring 2003
- * Cathedral Street, (ss) Tales as Like as Not Summer 1986
- * Cat in the Blanket, (ss) The Ultimate Unknown Fall 1995
- * Chamber Music, (ss) Indigenous Fiction #1, August 1998
- * Cleaners, (ss) Encounters Magazine Fall 1989
- * Cleft, (vi) Dead Lines #4, April 1996
- * Cold Water, (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Autumn 1997
- * Crazy Man, (pm) Asimov’s Science Fiction March 2010
- * Crushed White Cup, (ss) Not One of Us #23, March 2000
- * Dead Man Come A-Calling, (ss) Tales of the Unanticipated #29, Autumn/Winter 2008
- * Debris Over China, (ar) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry January/June 1989
- * Deeper Into the Voyage, (pm) Tales of the Unanticipated #3, Winter/Spring 1988
- * Delivery, (ss) Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet #9, November 2001
- * Descent, (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Summer 1987
- * The Diogenes Robot, (ss) Strange Horizons April 4 2005
- * Dirt, (ss) Tales of the Unanticipated #12, Fall 1993/Winter 1994
- * The Disappearance of Speculative Poetry, (ar) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Autumn 1997
- * Distracted Considerations of a Question, (ar) Star*Line November/December 1985
- * Dumb Luck, (ss) E-scape February 1996
- * Dumptown, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact February 2002
- * The Dust, (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Winter 2004/2005
- * Ecologia Libre!, (ar) New Pathways #20, Winter 1992
- * Editorial, (ed) Treaders of Starlight October 1974
- * Editorial Notes, (ed) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry October/December 1990
- * Editorial Notes: Doing Away with Poetry, (ed) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Spring 1992
- * Editorial Notes: End-of-Year Blues and Worldcon, (ed) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry December 1991
- * Edward Falls, and Other Thoughts, (ar) Star*Line January/February 1988
- * An Event on the Way to Boston, (ss) Stygian Articles #7, Autumn 1996
- * Exfoliation, (vi) Talebones #2, Winter 1996
- * Face in the Wall, (pm) Kaleidotrope #5, October 2008
- * The Face of Days, (ss) Leviathan v1 #1, 1996
- * Fallings, Beginnings, Mist, (ss) Dead Lines #3, November 1995
- * Falsebook, (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Spring 2011
- * Farmer, (pm) Fungi #12, Winter 1986
- * Fear of Tall Buildings, (ss) Say… #2, 2003
- * Fears, (pm) Star*Line July/August 1985
- * The Festival of the River, (ss) The Mage #4, Winter 1985
- * Fire Curves, (ss) Pandora #28, 1992
- * The Fish of My Lungs, (ss) Xizquil #7, July 1992
- * Flight of Angels, (ss) Tales of the Talisman v5 #1, 2009
- * Fling but a Stone, (ss) Electric Velocipede #2, Spring 2002
- * Foe, (nv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact April 2009
- * Foggery, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact November 1996
- * Forever Down the Ringing Grooves, (ss) Science Fiction Age May 1995
- * Forgotten Episode, (pm) Pandora #17, 1987
- * Fortuneteller, (pm) The Mage #7, Spring 1987
- * Forward from What Vanishes, (pm) Amazing Stories January 1987
- * A Fossil at Evening-Fall, (ss) LC-39 #3, 2000
- * Frog and Road, (ar) New Pathways #19, January 1991
- * From the Prior Estate, (pm) Thin Ice #8, 1990
- * Gazer, (vi) Plot #1, 1994
- * The Gift, (ss) Dead of Night #10, Fall 1994
- * The Giver, (ss) Palace Corbie #6, 1995
- * The Glass Smile, (ss) Pirate Writings #12, 1996
- * A Good Place to Be, (ss) Electric Velocipede #7, Fall 2004
- * The Good Trip, (ss) Indigenous Fiction #3, August 1999
- * Grave Marker, (pm) Thin Ice #8, 1990
- * Hang In There with the Deathperson, (ss) Xizquil #11, March 1994
- * Her Embrace, (ss) Maelstrom Speculative Fiction #4, Spring 1999
- * Here, There, and Otherwhere, (ss) Science Fiction Age September 1997
- * His Mind Amid Wires, (pm) The Mage #10, Summer 1988
- * Holding White Petals, (pm) Pandora #14, 1985
- * Home, (ss) Event Horizon Fall 1997
- * Homo Ecostrophicus, (ar) New Pathways #18, November 1990
- * House Dogs, (ss) Deathrealm #20, Winter 1993
- * Human Lives Saved, (nv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact February 1996
- * I Am the Cowbird, (ss) Strange Days Fall 1992
- * Ice for Pangi, (ss) Zahir #18, Spring 2009
- * Idiosyncrasies, (ss) Science Fiction Age March 1995
