The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 11581
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[uncredited] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Frank Herbert, (bi) Presenting Moonshine #20, December 1971 [Ref. Frank Herbert]
- * Frank Horton’s Crime, (ss) Cassell’s Saturday Journal March 24 1888
- * Frankie and Johnny, (pi) Collier’s January 20 1956
- * Frankie and Johnny, (pm)
- * Frankie Flips Her Wig, (pi) Mayfair v2 #12, 1967
- * Frankie’s Visit, (vi) The People’s Home Journal May 1903
- * Franking for the Boys, (ss) Chicago Times-Herald
- * Frank James on the Trail, (ss)
- * Frank Kelly Freas, (iv) Lighthouse Magazine #3, October 2004 [Ref. Frank Kelly Freas]
- * Frank Kelly Freas, 1922-2005, (ob) Analog Science Fiction and Fact June 2005 [Ref. Frank Kelly Freas]
- * Frank King, (bg) The Passing Show December 25 1937
- * Frank Leslie to the Boys and Girls of America, (ar) Dime Novel Round-Up #78, September 1938
- * A Frank Letter, (lt) The American Magazine May 1909
- * Franklin, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly May 1877
- * Franklin Bacon’s Republic: Diary of an Inventor, (ss) (by Eustace Clare Grenville Murray) The Cornhill Magazine May 1873
- * Franklin Booth: The Forgotten Fantasist, (ar) (by Ken Keller) Trumpet #12, Summer 1981 [Ref. Franklin Booth]
- * Franklin Delano Roosevelt, (ar) Yank: The Army Weekly
- * Franklin House, Franklin Square, New York, (il) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine October 1899
- * Franklin MacVeigh, of Illinois, Secretary of the Treasury, (pi) Munsey’s Magazine May 1909
- * Franklin Pierce’s First Case, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly October 1882
- * Franklin-Relief Survivor’s Death, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper January 30 1904
- * Franklin’s Gull, (ar) Western Story Magazine January 5 1929
- * Franklin’s Tan, (ss) (by Caroline Chesebro’) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine November 1865
- * Frank Lunney Beabohema #6, (fr) Amazing Stories May 1970
- * “Frankly, Miss B—”, (pi) Parade #1465, January 6 1968
- * Frankly Speaking, (cl) Frank Clune’s Adventure Magazine March 1948
- * Frank Merriwell at Great Salt Lake [Frank Merriwell], (nv) TipTop Semi-Monthly April 10 1915
- * Frank Merriwell, Jr., at Fardale [Frank Merriwell, Jr.], (n.) Wide-Awake Magazine Dec 25 1915, Jan 10, Jan 25, Feb 10 1916
- * Frank Merriwell, Jr.’s Coup [Frank Merriwell, Jr.], (ss) Wide-Awake Magazine March 25 1916
- * Frank Merriwell, Jr.’s Hike [Frank Merriwell, Jr.], (n.) TipTop Semi-Monthly Jun 25, Jul 10, Jul 25, Aug 10 1915
- * Frank Merriwell’s Boy Scouts [Frank Merriwell], (n.) TipTop Semi-Monthly Aug 25, Sep 10, Sep 25, Oct 10 1915
- * Frank Merriwell’s “Madness” [Frank Merriwell], (ss) Wide-Awake Magazine March 10 1916
- * Frank M. Robinson, (ms) 1998 World Fantasy Convention Program Book, World Fantasy Convention 98, 1998 [Ref. Frank M. Robinson]
- * Frank Norman’s Capture [Langdale College], (ss) The Boys’ Friend #476, July 23 1910
- * Frank Norman’s Island [Langdale College], (ss) The Boys’ Friend #474, July 9 1910
- * Frank Norman’s Picnic! [Langdale College], (nv) The Boys’ Friend #465, May 7 1910
- * Frank Nugent, (ia) The Magnet Library November 25 1922
- * Frank Nugent, (il) The Magnet Library October 24 1925
- * Frank Nugent, (pm) (by G. R. Samways) The Magnet Library Sep 20 1913, Jan 18 1930
- * Frank Opinion, (ms) Top-Notch August 15 1912
- * Frank Reade and His Steam Tally-Ho [Frank Reade, Jr.], (na) Boys of New York January 10 1881, uncredited.
