Fiction Magazines

Magazines 22  
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Magazine Title Issues Indexed In Notes
Kenoma Dec-2003 - Sep-2005    
The Kenyon Review
» The Kenyon Review
Winter 1939 - 1969
1979 - present
Sader1; website
ShStIdx; website
Keyhole Detective Casebook - see under Detective Casebook
Keyhole Detective Story Magazine - see under Keyhole Mystery Magazine
Keyhole Magazine Fall 2007 - 2015?    
Keyhole Mystery Magazine
» Keyhole Detective Story Magazine
Apr-1960 - Aug-1960
Jan-1962 - Sep-1962
Issue Checklist
Khaki and Blue
» Civvy Street
Jun-1944? - May-1946
Jun-1946 - Feb-1947?
sample issue only
Khimairal Ink Jul-2005 - Jul-2011 SFI Issue Checklist
Khōréō Feb-2021 - present SFI Missing: any after v4 #1, 2024
Issue Checklist
Khrizma Spring 2006 - Winter 2008 SFI Issue Checklist
Kickshaw 1978 - 1979    
Kids' Highway 1999? - 2001? FicMags sample issue only
Killers Mystery Story Magazine - see under Homicide Detective Story Magazine
Kimota #1, 1994 - Spring 2002 SFI Issue Checklist
Kinda Kinky Summer 1992 - ?    
Kinesis ? - 1998?    
King [1958]
» King's Man
Fall 1958 - 1960
1961 - 1965
sample issue only
sample issue only
Issue Checklist
King [1971] Mar-1971 - Jul-1971?   Issue Checklist
King (UK)
» merges with Mayfair
Winter 1964 - Dec-1967?
Issue Checklist
Kingdom Come Nov-1939 - Autumn 1943 FicMags sample issues only
Kingsize in 1970s FicMags sample issues only
Issue Checklist
Kiosk 1987 - 2005 FicMags sample issue only
Kitty in 1950s FicMags  
Kivioq 1990 - 1992?    
Klein Bottle May-1959 - ?    
Knave (US) [1959] Jan-1959 - Dec-1959 FicMags Missing: Jul-1959
Issue Checklist
Knave (UK) [1968] Dec-1968 - Jul-2015 FicMags sample issue only
Issue Checklist
Knave (US) [1976] Feb-1976 - Apr-1983? FicMags sample issue only
Issue Checklist
The Knickerbocker or New-York Monthly Magazine
» The Knickerbocker Monthly
» The American Monthly Knickerbocker
» The Federal American Monthly
Jan-1833 - Sep-1863
Oct-1863 - Feb-1864
Mar-1864 - Jun-1865
Jul-1865 - Oct-1865
Poole; FicMags
FicMags sample issue only
Sir Knight
» Knight
v1 #1, 1958 - Sep-1962
Nov-1962 - Sep-1978?
Issue Checklist
Knights in 1970s FicMags sample issue only
Knight's Quarterly Magazine Jun-1823 - Nov-1824    
K-9 and His Bowser Aces Jul-1990 AFI Issue Checklist
Knockout Magazine Jan/Feb-1937 - Jun/Jul-1938 SPFI; PMI1 Issue Checklist
Kopfhalter! Spring 2005 - Fall 2005 SFI Issue Checklist
The Kore in 1990s    
Korean Literature Today Summer 1996 - Fall/Winter 2005? FicMags sample issue only
Kracked Mirror Mysteries Jan-1994 - Fall 1996 CFI Missing: Jan-1996; any after Fall 1996
Issue Checklist
Krater: College Workshop Quarterly in 2000s    
Krax in 2010s FicMags sample issue only
Krino 1986 - ?    
