The FictionMags Index
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Wells, H(erbert) G(eorge) (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * The Time Machine [Time Machine], (ex) The New Review January 1895 (+4)
- The Phantagraph May 1937, as "The Final Men"
- Satellite Science Fiction August 1958, as "The Missing Pages"
- Perry Rhodan #101, 1976, as "The Final Men"
- Ackermanthology! ed. Forrest J. Ackerman, General Publishing Group, 1997, as "The Final Men"
- Timescapes ed. Peter Haining, Souvenir Press, 1997, as "The Grey Man"
- The Book of Time, Ramble House, 2011, as "The Grey Man"
- The Book of Time (var. 1), Surinam Turtle Press, 2014, as "The Grey Man"
- * The Time Machine [Time Machine], (ex) Heinemann, 1895
- * Time Traveling [Time Machine], (ex) from The Time Machine, Heinemann, 1895
- * Tono-Bungay, (n.) The Popular Magazine Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1908, Jan 1909
- * Transatlantic Misunderstandings, (ar) Liberty January 15 1938
- * The Transformation of War, (ar) The Strand Magazine November 1941
- * A Trap to Catch the Sun, (na) The Century Magazine January 1914
- * The Treasure in the Forest, (ss) Pall Mall Budget August 23 1894
- * The Truth About Pyecraft, (ss) The Strand Magazine April 1903
- The Strand Magazine (US) May 1903
- The Argosy (UK) October 1928
- The Evening Standard July 15 1932
- Avon Fantasy Reader 1 ed. Donald A. Wollheim, Avon Book Co., 1947
- Fancy Free ed. W. G. Bebbington, Allen & Unwin, 1949
- A Book of Queer Stories, University of London Press, 1950
- Science Fiction and Reader’s Guide ed. Marjorie Barrows, Spencer Press, 1954
- Tall Short Stories ed. Eric Duthie, Ace Star, 1960
- Alfred Hitchcock’s Ghostly Gallery ed. Alfred Hitchcock, Random House, 1962
- Magazine of Horror May 1964
- The Golden Road ed. Damon Knight, Simon & Schuster, 1973
- Over the Rainbow: Tales of Fantasy and Imagination, St. Michael, 1983
- The Science Fiction Weight-Loss Book ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg & George R. R. Martin, Crown, 1983
- Ideomancer June 2002
- Lovecraft’s Weird Mysteries v1 #11, 2006
- * Ugh-Lomi and the Cave Bear, (ss) The Idler June 1897
- * Ugh-Lomi and Uya, (ss) The Idler May 1897
- * Underneath, (ss) The Pall Mall Magazine September 1899
- * Under the Knife, (ss) The New Review #80, January 1896
- Amazing Stories March 1927
- Amazing Stories Annual 1927
- Perchance to Dream ed. Damon Knight, Doubleday, 1972
- Dream Trips ed. Michel Parry, Panther Books, 1974
- Tales of the Occult ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh, Prometheus, 1989
- The Oxford Book of English Short Stories ed. A. S. Byatt, Oxford University Press, 1998
- Science Fiction Classics #10, June 2015
- Mortal Echoes ed. Greg Buzwell, The British Library, 2018
- Masters of Science Fiction, Volume 14: H.G. Wells, Armchair Fiction, 2019
- * untitled (“For the writer of fantastic stories”), (pr) from The Scientific Romances of H.G. Wells, Gollancz, 1933
- * Uya the Lion, (ss) The Idler August 1897, as "The Reign of Uya the Lion"
- * The Vacant Country, (ss) The Pall Mall Magazine July 1899
- * The Valley of Spiders, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine March 1903
- Weird Tales December 1925
- Warlocks and Warriors ed. L. Sprague de Camp, G.P. Putnam's, 1970
- Forgotten Fantasy February 1971
- Nightfrights ed. Peter Haining, Victor Gollancz Ltd., 1972
- Stories of the Macabre ed. Denys Val Baker, William Kimber, 1976
- The Arbor House Treasury of Horror and the Supernatural ed. Bill Pronzini, Martin H. Greenberg & Barry N. Malzberg, Arbor House, 1981
- Great Tales of Horror and the Supernatural ed. Bill Pronzini, Martin H. Greenberg & Barry N. Malzberg, A&W/Galahad, 1985
- Invertebrata Enigmatica ed. Chad Arment, Coachwhip Publications, 2008
- The Century’s Best Horror Fiction, Volume One: 1901-1950 ed. John Pelan, CD Publications, 2012
- The Red Room and Other Horrors, Oldstyle Tales Press, 2015
- Trapped! ed. Charles G. Waugh, Ph.D. & M. Grant Kellermeyer, M.A., Oldstyle Tales Press, 2023
- * A Vision of Judgment, (ss) The Butterfly September 1899, as by D. O.
