The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 11834
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[uncredited] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Fall Travel: Take an Autumn Leave, (ar) Collier’s September 28 1956
- * Falmenca, (ss)
- * False, (pm) (by William C. Richards) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine December 1873
- * A False Alarm, (ss)
- * False Alarm a Misdemeanor, (ms) Best Detective Magazine July 1935
- * A False Alarm Murder Mystery, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 23 1926
- * The False Alibi [Sexton Blake], (n.) (by Jack Lewis) The Sexton Blake Library #155, 1920
- * False and Fair, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly September 1889
- * False and True, (pm) (by Elizabeth Akers Allen) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine April 1869
- * False Coin in Poetry, (ar) Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine #800, June 1882
- * False Coin in Sacred Hermeneutics, (ar) Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine #805, November 1882
- * False Colors, (ts) Real Love Magazine 1st June 1930
- * False Evidence!, (ss) The Bullseye #117, April 15 1933
- * The False Gods, (sl) (by George Horace Lorimer) The Saturday Evening Post Jan 27, Feb 3 1906
- * The False Guardian, (vi)
- * Falsehood: A Drawing-Room Charade in Three Acts, (pl) Cassell’s Family Magazine December 1878
- * False Kisses, (ts) Street & Smith’s Real Love Magazine November 1931
- * The False Knights Tragedy, (pm)
- * The False Knot, (ms) Flynn’s August 15 1925
- * The False Light! [Will Spearing], (ss) Pluck January 18 1913
- * The False Lover Won Back: An Old English Ballad, (pm)
- * False Murder Alarm Raised by Ouija Board, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 6 1920
- * False News a Crime in New York, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 14 1920
- * False Pretenses, (vi) Chicago Ledger October 17 1912
- * False Pride, (ss) Reynolds’s Miscellany of Romance, General Literature, Science, and Art #162, August 16 1851
- * False Pride, (ts) Real Love Magazine 1st October 1930
- * False Prophecies, (ar) The International May 1917
- * False Scents, or the Wye Valley Mystery [Sexton Blake], (n.) (by William J. Bayfield) The Sexton Blake Library #201, 1921
- * A False Start: A Moral Comedy, (pl) Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine #791, September 1881
- * A False Step, (na) (by Sabine Baring-Gould) The Cornhill Magazine Aug, Sep 1887
- * The False Steps of Great Men, (ar) The Busy Man’s Magazine April 1907
- * False Tidings, 1814, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine February 19 1870
- * False to the Core, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly October 1883
- * False Wedding Kisses, (ts) Scarlet Confessions April 1936
- * False Whiskers on Phony Fivers, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 12 1925
- * Falwell: Public Service Announcement, (ms) Penthouse (US) May 1981
- * Fame, (pm) The Story-teller September 1907
- * Fame, (pm) (by James T. Fields) The Atlantic Monthly May 1871
- * Fame and Baggy Trimble!, (ss) The Magnet Library February 8 1919
- * Fame and Fortune, (ss) Lion Library #23, 1909
- * Fame Comes at Ninety to the “Insects’ Homer”, (ar) The Lady’s Realm August 1912 [Ref. Henri Fabre]
- * Fame Comes to Clarence [Daktari], (ss) (by J. L. Morrissey) Daktari Annual 1967, World Distributors, 1967
- * Fame in a Month, (ss) The Gay Mag #1, 192?
- * Fame Is the Spur, (pm) Harper’s Magazine November 1948
- * The Fame of J.S. Fletcher, (ar) Argosy Allstory Weekly March 10 1923 [Ref. J. S. Fletcher]
- * Fame’s Cash Value, (ms) The Popular Magazine April 7 1923
- * A Familiar Epistle to a Friend, (pm) (by James Russell Lowell) The Atlantic Monthly April 1867
- * Familiar Faces Behind the Footlights, (pi) Bob Taylor’s Magazine June 1906
- * Familiar Folks, (hu) Gay French Stories v1 #4, 193?