- * Frank Reade in Polar Seas [Frank Reade, Jr.], (nv)
- * Frank Reade in Siberia [Frank Reade, Jr.], (nv)
- * Frank Reade in the Desert [Frank Reade, Jr.], (nv)
- * Frank Reade, Jr., and His Adventures with His Latest Invention [Frank Reade, Jr.], (na) Boys of New York April 7 1883, uncredited.
- * Frank Reade Jr. and His Air-Ship [Frank Reade, Jr.], (na) Boys of New York December 1 1883, uncredited.
- * Frank Reade, Jr., and His Electric Boat [Frank Reade, Jr.], (na) Boys of New York August 12 1882, uncredited.
- * Frank Reade, Jr., and His Steam Wonder [Frank Reade, Jr.], (na) Boys of New York February 4 1882, uncredited.
- * Frank Reade, Jr., Exploring Mexico in His New Air-Ship [Frank Reade, Jr.], (na) Boys of New York December 12 1885, uncredited.
- * Frank Reade, Jr., in the Clouds [Frank Reade, Jr.], (na) Boys of New York September 6 1884, uncredited.
- * Frank Reade, Jr.’s Great Electric Tricycle, and What He Did for Charity [Frank Reade, Jr.], (na) Wide Awake Library May 13 1885, uncredited.
- * Frank Reade, Jr.’s Marvel; or, Above and Below Water [Frank Reade, Jr.], (na) Boys of New York May 10 1884, uncredited.
- * Frank Reade, Jr., with His Air-Ship in Africa [Frank Reade, Jr.], (na) Boys of New York February 14 1885, uncredited.
- * Frank Reade on Government Service [Frank Reade, Jr.], (nv)
- * Frank Reade’s Air-Yacht [Frank Reade, Jr.], (nv)
- * Frank Reade’s Isle of Diamonds [Frank Reade, Jr.], (nv)
- * Frank Reade’s New Submarine [Frank Reade, Jr.], (nv) Aldine Invention Library #12, April 1913
- * Frank Reade’s Prairie Coach [Frank Reade, Jr.], (nv)
- * Frank Reade’s Water Plane [Frank Reade, Jr.], (nv) Aldine Invention Library #6, March 1913
- * A Frank R. Paul Portfolio: Into the 4th Dimension, (pi) Incredible Adventures #3, 1981
- * Frank Talk with Boys’ Parents—IV: When a Father Can Really Help His Boy, (ar) The Ladies’ Home Journal May 1910
- * Frank Thomas Bullen: Addenda, (bi) Presenting Moonshine #30, April 1973 [Ref. Frank Thomas Bullen]
- * Frank Tousey, Newspaper Publisher, (ms)
- * Frank Woolley, (ar) Boys’ Magazine June 3 1922
- * Frank Worthing’s Incarceration, (sl) The Boy’s Own Paper Aug 15, Aug 22, Aug 29 1885
- * Fran’s Fancy Fans, (pi) High Time v6 #3, 1967
- * Franz Grillparzer, (ar) (by Charles Harold Herford) The Cornhill Magazine May 1881
- * Franz von Lenbach, (ar) The Booklovers Magazine January 1903
- * Franz von Papen, (ar) Collier’s November 20 1943
- * The Fratricide, a Fragment, (ss) Holden’s American Magazine
- * Frau Anna’s Table-Cover, (ss) The Argosy (UK) February 1869
- * The Fraud, (ts) The Passing Show August 24 1935
- * Fraud Order Against Merchandising Company, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 12 1925
- * “Frauds on the Fairies”, (ss) (by Charles Dickens) Household Words #184, October 1 1853
- * Fraudulent Associations Active, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 9 1927
- * Fraudulent Checks, (ms) Mystery Magazine #133, June 1 1923
- * Frau Gertrud Scholtz-Klink, (ar) Collier’s May 27 1944
- * The Frazer Highlander at Castlebar, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly July 1879
- * Freak Animals, (ms) Western Story Magazine January 3 1931
- * Freak Apple Trees, (ms) Western Winners June 1936
- * A “Freak Bill”, (ms) Mystery Magazine #28, January 1 1919
- * Freak Cisterns, (ms) Mystery Magazine #7, February 15 1918
- * Freak Color Schemes in Furs, (ms) Western Story Magazine January 26 1929
- * Freak Fashions in Hollywood, (pi) Smart Set March 1926
- * A Freak of Falling Bodies, (ar) The American Boy April 1914
- * A Freak of Luck, (ss) The Wave April 14 1900
- * A Freak of Nature, (ss) Cassell’s Family Magazine August 1886
- * Freak Races, (ia) Chums May 1935
