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Lake Shore Series

Country: US
Total Issues: 6

Issues & Index Sources:  13-Jul-1916 – 28-Sep-1916: Dime Novel Bibliography
Publishers:   Street & Smith, 79-89 Seventh Avenue, New York
Formats:   7 x 4¾"
Prices:   10c
Pagecounts:   250-280pp
Frequency:   semi-monthly
Mentioned in:   Dime Novel Bibliography

Lakeside Circus

Country: US

A short-form speculative fiction magazine, subtitled "Short Fiction and Other Oddities", published in a variety of ebook formats.

Issues & Index Sources:  Nov-2013 – present: FictionMags Index (sample issues only)
Publishers:   Dagan Books
Editors:   Carrie Cuinn

The Lakeside Library

Country: US
Total Issues: 200

Issues & Index Sources:  1878 – 1880
Publishers:   Donnelly, Lloyd & Co.
Mentioned in:   Dime Novel Bibliography

The Lakeside Monthly

Country: US
Total Issues: 57

Not much fiction at start but increased towards end; authors include James Grant Wilson; Francis E. Willard.

Vol. IV. has but five numbers instead of six, the number for Oct. '70 "having been burned in a printing office fire and never reprinted". The two succeeding issues of this volume (Nov. and. Dec.) are therefore numbered 22 and 23 instead of 23 and 24; the paging is also continuous from Sept. to Nov., jumping the October number altogether.

No. 28 (April '71) was never printed, owing to some change of proprietors. The folios are continuous in this volume (V.) from March to May.

Nos. 35 and 36 (Nov. and Dec.'71) were never printed, owing to the burning of Chicago in Oct.'71.

No. 60 (Dec.'73) was combined with Jan. '74 as a Double Holiday Number; hence No. 60 does not exist separately.

The last issue was No. 62 (Feb.'74).

Issues & Index Sources

  Jan-1869 – Dec-1870, as The Western Monthly: Index to Periodical Literature (FicMags sample issues only)
FictionMags Index
  Jan-1871 – Feb-1874, as The Lakeside Monthly: Index to Periodical Literature


  Jan-1869 – Mar-1869: Reed & Tuttle
  Apr-1869 – Oct-1871: Reed, Browne & Co., No. 18 Tribune Building, Chicago, IL
  Jan-1872 – Sep-1872: University Publishing
  Oct-1872 – Apr-1873: J.J. Spalding
  May-1873 – Feb-1874: F.F. Browne


  Jan-1869 – Apr-1869: H.V. Reed
  May-1869 – Feb-1874: F.F. Browne





Lakewood Series

Country: US
Total Issues: 26?

Issues & Index Sources

  Dec-1894 – 1897: Dime Novel Bibliography


  American Publishers Corporation, 310-318 Sixth Avenue, New York
  Lovell, Coryell & Company, 310-318 Sixth Avenue, New York
  United States Book Co., 310-318 Sixth Avenue, New York


  6¾ x 4¼"







Mentioned in:   Dime Novel Bibliography

Lambert's Monthly

Country: UK
Total Issues: 18

General fiction magazine with a wide range of second-rate material. Authors include George Manville Fenn, James Grant, Florence Marryat, L.T. Meade, Ouida, George R. Sims.

Issues & Index Sources:  Jan-1890 – May-1891: Search & Research #2, 6-1974 (FicMags sample issue only)
FictionMags Index
Publishers:   F.J. Lambert, 21, 22, 23 & 24 Temple Chambers, London EC
Editors:   Sir Gilbert E. Campbell; later Philip May
Formats:   cheap newspulp
Prices:   1d
Pagecounts:   64pp
Frequency:   monthly
Mentioned in:   The Age of the Storytellers


Country: US
Total Issues: 38

A quarterly magazine of dark fiction.

Issues & Index Sources:  Sep-2012 – Jun-2022: Science Fiction Index
Publishers:   Apokrupha
Editors:   Jacob Haddon
Issue Checklist


Country: US
Total Issues: 2

Issues & Index Sources:  Sep-1960 – Nov-1960

Issue Checklist

Land and Sea Adventures

Country: US
Total Issues: 4

Issues & Index Sources:  in 1900s: Dime Novel Bibliography
Publishers:   Max Stein & Co., 400-402 Dearborn St., Chicago, IL
Formats:   7 x 4¾"
Prices:   10c
Pagecounts:   50 to 75
Mentioned in:   Dime Novel Bibliography

Land & Water

Country: UK
Total Issues: 316

Land & Water has a complicated history: it first appeared on 27-Jun-1866 as a gentleman's country-life magazine and was merged with County Gentleman on 3-Jun-1905; it then started a separate life on 2-Jan-1915 even though the original was still shown as part of County Gentleman; it was then made official and started under a new publisher on 6-Jan-1916. Then, in 1920, it merged with The Field.

The new incarnation usually published one or two stories and on occasion a serial. Authors include Algernon Blackwood, Ernest Bramah, Alice Herbert, Katherine Rickford, Lord Dunsany, John Metcalfe ("The Bad Lands," 1920). Serials include "Greenmantle" John Buchan (1916), "The People of the Ruins" Shanks (1919-20).

Issues & Index Sources:  22-Aug-1914 – 16-Sep-1920: FictionMags Index (incomplete)
Editors:   Hilaire Belloc
Formats:   large newspaper format
Prices:   6d
Frequency:   weekly
Related Sites:   Wikipedia
Online Sources:   Online Books
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Landing Zone

Country: US
Total Issues: 1 (as at Jan-2025)

A magazine featuring "some of the most poignant, original, and innovative science fiction & fantasy narratives that writers can create".

Issues & Index Sources:  Spring 2022 – present: Science Fiction Index (Missing: any after Spring 2022)
Editors:   Nathaniel Buckingham & Miranda Williams
Issue Checklist

The Land of Sunshine

see under Out West

The Lantern

Country: US
Total Issues: 37

Issues & Index Sources:  Mar-1915 – Mar-1918: Index to (American) Little Magazines
Editors:   Theodore F. Bonnet & Edward F. O'Day
Frequency:   monthly

Lapham's Quarterly

Country: US

A themed magazine which published some fiction in the Fall 2011 "Future" issue.

Issues & Index Sources:  Winter 2008 – present
Editors:   Lewis H. Lapham
Frequency:   quarterly

(The) Lariat Story Magazine

see under True Adventures

Lariat Western (Story Magazine)

Country: Australia
Total Issues: 73?

Some issues featured two or three short stories, but many issues contained only a single novelette, most of which were by Australian authors.

Issues & Index Sources:  in 1950s: Western Fiction Index (sample issues only)
Publishers:   Action Comics Pty. Ltd., 14 Bond Street, Sydney; later at 153 Walker Street, North Sydney
Formats:   digest
Issue Checklist

The Lark

Country: US

Issues & Index Sources:  May-1895 – Apr-1897
Publishers:   Gelett Burgess
Editors:   Gelett Burgess (assisted by Bruce Porter on first two issues)
Frequency:   monthly plus a final issue #25, May-1897, called The Epi-Lark

Larry Dexter Series

Country: US
Total Issues: 8

Issues & Index Sources:  1926
Publishers:   Garden City
Mentioned in:   Dime Novel Bibliography

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