- * A Familiar Mendicant of 32nd St., (pi) Metropolitan Magazine July 1896
- * Familiar Objects, (pz) Premier Book for Children 1962
- * Familiar Sights in Paris, (??) Paris Nights October 1929
- * A Familiar Spirit, (pm) Washington Star
- * Families and Friendships, (vi) Chicago Ledger July 26 1919
- * The Families of Burdett and Coutts, (ar) The Woman at Home October 1906
- * Family, (ms) Clues January 1934
- * The Family, (pm) Heart Throbs Volume Two ed. Joe Michell Chapple, Grosset & Dunlap, 1911
- * The Family, (ss)
- * Family Anecdotes, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly May 1886
- * Family Annals—Patrician Adventure and Catastrophe, (ar) (by Henry John Wrixon) Dublin University Magazine March 1863
- * The Family at the Barn, (il) Wide Awake March 1879
- * A Family Break, (hu) Pep Stories November 1931
- * The Family Circle, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly November 1878
- * Family Court, (ms) Best Detective Magazine June 1936
- * Family Devotions, (ms) Family Journal #1039, April 6 1929
- * The Family Disgrace, (ss) Boys’ Cinema Weekly June 23 1923
- * The Family Doctor, (ar) Household Words April 30 1881
- * Family Elevens in Cricket Matches, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper February 26 1887
- * The Family Feud. A French Story, (ss) Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal September 3 1836
- * Family Fiction Magazine Film Supplement, (pi) Family Fiction Magazine v1 #3, 1947
- * Family Fiction Magazine Film Supplement: “The Homestretch”, (pi) Family Fiction Magazine June/July 1947
- * Family Ghosts, (ar) Every Saturday January 1868
- * A Family Group, (il) St. Nicholas February 1891
- * Family Jokes, (hu) The Silver Jacket #20, 1955
- * Family Logic, (pm) The Grand Magazine of Fiction May 1908
- * The Family Money:
* ___ Women and Money, (cl) The American Magazine April 1916
- * Family Murderer, (ar) Mystery June 1934
- * A Family of Inventors: The Brothers Siemens, (bg) Cassell’s Family Magazine July 1881
- * The Family of Longbeau, (??) The Longbow #1, February 2 1898
- * The Family of Nations, (pi) Look and Learn #40, October 20 1962
- * The Family of Palms—The Merili Palm, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly June 1879
- * A Family of Pioneers, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly April 16 1938
- * The Family of Temple, (ar) (by James Hannay) The Cornhill Magazine December 1865
- * Family Outing au Naturel, (pi) Au Naturel August/September/October 1972
- * Family Page, (cl) The Youth’s Companion January 1 1914
- * The Family Parliament, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine September 1883
- * The Family Parliament, (cl) Cassell’s Family Magazine Dec 1882, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Oct, Dec 1883, Mar,
Apr, Jun, Jul 1884
* ___ “Are We Over-Educating Our Children?”, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine February 1884
- * Family Pattern Page, (ms) Love Novels Magazine January 1950
- * A Family Picture, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly July 1887
- * The Family Portraits, (nv)
- * A Family Prayer for the Absent One at Mafeking, (il) The Black Cat (UK) December 1899
- * The Family’s Money, (cl) The American Magazine Aug, Sep, Oct 1915, Mar 1916
- * The Family’s Money. Where Will You Be at Sixty-Five?, (cl) The American Magazine November 1915
- * The Family Spoons, (hu) The Popular Magazine May 1906
- * The Family’s Secret, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Lady’s Magazine August 1865
- * Family Took Pride in Crime, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 12 1919
- * A Family Tradition, (ss) 10 Story Book July 1911
- * The Family Tree of the Weather-Vane, (ar) The Scrap Book February 1909
- * The Family Umbrella, (vi) Ainslee’s Magazine March 1898
- * The Family Upas, (pm) Scribner’s Monthly February 1874
- * Famishing Portugal, (ar) Lippincott’s Magazine of Popular Literature and Science January 1876
- * Famour Old Maids, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly February 1886
- * Famous Aces:
* ___ Captain Albert Ball and Colonel William Bishop, (cl) Battle Stories November 1927
* ___ Lt. Frank Luke, (cl) Battle Stories December 1927
* ___ Lt. J.G. Miller, (cl) Battle Stories February 1928
* ___ Major Elmer Haslett, (cl) Battle Stories January 1928
* ___ Oswald Boelke, (cl) Battle Stories October 1927
- * A Famous Acrobat, (ar) The Philadelphia Times
- * The Famous Actor Danjuro, (ar) Harper’s Monthly Magazine January 1901
- * Famous Aircraft of the Great War, (ia) Air Stories (UK) February 1938
- * Famous American Generals, (pi) Munsey’s Magazine April 1919
- * A Famous American Novelist Dead, (ob) Collier’s Weekly May 17 1902 [Ref. Bret Harte]
- * Famous Americans of the Century, (ar) The Junior Munsey May 1900
- * Famous Athletes, (pi) C.B. Fry’s Magazine October 1904
- * A Famous Australian Loco, (ms) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1933, 1932
- * Famous Authors and their Homes, (pi) The Argosy (UK) April 1935
- * A Famous Autograph Album, (ms) The Sunday Strand December 1906
- * A Famous Bandit Cave, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly May 9 1936
- * The Famous Battle of Bumble-Bug and Bumble-Bee, (pm) The Riverside Magazine for Young People March 1867
- * A Famous Battle Painter: Edouarde Detaille and His Work, (ar) The London Magazine January 1903
- * Famous Bell No Longer Rings, (ar) Modern Wonder April 22 1939
- * Famous Blind Men, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly February 1890
- * Famous Blitzkrieg of the Past, (il) The Silver Jacket #29, 1956
- * Famous Brands to Be Carved in Walls of University of Texas, (ms) Lariat Story Magazine August 1926
- * Famous British Ships—“Cutting Out”, (ms) Cassell’s Magazine June 11 1870
- * A Famous Canyon in Arizona, (ms) Street & Smith’s Far West Stories August 1931
- * Famous Cary Ranch Is Sold, (ms) Western Story Magazine June 30 1923
- * A Famous Centenary, (ar) The Blue Magazine #18, December 1920
- * Famous Characters Brought to Life, (pi) The Argosy (UK) November 1935
- * Famous Characters from Literature: Hiawatha, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper July 1938
- * Famous Characters in Literature: Denys, of “The Cloister and the Hearth”, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper September 1938
- * Famous Characters in Literature: Locksley of Ivanhoe, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper April 1938
- * Famous Chips of Famous Blocks, (pi) Collier’s June 20 1925
- * Famous Clocks and Watches, (ar) Atalanta #102, March 1896
- * Famous Clubhouse Wrecked, (ms) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine August 29 1936
- * Famous County Captains: A. W. Carr, (cl) Chums June 7 1925
- * Famous County Captains: J. Sharp, (cl) Chums May 24 1925
- * Famous County Captains: P. G. H. Fender, (cl) Chums May 31 1925
- * Famous Crime Writers at Work, (ms) Edgar Wallace Mystery Magazine #22 May, #25 Aug, #27 Oct 1966
- * Famous Criminologist Dies, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 28 1922
- * Famous Dams, (ms) Street & Smith’s Far West Stories September 1931
- * The Famous Darwins, (bg) The Scrap Book February 1908
- * A Famous Detective, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly November 1883
- * Famous Detectives’ Word-Puzzle Party, (pz) The Illustrated Detective Magazine June 1932
- * Famous Dog-Pack Leader Passes On, (ar) Western Trails April 1932
- * Famous Double Events, (ar) Fry’s Magazine April 1913
- * A Famous Drum, (ms) TipTop Semi-Monthly April 10 1915
- * Famous Edgar Wallace Films: The Clue of the Twisted Candle, (ms) Edgar Wallace Mystery Magazine #31, February 1967 [Ref. Edgar Wallace]
- * Famous Edgar Wallace Films: The Crimson Circle, (ms) Edgar Wallace Mystery Magazine #27, October 1966 [Ref. Edgar Wallace]
- * Famous Edgar Wallace Films: The Dark Eyes of London, (ms) Edgar Wallace Mystery Magazine #28, November 1966 [Ref. Edgar Wallace]
- * Famous Edgar Wallace Films: The Feathered Serpent, (ms) Edgar Wallace Mystery Magazine #30, January 1967 [Ref. Edgar Wallace]
