The FictionMags Index
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[]Markham, (Charles) Edwin (Anson) (1852-1940) (about) (chron.)
- * After Reading Shakspere, (??) The Century Magazine June 1887
- * April’s on the Wind, (pm) McClure’s Magazine April 1917
- * At Dawn, (pm) Scribner’s Magazine September 1896
- * Bagatelle, (pm) The Smart Set July 1911
- * Before the Gospels Were, (pm) Woman’s Home Companion December 1908
- * The Best New Books, (rc) Hearst’s Magazine March 1914
- * The Birch Wood, (pm) The Nautilus Magazine
- * The Blight on the Easter Lilies, (ar) Cosmopolitan Magazine April 1907
- * A Card for the New Year 1920, (pm) The New Success January 1920
- * The Chant of the Vultures, (pm) Collier’s Weekly January 28 1905
- * The Child at the Loom, (ar) Cosmopolitan Magazine September 1906
- * Child of My Heart, (pm) from Lincoln and Other Poems, 1901
- * Child-Wrecking in the Glass-Factories, (ar) Cosmopolitan Magazine October 1906
- * The Climb of Life, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine September 1897
- * A Correction, (ar) National Magazine May 1905
- * The Cricket, (??) The Century Magazine August 1888
- * The Dauntless Soul, (pm) McClure’s Magazine February 1917
- * The Dignity of Work, (ar) The New Success June 1921
- * Down a Wild Garden, (pm) McClure’s Magazine February 1918
- * Dreyfus, (pm) McClure’s Magazine September 1899
- * The End of the Century, (pm) Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine December 1899
- * The Fate of France, (pm) McClure’s Magazine October 1918
- * The Field Fraternity, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post April 7 1900
- * “Gold,” The Play of the Month, (ar) The New Success August 1921
- * Griefs, (??) Scribner’s Magazine July 1889
- * The Grind Behind the Holidays, (ar) Cosmopolitan Magazine December 1906
- * The Hardened Guest, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post December 23 1899
- * The Hidden Valley, (pm) Scribner’s Magazine July 1896
- * The High Country of Love, (ar) The International May 1917
- * The Hoe-Man in the Making:
* ___ I. The Child at the Loom, (ar) Cosmopolitan Magazine September 1906
* ___ II. Child-Wrecking in the Glass-Factories, (ar) Cosmopolitan Magazine October 1906
* ___ III. Little Slaves of the Coal Mines, (ar) Cosmopolitan Magazine November 1906
* ___ IV. The Grind Behind the Holidays, (ar) Cosmopolitan Magazine December 1906
* ___ V. The Sweat-Shop Inferno, (ar) Cosmopolitan Magazine January 1907
* ___ VI. The Smoke of Sacrifice, (ar) Cosmopolitan Magazine February 1907
* ___ VII. The Blight on the Easter Lilies, (ar) Cosmopolitan Magazine April 1907
- * The Home Joy, (pm) Good Housekeeping October 1920
- * The Homing Heart, (pm) Cosmopolitan Magazine March 1906
- * How Jacques Kept His Bargain, (pm) The Ladies’ Home Journal April 1921
- * How Oswald Dined with God, (pm) Collier’s December 16 1911
- * Infinite Depths, (??) The Century Magazine June 1888
- * In the Storm, (??) The Atlantic Monthly June 1897
- * “I Will Meet You…”, (pm) Cassell’s Magazine May 1927
- * Jesus Christ-a Christmas Sentiment, (ar) National Magazine December 1902
- * The Joy of the Hills, (??) Scribner’s Magazine December 1895
- * Ladies, Ladies Have a Care, (pm) Hearst’s Magazine June 1920
- * The Last Furrow, (pm) Scribner’s Magazine February 1887
- * Little Slaves of the Coal Mines, (ar) Cosmopolitan Magazine November 1906
- * The Look Ahead, (pm) Good Housekeeping April 1934
- * A Look Into the Gulf, (pm) Scribner’s Magazine March 1897
- * A Lyric of the Dawn, (??) Scribner’s Magazine May 1889
- * Magazine Shop-Talk, (cl) Cosmopolitan Magazine Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May 1911
- * Magic, (pm) Snappy Stories 1st May 1922
- * “The Man with the Hoe”, (pm) McClure’s Magazine May 1899
- * A Meeting, (pm) Scribner’s Magazine April 1890
- * Midsummer Noon, (??) Scribner’s Magazine August 1887
- * The Muse of Brotherhood, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post October 21 1899
- * Music, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine August 1897
- * The Mystic Seer, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post November 25 1899
- * The Old Earth, (??) Scribner’s Magazine April 1887
- * On Seeing Vedder’s “Pleiades”, (pm) Scribner’s Magazine May 1900
- * The Palace, (pm) Tom Watson’s Magazine March 1905
- * The Pilgrims, (pm) The New Success December 1920
- * The Pilot, (pm) Hearst’s International March 1922
- * The Poet, (??) Scribner’s Magazine January 1888
- * Poet-Lore, (pm) National Magazine March 1905
- * The Poetry of Jesus, (ar) Cosmopolitan Magazine December 1905
- * A Prayer, (pm) Scribner’s Magazine November 1897
- * Preparedness, (pm) McClure’s Magazine April 1918
- * The Right to Labor, (pm) Locomotive Firemen’s Magazine April 1903
- * Russia, Arise!: Inscribed to Maxim Gorky, (pm) Appleton’s Magazine July 1906
- * Sarpedon, (pm) Overland Monthly November 1927
- * Slaves of the Drug, (pm) The International May 1918