- * Freak Restaurants, (ms) Top-Notch August 15 1912
- * “Freaks”, (ar) Monster Fantasy June 1975
- * Freaks of Courtship, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly December 1886
- * Freaks of Farm Life, (ms) Far West Stories September 1929
- * The Freaks of Fashion, (ss) (by L. J. Trotter) Dublin University Magazine May 1862
- * Freaks of Nature in Landscape, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly June 1881
- * Freaks of Photography, (pi) The Outing Magazine January 1910
- * Freaks of the Animal World, (pi) Argosy April 1947
- * Freckles, (pi) The Dude March 1959
- * “Freckles” Penn, (pi) Mermaid v2 #3, 1960
- * “Fred”. A Tale from Japan, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly January 1879
- * Frederic Auguste Bartholdi, (bg) The Golden Argosy December 13 1884
- * Frederick Carter’s Etchings and Engravings, (ar) Colour May 1932
- * Frederick, Duke of York, (ar) Britannia and Eve September 1941
- * The Frederick IV. Façade, Castle of Heidelberg, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly April 1881
- * Frederick Pohl Interview, (iv) The Ultimate Unknown #16, Summer 1999 [Ref. Frederik Pohl]
- * Fredericksburg, the Home of Washington’s Boyhood, and the Burial-Place of His Mother, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly February 1885
- * Frederick the Great’s Band-Wagon, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly July 1882
- * Frederic Lievre Shares His Style, (iv) Suspense Magazine March 2013 [Ref. Frederic Lievre]
- * Frederic Remington, (il) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine May 1900
- * Frederik Pohl, (bg) Galaxy Science Fiction April 1974 [Ref. Frederik Pohl]
- * Fred F. Kemp’s Miniature City, (ar) The American Boy February 1906
- * Fred Patten APA-L, (fr) Amazing Science Fiction Stories January 1976
- * Fredric March and the Hollywood Reds, (ar) Liberty May 4 1940
- * Fred Warren’s Portrait, (pi) The Masses February 1911
- * Free as a Bird, (cn) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine January/February 2022
- * Free as a Fish, (ar) Look and Learn #94, November 2 1963
- * Free at Last, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine November 14 1931
- * Free Board!, (hu) Here! Is America’s Humor February 1952
- * The Freebooter (“What Needs a man in this great world?”), (pm)
- * Freeburn’s Fortune, (ss) Chums December 11 1907
- * Free College Scholarships, (ms) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine July 10 1932
- * Free Consultations, (ms) Mystic Magazine January 1931
- * Free Country, (ss) Love Classic March 1933
- * Free Coupon for Analytical Readings, (ms) Mystic Magazine March 1931
- * Freed After Thirty Seconds, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 20 1917
- * Freed by Art, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine February 1938
- * Freed from Devil’s Island, (ms) Best Detective Magazine July 1935
- * Freed from the Petticoat, (ar) The Scrap Book October 1910
- * The Freedman’s Story, (nv) (by William Parker) The Atlantic Monthly Feb, Mar 1866
- * Free Doc Savage Picture, (ms) Doc Savage May, Jun, Jul, Sep, Oct 1938
- * Free Doc Savage Portrait, (ms) Doc Savage Magazine May, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1934, Jan, Feb 1935
- * The Freedom I Craved, (ts) Smart Set October 1924
- * Freedom in a Prison, (pm) The Scrap Book June 1911
- * Freedom in Brazil, (pm) (by John Greenleaf Whittier) The Atlantic Monthly July 1867
- * Freedom of the Knees, (pi) Movie Monthly December 1925
- * Freedom of the Range, (ss)
- * Freedom’s New Year, (pi) The Strand Magazine January 1944
- * Freedom’s Press, (cs) Calling All Girls June/July 1945 [Ref. Madame Ruse]
- * Freedom Train Is Landmark in Railroading Security, (ar) Railroad Magazine May 1948
