The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 11730
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[uncredited] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Bogus Check Syndicate Revealed, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 8 1927
- * Bogus Clerk Nabbed, (ms) Clues 2nd November 1930
- * Bogus Detective Sells “Protection”, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 3 1925
- * The Bogus Doctor: The Man Who Fascinated Women, (sl) Secrets June 27 1953
- * Bogus Housekeeping, (ms) Clues 2nd May 1929
- * Bogus-Money Gang Arrested in New York, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 9 1923
- * Bogus Money Orders Made in Prison, (ms) Clues August 1927
- * A Bogus Officer’s Escapade, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 9 1926
- * The Bogus-picture Game, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 13 1920
- * Bogus Priest Gets Ten Years, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 31 1926
- * The Bogus Princess, (ss)
- * The Bogus Tourist Agency [Sexton Blake], (n.) (by William Murray Graydon) The Sexton Blake Library #194, June 1929
- * Bogus Turfman Fleeces Bookmakers, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 30 1922
- * Bo Heemie Ann, (pm) Ziffs Magazine
- * La Boheme, (pm) Smart Set March 1926
- * A Bohemian, (ss) Lippincott’s Magazine April 1882
- * The Bohemian, (ss)
- * The Bohemian, (ss) (by Fitz-James O’Brien) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine July 1855
- Library of the World’s Best Mystery and Detective Stories: English: Irish ed. Julian Hawthorne, The Review of Reviews, 1907, as by Fitzjames O’Brien
- The Wondersmith and Others by Fitz-James O'Brien, Ash-Tree Press, 2008, as by Fitz-James O’Brien
- What Was It? and Other Horrors by Fitz-James O'Brien, Oldstyle Tales Press, 2014, as by Fitz-James O’Brien
- What Was It?, The Horla, and Other Horrors by Fitz-James O'Brien & Guy de Maupassant, Oldstyle Tales Press, 2014, as by Fitz-James O’Brien
- Fireside Ghost Stories for Valentine’s Day ed. M. Grant Kellermeyer, Oldstyle Tales Press, 2018, as by Fitz-James O’Brien
- * Bohemiana, (cl) The Bohemian #1, Christmas 1863
- * The Bohemian Book Table, (br) The Bohemian Jan, Mar, Apr, May, Jun 1906
- * The Bohemian Book Tables, (br) The Bohemian February 1906
- * The Bohemian Club of San Francisco, (ar) The Bohemian June 1906
- * The Bohemian Forest, (ar) (by Sabine Baring-Gould) The Cornhill Magazine September 1884
- * A Bohemian Household, (ss) (by Mrs. Frank M’Carthy) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine June 1871
- * A Bohemian Present, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly November 1882
- * Bohemians and Bohemianism, (ar) (by James Hannay) The Cornhill Magazine February 1865
- * The Bohemian Touch, (??) Touch v1 #3, 1959
- * A Boiled Watermelon, (ms) Mystery Magazine #46, October 1 1919
- * Boiler for Most Powerful Locomotive in the World, (ms) Railroad Man’s Magazine September 1912
- * Boiler Room Bandits, (ms) Private Detective Stories November 1943
- * Boiling Airless Water, (ms) Railroad Man’s Magazine June 1911
- * Boiling Springs Heat This City, (ms) Western Story Magazine June 29 1929
- * Boiling the Steam, (ms) The Railroad Man’s Magazine March 1910
- * Boiling Water… First to the Plains of Spain, to Gather the Rain—Drops, That Is, (hu) Esquire July 1962
- * “Boil It Down”, (pm) The Golden Argosy February 17 1883
- * A Bok Folio, (br) (by August Derleth) The Arkham Collector #1, Summer 1967 [Ref. Hannes Bok]
- * Bold Advertisement (Artemus Ward), (hu) The Boy’s Own Paper December 25 1880
- * Bold as Brass, (nv) Jack Sheppard #5, January 7 1905
- * Bold Attempt at Get-away from Sing Sing, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 30 1920
- * Bold Attempt to Rescue Prisoners, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 15 1920
- * Bold, Bad Brussels, (ar) Rugged April 1957
- * The Bold, Bad Robber of the Garden, (ss) Playtime Stories, Dean & Son, 1937
- * The Bold Barbarossa [Bold Barbarossa], (ss) The Skipper #358 Jul 10, #359 Jul 17, #360 Jul 24, #363 Aug 14 1937
