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The Ladies' Repository

Country: US

At first ran only essays and poetry, seeing fiction as sinful, but under Clark, after 1853, fiction began to appear and was a regular content from 1860. Curry remained editor of The National Repository with little change in content.

Issues & Index Sources

  Jan-1841 – Dec-1876
  Jan-1877 – Dec-1880, as The National Repository


  Agents of Methodist Book Concern, Cincinnati


  1841 – 1844: Leonidas Hamline
  1844 – 1846: Edward Thornson
  1846 – 1852: Benjamin Tefft
  1852 – 1853: William Clark Larrabee
  1853 – 1863: Davis Wasgatt Clark
  1864 – 1872: Isaac Wiley
  1872 – 1876: E. Wentworth
  1876: Daniel Curry



Online Sources

  Online Books

The Ladies' World

Country: US

The Ladies' World was another of the low-priced, mass-market magazines aimed at women and their interests. It was begun by as a "mail-order magazine" published on cheap newsprint. Bought in 1912 by McClure Publications, publishers of McClure's Magazine, it became a full-fledged magazine with some full-color covers by famous artists. Sales reached a million copies a month when a series of mystery stories "What Happened to Mary" became a runaway success in film; this film series is generally considered the first movie serial ever made.

Issues & Index Sources

  1886 – Jun-1918: FictionMags Index (sample issues only)


  1886 – 1912: S.H. Moore Company, New York
  1912 – Jun-1918: McClure Publications




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Lads and Lasses

Country: UK
Total Issues: 26

Possibly titled Lads and Lassies as per Lofts?

Issues & Index Sources:  6-Mar-1894 – 28-Aug-1894
Publishers:   E.J. Brett
Frequency:   weekly

Lads of the Village

Country: UK
Total Issues: 40

Issues & Index Sources:  18-Jul-1874 – 17-Apr-1875
Publishers:   Henry Williams
Editors:   William Watkins
Frequency:   weekly

The Lady

Country: UK
Total Issues: 6048 (to Jan-2002)

"Annual short story competition with prize of \1000 plus"

Issues & Index Sources:  1885 – present: FictionMags Index (sample issues only)
Publishers:   The Lady (in 2002)
Editors:   in 1997 – 2002: Arline Usden
Prices:   80p (in 2002)
Pagecounts:   94pp (in 2002)
Frequency:   weekly
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Lady Churchill's Rosebud Wristlet

Country: US
Total Issues: 49 (as at Jan-2025)

"An occasional outburst of fiction, poetry, nonfiction, and chocolate".

Issues & Index Sources:  v1 #1, 1997 – present: Science Fiction Index (Missing: any after #49, Jan-2025)
Publishers:   Small Beer Press Inc., Brooklyn, NY
Editors:   Gavin J. Grant
Formats:   7" x 8½"
Prices:   $3.00
Pagecounts:   36
Frequency:   irregular
Related Sites:   Science Fiction Encyclopedia
Issue Checklist

Lady Killers

Country: US
Total Issues: 1

True crime.

Issues & Index Sources:  1963
Publishers:   TD Publishing Corp, 206 E. 43rd St., New York, NY

The Lady's Book

see under Godey's Lady's Book

Lady's Companion

Country: UK
Total Issues: 1160+315+1012=2487

Woman's story paper.

Issues & Index Sources

  1892 – 1915, as Cartwright's Lady's Companion
  1915 – 1921, as Leach's Lady's Companion
  1921 – 1940, as Lady's Companion: FictionMags Index (sample issue only)

#merges with Woman's Friend


  George Newnes


  8.5" x 11.5" (in 1935)


  2d (in 1935)


  28pp (in 1935)



The Lady's Friend

Country: US

An American women's magazine.

Issues & Index Sources:  1864 – 1873
Editors:   Sarah Webb Peterson
Online Sources:   Online Books

Lady's Home Magazine (of Fiction)

see under The Lady's Magazine

The Lady's Home Magazine of Literature, Art, and Fashion

see under Arthur's Home Magazine

The Lady's Magazine [1770]

Country: UK

Issues & Index Sources

  Jan-1770 – Dec-1837

#merges with Court Magazine and Monthly Critic and Lady's Magazine and Museum of Belles Lettres


  Jan-1770 – 1829: standard format
  1830 – 1832: larger tabloid (quarto) size
  1832 – Dec-1837: standard format


  monthly, but no issues during 1819

Mentioned in:   British Literary Magazines Vol. 1

The Lady's Magazine [1901]

Country: UK
Total Issues: 42+4+5+393=444

In its first incarnation, published the "Chronicles of Addington Peace" series of crime stories by B. Fletcher Robinson (Aug-1904 - Jan-1905). Came of age when renamed The Novel Magazine, becoming Pearson's rival to Newnes's Grand Magazine.