- * Freed to Prove Innocence, (ms) Clues 1st August 1928
- * Free Eats When It’s Wet, (ms) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine April 13 1935
- * Free Fall, (ar) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #68, April 15 1956
- * The Free-For All Gold Mine, (ss) Wild West (UK) #38, November 26 1938
- * Free for a Second, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine August 10 1934
- * A Free Gift, (ms) Empire Frontier December 1930
- * Free Gifts to Readers, (ms) Empire Frontier Jul, Sep, Nov 1930
- * Free Gun Contest, (cn) All Western Magazine #32 Dec 1934, #33 Jan, #36 Apr 1935
- * A Free Gun for You, (cn) Ace-High Magazine October 1934
- * A Free Gun for You, (cn) All Western Magazine #31 Nov 1934, #34 Feb 1935
- * Free Land Still Available, (ms) Western Story Magazine June 1 1929
- * Freeling’s Dilemma, (ss) The Clever Magazine October 18 1902
- * “Free Lot” Swindle in Full Swing, (ms) Detective Story Magazine May 1 1926
- * Free Market, (ms) Overland Monthly April 1926
- * Free of Cost, (ms) Top-Notch Magazine February 1 1928
- * Free Offer, (ms) Crime Busters March 1938
- * Free Pet of the Year Video, (ms) Penthouse March 1993
- * The Freeport Thunderbolt, (ar) Fight Stories April 1931
- * Free Puff, (ms) Mayfair v14 #8, 1979
- * Free Race Ticket, (??) Penthouse (UK) October 1974
- * Free Rides for Indians, (ms) Railroad Stories May 1934
- * Free Riding in Russia, (ms) The Railroad Man’s Magazine October 1908
- * Free Sex Expression Demanded by Y.M.C.A., (ar) Sex October 1926
- * Free Shadow Picture, (ms) The Shadow May 1, Jun 1, Jul 1, Sep 1, Sep 15, Oct 1, Nov 1 1938
- * Free Skater: Michelle Ramos, (pi) Penthouse September 2006
- * Free Slack, Doehler, (ar) Railroad Magazine August 1949
- * Free Taxi, (ms) Best Detective Magazine October 1936
- * Free the State Shall Be, (sg) Beeton’s Christmas Annual #16, 1875
- * Free Thought, (ms) The Uplift March 1904
- * Free Trade for Americans—With Americans, (ms) Collier’s October 3 1914
- * A Free Translation, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper July 9 1881
- * Free Trappers’ Pass; or, The Gold-Seeker’s Daughter, (n.) American Tales February 17 1864, as by William R. Eyster
- * A Free Way, (pm) Horlick’s Magazine and Home Journal for Australia, India and the Colonies January 1904
- * Freewheelers, (cl) Penthouse Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 2005, Jan, Feb,
Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 2006
Jan, Feb 2007
- * Freewheelin’, (cl) Penthouse Mar, Apr, Jun 2007
- * Freewheeling Fran, (pi) Broadside October/November/December 1968
- * Free-Wheeling in a Motor-Car, (ms) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1932, 1931
- * Free! Win a Sports Car!, (cn) True #225, February 1956
- * The Free Winds of Heaven, (ar) Britannia and Eve February 1947
- * The “Freeze”, (ss) The Argosy (UK) June 1897
- * A Freezing Cure, (ms) The People’s Home Journal February 1903
- * Freezing Effects, (pm) Harper’s Young People #169, January 23 1883
- * The Freezing Way, (ms) Mystery July 1934
- * Freiburg, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly May 1883
- * Freight and Passenger Rates 103 Years Ago, (ms) Railroad Magazine March 1939
- * Freight-Car Poker, (ms) Railroad Man’s Magazine December 1911
- * The Freight Claim-Agent, (ms) The Railroad Man’s Magazine October 1908
- * Freighted with Silver, (ss) Colonial Monthly March 1868
- * Freighters’ Luck, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly August 5 1933
- * Freighters Taxed, (ms) Pete Rice Western Adventures February 1936
- * Freight Fools Bandits, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 22 1928
