The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 9379
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[]Secor, H(arry) Winfield (1887-1973?) (chron.)
- * Building a Small Automobile, (ar) Science and Invention January 1921
- * Building “Your Own” Phonograph, (ar) Science and Invention September 1920
- * Construction Work Details, (ar) Science and Invention November 1920
- * Electrical Machinist:
* ___ No. 11 Repairing Electric Fans, (ar) Science and Invention September 1920
* ___ No. 12 Construction Work Details, (ar) Science and Invention November 1920
- * Heat for the Household, (ar) Science and Invention December 1920
- * Repairing Electric Fans, (ar) Science and Invention September 1920
- * The Rogers Printing Telegraph, (ar) Science and Invention September 1920
- * Science News Shorts, (cl) Science-Fiction Plus Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec 1953
- * What’s Wrong with the Motor Car?, (ar) Science and Invention September 1920
[]Sedaris, David (Raymond) (1956- ) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * Calypso, (ss) The Guardian July 25 2015
- * The Girl Next Door, (ss) The New Yorker August 18/August 25 2003
- * Introduction, (in) Children Playing Before a Statue of Hercules ed. David Sedaris, Simon & Schuster, 2005
- * Mr. Popular, (ss) Esquire February 2002
- * Our Perfect Summer, (ss) The New Yorker June 16/June 23 2003
- * Pearls, (ar) The New Yorker May 17 2021
- * Rooster at the Hitchin’ Post, (ss) Esquire September 2002
- * Three by Sedaris, (ss) Esquire March 2000
_____, ed.
[]Seddon, Andrew M. (fl. 1990s-2010s) (about) (chron.)
- * An Author’s Lot, (ss) Startling Science Stories #24, July 1999
- * The Ghosts of Kourion, (ss) Infinite Space, Infinite God II ed. Karina & Robert Fabian, Twilight Times Books, 2010
- * Hounded by Night, (ss) Fungi #20, Spring 2011
- * Sonata for Piano, Four Hands, (ss) Fungi #22, July 2015
- * A Soul of a Poet, (ss) Startling Science Stories #13, August 1998
- * Stay of Execution, (ss) Galactic Citizen #15, Summer 1997
- * Watson’s Revenge, (ar) Over My Dead Body! #4, Spring 1994
- * What Darkness Remains, (ss) Fungi #21, Summer 2013
[]Sedgwick, Anne Douglas; [Mrs. Basil de Sélincourt] (1873-1935) (chron.)
- * Autumn Crocuses, (ss) The Atlantic Monthly August 1919
- * Carnations, (ss) The Atlantic Monthly January 1916
- * Christmas Roses, (sl) The Atlantic Monthly Nov, Dec 1919
- * Daffodils, (ss) The Atlantic Monthly August 1918
- * Evening Primroses, (ss) The Atlantic Monthly July 1919
- * Forsaken Temple, (sl) The Century Magazine Nov, Dec 1902
- * Hepaticas, (ss) The Atlantic Monthly August 1915
- * Lion Among Ladies, (ss) The Century Magazine July 1901
- * The Little French Girl, (sl) The Forum Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct 1924
- * Madeline Tristram, (ss) The Century Magazine March 1905
- * The Old Countess, (n.) Cosmopolitan Nov, Dec 1926, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr 1927
- * Pansies, (ss) The Atlantic Monthly August 1916
- * Pink Foxgloves, (ss) Good Housekeeping April 1914
- * The Rat, (ss) Cosmopolitan February 1926
- * Rescue, (sl) The Century Magazine Dec 1901, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr 1902
- * The Snoring Beauty, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine February 1898
- * Staking a Larkspur, (ss) The Century Magazine February 1916
- * Suicide, (ss) The Century Magazine February 1904
- * White Pagoda, (ss) The Century Magazine September 1912
_____, [ref.]
[]Sedgwick, Catharine (Maria) (1789-1867) (chron.)
- * Cacoethes Scribendi, (ss)
- * A Contrast, (ss) Graham’s Lady’s and Gentleman’s Magazine January 1844
- * Elinor Fulton, (n.) The Romancist and Novelist’s Library Vol. IV ed. William Hazlitt, J. Clements, 1840
- * Fanny McDermot, (ss) 1845
- * Home, (n.) The Romancist and Novelist’s Library Vol. II ed. William Hazlitt, J. Clements, 1839
- * The Postoffice, (ss) Graham’s Lady’s and Gentleman’s Magazine August 1843
- * A Reminiscence of a Foreign Celebrity’s Reception Morning, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine April 1857, uncredited.
- * Three Experiments of Living, (na) 1837
[]Sedgwick, Ellery (1872-1960) (about) (chron.)
- * Business Is Business, (ar) American Illustrated Magazine September 1905
- * The Case for the People, (ar) Leslie’s Monthly Magazine April 1905
- * Charting the Land of Disasters, (ar) Leslie’s Monthly Magazine February 1905
- * Freight Rates and Death Rates: Regulating the Land of Disasters, (ar) Leslie’s Monthly Magazine May 1905
- * Greece from a Wheel Chair, (ar) The Atlantic Monthly August 1951
- * How Congress Stands on the Block System, (ar) Leslie’s Monthly Magazine July 1905
- * The Japanese Mystery, (ar) The Atlantic Monthly September 1930
- * The Land of Disasters 1853-1904, (ar) Leslie’s Monthly Magazine January 1905
- * The Man with the Muck-Rake, (ar) American Illustrated Magazine May 1906
- * Mary Antin, (bg) The American Magazine March 1914 [Ref. Mary Antin]
- * The Men and the Hour, (ar) Leslie’s Monthly Magazine March 1905
- * State Governors and Public Safety: Their Letters on House Bill 18469, (ar) Leslie’s Monthly Magazine June 1905
- * A Tale of New Japan—A Chapter from Life, (ar) The Atlantic Monthly March 1937
- * What Are We Going to Do About It?, (ar) Leslie’s Monthly Magazine December 1904
_____, ed.
- * Editor: Leslie’s Monthly Magazine May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1905, Jan, Feb, Mar,
Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep 1906
- * Editor: The Atlantic Monthly December 1910
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