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Book Contents Lists: Page 570

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    Morgan Library Ghost Stories ed. Inge Dupont & Hope Mayo (Fordham University Press, 1990, 0-8232-1283-1, $24.95, 108pp, hc, oa)
        An anthology of seven original ghost stories which originated following an exhibition at The Pierpont Morgan Library of M.R. James’s work on medieval manuscripts. A contest was held for ghost stories connected in some way with the Morgan Library and written in the style of M. R. James.

    Asymmetry by Thoraiya Dyer (Twelfth Planet Press, March 2013, 978-0-9872162-7-4, A$18.00, viii+97pp, pb, oc, cover by Amanda Rainey)
        Original collection of four stories. Introduction by Nancy Kress.
    Details taken from online listing.

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