The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 954
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Jones, Neil R(onald) (1909-1988) (about) (chron.)
- * The Asteroid of Death [Nez Hulan], (nv) Wonder Stories Quarterly Fall 1931
- * The Astounding Exodus, (nv) Thrilling Wonder Stories April 1937
- * An Autobiographical Sketch of Neil R. Jones, (bg) Fantasy Magazine January 1937
- * Captives of the Durna Rangue, (nv) Super Science Novels Magazine March 1941
- * The Cat-Men of Aemt [Professor Jameson], (nv) Astonishing Stories August 1940
- * The Citadel in Space, (n.) Two Complete Science-Adventure Books Summer 1951
- * Concerning Professor Jameson [Professor Jameson], (ar) Stardust November 1940
- * Cosmic Derelict [Professor Jameson], (nv) Astonishing Stories February 1941
- * The Dark Swordsmen of Saturn, (nv) Planet Stories Summer 1940
- * The Death’s Head Meteor, (ss) Air Wonder Stories January 1930
- * Doomsday on Ajiat [Professor Jameson], (nv) Astonishing Stories October 1942
- * Durna Rangue Neophyte, (nv) Astounding Stories June 1937
- * The Electrical Man, (na) Scientific Detective Monthly May 1930
- * Escape from Phobos, (nv) Wonder Stories February 1933
- * Exiles from Below [Professor Jameson], (nv) Astro-Adventures #7, April 1989
- * Hermit of Saturn’s Ring, (ss) Planet Stories Fall 1940
- * Into the Hydrosphere [Professor Jameson], (na) Amazing Stories October 1933
- * Invisible One, (nv) Super Science Stories September 1940
- * The Jameson Satellite [Professor Jameson], (nv) Amazing Stories July 1931
- * Kiss of Death, (nv) Amazing Stories December 1938
- * “Labyrinth” [Professor Jameson], (nv) Amazing Stories April 1936
- * The Legend of Interplanetary, (ar) The Fanscient Summer 1948
- * Liquid Hell, (nv) Future Fiction July 1940
- * Little Hercules, (nv) Astounding Stories September 1936
- * Martian and Troglodyte, (na) Amazing Stories May 1933
- * Meet the Authors:
* ___ Neil R. Jones, (bg) Amazing Stories April 1941
- * The Metal Moon [Professor Jameson], (nv) Super Science Stories September 1949
- * The Mind Masters [Professor Jameson], (nv) Super Science Stories September 1950
- * The Moon Pirates [Nez Hulan], (na) Amazing Stories Sep, Oct 1934
- * The Music-Monsters [Professor Jameson], (na) Amazing Stories April 1938
- * Neil R. Jones, (bg) Amazing Stories April 1941
- * “On the Planet Fragment” [Professor Jameson], (na) Amazing Stories October 1937
- * Parasite Planet [Professor Jameson], (nv) Super Science Stories November 1949
- * The Planet of the Double Sun [Professor Jameson], (nv) Amazing Stories February 1932
- * Priestess of the Sleeping Death, (nv) Amazing Stories April 1941
- * The Ransom for Toledo, (nv) Comet May 1941
- * The Return of the Tripeds [Professor Jameson], (nv) Amazing Stories May 1932
- * Saga of Professor Jameson, (pm) The Gorgon v2 #4, 1948
- * Shadows of the Night, (ss) Amazing Detective Tales October 1930
- * Shipwrecked on Venus, (nv) Wonder Stories Quarterly Winter 1932
- * Slaves of the Unknown [Professor Jameson], (nv) Astonishing Stories March 1942
- * Space War [Professor Jameson], (nv) Amazing Stories July 1935
- * Spoilers of the Spaceways, (nv) Planet Stories Winter 1942
- * The Star Killers [Professor Jameson], (nv) Super Science Stories August 1951
- * Suicide Durkee’s Last Ride, (nv) Amazing Stories September 1932
- * The Sunless World [Professor Jameson], (na) Amazing Stories December 1934
- * Swordsmen of Saturn, (na) Science Fiction October 1939
- * Time’s Mausoleum [Professor Jameson], (nv) Amazing Stories December 1933
- * Twin Worlds [Professor Jameson], (na) Amazing Stories April 1937
- * Vampire of the Void, (ss) Planet Stories Spring 1941
- * World Without Darkness [Professor Jameson], (nv) Super Science Stories March 1950
- * Zora of the Zoromes [Professor Jameson], (na) Amazing Stories March 1935
_____, [ref.]
Jones, Pugnacious (fl. 2000s) (chron.)
- * Express Meat Buffet, (pm) Lunatic Chameleon #2, May 2003
- * In the Sun (with Kevin L. Donihe), (ss) Dark Animus #3, May 2003
- * Johnson and Johnson, (ss) Bust Down the Door and Eat All the Chickens Winter 2005
- * Never Enough, (pm) Bare Bone #6, 2004
- * The Permanence of Memory (with Kevin L. Donihe), (ss) Bust Down the Door and Eat All the Chickens Summer 2005
- * The Ravine of Profuse Enigma, (ss) Bust Down the Door and Eat All the Chickens Winter 2005
- * A Scene on a Busy Street (with Kevin L. Donihe), (ss) Bust Down the Door and Eat All the Chickens #1, 2003
- * technicolor and me, (pm) Bare Bone #7, 2005
Jones, R. Mac (fl. 2010s-2020s) (chron.)
