The FictionMags Index
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[]White, Florence Copley (fl. 1910s-1920s) (chron.)
- * And Then—, (pm) Breezy Stories August 1917
- * Bébé of the Powder-Puff Revue, (ss) Breezy Stories 1st June 1925
- * By the Grace of Saint Anthony, (ss) The Catholic World March 1924
- * A Circlet for Redemption, (ss) Breezy Stories 1st November 1924
- * Consistency, (pm) Saucy Stories May 1920
- * Doing Her Bit, (??) The Parisienne Monthly Magazine February 1918
- * Findings, (vi) Saucy Stories December 1917
- * Her Text, (??) The Parisienne Monthly Magazine August 1917
- * Immutability, (vi) Saucy Stories July 1917
- * In Summer Time, (pm) Breezy Stories September 1917
- * Intriguée, (vi) Saucy Stories October 1917
- * Keeping Faith with Molly, (ss) Breezy Stories 2nd January 1925
- * The Leaven of Gold, (ss) Breezy Stories 2nd March 1925
- * Neither Darned nor Damned, (vi) Saucy Stories July 1917
- * O, Woman!, (vi) Saucy Stories February 1918
- * The Paramount Wish, (pm) Snappy Stories 2nd May 1920
- * Retrospection, (??) The Parisienne Monthly Magazine July 1917
- * Rival Bait, (ss) National Brain Power October 1923
- * The Summer Girl, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine July 1911
- * The Tinsel of Desire, (ss) Breezy Stories 2nd February 1926
- * ’Tis Said, (pm) All-Story Weekly July 7 1917
- * To a Coquette, (pm) Saucy Stories March 1918
[]White, Frank Marshall (1861-1919) (about) (chron.)
- * About Wilton Lackaye, (ar) The Green Book Album June 1909 [Ref. Wilton Lackaye]
- * All at Sea, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine August 1909
- * The Black Handers, (ss) Secret Service Stories January 1928
- * The “Black Hand” Terror, (ar) The Live Wire June 1908
- * The Boomerang, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine June 1909
- * The Brief Romance of a Wonder Child, (ar) The Scrap Book May 1911
- * Cross Country with the News, (ss) St. Nicholas April 1887
- * The Cruise of the Pirate Ship Moonraker (disrespectfully dedicated to young readers of trashy literature), (ss) St. Nicholas November 1884
- * The Crusade Against the Loan-Sharks, (ar) Munsey’s Magazine November 1913
- * A Day in a Bee-hive, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine June 1902
- * The Day of the Forger, (ar) Munsey’s Magazine January 1912
- * The Decline of Cruelty, (ar) Munsey’s Magazine October 1910
- * The Dogs of Law, (ar) The Scrap Book February 1908
- * Edison as a News-Butcher, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine December 1910
- * Electrifying the Farm, (ar) Farm and Home September 1918
- * A Famous Tragedy of the Black Hand, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine (US) December 1913
- * Faynte Hearte, (pm) The Century Magazine October 1884
- * Formica’s Busy Day, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine (US) January 1902
- * German Propaganda Lies, (ar) Munsey’s Magazine November 1918
- * Hold-Ups That Missed Fire, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine May 1910
- * How Black Handers Built Themselves Into a Trap, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine (US) April 1916
- * How Boyton Scared the English Navy, (ar) The Scrap Book September 1908
- * The Hurry Call of the Ocean, (ar) The Live Wire September 1908
- * Inslay’s Amethyst Pin, (ss) The All-Story Magazine April 1905
- * The Making of a Policeman, (ar) The Scrap Book May 1908
- * A Man with a Rogue’s Gallery in His Brain, (ar) The Scrap Book March 1908
- * Marvels of Modern Dentistry, (ar) Cosmopolitan Magazine June 1908
- * Most Extraordinary Humbug of the Age, (ar) The Scrap Book August 1908
- * A Murder That Didn’t “Out”, (ar) The Scrap Book October 1907
- * The Mystery of Mary Rogers, (ar) The Scrap Book June 1910
- * New York’s Greatest Murder Mystery, (ar) The Scrap Book September 1907
- * No Dividends (Big Business Works for Charity), (ar) The Saturday Evening Post August 28 1915