- * I Had the Dark: Ged Speaks, (pm) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction July/August 2021
- * Impossible Alone, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact April 1995
- * Incandescent Light, (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Spring 2008
- * In Ghostly Red File, (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Spring 1986
- * In Memorium (J.F.), (pm) Electric Velocipede Fall 2001
- * In Our Country, (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry July/December 1989
- * In the Dark Distance, (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Spring 2008
- * In the Garden, in the Morning, (ss) Tales as Like as Not Spring 1986
- * In This Center Hold Solitude, (pm) The Mage #4, Winter 1985
- * Invisibility, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact August 1993
- * It Snowed, (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Spring 2009
- * Jacket Jackson (with Richard Bowes), (nv) Electric Velocipede #10, Spring 2006
- * Joe Brundlee, (pm) Tales of the Unanticipated #10, 1992
- * Khurbn, (br) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry July/December 1989
- * Language Fields, (br) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry July/December 1989
- * Last and First Man, (vi) Vision #3, 1990
- * Last Call, (vi) Xizquil #8, December 1992
- * The Leap, (ss) Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet #23, November 2008
- * Lifting, (ss) New Pathways #17, September 1990
- * Light Across an Impossible Lake, (pm) Asimov’s Science Fiction July 2008
- * Light Like a Summons, (br) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry July/December 1989
- * Limits, (pm) Tales of the Unanticipated #8, 1991
- * Louisa Drifting, (pm) Asimov’s Science Fiction January 2010
- * A Memory of a Storm at Night, (pm) The Tome #6, 1990
- * Memory of Music, (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Spring 2009
- * Mer-King, (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Spring 2009
- * Metallands, (ss) Atopos #1, Spring/Summer 1991
- * Milk White, (ss) Fantasque June 2000
- * Moto Perpetuo, (ss) Pandora #18, Winter 1988
- * Mrs. Hewitt’s Tulips, (ss) Tales of the Unanticipated #20, August 1999/April 2000
- * MSP Commentary, (br) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Spr, Sum/Win 1992
- * Naked Planet, (vi) Fantastic Collectibles Magazine #112, November 1992
- * The Never-Winner, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact May 1994
- * Nicholas, (ss) Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet #15, January 2005
- * Nightmare Collector, (br) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry July/December 1989
- * No Friday, (ss) Kaleidotrope #5, October 2008
- * Notes After an Editorial Meeting, (ar) Star*Line May/June 1985
- * A Note to Earthside, (pm) Bifrost #3, Winter 1985
- * Of Cars, His Tower, (ss) Expanse #1, 1993
- * Off the Wall, (ss) Hadrosaur Tales Volume Three ed. David L. Summers, Hadrosaur Productions, 1997
- * Old White William, (pm) The Tome #11, Winter 1992/1993
- * Omnisapentia, (ss) Irregular Quarterly #2, Spring 2007
- * On Escaping, (pm) Ice River #2, Winter 1987
- * One Year After Departure, (pm) Fungi #12, Winter 1986
- * On Some Inner Planet, a Fawn, (pm) Treaders of Starlight August 1976
- * On the Collection of Humans, (vi) Nova SF #5, 1994
- * Our Mappable World, (ar) New Pathways #17, September 1990
- * Out There, (pm) Opus Quarterly #4, Winter 1988
- * Outward Urge, (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Autumn 2012
- * Overdue, (ss) Zero Gravity Freefall #1, February 1995
- * The Pain Killer, (ss) Not One of Us #11, November 1993
- * A Pale Man in Dreamlight, (ss) Tales as Like as Not Spring 1985
- * Panopticon: Short Fiction, (br) Science Fiction Eye #13, Spring 1994
- * The Penalty of the Prophet, (ar) Carnage Hall #3, 1992
- * Peppers, (pm) The Tome #6, 1990
- * Perdito’s Children, (ss) Talebones #9, Fall 1997
- * Perfume, (ss) Pirate Writings #4, Summer 1994
- * Possible Solutions, (br) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry July/December 1989
- * Post, (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Summer/Fall 1985
- * Pray for All Dead, (pm) Thin Ice #8, 1990
- * Premature, (ss) Kaleidotrope #4, April 2008
- * Probability Zero:
* ___ Sufficiently Un-Advanced, (vi) Analog Science Fiction and Fact November 1997
- * Rain Falls in Winter, (pm) Grue #7, 1988