- * All Became a Bit Darker, (il) Star*Line Fall 2022
- * Astrosommelier, (pm) Star*Line Summer 2024
- * As We Move to Hold Hands, As We Move Towards the Wormhole, (pm) Star*Line Spring 2023
- * Dive Little Creatures, (il) Penumbric Speculative Fiction February 2023
- * Dragonflies Descending, (il) Penumbric Speculative Fiction April 2023
- * The Generations Ship Dance, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #115, May 2020
- * Holding the Rose, (il) Star*Line Summer 2022
- * If Mixed Well, the Flame Will Be a Brilliant Green and the Fire Will Not Die, (pm) Sycorax Journal #4, Fall 2019
- * I Think the Article Said Something about First Contact, (pm) Star*Line Summer 2020
- * Lady of the Lake with Rings and Stars, (il) Penumbric Speculative Fiction August 2023
- * Love Songs on a Planet Circling Binary Stars, (pm) Star*Line Summer 2021
- * Next Day Shipping, (pm) Star*Line Fall 2017
- * Place Settings, (pm) Liminality #22, Winter 2019/2020
- * Rabbits Watching the Fire Rise, (il) Star*Line Spring 2022
- * Rising by the Red Moon, (il) Penumbric Speculative Fiction February 2024
- * A Rondeau on the Televised Launch of the First Rotating Wheel Spaceship, (pm) Star*Line Fall 2018
- * The Service Agreement Does Not Cover What Happens During Sleep, (pm) Strange Horizons November 5 2018
- * Shining Song to Stars 2, (il) Penumbric Speculative Fiction August 2024
- * Somewhere, at a Distance, Sleep, (il) Penumbric Speculative Fiction October 2022
- * Spectral Color, (pm) Star*Line Winter 2020
- * Taste, (il) Dreams and Nightmares #126, January 2024
- * Unincorporated, (pm) Liminality #25, Autumn 2020
- * Waking to Cry Stop, (il) Penumbric Speculative Fiction August 2022
- * When Semi-Benevolent Aliens Conquer Earth, (pm) Star*Line Spring 2018
- * Where Sister Once Was, (il) Star*Line Winter 2020
- * Whole Brain Emulation, (pm) Star*Line Fall 2019
- * Why One Must Be a Journeyman Prophet for a Time, (pm) Mirror Dance #42, Summer 2018
Jones, Rachael K. (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * Charlotte Incorporated, (ss) Lightspeed #69, February 2016
- * The Day Fair for Guys Becoming Middle Managers, (ss) Diabolical Plots #74, April 2021
- * Do No Harm, (ss) Gamut Magazine #12, December 2017
- * The 1st Annual Lunar Biathalon, (ss) Crossed Genres Magazine #34, October 2015
- * Five Functions of Your Bionosaur, (vi) Small Wonders #4, October 2023
- * Five Views of the Planet Tartarus, (vi) Lightspeed #164, January 2024
- * The Greatest One-Star Restaurant in the Whole Quadrant, (ss) Lightspeed #91, December 2017
- * A Guide to Snack Foods After the Apocalypse, (ss) Diabolical Plots #79, September 2021
- * Hakim Vs. the Sweater Curse, (ss) Diabolical Plots #34, December 2017
- * Houston, Houston, Do You Read James Tiptree?, (vi) Nature #7621, September 22 2016
- * How My Sister Talked Me Into Necromancy During Quarantine, (vi) Small Wonders #3, September 2023
- * Indigo Blue, (ss) Shimmer #30, March 2016
- * Jonathan’s Heaven Has Many Cats, (ss) Lackington’s #13, Winter 2017
- * The Law of the Conservation of Hair, (ss) Shimmer #27, September 2015
- * Love Letters on the Nightmare Sea, (vi) Flash Fiction Online #29, February 2016
- * Makeisha en el tiempo, (ss) Constelación #0.5, September 2020; translated from the English (“Makeisha in Time”, Crossed Genres, August 2014) by Eliana González Ugarte.
- * Makeisha in Time, (ss) Crossed Genres Magazine #20, August 2014
- * Mamihlapinatapei, (vi) Crossed Genres Magazine #19, July 2014
- * Midnight Burritos with Zozrozir, (vi) Daily Science Fiction July 10 2018
- * My Bonsai Lover in Winter, (ss) The Deadlands #31, November 2023
- * The Night Bazaar for Women Becoming Reptiles, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #203, July 7 2016
- * Nine-Lived Wonders, (vi) Fantastic Stories of the Imagination #225, February 2015; first broadcast on The Drabblecast (#345, December 2014).
- * Photon Girl Ascending, (ss) Penumbra (online) May 2014
- * The Raptor Snatchers, (ss) Orson Scott Card’s InterGalactic Medicine Show #51, July 2016
- * Regarding the Robot Raccoons Attached to the Hull of My Ship (with Khaalidah Muhammad-Ali), (ss) Diabolical Plots #28, June 2017
- * Runes Transcribed from Dig Site 401A in Ladysmith, Wisconsin, (vi) Nature #7675, October 12 2017
- * St. Roomba’s Gospel, (ss) Diabolical Plots #10, December 2015
- * Seven Ways to Find Yourself at the Transdimensional Multifandom Convention, (vi) Flash Fiction Online #123, December 2023
- * Six Fictions About Unicorns, (ss) Uncanny Magazine #42, September/October 2021
- * The Sound of Children Screaming, (ss) Nightmare #133, October 2023
- * Ten Easy Steps to Destroying Your Enemies This Arbor Day, (ss) Diabolical Plots #110, April 2024
- * Traveling Mercies, (ss) Strange Horizons February 9 2015
- * Twelve Aspects of the Dragon, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction November/December 2023
- * When First He Laid Eyes, (vi) Fireside Magazine #30, February 2016
- * Who Binds and Looses the World with Her Hands, (ss) Nightmare #48, September 2016; first published as an audio podcast on, February 11, 2015.
- * Wine for Witches, Milk for Saints, (ss) Orson Scott Card’s InterGalactic Medicine Show #42, November 2014
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