- * War Fantasies, (ex) from Experiment in Autobiography, 1934
- * The War in the Air, (n.) The Pall Mall Magazine Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1908
- * The War of the Worlds [War of the Worlds], (cs) Boys’ Life May 1996; adapted by Seymour V. Reit
- * The War of the Worlds [War of the Worlds], (n.) Pearson’s Magazine Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1897
- The Cosmopolitan Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1897
- Amazing Stories Aug, Sep 1927
- All Rare #2, Winter 1981
- * The War of the Worlds [War of the Worlds], (n.) Heinemann, 1898
- The Strand Magazine February 1920
- Famous Fantastic Mysteries July 1951
- Mars, We Love You ed. Jane Hipolito & Willis E. McNelly, Doubleday, 1971
- Tune in for Fear ed. Peter Haining, William Kimber, 1985, as "The Invasion from Mars"
- Movie Monsters ed. Peter Haining, Severn House, 1988
- The Time Machine and War of the Worlds, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 2000
- War of the Worlds: Fresh Perspectives on the H.G. Wells Classic ed. Glenn Yeffeth, BenBella Books, 2005
- Classic Tales of Science Fiction & Fantasy, Canterbury Classics, 2016
- Menace of the Monster ed. Mike Ashley, The British Library, 2019
- Killing London ed. Charles G. Waugh & Don Wismer, Hemelein Publications, 2021
- * The War of the Worlds [War of the Worlds], (ex) Pearson’s Magazine April 1897 (+8)
- * The War of the Worlds [War of the Worlds], (ex) Heinemann, 1898
- * The Ways of the City, (ss) The Pall Mall Magazine August 1899
- * Wellsian Farewell, (ms) 1936
- * Wells’s Latest Wisdom, (ex) from Phnix, Secker & Warburg, 1942
- * What Comes True, (ms) from The Scientific Romances of H. G. Wells, Gollancz, 1933
- * What Is Coming?, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post April 15 1916
- * What Is Coming: How Far will Europe Go Toward Socialism, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post February 26 1916
- * What Is Coming: Nations in Liquidation, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post January 29 1916
- * What Is Coming: On Prophesying Peace, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post January 1 1916
- * What Is Coming: Reconstruction or Revolution, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post February 12 1916
- * What Is Coming: The End of the War, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post January 15 1916
- * What Is Coming: The Lawyer in Politics, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post March 11 1916
- * What Is Coming: The New Map of Europe, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post March 25 1916
- * What Is Coming?: The Outlook for the Germans, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post April 29 1916
- * What Is Coming?: The White Man’s Burthen, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post May 13 1916
- * What Is Coming?:
* ___ I: Forecasting the Future, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #46, January 1916
* ___ II: Nations in Liquidation, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #47, February 1916
* ___ No. III. How Far Will Europe Go Towards Socialism?, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #48, March 1916
* ___ IV: The New Map of Europe, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #49, April 1916
* ___ V: The Outlook for the Germans, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #50, May 1916
* ___ VI: The White Man’s Burthen, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #51, June 1916
- * What the Allies’ War Plans Should Be, (ar) Liberty December 30 1939
- * When the Sleeper Wakes, (n.) Harper, 1899
- * When the Sleeper Wakes, (ex) Harper, 1899
- * The White Man’s Burthen, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #51, June 1916
- * The Wild Asses of the Devil, (ex) from Boon, Boon 1915
- * Will There Ever Be a Permanent Organized Peace of the World?, (ar) The Strand Magazine #41, October 2013/January 2014
- * The World of Our Grandchildren, (ar) Radio Digest January 1931
- * World Set Free, (na) The Century Magazine March 1914
- * You Want an Account of How I Spent the 27th of September 1935, (ms) The Strand Magazine #41, October 2013/January 2014
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Woman’s Journal December 1928
- * [letter], (lt)
- * [unknown story], (ss)
