The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 2984
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Dozois, Gardner (Raymond) (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * The Year’s Best Science Fiction, Sixteenth Annual Collection by Neil Jones & Neil McIntosh, (br) Interzone #149, November 1999
- * The Year’s Best Science Fiction: Sixteenth Annual Collection by Arthur D. Hlavaty, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #135, November 1999
- * The Year’s Best Science Fiction, Tenth Annual Collection by Neil Jones & Neil McIntosh, (br) Interzone #80, February 1994
- * The Year’s Best Science Fiction: Tenth Annual Collection by Arthur Byron Cover, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #69, May 1994
- * The Year’s Best Science Fiction: Third Annual Collection by Roz Kaveney, (br) Foundation #37, Autumn 1986
- * The Year’s Best Science Fiction: Third Annual Collection by Andrew Andrews, (br) Science Fiction Review #60, Fall 1986
- * The Year’s Best Science Fiction: Third Annual Collection by Gouvêa, Fernando Q., (br) Science Fiction Review #61, Winter 1986
- * The Year’s Best Science Fiction: Thirteenth Annual Collection by Neil Jones & Neil McIntosh, (br) Interzone #115, January 1997
- * The Year’s Best Science Fiction: Thirty-Second Annual Collection by Charles de Lint, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction March/April 2016
- * The Year’s Best Science Fiction: Twelfth Annual Collection by Neil Jones & Neil McIntosh, (br) Interzone #100, October 1995
- * The Year’s Best Science Fiction: Twenty-Sixth Annual Collection by Maureen Kincaid Speller, (br) Interzone #225, November/December 2009
- * The Year’s Best Science Fiction, VIII Annual Collection by Andrew Andrews, (br) Science Fiction Review #5, December 1991
- * [untitled] by Joe W. Haldeman, (ob) Asimov’s Science Fiction March/April 2019
- * [untitled] by Robert Reed, (ob) Asimov’s Science Fiction March/April 2019
- * [untitled] by Nancy Kress, (ob) Asimov’s Science Fiction March/April 2019
- * [untitled] by George R. R. Martin, (ob) Asimov’s Science Fiction March/April 2019
- * [untitled] by Jack Skillingstead, (ob) Asimov’s Science Fiction March/April 2019
- * [untitled] by Pat Cadigan, (ob) Asimov’s Science Fiction March/April 2019
- * [untitled] by Connie Willis, (ob) Asimov’s Science Fiction March/April 2019
[]Draa, Doug(las) (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * From the Editor’s Tower, (ed) Weirdbook #34, #35, #36, #37 2017, #38, #39, #40 2018, Weirdbook Annual #2: Cthulhu, #41 2019, #42,
#43 2020, #44, Weirdbook Annual #3: Zombies 2021
#45 2022, #46 2023, #47, #48 2024
- * A Note from the Editor, (ed) Weirdbook #31 2015, #32, #33 2016, The Weirdbook Annual #1 2017
- * Pulp Christmas Snow, (ar) The Pulpster #26, 2017
- * A Voice from the Ether, (ed) Startling Stories v34 #1 2021, v34 #2 2022
_____, ed.
- * Editor: Weirdbook #31 2015, #32, #33 2016, #34, #35, #36, #37 2017, #38, #39, #40 2018, #41 2019,
#42, #43 2020
#44 2021, #45 2022, #46 2023, #47, #48 2024
- * Editor: Startling Stories v34 #1 2021, v34 #2 2022
- * The Weirdbook Annual #1, (oa)
- * Weirdbook Annual #2: Cthulhu, (oa)
- * Weirdbook Annual #3: Zombies, (oa)
[]Drabble, Margaret (1939- ) (about) (chron.)
- * The Dinner Party, (ex)
- * The Dying Year, (ss) Harper’s Magazine July 1987
- * Faithful Lovers, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post April 6 1968
- * The Gifts of Anna Speight, (ex)
- * The Gifts of War, (ss) Winter’s Tales 16 ed. A. D. Maclean, Macmillan, 1970
- * Hassan’s Tower, (ss) Nova June 1966
- * Homework, (ss) Cosmopolitan (UK) November 1975
- * Introduction, (in) Stories by Doris Lessing, Everyman's Library US, 2008
- * The Ogre, the Monk and the Maiden, (ss) Collision ed. Rob Appleby & Connie Potter, Comma Press, 2023
- * Wharton’s Sharpe Eye, (cr) The Atlantic Monthly July/August 2001 [Ref. Edith Wharton]
[]Drachman, Rosemary (1899-1981); also known as Rosemary Taylor (about) (chron.)
