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    Haiti Noir 2: The Classics ed. Edwidge Danticat (Akashic Books, January 7, 2014, 978-1-61775-193-6, $24.95, 320pp, tp, oa) [Akashic Noir]
        Details taken from ebook.
    • · Noir Deux · Edwidge Danticat · in
    • · Part I: Hunted/Haunted
    • · Praisesong for Port-au-Prince · Danielle Legros Georges · pm MaComère #2, 1999; set in Port-au-Prince.
    • · Preface to the Life of a Bureaucrat · Jacques Roumain; translated by George Lang · ss; set in Bolosse.
      translated from the French (“Préface à la vie d’un bureaucrate”, Haïti-Journal, February 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, and 25, 1930).
    • · A Strange Story · Ida Faubert; translated by Nicole Ball · ss; set in Turgeau.
      translated from the French (“Une étrange histoire”, Sous le ciel caraïbe, Gallimard, 1959).
    • · The Enchanted Second Lieutenant · Jacques-Stephen Alexis; translated by Sharon Massingale Bell · ss Callaloo Summer 1997; set in Bassins-Coquilleaux.
      translated from the French (“Le sous-lieutenant enchanté”, Romancéro aux étoiles, Gallimard, 1960).
    • · A White House with Pink Curtains in the Downstairs Windows · Jan J. Dominique; translated by David Ball & Nicole Ball · ss; set in Kenscoff.
      translated from the French (“Une maison blanche avec des rideaux roses aux fenêtres du rez-de-chaussée”, Évasion, Éditions des Antilles, 1996).
    • · Oresca · Paulette Poujol Oriol; translated by Nicole Ball · ss; set in Source Diquini.
      translated from the French (Boutures March/August 2001.
    • · Children of Heroes · Lyonel Trouillot; translated by Linda Coverdale · ex University of Nebraska Press, 2002; set in Place des Héros.
      translated from the French (Les enfants des héros, Actes Sud, 2002).
    • · Part II: Seduced
    • · Remember One Day · Emmelie Prophète; translated by George Lang · pm; set in Boulevard Jean-Jacques Dessalines.
      translated from the French (“Un jour rappelle-toi”, Boutures, July 1999).
    • · Rêve Haitien · Ben Fountain · ss Harper’s Magazine January 2000; set in Pacot.
    • · Heading South · Dany Laferrière; translated by Wayne Grady · ex Douglas & McIntyre, 2006; set in Kaliko Beach.
      translated from the French (Vers le sud, Éditions du Boréal, 2006).
    • · Three Letters You Will Never Read · Georges Anglade; translated by Anne Pease McConnell · ss Haitian Laughter by Georges Anglade, tr. Anne Pease McConnell, EducaVision Inc., 2006; set in Quina.
      translated from the French French (“Trois lettres que vous ne lirez jamais”, Rire haïtien).
    • · The Port-au-Prince Marriage Special · Edwidge Danticat · ss Conjunctions #50, Spring 2008; set in Delmas.
    • · True Life · Michèle Voltaire Marcelin; translated by Nicole Ball · ss; set in Rue des Miracles.
      translated from the French (“La vraie vie”, Le Cahier de la RAL,M #8, 2008).
    • · Part III: Losing My Way
    • · I Just Lost My Way · Èzili Dantò · pm; set in Anba Dlo, Lan Ginen.
      originally part of “The Red, Black & Moonlight” monologue series, based on Kenbe La! Crossings of a Vodun-Roots Woman.
    • · The Mission · Marie-Hélène Laforest · ss Foreign Shores by Marie-Hélène Laforest, Les Éditions du CIDIHCA, 2002; set in Bonair.
    • · Barbancourt Blues · Nick Stone · ex from Mr. Clarinet, HarperCollins, 2007; set in Pétionville Square.
    • · Dame Marie · Marilène Phipps-Kettlewell · ss Callaloo Spring 2007; set in Dame Marie.
    • · Surrender · Myriam J. A. Chancy · ex from The Loneliness of Angels, Peepal Tree Press, 2010; set in Port-au-Prince Central Prison.
    • · Things I Know About Fairy Tales · Roxane Gay · ss Necessary Fiction May 13 2009; set in Cité Soleil.

    Unholy Relics by M. P. Dare (Ash-Tree Press, April 24, 1997, 1-899562-23-0, C$49.00, xvi+153pp, hc, co, cover by M. P. Dare)
        Reprint (Edward Arnold 1947) collection of thirteen ghost stories. This edition is limited to 500 copies, and adds Dare’s 1961 article “Ghosts I Have Met” and the chapter ‘Beyond the Veil’ from his rare book, Indian Underworld, as well as an Introduction by Reg Meuross. A world-wide edition available in the US for $40.00 and in the UK for £21.50.

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