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Keyhole Magazine

Country: US
Total Issues: 12?

A quarterly literary journal, composed of fiction, non-fiction, and poetry from a wide selection of writers.

Issues & Index Sources:  Fall 2007 – 2015?
Publishers:   Dzanc Books
Prices:   $10.00
Frequency:   quarterly
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Keyhole Mystery Magazine

Country: US
Total Issues: 3+4=7

Initially Keyhole Mystery Magazine presented a good array of the more standard mystery and detective short stories by many of the better-known mystery fiction authors, but was unable to sustain sales and folded after only three issues. It was relaunched over a year later, by a different publisher, under the title Keyhole Detective Story Magazine, with an emphasis on a more violent, fast-action, clip, heavily laced with tough and coarse characters and, above all, sex.

Issues & Index Sources

  Apr-1960 – Aug-1960: Crime Fiction Index
  Jan-1962 – Sep-1962, as Keyhole Detective Story Magazine: Crime Fiction Index


  1st series, Winston Publications, NY; 2nd series Pontiac Publishing, NY


  1st series, Dan Roberts






  Apr-1960 – Aug-1960: 128pp
  Jan-1962 – Sep-1962: 112pp


  1st series, bimonthly; 2nd series bimonthly but quarterly

Mentioned in:   Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Magazines
Issue Checklist

Keystone Library

Country: US
Total Issues: 550

Issues & Index Sources:  in 1890s: Dime Novel Bibliography
Publishers:   John Wanamaker, Philadelphia
Formats:   7 x 4 7/8"
Prices:   10c; 15c by mail
Pagecounts:   300-350
Mentioned in:   Dime Novel Bibliography

Keystone Library

Country: US
Total Issues: 49

Issues & Index Sources:  1900 – 1903: Dime Novel Bibliography
Publishers:   George Munro's Sons, 17 to 27 Vandewater St., New York, NY
Formats:   7¼ x 4¾"
Pagecounts:   500 to 700
Mentioned in:   Dime Novel Bibliography

Keystone Series of Novels

Country: US
Total Issues: 25

Issues & Index Sources:  in 1900s: Dime Novel Bibliography
Publishers:   Strawbridge & Clothier, Philadelphia, PA
Formats:   6 7/8 x 4½"
Prices:   not priced (25c)
Pagecounts:   200
Mentioned in:   Dime Novel Bibliography

Khaki and Blue

Country: UK
Total Issues: ?+5=?

Literary magazine/anthology published by servicemen during the Second World War. Started as (or preceded by) a self-published booklet in 1943. Founded and edited by Peter Ratazzi until he was wounded on active service in the Ruhr. The magazine was dedicated to the "social-literary revolution" that would install a "decent society" after the ravages of WW2.

Published an early poem by Henry Treece.

Issues & Index Sources

  Jun-1944? – May-1946: FictionMags Index (sample issue only)
  Jun-1946 – Feb-1947?, as Civvy Street: FictionMags Index


  Jun-1944? – May-1946: Pan Press Publications
  Jun-1946 – Feb-1947?: Ex-Service Publishing Co. Ltd., 12 Bridewell Place, Ludgate Circus, London, EC4


  Peter Ratazzi; P.L.H. Smith







Khimairal Ink

Country: US
Total Issues: 20

Khimairal Ink is devoted to fiction that celebrates strong female ideals and the feminist spirit.

Issues & Index Sources:  Jul-2005 – Jul-2011: Science Fiction Index
Publishers:   Bedazzled Ink Publishing Company
Editors:   Stefani Koorey
Issue Checklist


Country: US
Total Issues: 15 (as at Jan-2025)

A quarterly magazine of speculative fiction and migration "dedicated to diversity and elevating the voices of immigrant and diaspora authors".

Issues & Index Sources:  Feb-2021 – present: Science Fiction Index (Missing: any after v4 #4, 2024)
Editors:   Alexandra Hill, Rowan Morrison, Lian Xia Rose & Dev Agarwal
Issue Checklist


Country: UK
Total Issues: 12

Small press fantasy/horror magazine. Went online after #12.

Issues & Index Sources:  Spring 2006 – Winter 2008: Science Fiction Index
Publishers:   Khrizma Limited, Suite 140, Imperial Court, Exchange Street East, Liverpool L2 3AB
Editors:   Sue Kelly & Theresa Holmes
Formats:   A5
Prices:   £2.50
Pagecounts:   32pp
Frequency:   quarterly
Issue Checklist


Country: US
Total Issues: 2


Issues & Index Sources:  1978 – 1979
Editors:   Clifford Wind

Kiddies Magazine

see under Early Days of the Wesleyan Popular Scholar's Guide

Kids' Highway

Country: US

Issues & Index Sources:  1999? – 2001?: FictionMags Index (sample issue only)
Publishers:   Kids' Highway, P. O. Box 6275, Bryan, TX 77805-6275
Editors:   Miranda & Hector C. Garza

Kids Own World

Country: UK

Issues & Index Sources:  Jun-1988 – ?
Publishers:   Sourakia
Formats:   small
Pagecounts:   66pp
Frequency:   monthly

Killers Mystery Story Magazine

see under Homicide Detective Story Magazine


Country: UK
Total Issues: 16

Small press sf, fantasy and horror fiction magazine.

Issues & Index Sources

  #1, 1994 – Spring 2002: Science Fiction Index



  The Preston Speculative Fiction Group, 52 Cadley Causeway, Preston, Lancashire PR2 3RX


  Graeme Hurry




  in 2000: £2.50
  in 2001: £2.99




Issue Checklist

Kinda Kinky

Country: US


Issues & Index Sources:  Summer 1992 – ?
Publishers:   Mark Reynolds, Las Vegas
Editors:   Mark Reynolds

Kind Words for Boys and Girls

Country: UK
Total Issues: 369

Religious paper; also released in monthly parts. "This paper certainly does not live up to its title, some of the stories and illustrations were of quite a gruesome nature. Nevertheless, its most striking feature was the brilliant black and white drawings which appeared therein. Ran first as a weekly to 261m then changed to monthly for 108 issues. Its title was then changed to Young England, subtitled "Kind Words for Boys and Girls"." (W.O.G. Lofts)

Issues & Index Sources

  4-Jan-1866 – 1-Dec-1879

#becomes Young England


  Sunday School Union


  Benjamin Clarke




  weekly; monthly from January 1871


Country: US

Issues & Index Sources:  ? – 1998?
Publishers:   P.O. Box 4007, Whitefish, MT 59937-4007 (in 1998)
Editors:   Leif Peterson (in 1998)
Frequency:   monthly

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