- * The Freight of the Schooner “Dolphin”, (ss) (by Jane G. Austin) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine December 1876
- * Der Freischütz, or The Seven Charmed Bullets, (nv) (by Johann August Apel), as "Der Freischütz, or The Magic Balls"
- * Fremont, the Pathfinder of the West, (ar) Western Digest September 1969
- * The French “75”, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #41, August 1915
- * A French Advance After a Mine Attack: Hurling Bombs at Germans Hidden in Craters, (il) The Captain #201, December 1915
- * The French Advocate, (ss) Reynolds’s Miscellany of Romance, General Literature, Science, and Art #221, October 2 1852
- * French All Over—Micheline Pierre, (pi) Adventure May 1957
- * French Amateur Strippers, (pi) Exotic Adventures v1 #2, 1958
- * The French and English Police Systems, (ar) (by Eustace Clare Grenville Murray) The Cornhill Magazine October 1881
- * French and German Air Dictionary, (cl) Sky Fighters Sep 1939, Jan, Jul, Sep 1940, Jan 1941
- * The French and Indians Meet Again, (ms) Western Story Magazine June 23 1928
- * The French Army, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly January 1879
- * French Art of To-Day, (ar) The Lady’s Realm January 1907
- * A French Assize, (ar) (by Eustace Clare Grenville Murray) The Cornhill Magazine June 1882
- * French Autorails Ride on Air, (ar) Railroad Magazine April 1949
- * The French Autumn Military Manuvres, (ar) Black & White #34, September 26 1891
- * A French Case of Imposture, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly January 1876
- * The French Chamber of Deputies, (ar) Black & White #31, September 5 1891
- * The French Character, Seen Through English Spectacles, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine August 1889
- * French Children Helped by Our Red Cross, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine (US) December 1918
- * French Comic Book, (cs) Fling v1 #1, 1957
- * French Condemn American Treatment of Colored Soldiers, (ar) The Half-Century Magazine October 1919
- * French Convict Ship Sails, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 29 1921
- * French Convict’s Horrible Fate, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 10 1927
- * A French Crime Museum, (ms) Mystery Magazine #158, June 15 1924
- * The French Crown Jewels, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly December 1880
- * French Detect Criminals by Air They Breathe, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 23 1922
- * The French Detective, (n.) Scotland Yard Detective Series #4, 1888
- * French Detectives Seek Pirate Gold, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 6 1926
- * French Detectives Use Chemistry, (ms) Detective Story Magazine February 19 1927
- * A French Dinner in London, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine February 1876
- * French Doctor’s Views of Hypnotism and Crime, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 13 1925
- * French Dueling, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly February 1885
- * French-English, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly June 1890
- * French-English, (ar) (by Alick Ballantine) The Cornhill Magazine March 1890
- * French Felons, (ar) (by John Bowring) The Cornhill Magazine November 1865
- * French Female Convicts, (ms) Mystery Magazine #119, November 1 1922
- * French Fever!, (pi) Dapper June 1976
- * French Fighters, (ms) Mystery Magazine #9, March 15 1918
- * A French Flapper Flips, (pi) Trojan v2 #1, 1963
- * The French Fleet at Portsmouth, (ar) Black & White #30, August 29 1891
- * The French Flower Girl, (ss) (by Sidney Laman Blanchard) Household Words #79, September 27 1851
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