- * Reality in Zelazny Fantasy, (ar) New Fantasy Journal #1, Summer 1976 [Ref. Roger Zelazny]
- * The Real Thing, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact July 1994
- * Recent Occurrences of Note, (vi) Sweet Dreams, Baby! #1, May 1990
- * Review, (br) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Spring 2002
- * Review: Burning with a Vision, (br) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Winter 1984 [Ref. Robert Frazier]
- * Reviews, (rc) Star*Line July/August 1986
- * Roadside Stand, (pm) Asimov’s Science Fiction October/November 2010
- * Sailor, (pm) Asimov’s Science Fiction December 2010
- * Saint Ana, (vi) Not One of Us #6, April 1990
- * The School of Old Men, (ss) Tales of the Unanticipated #24, July 2003/July 2004
- * Sea King, (pm) Thin Ice #8, 1990
- * Secret Spring, (ss) Fantastic Worlds v1 #1, 1996
- * Self-Publishing, (ar) Star*Line May/June 1986
- * The Sighing Whisper, (pm) The DragonFang August 1990
- * Signals Star to Star, (pm) Star*Line March/April 1987
- * The Sky-Eater, (pm) Talebones #8, Summer 1997
- * Sleep-o-Rama, (ss) Tales of the Unanticipated #31, 2014
- * Smoking Gun, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact May 1999
- * Snake Skins, (pm) Star*Line January/February 1987
- * Some Choices, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact May 1993
- * Soon Sighted, (pm) Star*Line September/October 1986
- * Space, (pm) Beyond #5, September 1986
- * Speaking in Air, (nv) New Genre Spring 2000
- * Speak Without Gravity, (pm) Asimov’s Science Fiction April/May 2008
- * Speculative Poetry: Notes on Function, (ar) Full Unit Hookup #1, Spring 2002
- * Stairs Into the Sea, (ss) Back Brain Recluse #22, 1994
- * Stalking the Wild Horror Poem, (ar) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry October/December 1990
- * Staying the Course, (pm) Asimov’s Science Fiction October/November 2007
- * Stolen Pleasure, (ss) After Hours Spring 1994
- * Streamside, (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Spring 2008
- * The Suckers, (ss) Dark Regions & Horror Magazine #10, Fall 1998
- * Sufficiently Un-Advanced, (vi) Analog Science Fiction and Fact November 1997
- * Supremacy of Bacteria, (ar) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry January/June 1989
- * Swathes of Grass, (ss) Say… #3, 2003
- * Sweet Machine, (vi) Vision #17, 1993
- * The Tenant, (ss) Kaleidotrope #6, April 2009
- * They Arrived, (pm) Asimov’s Science Fiction March 2007
- * Think of the Dead Monkey in the Sky, (ss) Palace Corbie #8, 1999
- * The Third Drawer, (ss) E-scape #10, October 1998
- * This Much I Can Say, (pm) Fungi #11, Autumn 1986
- * This Night of Fishing, (ss) The Silver Web #13, 1996
- * Three Hills, Green Chartreuse, (ss) Xizquil #13, 1995
- * Throwing Off the Prison Stoop: Comments on the Work of Bruce Boston, (ar) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Spring 1986 [Ref. Bruce Boston]
- * To Hunt in Fields, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact November 1994
- * To Make a Love Story Short, (ss) Zahir #15, Spring 2008
- * Too Celestial Lane, (ss) Talebones #26, Summer 2003
- * To Sleep, (pm) Strange Horizons April 1 2002
- * Towards Thebes, (pm) Pandora #16, 1986
- * The Trace of Old Fingers, (pm) 2AM Summer 1987
- * Tracks, (pm) Deathrealm #15, Fall/Winter 1991
- * Traveling Five Minutes Into the Past, (pm) Star*Line March/April 1986
- * Twice in His Lives, (ss) Plot #8, Winter/Spring 1997
- * The Typewriter, (ss) New Pathways Into Science Fiction and Fantasy #12, October 1988
- * Uncaught, (pm) Talebones #33, Summer 2006
- * Universe of Answers, (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Spring 2009
- * The Vidim, (ss) Amazing Stories August 1993
- * Voyage of Stillness, (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry October/December 1990
- * Walking Stick, (ss) Jabberwocky #2, Spring/Summer 1992
- * The Wanderer, (pm) Penumbric Speculative Fiction April 2024
- * Warm Earth, (pm) Thin Ice #1, 1988
- * We’re Here, (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Autumn 1997
- * We, Starlight Treaders, (pm) Treaders of Starlight October 1974
- * What We Love, (ss) Talebones #37, Winter 2008
- * Whenever They Go Out, (vi) Keen Science Fiction! October 1996
- * When the Wood Has Listened, (pm) Beyond #4, May 1986
- * Where He Dreamed Dungeons, (ss) E-scape #7, April 1998
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