- * The Smoke of Sacrifice, (ar) Cosmopolitan Magazine February 1907
- * A Song at Sunset, (pm) Good Housekeeping May 1920
- * The Song Mystery, (pm) The Pacific Monthly May 1902
- * Song of Peace, (pm) Collier’s Weekly June 14 1902
- * Song of the Muse of Labor, (pm) McClure’s Magazine December 1899
- * Song of the Scouts, (pm) Boys’ Life September 1913
- * Spinners in the Dark, (ar) Cosmopolitan Magazine July 1907
- * The Suicide, (pm) Scribner’s Magazine November 1899
- * The Sweat-Shop Inferno, (ar) Cosmopolitan Magazine January 1907
- * The Things We Talk About, (cl) Cosmopolitan Magazine December 1910
- * The Three L’s, (pm) Success October 1921
- * Three New Poems, (pm) McClure’s Magazine January 1920
- * The Toiler, (pm) Hearst’s International April 1922
- * The Toiler Thinks, (pm) Hearst’s Magazine March 1921
- * To M. L. G. or He Who Passed, (n.) Hearst’s Magazine May 1912
- * The Tragedy—Song, (??) Scribner’s Magazine March 1888
- * Under Love’s Hand, (pm) Snappy Stories 2nd September 1922
- * The Valley, (??) Scribner’s Magazine October 1887
- * The Way to Emmaus, (pm) Collier’s Weekly March 29 1902
- * The Wharf of Dreams, (pm)
- * What Life Means to Me, (ar) Cosmopolitan Magazine June 1906
- * The Whirlwind Road, (pm) Scribner’s Magazine May 1897
- * Why I Wrote “The Man with the Hoe”, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post December 16 1899
- * Wind on the Rye, (pm) The Nautilus Magazine June 1910
- * Wireless, (pm) The New Success April 1921
- * Women Who Worry, (ar) The Red Book Magazine March 1909
- * Work Is the World’s Law, (ar) The Busy Man’s Magazine February 1907
- * Work the Reward of Work, (pm) McClure’s Magazine December 1916
- * The World’s Greatest Fiction Writer, (ar) The New Success May 1920 [Ref. Joseph Conrad]
- * You Find Your Own, (pm) The New Success September 1920
- * [Introduction to “Tales of the Islanders”], (is) Cosmopolitan Magazine October 1911
[]Markham, Harold (fl. 1920s-1940s) (chron.)
- * Acting for Amateurs II: Stage Movements, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper December 1926
- * Acting for Amateurs I: Learning and Speaking Your Part, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper November 1926
- * The “Axe” of Damocles, (ss) The British Boy’s Annual 1929
- * Behind the Scenes 9—The Fireman and His Job, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper December 1928
- * Dispossessed, (nv) Tales of Dread, Philip Allan, 1936
- * The Falling Knife, (ss) Weird Tales February 1930
- * Fiery Tactics, (ss) Tit-Bits #2856, July 25 1936
- * The Figure of Mr. Spenser, (ss) The British Boy’s Annual 1929
- * Friends of the Arena, (ss) Boys’ Life March 1930
- * The Hand from the Ruins, (ss) Gruesome Cargoes ed. Christine Campbell Thomson, Selwyn & Blount, 1928
- * In a Dead Man’s Shoes, (ss) Weird Tales April 1929
- * In Another Chap’s Shoes, (ss) The British Boy’s Annual 1928
- * Making Friends with the Water, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper August 1927
- * Ordeal by Fire, (ss) Tit-Bits #2853, July 4 1936
- * The Page of Poitiers, (ss) Boys’ Life March 1933
- * The Second-Hand Limousine, (ss) Weird Tales November 1931
- * White Lotus Flower, (ss) By Daylight Only ed. Christine Campbell Thomson, Selwyn & Blount, 1929
- * With Reasonable Cause, (ss) The Big Budget for Boys, Blackie & Son, 194?
- * [letter from England], (lt) Weird Tales April 1930
[]Markham, Marion M. (fl. 1970s-1990s) (chron.)
- * The Handy Man, (vi) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine June 1976
- * The John J. Malone Books by Craig Rice, (ar) Mystery Writers Annual #44, 1990 [Ref. Craig Rice]
- * The Last Surprise, (ss) London Mystery Selection #84, March 1970
- * The Night Convoy, (ss) London Mystery Selection #120, March 1979
- * Strangler’s Hands, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine January 1979
- * There Are Fantasies in the Park, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine January 1991
- * Ultimate Weapon, (ss) Buffalo Spree Fall 1977
[]Markham, Norman G. (fl. 1940s-1960s) (chron.)
- * The Horrible Effigy, (nv) Anubis v1 #1, 1966
- * Last Words, (pm) Anubis v1 #1, 1966
- * The Murals, (ss) Anubis v1 #4, 1968
- * Realism, (pm) Anubis v1 #1, 1966
- * Snatchment, (ss) Anubis v1 #3, 1968
- * Strangers from Hesperus, (ms) The Arkham Sampler Summer 1948
- * Tit for Tat, (ss) Anubis v1 #2, 1967
[]Markham, Russ; pseudonym of Steve Hall (fl. 1960s) (chron.)
- * Discontinuity, (ss) Science Fantasy #56, 1962
- * Inductive Reaction [Galactic Union Survey], (nv) New Worlds Science Fiction #128, March 1963
- * The Jaywalkers [Galactic Union Survey], (nv) New Worlds Science Fiction #130, May 1963
- * Mood Indigo, (nv) New Worlds Science Fiction #125, December 1962
- * The Third Law, (nv) Science Fiction Adventures (UK) #29, 1962
- * Who Went Where? [Galactic Union Survey], (ss) New Worlds Science Fiction #124, November 1962
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