The FictionMags Index
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Lessing, Bruno (chron.) (continued)
- * Love and Furniture, (ss) Hearst’s International September 1923
- * Love Laughs at Lapidowitz [Lapidowitz], (ss) Cosmopolitan May 1924
- * Love-Love-Love!, (ss) Cosmopolitan Magazine June 1910
- * The Lure of Love and Lucre, (ss) Hearst’s Magazine January 1921
- * Malinsky Was Meek, (ss) Hearst’s Magazine July 1920
- * The Man Who Hurt Chalansky’s Feelings, (ss) Cosmopolitan Magazine April 1910
- * A Matter of Business, (ss) Gaiety January 1922
- * A Matter of Form, (ss) Cosmopolitan Magazine May 1907
- * A Matter of Morals, (ss) Hearst’s Magazine May 1920
- * The Meanest Man That Ever Lived, (ss) Cosmopolitan Magazine May 1908
- * Monahan’s Musical Education, (ss) Cosmopolitan Magazine February 1907
- * Moritsky’s Ward, (ss) Cosmopolitan Magazine February 1910
- * The Nice Present, (ss) McClure’s Magazine January 1919
- * The Nine and One, (ss) Hearst’s International September 1921
- * Nix, (ss) Hearst’s Magazine May 1919
- * A Nocturne d’Amour, (ss) Hearst’s Magazine September 1920
- * A Nose for News, (ss) McClure’s Magazine August 1920
- * $1,000,000.00, (ss) Hearst’s Magazine January 1920
- * The One That Lost, (ss) Hearst’s Magazine February 1921
- * On the Way to Syracuse [Ghetto Life], (ss) Hearst’s Magazine November 1914
- * Out of His Orbit, (ss)
- * Oy Mari’!, (ss) Cosmopolitan Magazine September 1910
- * The Parrot of Uncle Hurwitz, (ss) Cosmopolitan Magazine October 1906
- * The Party Line, (ss) Cosmopolitan Magazine December 1909
- * The Pawned Cup [Ghetto Life], (ss) Cosmopolitan Magazine January 1913
- * A Peach by Any Other Name, (ss) Hearst’s Magazine December 1920
- * A Peach of a Stenographer, (ss) Cosmopolitan June 1925
- * Prince Isaac, (ss) Cosmopolitan Magazine May 1911
- * A Priscilla of Hester Street, (ss) Cosmopolitan Magazine November 1906
- * The Reformation of Benjamin, (ss) Hearst’s Magazine November 1917
- * Renunciation, (ss) Cosmopolitan Magazine June 1907
- * Romance—in a Minor Key, (ss) Hearst’s Magazine August 1919
- * Romeoff and Julietsky [Ghetto Life], (ss) Cosmopolitan Magazine June 1912
- * Rosalsky’s Resolutions, (ss) Cosmopolitan Magazine January 1907
- * Rose Gets Married, (ss) Cosmopolitan Magazine July 1911
- * Rose of the Ghetto [Ghetto Life], (ss) Hearst’s Magazine March 1914
- * The Rumani Trio [Ghetto Life], (ss) Hearst’s Magazine January 1914
- * The Sad Case of Mr. Slumsky, (ss) Cosmopolitan Magazine October 1908
- * The Sader Guest, (ss)
- * Sadie Sows a Wild Oat, (ss) Cosmopolitan March 1925
- * Sapho the Second, (ss) Hearst’s Magazine April 1919
- * The Scapular: A Christmas Story, (ss) Cosmopolitan Magazine December 1907
- * The Scarlet Sapphire, (ss) Hearst’s Magazine February 1919
- * Scrog [Lapidowitz; Ghetto Life], (ss) Hearst’s Magazine April 1913
- * The Shadow, (ss) Hearst’s International November 1923
- * Sherlock Cohen [Ghetto Life], (ss) Nash’s and Pall Mall Magazine March 1915
- * The Shoemaker, (ss) Hearst’s Magazine November 1918
- * A Short Story, (ss) Cosmopolitan Magazine November 1909
- * Simmy, (ss) Hearst’s Magazine January 1919
- * The Sin Buyer, (ss) Cosmopolitan Magazine July 1908
- * Sing Ho for Isidore Haimovitz!, (sl) Cosmopolitan Magazine Sep, Oct 1907
- * The Smartness of Lewkovitz, (ss) Cosmopolitan Magazine November 1905
- * “Sonata Pathetique”, (ss) Cosmopolitan Magazine April 1911
- * Sort of Casual Like, (ss) Hearst’s Magazine November 1915
- * A Spanish Omelet, (ss) Hearst’s Magazine March 1920