- * Bold, Blonde and Beautiful, (pi) Real Men August 1964
- * Bold Crimes in Germany, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 31 1921
- * Bold Elizabethans Were His Heroes, (ar) Look and Learn #20, June 2 1962
- * Bolden Tower, (ss) The Musical Monthly and Repertoire of Literature, Drama and the Arts July 1865
- * The Boldero Murder, (ss) (by Frederic Beecher Perkins) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine May 1862
- * Bold Escape from Akron Jail, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 31 1920
- * A Bold Fellow, (pm) The Golden Argosy March 28 1885
- * Bold Fronts, (lt) The Spectator
- * A Bold Game, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly September 1881
- * Bold Hats, Bold Men, (pi) Cavalier March 1953
- * Bold Heroes of the Surf, (ar) The Scrap Book November 1909
- * Bold Maiden Lane Robbery, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 1 1925
- * A Bold Peep Ahead, (ex) Pittsburgh Press July 5 1893
- * A Bold Robbery, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 20 1915
- * A Bold Stroke, (nv) The Belgravia Annual Summer 1877
- * Bold Thief Steals Court Coin Box, (ms) Detective Story Magazine May 15 1926
- * Bold Venture Bulletins, (cl) Pulp Adventures #42 Wtr/Spr, #43 Spr/Sum 2023
- * Boley Jim and His Boss, (ss) The Wave September 3 1898
- * Bolinbroke; or, Days of Chivalry, (sl) (by Percy B. St. John) The Young Englishman’s Journal Apr 20, Apr 27, May 4, May 11, May 18, May 25, Jun 8 1867
- * Bolinbroke; or, Days of Chivalry: Book the first: John of Gaunt, (sl) (by Percy B. St. John) The Young Englishman’s Journal April 13 1867
- * Bolshevist Russia from Within, (ar) (by Frank Harris) Pearson’s Magazine (US) September 1920
- * Bolsover, Horace Coker, Bulstrode, (ms) The Magnet Library November 23 1912
- * Bolsover Minor, (ms) The Magnet Library March 23 1918
- * Bolton Priory, (ss) Reynolds’s Miscellany of Romance, General Literature, Science, and Art #847, September 3 1864
- * Bolts from the Blue, (cs) The Boy’s Own Paper February 1932
- * The Bomb! [Dare of ’D’ Division], (ss) The Surprise #80, September 9 1933
- * Bombay Mail, (sa) Sure-Fire Screen Stories March 1934
- * Bomb Development, (ar) Air Trails February 1938
- * Bombed, (pm) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #27, November 1929
- * Bombed Homes Rebuilt in a Day, (ar) Modern World May 18 1940
- * Bombed Last Night, (pm) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #57, July 1932
- * The Bomber, (pm) War Aces #18, September 1931
- * Bomber Command, (nb) (by Hilary St. George Saunders) HMSO, 1941
- * Bomber Development, (ms) Bill Barnes Air Trails December 1936
- * A Bomber Is Born, (ar) Flying Aces October 1943
- * Bombers Are Scientists, (ar) Modern World November 2 1940
- * Bombers Down, (ar) Flying Aces March 1931
- * Bombers Fly High! [Greaseball Joe], (ss) (by Robert J. Hogan) G-8 and His Battle Aces February 1942
- * Bomb Explodes in Auto, (ms) Mystery Magazine #157, June 1 1924
- * Bombing!, (ia) Modern Wonders January 27 1940
- * Bombing Berlin, (ts) The Blue Book Magazine January 1941as told to Ralph Michaelis
- * Bombing the U-58, (ms) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #46, June 1931
- * The Bombless Bomber, (nv) (by Robert J. Hogan) G-8 and His Battle Aces October 1935
- * A Bomb Scare, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 31 1931
- * Bombs from the Air That Save Lives, (ar) Modern Wonder October 14 1939
- * Bombs Get Their Sting, (ms) Flying Aces September 1944
- * A Bombshell from Japan, (ms) Flying Aces September 1934
- * Bomb Shell in Black Lace, (pi) Showboat v1 #4, 1964
- * Bombs Hurled in Drug Raid, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 6 1924
- * “Bombs Off!”, (ts) The Blue Book Magazine February 1941as told to Ralph Michaelis
- * Bombs of the World War, (ms) Flying Aces May 1934
- * Bomb Squad Chief Is Dead, (ms) Clues August 1927
- * B&O Mogul 600, (ms) Railroad Magazine June 1943
- * Bonanza Bill, Miner; or, Madame Mystery, the Female Forger, (nv) Boys’ First-Rate Pocket Library #112, 189?
