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Magazine Contents Lists: Page 9534

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    The Scrap Book [v11 #4, April 1911] (The Frank A. Munsey Company, 10¢, 192pp, pulp) []
    Details supplied by Denny Lien.
    • 577 · The History of the Hope Diamond—Gem of Evil · John Elfreth Watkins · ar
    • 595 · Ethiopian Sacrifices for Fashion · [uncredited] · ar
    • 596 · “The U.S. Government’s Hired Man” (“When the Lord breathes his wrath…”) · Joseph C. Lincoln · pm (r)
    • 597 · The String of Jade Beads · Nalbro Bartley · ss
    • 602 · Great Men Whom Women Have Helped · [uncredited] · ar
    • 603 · The Unconscious Poetry of Dickens · Charles Dickens · ex (r)
      from Martin Chuzzlewit.
    • 604 · Woman the Dauntless · Deborah Wainwright · ar
    • 607 · Superiority of the French Kitchen · John Sanderson · ms (r)
    • 608 · The Wonderful Rossetti Family: “Up-Hill” · Christina Rossetti · pm (r)
    • 609 · Odd Facts About Bugs · L. W. Brownell · ar
    • 611 · His Word of Honor [Part 1 of 4] · James Barnes · sl
    • 620 · Wonderful Trials by Ordeal in India · [uncredited] · ar
    • 621 · Tricks of the Literary Forger · Turner H. Selwin · ar
    • 624 · A Song Which Rang Through Tara’s Halls (“Like as the damask rose you see…”) · [uncredited] · sg (r)
    • 626 · Spirit Alley · Gilbert Riddell · ss
    • 630 · Mixed-Up Dinners of Elizabeth’s Time · [uncredited] · ar
    • 631 · Tragedies in Ghostland · E. L. Bacon · ar; on spirits who relate their crimes.
    • 635 · Remarkable Hands Held by Card-Players · [uncredited] · ar
    • 636 · A Genius on Literary Style · Thomas Carlyle · ms (r)
    • 637 · Portia and the Pound of Flesh · Rose C. Tillotson · ar; on female interest in weight loss.
    • 642 · The Dog Which Taught a Poet · J. G. Holland · pm (r)
    • 644 · Strength from the Hills · Vingie E. Roe · vi
    • 646 · Dark Days as History Records Them · [uncredited] · ar
    • 647 · Dickens and the Depot Restaurant · [uncredited] · ms; introduction to “The Boy at Mugby”.
    • 647 · The Boy at Mugby · Charles Dickens · ss (r)
    • 652 · Our Bill for Luxuries: $200,000,000 a Year · [uncredited] · ar
    • 653 · Words to Use on Your Air Ship · [uncredited] · ms; glossary of terms.
    • 655 · On the Trail of a Bank Defaulter · Richard Maxwell Winans · te
    • 659 · The Radium Terrors [Part 4 of 8] · Albert Dorrington · na The Pall Mall Magazine January 1911 (+5)
    • 666 · Mexico Before Its Conquest by Cortez · [uncredited] · ar
    • 667 · Try These Rules and Keep Young · Leonard Wilson · ar
    • 672 · A Peruvian Retriever Pup That Disappointed · George W. Peck · ms (r)
    • 674 · Healing Among the Ancients · Herkimer Northrup · ar
    • 675 · Brief Statements Worth Thinking About · [uncredited] · ms
    • 676 · Verses Which Look Foolish but Make Sense · [uncredited] · pm
    • 677 · Old Scheffenwelter’s Fortune · Henry Rood · ss
    • 683 · Opportunities for the Adventurous · [uncredited] · ar
    • 684 · Where English Sovereigns Marry · F. Holmes Beach · ar; on the Chapel Royal.
    • 687 · The Most Amazing Bill Ever Presented · [uncredited] · ms (r)
    • 688 · How to Remember Birth-Stones · [uncredited] · pm
    • 690 · The Ghost Ship [Part 5 of 7] · E. Lawrence Dudley · sl
    • 702 · Wanted—75,000 Men: The Reveille · Bret Harte · pm (r)
    • 703 · Would It Surprise You to Learn? · [uncredited] · ms
    • 704 · How Chopin Composed His Funeral March · [uncredited] · ar
    • 705 · A Woman of the Chinook Land · Florence M. Riis · ss
    • 708 · Fact Paragraphs from Every Clime · [uncredited] · ms
    • 709 · A Mohammed of the Palate · [uncredited] · ms; introduction to Brillat-Savarin.
    • 709 · Gastronomy and the Other Sciences · Anthelme Brillat-Savarin · ex (r)
      from La Physiologie du Gout, 1825.
    • 712 · Wedding Breakfast at Tamerlane’s Court · [uncredited] · ar
    • 713 · Joy Week on the Lakes · Gilson Willets · ar
    • 721 · An Invaluable Collection of Curiosities · [uncredited] · hu (r)
    • 722 · Seventeenth-Century Fable with a Twentieth-Century Moral: The Eye of the Master · Jean de la Fontaine · pm (r)
    • 724 · Moysher Molinsk’s Day Off · Matthew Goldman · ss
    • 726 · Sixty Thousand Bibles for Traveling Men · [uncredited] · ar; on the Gideon Society.
    • 727 · Are These the Ten Best Hymns? · [uncredited] · ar
    • 728 · The Decalogue in Verse · [uncredited] · pm (r)
    • 729 · Violins and Their Makers · Marion Y. Bunner · ar
    • 733 · O.W. Holmes’s Church Fair Donation · Oliver Wendell Holmes · pm (r)
    • 734 · A Puzzle Poem · [uncredited] · pm; rhyme words left up to reader to deduce.
    • 735 · A Watch in the Night · Jennie Harris Oliver · ss
    • 739 · From Shore to Shore, Three Months · John Davis · mm (r)
    • 742 · Nuggets of Wisdom from Don Quixote · Miguel de Cervantes · ex 1615
    • 744 · The Mystery of the Light Overcoat · Lilias Riddell Corbett · na
    • 768 · France a Paradise for Lazy Schoolboys · [uncredited] · ar

    The Scrap Book [v12 #1, July 1911] (The Frank A. Munsey Company, 160pp, pulp) []
    The plethora of bottom-of-page-filling mini articles and random quotations has vanished; the magazine (still on poor pulp paper and lacking any illustrations) is now confined to fiction, poetry, and a few articles of substantial size, and as a result is no longer a chore to index. But of course its run is almost over…

    The longer stories that have been holding down the final slot in each issue for some months now are called “complete novels” by SCRAP BOOK, but none are even novellas, and some (like this sixteen-pager probably do not even qualify as novelettes. Details supplied by Denny Lien.

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