_____, [?]
_____, [ref.]
- * About H.G. Wells by Daniel McPhail, (ar) The Fantasy Fan May 1934
- * About H.G. Wells: A Biographical Profile by Michael F. Sawyer, (bg) All Rare #2, Winter 1981
- * Ali Smith and HG Wells Webchat—as It Happened by Sam Jordison, (ar) The Guardian September 27 2016
- * Anatomies of Egotism: A Reading of the Last Novels of H.G. Wells by Jack Williamson, (br) Journal of English and Germanic Philology October 1977
- * …And the Lurid Glare of the Comet by Brian W. Aldiss, (in) Chatto & Windus, 1985
- * The Annotated H.G. Wells by Andrew Sawyer, (br) Foundation #85, Summer 2002
- * An Apprication of H.G. Wells, Novelist by Mary Austin, (ar) The American Magazine October 1911
- * Art, Asses and Absolution (with Charles Fort & Frank Swinnerton) by George Rosener, (br) Rosener’s Pan #2, 1921
- * As Others See Us: Mr. H.G. Wells as Critic and Prophet by Horatio S. Krans, (br) Putnam’s Monthly September 1907
- * Behind the Story: The Events Leading to Its Conception, (ar) All Rare #2, Winter 1981
- * Best Stories of H. G. Wells by Frederik Pohl, (br) If January 1961
- * Bibliographical Index: The Works of H.G. Wells, (bi) All Rare #2, Winter 1981
- * Cheap Horrors by Chalmers Mitchell, (ar) Saturday Review (UK) April 11 1896
- * The Continuing War of the Worlds by Brian W. Aldiss, (in) from The War of the Worlds, Penguin, 2005
- * “The Country of the Blind”: H.G. Wells’s Homage to “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” by Terry W. Thompson, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #301, September 2013
- * A Critical Commentary by Michael F. Sawyer, (ar) All Rare #2, Winter 1981
- * The Croquet Player by Robert J. Mastell, (br) Spaceways January 1942
- * The Dark World of H.G. Wells by Anthony West, (ar) Harper’s Magazine May 1957
- * Decoding Across the Zodiac; or, H.G. Wells Un-Burdened by Gordon B. Chamberlain, (ar) Foundation #37, Autumn 1986
- * Decoding the Time Machine by Brian J. Burden, (ar) Foundation #31, July 1984
- * Decoding the Time Machine, 2: Across the Zodiac by Brian J. Burden, (ar) Foundation #35, Winter 1985/1986
- * The Definitive Moreau by Nancy Steffen-Fluhr, (ar) Science-Fiction Studies November 1993
- * The Definitive War of the Worlds by R. D. Mullen, (ar) Science-Fiction Studies November 1993
- * A Different Story by Hugo Gernsback, (ed) Amazing Stories August 1927
- * The Doctor Vivisected by David Y. Hughes, (ar) Science-Fiction Studies March 1997
- * Earth Invaded by Martians!, (br) The Academy January 29 1898
- * Ecstasy and Time Travel in Sevenoaks: The Genesis of Modern Science Fiction by Basil Copper, (ar)
- * Edison as Time Traveler: H.G. Wells’s Inspiration for His First Scientific Character by Martin T. Willis, (ar) Science-Fiction Studies v26 #2, #78, July 1999
- * Editor’s Calendar by The Editor(s), (ed) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine December 1936
- * The Fables of H.G. Wells by Jorge Luís Borges, (ar)
- * Farside by William Meikle, (nv) The Ghost Club by William Meikle, Crystal Lake Publishing, 2017
- * The Father of Modern Science Fiction by James E. Gunn, (is) The Road to Science Fiction #1 ed. James Gunn, Mentor, 1977
- * The First Men in the Moon by Lee Montgomerie, (br) Interzone #21, Autumn 1987
- * The First Men in the Moon by R. D. Mullen, (br) Science-Fiction Studies July 1995
