The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 283
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[]Armstrong, Douglas (Brawn) (1888-1969) (chron.)
- * Air Stamps That “Crashed”, (ar) The Modern Boy March 24 1934
- * Big Chief Hollowhorn Bear, (ar) The Modern Boy May 5 1934
- * Bullseyes and Booby Heads, (ar) The Modern Boy May 19 1934
- * Christmas Stamp Chat, (ar) The Modern Boy December 29 1934
- * Christopher Columbus Stamps, (ar) The Modern Boy November 11 1933
- * Common Stamps Are Sometimes Rare!, (ar) The Modern Boy September 1 1934
- * Do You Collect Lighthouses?, (ar) The Modern Boy September 2 1933
- * Farthest South Stamps!, (ar) The Modern Boy December 30 1933
- * First Steamship Stamps, (ar) The Modern Boy October 28 1933
- * The Flying Armada, (ar) The Modern Boy September 30 1933
- * Football on Stamps, (ar) The Modern Boy November 17 1934
- * Foreign Legion Stamps, (ar) The Modern Boy November 3 1934
- * From Napoleon’s Isle, (ar) The Modern Boy June 30 1934
- * From Robinson Crusoe’s Isle, (ar) The Modern Boy March 10 1934
- * From Tientsin to Modern Boy, (ar) The Modern Boy October 3 1931
- * General Gordon in the News!, (ar) The Modern Boy March 2 1935
- * Get Hold of These Record-Breaking Stamps, (ar) The Modern Boy November 25 1933
- * Get These for Your Xmas Collection!, (ar) The Modern Boy December 15 1934
- * Good-Health Stamps, (ar) The Modern Boy February 10 1934
- * Have You Got the Latest?, (ar) The Modern Boy January 27 1934
- * Highest-Up Stamps, (ar) The Modern Boy January 6 1934
- * Jamboree Stamps, (ar) The Modern Boy August 19 1933
- * Keep a Sharp Eye Open for These Yachting Stamps, (ar) The Modern Boy October 6 1934
- * A King Who Collected Stamps, (ar) The Modern Boy April 7 1934
- * The Latest Xmas Stamps, (ar) The Modern Boy December 9 1933
- * Makeshifts!, (ar) The Modern Boy September 16 1933
- * Motor-Bike Stamps, (ar) The Modern Boy July 22 1933
- * New Emperor’s Old Stamps, (ar) The Modern Boy April 21 1934
- * The New Stamp Collecting, (cl) The Modern Boy Jan 26, Feb 9, Feb 23, Mar 9, Apr 20, May 25, Jun 29, Jul 13, Jul 27, Aug 31,
Sep 14, Sep 28, Oct 12, Oct 26, Nov 9, Nov 23, Dec 7, Dec 14, Dec 28 1929
Jan 11, Dec 6, Dec 13, Dec 27 1930, Jan 3, Jan 17, Aug 8, Aug 22, Sep 5, Sep 19,
Oct 10, Oct 24, Nov 7, Nov 21, Dec 5 1931
- * Pilots of the Skies, (ar) The Modern Boy September 22 1934
- * Postage-Stamp Romances, (ar) The Strand Magazine March 1914
- * Rocket Post Stamps Are Here!, (ar) The Modern Boy June 16 1934
- * Schoolboy Kings’ Stamps, (ar) The Modern Boy December 1 1934
- * Sea Dogs’ Stamps, (ar) The Modern Boy August 3 1929
- * Shipwreck Stamps, (ar) The Modern Boy August 5 1933
- * Sporting Stamps, (ar) The Modern Boy July 14 1934
- * The Stamp Detective, (cl) The Modern Boy Sep 13, Sep 27, Oct 11, Oct 25, Nov 8, Nov 22 1930
- * Stamp Detectives, (ar) The Detective Magazine #25, October 26 1923
- * Stamp Puzzles, (ar) The Modern Boy February 16 1935
- * Stamps for Valour!, (ar) The Modern Boy October 20 1934
- * Stamps from an Island Ship, (ar) The Modern Boy August 25 1934
- * Stamps from Papua, (ar) The Modern Boy March 23 1935
- * Stamps from the Powder Magazine of Europe!, (ar) The Modern Boy January 5 1935
- * Stamps of the Outdoors, (ar) The Modern Boy September 8 1934
- * Stamps of the Sokols, (ar) The Modern Boy August 11 1934
- * “Tail-Wagger Stamps”, (ar) The Modern Boy July 8 1933
- * That New Stamp Album!, (ar) The Modern Boy December 16 1933
- * Weird Stamps from Lama-Land, (ar) The Modern Boy July 28 1934
- * Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Monster!, (ar) The Modern Boy February 24 1934
- * You Didn’t Know This!, (ar) The Modern Boy March 3 1934
[]Armstrong, George (fl. 1910s-1940s) (chron.)
- * Barristers for Buddy, (ss) The Argosy October 1915
- * Concerning Golf Coats, (ar) Fry’s Magazine August 1914, uncredited.
- * Felice Finesses, (ss) Smith’s Magazine November 1916
- * Gorgeous Okie, (ar) Collier’s June 10 1944
- * Outdoor Dress, (cl) Fry’s Magazine June 1914, uncredited.
- * The Padded Sell, (ss) The Argosy September 1915
- * School’s Out, (??) Collier’s February 6 1937
- * The Shades of Night, (ss) Esquire August 1941
- * Trade Those Boys, (ar) Liberty June 1948
[]Armstrong, H. E. (fl. 1880s-1900s) (chron.)
- * The American Exporter, (ia) Ainslee’s Magazine October 1901
- * Department Stores, (ia) Ainslee’s Magazine August 1901
- * Emergency Foods, (ar) Ainslee’s Magazine September 1902
- * Great Types of Modern Business:
* ___ Department Stores, (ia) Ainslee’s Magazine August 1901
- * The Inn in the Hollow, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly March 1895
- * The Nation’s Conscience Fund, (ar) Ainslee’s Magazine January 1902
- * Profit-Sharing in America, (ia) Ainslee’s Magazine February 1902
- * Rubber, (ia) Ainslee’s Magazine May 1901
- * The Tenant of a Night, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly September 1887
- * The United States and South America, (ia) Ainslee’s Magazine June 1902
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