- * One Day with a Busy Spider, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine March 1902
- * One Day with a Working Ant, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine January 1902
- * The Passing of New York’s Tenderloin, (ar) Munsey’s Magazine September 1917
- * The Passing of the “Black Hand” Society, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine (US) March 1907
- * The Personal Character of the Czar, (ar) The Scrap Book May 1906
- * The Provident Loan Society, (ar) Munsey’s Magazine May 1910
- * The Purposeless Cablegram, (ss) The All-Story Magazine February 1905
- * Reconstructing Bad Boys, (ar) The Scrap Book November 1910
- * Red Leary’s Accessories, (ss) The All-Story Magazine June 1905
- * Satirists of Old New York, (bg) The Scrap Book October 1909
- * Snap Shots at Two Shahs of Persia, (ar) The Scrap Book December 1908
- * That Matchless Pest—the Ticket-Speculator, (ar) The Scrap Book November 1909
- * “300 Mulberry Street”, (ar) The Scrap Book July 1910
- * Treasure Trove, (ar) Munsey’s Magazine March 1905
- * The University of Sing Sing, (ar) The Century Magazine October 1917
- * The Vagaries of Tolstoy, (ar) The Scrap Book February 1911
- * Van Hoydonck, Man, (ar) Adventure August 1911
- * The Vaughn Velasquez, (ss) The All-Story Magazine June 1906
- * Will Crocker and the Buffaloes (A True Story), (vi) St. Nicholas December 1880
- * Wonderful Fire Dogs, (ar) The Scrap Book January 1909
[]White, Fred D. (fl. 2010s-2020s) (chron.)
- * Before Leaving Earth, (pm) James Gunn’s Ad Astra #13, October 2023
- * Brain, (pm) Asimov’s Science Fiction March/April 2024
- * Dawn Fiddler, (pm) Asimov’s Science Fiction September/October 2020
- * The Death of Mars, (pm) Analog Science Fiction and Fact March/April 2024
- * The Demon Script, (ss) Suspense Magazine June 2014
- * The Face in the Rock, (ss) Aphelion #206, May 2016
- * Forsythe’s Resurrection, (ss) Aphelion #219, July 2017
- * Ordeal at the ADC, (ss) Aphelion #294, May 2024
- * The Pardon, (ss) Aphelion #289, November 2023
- * Quantum Entanglement, (pm) Analog Science Fiction and Fact November/December 2017
- * Rhapsody in Time, (ss) Aphelion #298, September 2024
- * Terra Incognita, (pm) Asimov’s Science Fiction May/June 2019
[]White, Fred M(errick) (1859-1935) (about) (chron.)
- * According to Plan, (ss) The Yellow Magazine #58, November 30 1923
- * According to the Statute, (ss) The Windsor Magazine August 1914
- * The Ace of Hearts, (ss) The Windsor Magazine August 1912
- * “After Reynolds”, (ss) The Windsor Magazine January 1910
- * Aladdin in the Wilderness, (ss) The Grand Magazine December 1917
- * The Alderleigh Wedding Presents, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #11, February 1913
- * Alias “James Jones”, (ss) Secret Service Stories April 1928
- * An Ally, (ss) The Windsor Magazine July 1920
- * The Almedi Concession [Newton Moore], (ss) Pearson’s Magazine October 1900
- * The Altar of Sacrifice, (ss) The Story-teller June 1908
- * The Apple-Green Plate, (ss) The Windsor Magazine December 1915
- * Applied Mechanics, (ss) The Windsor Magazine November 1909
- * Applying the “Third Degree” at New York Police Headquarters, (ar) The Scrap Book July 1907
- * Art Critics, (ss) The Windsor Magazine October 1911
- * At Nine O’Clock, (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #12, July 24 1909
- * At the Feast, (ss) The Story-teller August 1912
- * At Windsor, (ss) The Ludgate July 1897
- * Autumn Manuvres, (ss) The Windsor Magazine September 1912
- * Backing a “Cert”, (ss) The Blue Magazine #87, September 1926
- * Bait, (ss) The Red Magazine August 15 1924
- * The Balance of Nature, (ss) The Windsor Magazine October 1907
- * Baptism of Fire, (ss) The Red Magazine June 1908
- * Below Zero, (ss) The Windsor Magazine July 1917
- * The Better Way, (ss) The Quiver April 1910
- * Big Fish, (ss) The Green Magazine #1, November 7 1922