- * Bonaparte and the Echo, (pm)
- * Bonaparte, Aug 15, 1769—Humboldt, Sept. 14, 1769, (pm) (by Oliver Wendell Holmes) The Atlantic Monthly November 1869
- * Bon Bon Zsa Zsa, (pi) The Gent April 1957
- * Bondage, (ar) Topper March 1976
- * The Bondage of Love, (ts) Real Love Magazine 2nd July 1930
- * A Bond and Its Burden, (ss) Cassell’s Saturday Journal April 4 1891
- * Bond Bargains Land Youth in Jail, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 19 1918
- * Bonding Companies Study Human Frailties, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 13 1921
- * Bonding Human Nature, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post August 7 1926as told to Myron Morris Stearns
- * Bond Messenger Murdered, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 25 1919
- * Bonds Carried by Airplane, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 16 1920
- * Bonds of Bitterness, (ts) True Story August 1923
- * The Bond Street Mystery [Dixon Brett], (na) (by Talbot Mayne) Aldine Detective Tales #20, 1922
- * Bond Thieves in Chicago, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 31 1920
- * Bond v Bond: Connery KOs Moore, (ar) Penthouse (UK) September 1983
- * Bone, (ms) Amazing Stories September 1943
- * Bonehead Baseball, (ar) Boys’ Life April 1927
- * Bone MS., (bi) Presenting Moonshine #8, February 1 1970 [Ref. David Bone]
- * Boner and Blowup Prized by Hollywood, (ar) Dan Turner, Hollywood Detective February 1943
- * Bones of Giant Bear Found, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly September 18 1937
- * Bones of Mastodon Found, (ms) Western Story Magazine September 27 1924
- * The Bones of Our Ancestors, (ss) (by Constance Fenimore Woolson) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine September 1873
- * Bones Reveal Crime, (ms) Western Story Magazine July 26 1924
- * Bones. The April Fool of Harvey’s Sluice, (nv) London Society April 1882, as by Arthur Conan Doyle
- * A Bonfire of Gambling Apparatus, (ar) The Strand Magazine February 1904
- * Bon-Homme or Good Man’s Island, (ar) Missouri Republican 1858
- * Bonjour Brigitte with Brigitte Bardot as Model, (pi) Escapade December 1957
- * Bonnet on Your Budget, (pi) Woman’s Home Companion March 1948
- * A Bonnet Sale, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly October 1890
- * Bonnets for the Little Folks, (ar) Needlecraft July 1916
- * Bonneval Pasha, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly September 1887
- * Bonnie and Clyde, (mr) Adam Film Quarterly #4, April 1968
- * Bonnie Bairns, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly November 1886
- * Bonnie Balmoral, (ar) Penny Pictorial #537, September 11 1909
- * Bonnie Billie Carleton, (pi) Nash’s and Pall Mall Magazine June 1916
- * The Bonnie Brig O’ Balgownie, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly July 1880
- * Bonnie Busts the Code, (pi) Nightline v2 #1, 1970
- * Bonnie Christie MacDonald, (ar) Cosmopolitan January 1914
- * Bonnie Dewberry, (pi) Modern Man December 1961
- * Bonnie Donna Jean, (pi) Swank February 1972
- * Bonnie Dundee, (sg) Peterson’s Magazine July 1859
- * Bonnie Fanny Dean, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly June 1886
- * Bonnie Lady Ann, (pm) The Remains of Nithsdale and Galloway Song ed. R. H. Cromek, T. Cadell and W. Davies, 1810
- * Bonnie Lass, (pi) Broadside December 1972/January/February 1973
- * “Bonnie Prince Charlie”, (ts) Cassell’s Magazine January 29 1870
- * Bonnie Scott, (pi) Rhapsody v1 #1, 1961
- * Bonnie’s on the Rebound, (pi) Diamond Stud v2 #4, 1964
- * “Bonnie to Me…”, (pi) Hi-Life May 1959
- * Bonodel, the Boy Rover; or, The Flagless Schooner, (nv) Boys’ First-Rate Pocket Library #230, 189?