Kulchur Spring 1960 - Winter 1965    
Kzine Sep-2011 - Oct-2021 SFI Issue Checklist
Labyrinth Spring 1984 SFI Issue Checklist
Labyrinth Inhabitant Winter 2008 - Winter 2011    
Lackington's Winter 2014 - present SFI Missing: any after #25, Spring 2022
Issue Checklist
Lacuna Oct-2009 - Oct-2013 SFI Issue Checklist
The Ladies' Companion May-1834 - Oct-1844    
The Ladies' Edinburgh Magazine 1875 - 1800    
The Ladies' Home Magazine (US) - see under Arthur's Home Magazine
The Ladies' Magazine [1844] - see under Arthur's Ladies' Magazine
The Ladies' Repository
» The National Repository
Jan-1841 - Dec-1876
Jan-1877 - Dec-1880
Lady Churchill's Rosebud Wristlet v1 #1, 1997 - present SFI Missing: any after #47, Aug-2023
Issue Checklist
Lady's Home Magazine (of Fiction) - see under The Lady's Magazine
The Lady's Home Magazine of Literature, Art, and Fashion - see under Arthur's Home Magazine
The Lady's Magazine [1770]
» merges with Court Magazine and Monthly Critic and Lady's Magazine and Museum of Belles Lettres
Jan-1770 - Dec-1837
The Lady's Magazine [1901]
» The Lady's Home Magazine
» The Home Magazine of Fiction
» The Novel Magazine
Jan-1901 - Jun-1904
Jul-1904 - Oct-1904
Nov-1904 - Mar-1905
Apr-1905 - Dec-1937
Missing: most issues from Oct-1917 to Aug-1918; Apr-1935; Sep-1935; Sep-1936
Issue Checklist
The Lady's Novelette 19-Nov-1883 - ?    
The Lady's Realm Nov-1896 - May-1916 FicMags Issue Checklist
The Lady's World (of Fashion) [1842] - see also under Peterson's Magazine
The Lake Magazine Aug-1892 - Apr-1893 FicMags sample issue only
Lakeside Circus Nov-2013 - present FicMags sample issues only
Lambert's Monthly Jan-1890 - May-1891 SR2; FicMags FicMags sample issue only
LampLight Sep-2012 - Jun-2022 SFI Issue Checklist
Landing Zone Spring 2022 - present SFI Missing: any after Spring 2022
Issue Checklist
The Land of Sunshine - see under Out West
The Lantern Mar-1915 - Mar-1918 AmerLit  
(The) Lariat Story Magazine - see under True Adventures
Lariat Western (Story Magazine) in 1950s WFI Missing: all issues
Issue Checklist
The Lark May-1895 - Apr-1897    
Larus Feb-1927 - Jun-1928 FicMags partial issues only
Laser & Sword Magazine Winter 2008 - Dec-2011    
Lasses & Glasses 1968 - ? FicMags sample issues only
Issue Checklist
Last Wave Oct-1983 - Winter 1986 SFI Issue Checklist
Latchkey Tales Jun-2014 - Dec-2015 SFI Issue Checklist
Late Date 1962 - 1973? FicMags sample issues only
Issue Checklist
Late Knocking in 1980s FicMags sample issue only
The Late Late Show Winter 2001/2002 - Spring 2003 SFI Issue Checklist
Late Show 1962 - 1970? FicMags sample issues only
Issue Checklist
Lathered in Crimson 1996 - ?    
Latin Beauty/Lovelies c. 1948    
Latin Night Life c. 1948 FicMags  
Laughing Horse 10-Apr-1922 - Winter 1939 FicMags partial issues only
Laughing Osiris
» Laughing Osiris
Mar-1974 - 1975
Laughitoff 1942 - 1951 FicMags sample issues only
Laughter Oct-1925 - Mar-1928? GFI sample issues only
Issue Checklist
The Laurel Review
» The Laurel Review
1960 - 1970
Winter 1977 - Winter 2007?
