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    Black Dawn by Peter J. Evans (Black Flame US, July 2006, 1-84416-382-2, $7.99, 255pp, pb, n., cover by Mark Harrison) [Durham Red]
        Novelization based on the futuristic vampire character from 2000 AD comics. Copyrighted by Rebellion A/S. Simultaneous with the Black Library UK edition, this has the same ISBN, but only has US and Canadian prices.

    The Encoded Heart by Peter J. Evans (Black Flame US, December 2005, 1-84416-272-9, $6.99, 254pp, pb, n., cover by Mark Harrison) [Durham Red]
        Novelization based on the futuristic vampire character from 2000AD comics. Copyrighted by Rebellion A/S.

    Manticore Reborn by Peter J. Evans (Black Flame US, February 2006, 1-84416-323-7, $7.99, 254pp, pb, n., cover by Mark Harrison) [Durham Red]
        Novelization based on the futuristic vampire character from 2000 AD comics. Copyrighted by Rebellion A/S. Simultaneous with the Black Library UK edition, this has the same ISBN, but only has US and Canadian prices.

    The Omega Solution by Peter J. Evans (Black Flame US, June 2005, 1-84416-175-7, $6.99, 250pp, pb, n., cover by Mark Harrison) [Durham Red]
        Reprint (Black Flame 2005) novelization based on the 2000 AD comic. Copyrighted by Rebellion A/S. This first US edition has the same ISBN as the UK, but only gives US and Canadian prices.

    The Unquiet Grave by Peter J. Evans (Black Flame US, October 2004, 1-84416-159-5, $6.99, 253pp, pb, n., cover by Mark Harrison) [Durham Red]
        Reprint (Black Flame 2004) novelization, the first based on the 2000AD comic-book character. Copyrighted by Rebellion A/S. First US edition.

    Systems of Romance by Paul Evenblij & Paul Harland (Babel Publications, August 1995, 90-73730-27-9, $7.99, 294pp, pb, co, cover by Juraj Maxon)
        English language collection of seven stories, three by each author and one collaboration.
    • 5 · The Teeth of the City · Paul Evenblij & Paul Harland · na
      translated from the Dutch (“De tanden van de stad”, Ragnarok: SF jaarboek 1994 ed. Mike Jansen, Babel Publications, 1993).
    • 69 · A Host of Night-Winged Butterflies · Paul Evenblij · ss
      translated from the Dutch (“Wolken van vlinders, nachtgevleugeld”, Ator Mondis 1-4, 1992).
    • 77 · The Winter Garden · Paul Harland · nv The Mound and Other SF Stories from the Low Lands, Babel Publications, 1990
      translated from the Dutch (“De wintertuin”).
    • 101 · A Name to the Pain · Paul Evenblij · na
      translated from the Dutch (“Een naam voor de pijn”, Ragnarok: SF jaarboek 1994 ed. Mike Jansen, Babel Publications, 1993).
    • 150 · Sky Woman Sky · Paul Harland · nv
      translated from the Dutch (“Hemel vrouwe hemel”, Tweede Ragnarok: SF jaarboek 1995 ed. Mike Jansen, Babel Publications, 1994).
    • 175 · My Love Speaks in Different Tongues · Paul Evenblij · nv
      translated from the Dutch (“Mijn liefdes spreken in twee talen”, Tweede Ragnarok: SF jaarboek 1995 ed. Mike Jansen, Babel Publications, 1994).
    • 209 · The Planets · Paul Harland · na

    The Din of Celestial Birds by Brian Evenson (Wordcraft of Oregon, September 1997, 1-877655-24-4, $10.95, 150pp, tp, co)
        Collection of 17 fantastic stories, several apparently original, most previously published in very small press editions.

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