- * The Big Thing, (ss) The Windsor Magazine February 1919
- * Billy Bridegroom, (ss) The Sunday Strand August 1902
- * Billy Makes a Mess of It, (ss) The Grand Magazine September 1917
- * The Biter Bit [Darcy Grand], (ss) The Premier Magazine #48, April 1918
- * Biting the Adder, (ss) The Red Magazine March 18 1921
- * A Bit of Egypt, (ss) The Windsor Magazine July 1916
- * The Black Adder, (ss) The Story-teller June 1907
- * The Black Admiral, (ss) Gunter’s Magazine December 1907
- * The Black Cat, (ss) The Sunday Times (Perth) September 6 1903
- * Black Monday, (ss) The Red Magazine November 9 1923
- * The Black Narcissus, (ss) The Windsor Magazine December 1901
- * The Black Pigeon:
* ___ 1: A Question of Sentiment [Darcy Grand], (ss) The Premier Magazine #42, October 1917
* ___ 2: A Week in Paris [Darcy Grand], (ss) The Premier Magazine #43, November 1917
* ___ 3: The Helping Hand [Darcy Grand], (ss) The Premier Magazine #44, December 1917
* ___ 4: Cedric’s Derby [Darcy Grand], (ss) The Premier Magazine #45, January 1918
* ___ 5: A Little Flutter in Oils [Darcy Grand], (ss) The Premier Magazine #46, February 1918
* ___ 6: The Honour of a Thief [Darcy Grand], (ss) The Premier Magazine #47, March 1918
* ___ 7: The Biter Bit [Darcy Grand], (ss) The Premier Magazine #48, April 1918
* ___ 8: The Borrodale Emeralds [Darcy Grand], (ss) The Premier Magazine #49, May 1918
- * The Black Prince, (ss) The Strand Magazine October 1916
- * The Blandness of Chin Fang, (ss) The Yellow Magazine February 8 1924
- * Blind, (ss) The Windsor Magazine December 1902
- * Blind Chance, (ss) The Strand Magazine September 1917
- * Blind Luck, (ss) The Grand Magazine March 1909
- * A Block of Marble, (ss) The Windsor Magazine July 1908
- * Bluffed, (ss) Lazy Land June 1893
- * Bluffing Peter Warbeck, (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #100, April 1 1911
- * The Borrodale Emeralds [Darcy Grand], (ss) The Premier Magazine #49, May 1918
- * Bow, (ss) Romance April 1927
- * The Breath of Scandal, (ss) The Premier Magazine #101, November 19 1920
- * A Bride’s Diary:
* ___ 1. October, (ss) The Grand Magazine October 1907
* ___ 2. November, (ss) The Grand Magazine November 1907
* ___ 3. December, (ss) The Grand Magazine December 1907
* ___ 4. January, (ss) The Grand Magazine January 1908
* ___ 5. February—The Sport of Circumstance, (ss) The Grand Magazine February 1908
* ___ 6. March—“Beware My Lord—”, (ss) The Grand Magazine March 1908
- * The Broken Lute, (ss) The Windsor Magazine May 1921
- * The Broken Rose, (ss) The Red Magazine April 1 1917
- * A Broken Sceptre, (na) The Story-teller September 1911
- * The Broken Trail, (ss) The Windsor Magazine April 1920
- * Brothers, (ss) The Red Magazine August 3 1923
- * Brothers on the Main Line, (ss) Railroad Man’s Magazine October 1930
- * A Bubble Burst, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine May 1903
- * The Bubble Reputation, (na) The Story-teller August 1908
- * The Buff Gauntler, (ss) The Windsor Magazine June 1907
- * By Grace of His Majesty, (ss) The Popular Magazine April 1904
- * By Wireless, (ss) The Grand Magazine August 1917
- * By Woman’s Wit [Newton Moore], (ss) Pearson’s Magazine July 1900
- * Call It a Day, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine September 15 1921
- * “Call-Me-George”, (ss) The Green Magazine #9, February 27 1923
- * The Candidate at Bay, (ss) The Premier Magazine #114, May 20 1921
- * The Canterby Lamb Scandal, (ss) The Premier Magazine #118, July 15 1921
- * The Captain’s Cabin, (ss) The New Magazine (UK) January 1911
- * The Card-Case, (ss) The Red Magazine August 6 1920
- * The Case of Penrose Castle, (ss) The Premier Magazine #98, October 8 1920
- * The Case of the Carzo Madonna, (ss) The Premier Magazine #97, September 24 1920
- * The Case of the Commercial Traveller, (ss) The Premier Magazine #96, September 10 1920