- * Floor Games by H.G. Wells by Richard Bowes, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction May 1999
- * The Food of the Gods by Robert Silverberg, (br) Amazing Stories August 1965
- * The Food of the Gods and The Fatal Eggs: Two Views of the Scientist by W. M. S. Russell, (ar) Foundation #80, Autumn 2000
- * Further Visions: Sequels to The Time Machine by Stephen Baxter, (ar) Foundation #65, Autumn 1995
- * G. Bernard Shaw and H.G. Wells Disbelieve in Spiritualism by Joseph Gollomb, (iv) The Strand Magazine April 1920
- * The Hand in the Jar: Metaphor in Wells and Huxley by Brian W. Aldiss, (ar) Foundation #17, September 1979
- * Henry James and H.G. Wells: A Study of Their Friendship Based on Their Unpublished Correspondence by Michael Swan, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine Autumn 1953
- * Herbert George Morley Roberts Wells, Esq. by Arthur C. Clarke, (ed) If December 1967
- * He Sacrifices Ambition for Love by Marie Belloc Lowndes, (ar) John Bull January 22 1938
- * HG: The History of Mr. Wells (with Michael Mackintosh Foot) by Stephen Baxter, (br) Foundation #65, Autumn 1995
- * H.G. Wells by Ray Lankester, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine September 1904
- * H.G. Wells by William F. Nolan, (ar) Fantastic Fictioneers: A History of the Incredible Volume Two ed. Pete Von Sholly, PS Publishing, 2019
- * H.G. Wells by G. K. Chesterton, (bg) The American Magazine November 1910
- * H.G. Wells by Catherine Amy Dawson-Scott, (bg) The Strand Magazine October 1923
- * H.G. Wells, (bg) The Time Machine and War of the Worlds, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 2000
- * H.G. Wells by Sam Moskowitz, (bg) Satellite Science Fiction April 1958
- * H.G. Wells by Leslie V. Heald, (ob) Outlands #1, Winter 1946
- * H.G. Wells by St. John Ervine, (ex) Some Impressions of My Elders by St. John Ervine, Macmillan, 1922
- * H. G. Wells (1866-1946) by Mike Ashley, (is) Dreams and Wonders ed. Mike Ashley, Dover Publications, Inc., 2010
- * H.G. Wells: A Few Notes by the Editor by Newman Flower, (fw) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #47, February 1916
- * H.G. Wells and British Cinema: The War of the Worlds by Sylvia Hardy, (ar) Foundation #77, Autumn 1999
- * H.G. Wells and His Work by Harold Spender, (ar) The Pall Mall Magazine December 1907
- * H.G. Wells and the Fall of Empires by Patrick Parrinder, (ar) Foundation #57, Spring 1993
- * HG Wells Anniversary Ignites Celebrations by Alison Flood, (ar) The Guardian September 21 2009
- * H.G. Wells: A Paperback Bibliography: Part I by Scott Edwards & Chris Schafer, (ar) Books Are Everything September 1991
- * H.G. Wells as Historian by Arthur Lynch, (iv) The Strand Magazine November 1919
- * H.G. Wells, Critic of Progress—A Study of the Early Fiction—Chapter Two: The Limits of Progress by Jack Williamson, (ar) 1966
- * H.G. Wells, Critic of Progress—Chapter One—The Ideas of H.G. Wells by Jack Williamson, (ar) 1966
- * H.G. Wells: Early Writings in Science and Science Fiction (with David Y. Hughes & Robert M. Philmus) by Roger Bowen, (br) Foundation #11/12, March 1977
- * H.G. Wells’ First Russian Admirer by Leland Fetzer, (ar) Foundation #11/12, March 1977
- * H.G. Wells: Five Opportunities for SF Writers by Delores Goodrick Beggs, (ar) Midnight Zoo v1 #6, 1991