Stories often superficial and slight, with a bias towards light romance but also included many mystery and ghost stories and, from Jan-1912 featured a regular "uncanny tale" slot (later the basis for two anthologies); also published "The White Ghost of Disaster" by Mayn Clew Garrett (Jun-1912 -- from the US May-1912 Popular Magazine) which presaged the Titanic. Authors include Sax Rohmer, Talbot Mundy, A.M. Burrage, Elinor Mordaunt and many US authors (Achmed Abdullah, Ray Cummings, Murray Leinster).

Dropped most weird fiction by 1923 and shifted more to romance and mystery -- published many stories by Agatha Christie and Richmal Crompton.

Note that the cover title was Lady's Home Magazine of Fiction from Nov-1904 to Jan-1905, and was The Home Magazine of Fiction for Feb-1905 alone.

Issues & Index Sources

  Jan-1901 – Jun-1904
  Jul-1904 – Oct-1904, as The Lady's Home Magazine
  Nov-1904 – Mar-1905, as The Home Magazine of Fiction
  Apr-1905 – Dec-1937, as The Novel Magazine: FictionMags Index (Missing: Oct-1917; Nov-1917; Jan-1918; Feb-1918; Mar-1918; May-1918; Jun-1918; Aug-1918; Sep-1936)


  C. Arthur Pearson


  Jan-1901 – Mar-1905: K. Maud Bennett
  Apr-1905 – 1911: Percy W. Everett
  1912 – 1914: Charles Vivian
  1914: Arthur Applin
  1915 – 1918: Roy Vickers
  1919 – 1922: Charles Vivian
  1923 – Dec-1937: Miss N.W. Kennedy


  standard pulp



Mentioned in:   The Age of the Storytellers

Online Sources

  Online Books (1905/6 only)
Issue Checklist

The Lady's Novelette

Country: UK

Issues & Index Sources:  19-Nov-1883 – ?
Formats:   large digest (octavo)
Frequency:   weekly

The Lady's Realm

Country: UK
Total Issues: 234

Heavy emphasis on fiction, mostly aimed at a women's readership with a blend of light romance and dark mystery with occasional supernatural stories. Authors include E.F. Benson ("The Return of Dodo" Dec-1896), Rhoda Broughton, S. Baring-Gould, Florence Marryat, F. Marion Crawford ("The Dead Smile" Dec-1899 from Ainslee's), H. Rider Haggard ("Fair Margaret" 1906/1907), Bernard Capes, Laurence Housman, Walter de la Mare.

Issues & Index Sources

  Nov-1896 – May-1916: FictionMags Index


  Nov-1896 – Oct-1909: Hutchinson, London
  Nov-1909 – Oct-1910: Stanley Paul
  Nov-1910 – May-1916: Amalgamated Magazine Company


  Nov-1896 – 1902: William Henry Wilkins
  1904 – 1906: E. Keble Chatterton
  1907 – 1911: Vere Smith


  standard on quality stock



Related Sites


Mentioned in:   The Age of the Storytellers

Online Sources

  Online Books
Issue Checklist

The Lady's World [1898]

Country: UK
Total Issues: 336?

A miscellany listed by O'Brien

Issues & Index Sources

  Dec-1898 – Sep-1926


  1905: Helen Taylor
  early 1920s: Mrs F.W. Wilby
  in 1925: A.L. Haydon







The Lady's World (of Fashion) [1842]

see also under Peterson's Magazine

The Lady's World [1887]

see also under The Woman's World

Laird & Lee Numbered Publications

Country: US
Total Issues: 263

Issues & Index Sources:  1897 – 1907: Dime Novel Bibliography (sample issues only)
Publishers:   Laird & Lee, Chicago, IL
Formats:   7¼" x 5¼"
Pagecounts:   300-500pp
Mentioned in:   Dime Novel Bibliography

The Lake Magazine

Country: Canada
Total Issues: 9

Subtitled "Devoted to politics, science and general literature".

Issues & Index Sources:  Aug-1892 – Apr-1893: FictionMags Index (sample issue only)
Publishers:   The Lake Publishing Co., Toronto
Frequency:   monthly
Online Sources:   Canadiana

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