- * Battle of the Blues, (ar) Radio Digest May 1930
- * Come Clean, My Love, (n.) Woman’s Home Companion June 1949, as by Rosemary Taylor
- * I Learned About Husbands in a Harem, (ar) Cosmopolitan January 1931
- * Little Arthur, (ss) Redbook June 1951, as by Rosemary Taylor
- * My Life with Mother’s Boarder’s, (sl) The Australian Journal #1006, January 2 1950, as by Rosemary Taylor
- * Radiographs, (ms) Radio Digest Aug, Sep, Oct 1930
- * Ridin’ the Rainbow, (n.) , as by Rosemary Taylor
- * So Misunderstood, (ss) McCall’s December 1954, as by Rosemary Taylor
[]Draffen, Bertha F. E. (c1885-?) (chron.)
- * “Among the Guests Were—”, (pm) The Royal Magazine February 1910
- * The Castle of Love, (pm) The Novel Magazine May 1909
- * The Christmas Rose, (pm) The Novel Magazine December 1905
- * Dreams, (pm) The Royal Magazine March 1907
- * Fallen Idols, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine October 1907
- * A Fancy, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine March 1906
- * The Fresh Air Fund Appeal: Two Pictures, (ms) Pearson’s Magazine June 1907
- * Illusions, (pm) The Novel Magazine October 1906
- * The Labourer, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine February 1908
- * Life, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine February 1909
- * The Luck of Maclean, (ss) The Novel Magazine December 1910
- * The Mermaid’s Song, (pm) The Novel Magazine June 1910
- * The Monk, (vi) The Novel Magazine September 1909
- * My Daddy’s Study, (pm) The Royal Magazine August 1907
- * My Garden, (pm) The Novel Magazine February 1910
- * The Old Pink Coat, (pm) The Royal Magazine May 1907
- * Out in Life’s Rain, (ss) The Novel Magazine December 1907
- * The Porcelain Casket, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine December 1910
- * The Queen, (pm) The Novel Magazine September 1908
- * Simson’s Heroism, (ss) The Novel Magazine December 1909
- * “The Tea-Cosy”, (ss) The Royal Magazine July 1909
- * Three Tragedies, (gp) The Rapid April 1907
- * To Pauline, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine December 1906
[]Draffin, Peter (Francey) (1947-2019) (about) (chron.)
- * Aurora Sends Her Love, (ss) Man January 1973
- * Chatting up Chicks, (ar) Man January 1973
- * Courageous Pussy Muldoon, (ss) Mayfair v4 #8, 1969
- * Gage and the Secondhand Gun, (ss) Man February 1972
- * Hard to Be Tough, (ss) Man March 1972
- * The Last Hurdle, (ss) Man October 1971
- * Nothing to Lose but Your Life, (ss) Man December 1972
- * Personology and You, (ar) Man December 1972
- * Plenty of Nothing, (ss) Man January 1972
- * A Proposition from Pears Helene, (ss) Man April 1972
- * Shoot Like It Is, (ss) Man May 1969
- * Too Merry a Christmas by Half, (ss) Penthouse (UK) January 1969
- * V8, (ss) Penthouse (UK) December 1967
- * The Violent Art of Murder, (ss) Man December 1971
- * The Woman for the Man Who Has Everything, (ss) Man September 1971
[]Drag, Ian (chron.)
- * Down!, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper July 1925
- * “Down!”, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper November 1924
- * The Dreams of Youth, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper September 1923
- * The Fellow We’d Like to Meet, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper December 1924
- * His Secret, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper June 1925
- * The Honour of the School, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper July 1923
- * Keep Your Temper!, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper November 1924
- * Knighthood, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper May 1922
- * My Lad, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper December 1924
- * Pixy- Pluck, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper August 1923
- * Ring True!, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper April 1923
- * St. George! St. George for England!, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper September 1923
- * The School, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper May 1924
- * School Chums, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper March 1923
- * Sursam Corda, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper August 1924
- * Sympathy, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper September 1925
- * Timothy Pumpkin, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper June 1923
- * Wait a Bit!, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper November 1922
- * With Vision, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper December 1924
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