- * The Case of the Hart Syndicate, (ss) The Premier Magazine #100, November 5 1920
- * The Case of the Pearl Necklace, (ss) The Premier Magazine #99, October 22 1920
- * The Case of the Spanish Medium, (ss) The Premier Magazine #95, August 27 1920
- * The Cave of the Wings [Drenton Denn], (ss) Crampton’s Magazine April 1902
- * Cedric’s Derby [Darcy Grand], (ss) The Premier Magazine #45, January 1918
- * The Charlatan, (ss) Gunter’s Magazine September 1905
- * The Chattering Sands, (ss) The Red Magazine July 25 1919
- * The Christmas Exile, (ss) The Red Magazine December 15 1916
- * The Chronicle of the Blue-Eyed Syndicate, (ss) The London Magazine September 1905
- * The Chronicle of the Elderly Adonis, (ss) The London Magazine November 1905
- * The Chronicle of the Inconsequent Princess, (ss) The London Magazine October 1905
- * The Chronicle of the Libelled Velasquez, (ss) The London Magazine January 1906
- * The Chronicle of the Yellow Girl, (ss) The London Magazine August 1905
- * Cleopatra’s Robe, (ss) The Ludgate October 1897
- * A Cloud of Butterflies [Horace Daimler], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine July 1909
- * A Comedy of Three, (ss) The Story-teller March 1910
- * A Comedy on Wheels, (ss) The Green Magazine #20, July 31 1923
- * The Common Goal, (ss) The Green Magazine #6, January 16 1923
- * The Compleat Letter-Writer, (sl) The London Magazine February 1906
- * Concerning Naboth’s Vineyard, (ss) The Red Magazine December 15 1917
- * Conscience Money, (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #195, January 25 1913
- * Consolation, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #116, February 1932
- * A Corner in Elephants, (ss) The Windsor Magazine November 1915
- * The Courage of Despair, (ss) The Sketch September 14 1910
- * The Cradlestone Oil Mills, (ss) The Ludgate January 1898
- * The Crimson Streak [Dr. Victor Colonna], (ss) Pearson’s Magazine August 1898
- * Crocea Alba, (ss) The Premier Magazine #21, January 1916
- * Crossed Swords, (ss) The Windsor Magazine March 1908
- * Cross-Examination, (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #69, August 27 1910
- * The Crowning Glory, (ss) The Story-teller May 1910
- * The Cry in the Night, (na) The Story-teller May 1909
- * “Crysoline, Limited”, (ss) The Ludgate March 1898
- * The Cup and the Lip, (ss) The Red Magazine July 15 1914
- * Cynthia Goes Out Calling, (ss) The Red Magazine December 5 1924
- * Daddy’s Girl, (ss) The Blue Magazine #95, May 1927
- * Damages and Costs, (ss) The Premier Magazine #115, June 3 1921
- * The Dancing Shadow, (ss) The Red Magazine May 26 1922
- * The Daughters of the Moon, (ss) The Red Magazine June 9 1922
- * The Dawnstar, (ss) The Windsor Magazine April 1917
- * The Death of the President, (ss) The Ludgate December 1897
- * December, (ss) The Grand Magazine December 1907
- * The Delirium of Nine Stars, (ss) Crampton’s Magazine February 1902
- * Denny, (ss) The New Magazine (UK) January 1914
- * A Derelict in Clover, (ss) The Windsor Magazine November 1911
- * The Desert Ship, (ss) The Windsor Magazine May 1911
- * Diana in Donegal, (ss) The Red Magazine August 15 1916
- * The Diary of a Lonely Soul:
* ___ 1: A Helping Hand, (ss) The Red Magazine September 1 1915
* ___ 2: The Honour of the Lashfords, (ss) The Red Magazine September 15 1915
* ___ 3, (ss) The Red Magazine October 1 1915
* ___ 4: “The Heirlooms of Plas Gwydr”, (ss) The Red Magazine October 15 1915
* ___ 5, (ss) The Red Magazine November 1 1915
* ___ 6: The Harbour of Refuge, (ss) The Red Magazine November 15 1915
- * The Diplomatic Truth, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #16, July 1913
- * The Discontented Nightingale, (ss) The Red Magazine June 15 1913
- * Don Bazar’s Millions, (sl) Bits for Boys Jun 24, Jul 1, Jul 8, Jul 15, Jul 22, Jul 29, Aug 5, Aug 12, Aug 19, Aug 26,
Sep 2, Sep 9 1893
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