- * The Story of the Discovery of the Manuscripts, (ar) Cosmopolitan October 1928 [Ref. Jules Verne & Ella Wheeler Wilcox]
- * The Stranger at the Feast, (ss) Everybody’s Magazine March 1906
- * Strictly Russel, (ss) Hearst’s Magazine December 1919
- * The Stylish Life, (ss) McClure’s Magazine October 1919
- * Such a Business Head!, (ss) McClure’s Magazine August 1919
- * Such Is Life, (ss) Cosmopolitan Magazine June 1909
- * Take Levy, for Instance, (ss) McClure’s Magazine March 1919
- * The Tangled Web, (ss) Hearst’s Magazine July 1919
- * Tempus Fugit, (ss) Cosmopolitan Magazine March 1909
- * The Terefah Chicken [Lapidowitz; Ghetto Life], (ss) Nash’s and Pall Mall Magazine January 1915
- * There’s Julius, for Instance, (ss) Hearst’s Magazine June 1915
- * 30 Days, (ss) Cosmopolitan May 1926
- * Thoroughbred, (ss) The Chicago Tribune May 8 1921
- * The Time and the Girl, (ss) Hearst’s International October 1923
- * “To Err is Human…”, (ss) The Story-teller May 1932
- * The Tool-Chest, (ss) Cosmopolitan Magazine January 1910
- * The Transition of Shadrach Cohen, (ss)
- * Treating ’Em Rough, (ss) Pictorial Review September 1920
- * The Trefeh Chicken [Ghetto Life], (ss) Hearst’s Magazine August 1914
- * A Trifle Light As Air, (ss) Cosmopolitan Magazine November 1911
- * The Troubles of Lazarus Abrahamovitch [Ghetto Life], (ss) Cosmopolitan Magazine June 1911
- * The Truth or Nothing, (ss) Hearst’s Magazine November 1920
- * Uncle Israel, (ss) Cosmopolitan Magazine July 1907
- * Under His Nose, (ss) Cosmopolitan Magazine May 1909
- * The Unwelcome Guest [Lapidowitz; Ghetto Life], (ss) Nash’s and Pall Mall Magazine August 1915
- * Upholstery, (ss) Hearst’s Magazine December 1918
- * “Us Girls”, (ss) McClure’s Magazine January 1920
- * The Waiter, (ss) Cosmopolitan Magazine May 1910
- * The Wedding Present, (ss) Hearst’s International May 1922
- * What Nicolo Never Knew, (ss) Hearst’s International November 1921
- * When a Man’s Lucky [Ghetto Life; Lapidowitz], (ss) Hearst’s Magazine March 1915
- * When a Man’s Sixty, (ss) Hearst’s Magazine October 1918
- * Where There’s a Will [Ghetto Life], (ss) Nash’s and Pall Mall Magazine November 1914
- * Who’s Boss Now?, (ss) Cosmopolitan November 1924
- * Whose Tragedy? [Ghetto Life], (ss) Hearst’s Magazine December 1913
- * With the Best Intention [Lapidowitz; Ghetto Life], (ss) Cosmopolitan Magazine March 1912
- * A Woman’s Heart [Ghetto Life], (ss) Cosmopolitan Magazine May 1912
- * The Wooing of Lindl [Lapidowitz], (ss) Cosmopolitan January 1925
[]Lessing, Doris (May) (1919-2013) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * Among the Roses, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal April 1989
- * Between Men, (ss)
- * Breakthrough, (ms) Frontier Crossings ed. Robert Jackson, Conspiracy '87, 1987
- * The Day Stalin Died, (ss)
- * The Death of a Chair, (ss) Granta #90, Summer 2005
- * The De Wets Come to Kloof Grange, (ss)
- * Dialogue, (ss)
- * Diary of a Non-Marrying Man, (ss) The London Magazine August/September 1972
- * Each Other, (ss) A Man and Two Women by Doris Lessing, MacGibbon & Kee, 1963
- * El Dorado, (sl) John Bull Sep 5, Sep 12 1953
- * England versus England, (ss)
- * An Escape, (vi) Mini-Sagas 1999 ed. Brian Aldiss, Sutton Publishing, 1999
- * Events in the Skies, (ar) Granta #22, Autumn 1987
- * The Eye of God in Paradise, (na)
- * Flavours of Exile, (ss) The London Magazine February 1957
- * Flight, (ss) Lilliput August/September 1951
- * From the Black Notebook, (ex) Partisan Review Spring 1962; extract from The Golden Notebook forthcoming from Michael Joseph (April 1962).