- * Bonus Holiday Cookie Recipe: Pfeffernusse, (ms) The Cromcast Chronicle #2, Winter 2021
- * Bonus Story, (ms) Weird Tales July 2005
- * Bon Voyage, (cn) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine March/April 2021
- * Bon Voyeur, (pi) Adam Bedside Reader #30, August 1967
- * The Bonze Who Never Spoke for Thirty Years, or Had His Hair Cut, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly August 1877
- * Boo!, (ms) Collier’s October 25 1952
- * Boob Tube, (pi) Topper December 1962
- * Boob Wright, Detective, (ss) Detective Tales November 16/December 15 1922
- * A Book About Yosemite, (br) Sunset April 1904
- * The Book and Its Author, (cl) The English Illustrated Magazine Feb, Mar 1908
- * Book and Record Page, (rv) Child Life February 1952
- * Book and Record Reviews, (rv) Child Life January 1952
- * Book Announcement: Lest Darkness Fall, (ms) Unknown April 1941
- * Book Announcements, (ms) Bards and Sages Quarterly Apr 2009, Jan 2012
- * Book-a-Page Bibliography, (ar) British Fantasy Society Bulletin #23, September 20 1945
- * Bookbinding, (cl) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly Aug 1883, Oct, Nov 1885
- * Book Block, (br) Gateways #1, January 1992
- * The Book-Buyer’s Guide, (br) Putnam’s Monthly and The Critic Oct, Nov, Dec 1906
- * Book Chat, (br) Blue Pencil Magazine May 1901
- * Book Chat, (cl) Blue Pencil Magazine Summer 1901
- * Book Chatter, (rc) Necromancer July 1947
- * Book Club, (cl) Collins’ Magazine October 1950
- * Book Club, (ms) Mayfair v4 #9, v4 #10, v4 #11 1969, v5 #1 1970, v9 #3, v9 #10, v9 #12 1974, v11 #1, v11 #2, v11 #3,
v11 #4, v11 #5, v11 #6, v11 #7, v11 #8, v11 #9, v11 #10, v11 #11 1976
v12 #1, v12 #2, v12 #3, v12 #4, v12 #5, v12 #6, v12 #7, v12 #8, v12 #9, v12 #10, v12 #11, v12 #12 1977
v13 #1, v13 #2, v13 #3, v13 #4, v13 #5, v13 #6, v13 #7, v13 #8, v13 #9, v13 #10, v13 #11, v13 #12 1978
v14 #1, v14 #2, v14 #3, v14 #4, v14 #5, v14 #6, v14 #7, v14 #8, v14 #9, v14 #10, v14 #11, v14 #12 1979
v15 #2, v15 #3, v15 #5 1980
- * Book Date: Robert E. Howard and Freya Stark, (ms) Sexy Fantastic #4, 2021 [Ref. Robert E. Howard & Freya Stark]
- * Book Dealers Respond to Grant on Limiteds, (ar) Castle Rock July 1985
- * Book Dealers We Like, (ms) New Mystery v2 #1, v2 #2 1994
- * Booked for Murder of Madison Wisconsin, (ar) Crimespree Magazine #1, June/July 2004
- * Book Ends and Odds, (br) Irish Bookman Aug 1946, Dec 1947
- * Book Excerpt, (ex) Penthouse (US) Mar, Apr 2005
- * Book Exchange, (ms) The Armchair Detective October 1969
- * Book Exhibit, (ms) L.A. Con III Programme Book, L.A. Con, 1996
- * Book Fare, (rc) sf Impulse January 1967
- * The Book He Chose, (ms) The Popular Magazine April 7 1924
- * Book Her!, (pi) Parade #1626, February 20 1971
- * The Book Horizon, (cl) Book Digest April 1950
- * Book Hungry, (ar) Rumble #6, 1992
- * Book-Hunting in the Middle Ages, (ar) (by Patrick Kennedy) Dublin University Magazine August 1868
- * Bookie Had Branch at Police Headquarters, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 22 1919
- * The Book I Got at the “State Ceremonial”: The Jurors of the Exhibition and Their Awards—Cotton Prospects—Industrial Gossip, (ar) London Society #11, December 1862
- * A Book in Four Hundred Languages, (ar) Everyland December 1909
- * Booking It with Stag, (br) (by Bernard L. Calmus) Stag: Man’s Own Magazine #4, Spring 1947
- * The Book-Keeper’s Dilemma, (ss) The Grand Magazine April 1905
- * Book-Learning Alone Won’t Bring Success, (ar) The Busy Man’s Magazine January 1907
- * Booklet Novels Versus Black and Whites, (ar) Dime Novel Round-Up #52, July 1936
- * Booklets Worth Writing For, (ms) Good Housekeeping October 1962
- * Book List, (ms) The Alchemist Summer 1940
- * Book List, (ms) Collins’ for Boys and Girls #24, December 1949
- * Booklist, (ms) British Fantasy Society Bulletin #4, November 2 1942
- * Book List on Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO), (ms) Amazing Stories November 1957
- * Book Lover and Counterfeiter, (ms) Best Detective Magazine June 1936
- * A Book Lover, a Reader, and a Writer, (iv) Suspense Magazine December 2013 [Ref. Patti Sheehy]
- * The Booklover’s Calendar, (ms) The Golden Book Magazine #4, April 1925
- * The Booklovers’ Calendar, (cl) The Golden Book Magazine (UK) Feb, Mar, Apr, May/Jun 1928
- * A Booklover’s Menu, (hu) New York Herald Tribune
- * A Book Lovers’ Tournament, (ms) Ainslee’s September 1926
- * A Bookman’s Diary, (cl) John o’ London’s Weekly January 29 1954
- * Bookman’s Gossip, (cl) Irish Bookman Sep, Oct, Dec 1946, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr/May, Aug, Oct/Nov 1947
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