- * H.G. Wells, Imaginative Scientist by Holbrook Jackson, (bg) The Idler July 1908
- * H.G. Wells in Russia by Martin Gardner, (ar) The Freeman May 1995
- * The H.G. Wells Problem by Darrell Schweitzer, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #345, January 2018
- * The H.G. Wells Scrapbook by ed. Peter Haining, (NEL, 1978, an)
- * H.G. Wells’s Fire Sermon: The War of the Worlds and the Book of Revelations by Tom Gibbons, (ar) Science Fiction (Australia) v6 #1, 1984
- * H.G. Wells’s Forgotten Fiction by Simon Heffer, (ar) The New Statesman May 31 2019
- * HG Wells’s Prescient Visions of the Future Remain Unsurpassed by John Higgs, (ar) The Guardian September 13 2016
- * H.G. Wells: The Man Who Discovered Tomorrow by Jack Williamson, (ar) The Saturday Review of Literature January 1 1972
- * H.G. Wells Under Revision by Michael Draper, (ar) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America #93, Fall 1986
- * History of the Radio Broadcast “War of the Worlds”, (ar) All Rare #2, Winter 1981
- * Homo Tewler and the Undine: Evolutionary and Mythic Images in Wells’s Late Fiction by Kenneth V. Bailey, (ar) Foundation #56, Autumn 1992
- * How Far Can We Trust the Narrator of The War of the Worlds? by Patrick Parrinder, (ar) Foundation #77, Autumn 1999
- * How the 21st Century Would Have Disappointed HG Wells by Elif Shafak, (ar) The Guardian September 17 2021
- * In the Days of the Comet by Robert Silverberg, (br) Amazing Stories August 1965
- * In the Days of Their Youth by Raymond Price, (ar) The Strand Magazine April 1932
- * In the Wake of the Martians, (br) Atheneum, June 3 1899
- * Introduction to The War of the Worlds by Brian W. Aldiss, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #50 Oct, #51 Nov 1992
- * The Invisible Man, (br) The Spectator September 25 1897
- * The Invisible Man by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction August 1964
- * The Invisible Man and the War of the Worlds by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction December 1962
- * The Invisible Man Revisited by Jon L. Breen, (br) The Armchair Detective April 1971
- * The Island of Doctor Moreau: A Variorum Text (with Robert M. Philmus) by John Clute, (br) Interzone #75, September 1993
- * The Island of Dr Moreau by Gene Wolfe, (ar) Horror: 100 Best Books ed. Stephen Jones & Kim Newman, Xanadu, 1988
- * Island of Dr. Moreau by Peter Straub, (fw) Modern Library, 1996
- * The Island of Dr. Moreau by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Astounding Science Fiction Feb 1959, Aug 1964
- * The Island of Dr. Moreau by Robert Silverberg, (br) Amazing Stories September 1964
- * The Island of Dr. Moreau, or the Case of Devolution by Pascale Krumm, (ar) Foundation #75, Spring 1999
- * The Island of Peter Pandora by Kim Lakin-Smith, (nv) Resurrection Engines: 15 Extraordinary Tales of Scientific Romance ed. Scott Harrison, Snowbooks, 2012
- * John Wyndham & H G Wells by Christopher Priest, (ar) ; delivered as a talk in December 2000, in Midhurst, West Sussex.
- * The Last War: A World Set Free by L. J. Hurst, (br) Foundation #85, Summer 2002
- * Letter to H.G. Wells by Arthur Machen, (lt)
- * Little Portraits: H.G. Wells by Sidney Dark, (ms) John o’ London’s Weekly December 9 1922
- * A Loathsome and Repulsive Book, (lt) The Times June 17 1896
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