- * Guest of Honor Speech: Doris Lessing (1987), (ar) Worldcon Guest of Honor Speeches ed. Mike Resnick & Joe Siclari, ISFiC Press, 2006; delivered as the Guest of Honor speech at the 1987 Worldcon.
- * The Habit of Loving, (nv) The Habit of Loving by Doris Lessing, MacGibbon & Kee, 1957
- * He, (ss)
- * Homage for Isaac Babel, (ss)
- * A Home for the Highland Cattle, (nv) Lilliput September/October 1951
- * How I Finally Lost My Heart, (ss) A Man and Two Women by Doris Lessing, MacGibbon & Kee, 1963
- * Impertinent Daughters, (mm) Granta #14, Winter 1984
- * An Interview, (iv)
- * Jane Somers’s Diaries, (ex) Granta #13, Autumn 1984
- * A Letter from Home, (ss) A Man and Two Women by Doris Lessing, MacGibbon & Kee, 1963
- * Lions, Leaves, Roses, (ss)
- * Little Tembi, (sl) John Bull May 19, May 26 1951
- * A Man and Two Women, (ss) A Man and Two Women by Doris Lessing, MacGibbon & Kee, 1963
- * Man in Their Life, (ss) John Bull October 7 1950
- * Memoir, (bg) A Is for Brian ed. Frank Hatherley, Margaret Aldiss & Malcolm Edwards, Avernus, 1990
- * The Memory Maker’s Dream, (ex) from The Making of the Representative for Planet 8,
- * A Mild Attack of Locusts, (ss) The New Yorker February 26 1955
- * Mr. Boles and Mr. Hartley, (ss) John Bull June 1 1957
- * The Mother of the Child in Question, (ss)
- * Mrs. Fortescue, (ss)
- * My Mother’s Life, (mm) Granta #17, Autumn 1985
- * Not a Very Nice Story, (nv)
- * Notes for a Case History, (ss)
- * No Witchcraft for Sale, (ss) 1951
- * The Old Chief Mshlanga, (ss) 1952
- * An Old Woman and Her Cat, (ss) Short Story Monthly #2, November 1981
- * One Off the Short List, (nv)
- * The Other Garden, (ss)
- * The Other Woman, (nv)
- * Our Friend Judith, (ss)
- * Out of the Fountain, (nv)
- * Outside the Ministry, (ss)
- * Particularly Cats, (ss)
- * The Pig, (ss) Trek April 1948
- * Plants and Girls, (ss) The Habit of Loving by Doris Lessing, MacGibbon & Kee, 1957
- * Pleasure, (ss)
- * Report on the Threatened City, (nv) Playboy November 1971
- * Roads of London, (ss) Granta #58, Summer 1997
- * A Room, (ss)
- * Side Benefits of an Honourable Profession, (ss)
- * The Stare, (ss) The New Yorker July 7 1997
- * Stories, (co) Everyman's Library US, August 2008
- * The Story of Two Dogs, (nv)
- * A Sunrise on the Veld, (ss) African Stories by Doris Lessing, Michael Joseph, 1964
- * The Temptation of Jack Orkney, (na)
- * Through the Tunnel, (ss) The New Yorker August 6 1955
- * To Room Nineteen, (nv) A Man and Two Women by Doris Lessing, MacGibbon & Kee, 1963
- * Traitors, (ss)
- * Two Potters, (ss)
- * An Unposted Love Letter, (ss)
- * What Price the Truth?, (ss) The New Yorker March 25 1991
- * Wine, (ss) The Habit of Loving by Doris Lessing, MacGibbon & Kee, 1957
- * The Witness, (ss)
- * The Woman, (ss)
- * A Woman on a Roof, (ss)
- The Harper Anthology of Fiction ed. Sylvan Barnet, HarperCollins, 1991
- Fiction: A Longman Pocket Anthology ed. R. S. Gwynn, Addison-Wesley, 1998
- An Introduction to Fiction ed. X. J. Kennedy & Dana Gioia, Longman US, 1999
- The Longman Anthology of Short Fiction ed. Dana Gioia & R. S. Gwynn, Longman US, 2000
- Stories, Everyman's Library US, 2008
- * A Woman on the Roof, (ss)
- * Womb Ward, (ss) The New Yorker December 7 1987
- * Writing Under Another Name, (ar) Granta #13, Autumn 1984
- * A Year in Regent’s Park, (ss)