Lavender and Lace in 1960s   Issue Checklist
LC-39 #1, 1999 - #3, 2000 SFI Issue Checklist
The Leader 1850 - 1860    
(The) Leading Edge #1, 1981 - present SFI Missing: any after #83, Jan-2024
Issue Checklist
Leading Love Mar-1945 - Jan-1947 FicMags sample issue only
Issue Checklist
Leading Western Apr-1945 - Sep-1950 WFI Issue Checklist
Leaves #1, 1937 - #2, 1938 SFI Issue Checklist
Leavey's Magazine Summer 1911 FicMags  
The Ledger Monthly - see under The New York Ledger
Leer in 1950s FicMags sample issues only
The Left in 1930s FicMags partial issue only
Legendary Sex Tales #1, 1972 FicMags Issue Checklist
Legend: Worlds of Possibility Autumn 2000 - Spring/Summer 2003 SFI Issue Checklist
Leisure c. 1953 FicMags  
Leisure Detective ? CFI Missing: #6, #13, #19, #41, #45, #50, #52
Issue Checklist
Leisure Romance in 1950s FicMags sample issues only
Leisure Western(s) in 1950s WFI sample issues only
Issue Checklist
The Lennoxville Magazine Jan-1867 - 1868? FicMags  
Lens Winter 1942 - Spring 1943 FicMags sample issue only
Leprechaun Mar-1942 - Mar-1945    
Lesbian Tide 1971 - 1980    
Leslie's Magazine - see under The American Magazine
Les Spinge Autumn 1959 - Dec-1979    
Lethe 1948    
Leviathan v1 #1, 1996 SFI Issue Checklist
LIA 1999? - ? FicMags sample issue only
Libbon Summer 2005 - Jun-2007 FicMags  
The Liberator (1831) 1831 - 1865    
Liberty Book Digest 1943    
Libido Fall 1988 - Fall 2000 FicMags partial issues only
Issue Checklist
Lichgate #1, 1995 SFI Issue Checklist
Life and Letters
» Life and Letters Today
» Life and Letters and the London Mercury and Bookman
» Life and Letters
Jun-1928 - Apr-1935
Sep-1935 - Jun-1945
Jul-1945 - Jan-1946
Feb-1946 - Jun-1950
Life (Australia) in 1920s    
Life's Romances Jun-1941 - Dec-1941 FicMags sample issue only
Issue Checklist
Life Story Magazine - see under Today's Woman
Lighthouse [1960s] 1961? - Aug-1967 FicMags sample issues only
Lighthouse Magazine [2003] Apr-2003 - #7, 2006 SFI Issue Checklist
Lighthouse Magazine [2013] Spring 2013 - present FicMags sample issue only
Lightspeed Jun-2010 - present SFI Missing: any after #167, Apr-2024
Issue Checklist
Lights Up in 1940s    
Lilith 1976 - present FicMags sample issue only
Lillabulero 1964 - 1975 FicMags sample issue only
» merges with Men Only
Jul-1937 - Jul-1960
Issue Checklist
Liminal Stories Spring/Summer 2016 - Spring/Summer 2018 SFI Issue Checklist
Lines Review 1952 - 1998 FicMags sample issue only
Lippincott's Magazine
» Lippincott's Magazine
» McBride's Magazine
» merges with Scribner's Magazine
Jan-1868 - Dec-1899
Jan-1900 - Aug-1915
Sep-1915 - Apr-1916
Poole; FicMags
Hannigan; FicMags
FicMags sample issues only
Liquid Imagination Fall 2008 - Oct-2022 SFI Issue Checklist
Liquid Ohio in 2000s    
Literal Chaos in 2000s FicMags sample issue only
Literal Latté 1994 - present    
Literary Cavalcade Oct-1948 - May-2005 FicMags sample issues only
The Literary Digest
» merges with Time
1890 - 1938
sample issues only
The Literary Gazette 1817 - 1862    
The Literary Hatchet Apr-2008 - present FicMags sample issues only
The Literary Magazine of Fantasy and Terror 1973 - 1975 SFI Issue Checklist
Literary Matters Spring 1995 - present FicMags sample issue only
The Literary Post 15-Mar-1910 - Sep-1910    
The Literary Review (US) Autumn 1957 - present ShStIdx Missing: all before 1974 at least
The Literary Review (UK) Oct-1979 - Nov-1982?    
» merges with The Academy
23-Oct-1897 - 11-Jan-1902
Littell's Living Age
» Living Age
11-May-1844 - 1897
1897 - 1941
Poole; FicMags
Poole; FicMags
FicMags sample issues only
Poole to 1906 only; FicMags sample issues only
The Little Corpuscle in 1950s FicMags sample issue only
Little Green Men #1, 1996 - #4, 1997 SFI Missing: #2, 1996
Issue Checklist

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