_____, [ref.]
- * Breaking Down Reality by Martin Hills, (ar) Frontier Crossings ed. Robert Jackson, Conspiracy '87, 1987
- * Canopus in Argos: Archives. The Marriages Between Zones Three, Four, and Five by Susan Wood, (br) Starship #39, Summer 1980
- * Canopus in Argos: Re: Colonized Planet 5, Shikasta by Susan Wood, (br) Starship #39, Summer 1980
- * The Cleft by Ursula K. Le Guin, (br) 2007
- * Doris Lessing and the Politics of Violence by Moira Monteith, (ar) Where No Man Has Gone Before ed. Lucie Armitt, Routledge US, 1990
- * Doris Lessing at 100: Roving Time and Space by Patrick French, (ar) Nature #7777, October 10 2019
- * Doris Lessing Bibliography by Martin Hills, (bi) Frontier Crossings ed. Robert Jackson, Conspiracy '87, 1987
- * Doris Lessing: Her Five Best Books, (ar) The Guardian November 18 2013, uncredited.
- * Doris Lessing Obituary by Lorna Sage, (ob) The Guardian November 17 2013
- * Doris Lessing’s Briefing for a Descent Into Hell: Science Fiction or Psycho-Drama? by Katherine Fishburn, (ar) Science-Fiction Studies March 1988
- * Doris Lessing’s ’Lights of Canopus’: Oriental Sources of Space History by Peter Caracciolo, (ar) Foundation #31, July 1984
- * Doris Lessing’s Visions of the Future by John Clute, (ar) The Guardian November 27 2013
- * Floating Away: Alienation and Distance in Doris Lessing’s Space Fiction by Gillian Dooley, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #174, February 2003
- * The Habit of Loving by Roy Fuller, (br) The London Magazine March 1958
- * Interview with Dorris Lessing by Michael Upchurch, (iv) Glimmer Train #7, Summer 1993
- * Lisa Allardice on Doris Lessing: “She helped change the way women are perceived, and perceive themselves” by Lisa Allardice, (ar) The Guardian November 17 2013
- * Mara and Dann by David Mathew, (br) Interzone #149, November 1999
- * Mara and Dann by David Mathew, (br) Foundation #79, Summer 2000
- * Mara and Dann by Steve Mohn, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #167, July 2002
- * The Marriage of Inner and Outer Space in Doris Lessing’s Shikasta by Phyllis Sternberg Perrakis, (ar) Science-Fiction Studies July 1990
- * The Marriages Between Zones Three, Four and Five by Colin Greenland, (br) Foundation #20, October 1980
- * The Marriages Between Zones Three, Four, and Five by Ursula K. Le Guin, (br) The New Republic March 29 1980
- * Old Dreams and Poisoned Streams by David Wingrove, (ar) Frontier Crossings ed. Robert Jackson, Conspiracy '87, 1987
- * Over the River and Through the Wood by Thomas M. Disch, (br) Wall Street Journal January 15 1995
- * A Proper Marriage by Margaret Lane, (br) The London Magazine January 1955
- * Re: Colonised Planet 5, Shikasta by Algis Budrys, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction March 1980
- * Re: Colonised Planet 5, Shikasta by Colin Greenland, (br) Foundation #19, June 1980
- * The Sentimental Agents by Ursula K. Le Guin, (br) The Weekly (Seattle) August 3 1983
- * Shikasta by Ursula K. Le Guin, (br) The New Republic October 13 1979
- * Shikasta by Kevin J. Anderson, (br) Fantasy Commentator Winter 1984
- * Summer Voyages: Shikasta Re: Colonised Planet 5 by Doris Lessing by Damien G. Walter, (ar) The Guardian July 22 2013
- * This Novelist Abandoned Her Toddlers. I Wanted to Know Why by Julie Phillips, (ex) Slate April 26 2022; from The Baby on the Fire Escape, forthcoming from Norton (July 2022).
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