- * Famous Edgar Wallace Films: The Frightened Lady, (ms) Edgar Wallace Mystery Magazine #33, April 1967 [Ref. Edgar Wallace]
- * Famous Edgar Wallace Films: The Green Pack, (ms) Edgar Wallace Mystery Magazine #32, March 1967 [Ref. Edgar Wallace]
- * Famous English Cricketers: F. J. Durston, (cl) Chums May 2 1926
- * Famous English Cricketers: Maurice W. Tate, (cl) Chums April 25 1926
- * Famous Escapade: Peaches and Sugar Daddy, (ms) Escapade April 1956
- * Famous Escapes:
* ___ The Getaway of Eddie Guerin, (cl) Prison Stories January 1931
- * Famous Events in the ICSC, (ms) International Observer April 1935
- * Famous Faces from Famous Books: Bevis the Boy Leader, (pi) Look and Learn #55, February 2 1963
- * Famous Faces from Famous Books: Master of Wuthering Heights, (pi) Look and Learn #77, July 6 1963
- * Famous Faces from Famous Books No. 1-Mr. Wilkins Micawber, (cs) Look and Learn #36, September 22 1962
- * Famous Faces from Famous Books No. 2-Dr. Samuel Johnson, (cs) Look and Learn #38, October 6 1962
- * Famous Faces from Famous Books No. 3-The Little Woman, (cs) Look and Learn #40, October 20 1962
- * Famous Faces from Famous Books No. 4-Jena the Gentleman, (cs) Look and Learn #42, November 3 1962
- * Famous Faces from Famous Books: Pip’s Great Expectations, (pi) Look and Learn #70, May 18 1963
- * Famous Faces from Famous Books-Pirate Chief of Never-Never Land, (cs) Look and Learn #49, December 22 1962
- * Famous Faces from Famous Books-The Bad Becky Sharp, (cs) Look and Learn #48, December 15 1962
- * Famous Faces from Famous Books: The Fighting Frenchmen, (pi) Look and Learn #50, December 29 1962
- * Famous Faces from Famous Books: The One-Legged Pirate, (pi) Look and Learn #52, January 12 1963
- * Famous Faces from Famous Books: The Unpleasant Professor, (pi) Look and Learn #51, January 5 1963
- * Famous Fads, (ms) Best Stories of All Time Aug/Sep, Nov 1926
- * Famous Fairy Tales of All Nations, (br) The Mirror #60, December 20 1873
- * Famous Fancies, (pi) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #347, September 7 1968
- * Famous Fantasy Fans:
* ___ 1. Allen Glasser, (bg) The Fantasy Fan September 1933 [Ref. Allen Glasser]
* ___ 2. Conrad H. Ruppert, (ar) The Fantasy Fan November 1933 [Ref. Conrad H. Ruppert]
- * Famous Fashions, (ms) Love Story Magazine Jun, Aug, Oct 1953
- * Famous Feasters by Flashlight, (iv) The Strand Magazine July 1910 [Ref. Albert Young]
- * Famous Fellows in Fiction - Arthur Augustus D’Arcy, (pm) (by G. R. Samways) The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1926, 1925
- * Famous Fellows in Fiction - Billy Bunter, (pm) (by G. R. Samways) The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1926, 1925
- * Famous Fellows in Fiction - Harry Wharton, (pm) (by G. R. Samways) The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1926, 1925
- * Famous Fellows in Fiction - Jimmy Silver, (pm) (by G. R. Samways) The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1926, 1925
- * Famous Fellows in Fiction - Tom Merry, (pm) (by G. R. Samways) The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1926, 1925
- * Famous Fellows in Fiction - Tubby Muffin, (pm) (by G. R. Samways) The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1926, 1925
- * The Famous Ferguson Case, (sa) Boy’s Cinema #671, October 22 1932; adapted from the movie (Tom Brown and Joan Blondell).
- * Famous Fields of Battle, (ar) The Scrap Book July 1910
- * Famous Fighters, (sl) Pluck Sep 18, Sep 25, Oct 23, Oct 30, Nov 6 1909
- * Famous Fighters Identified, (cn) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #23, July 1929
- * Famous Fighters of the Frontier:
* ___ Buffalo Bill, (cl) Tex Granger #23, July 1949
* ___ Davy Crockett, (cl) Tex Granger #20, January 1949
* ___ Gen. George A. Custer, (cl) Tex Granger #19, November 1948
* ___ Kit Carson, (cl) Tex Granger #18, September 1948
* ___ Samuel Houston, (cl) Tex Granger #21, March 1949
* ___ Wild Bill Hickock, (cl) Tex Granger #22, May 1949
- * Famous Fighting Aces No. 1, (ia) The Ranger September 25 1965 [Ref. Brendan Finucane]
- * Famous Fighting Aces No. 2: Flight Sergeant Rawdon Hume Middleton, V.C., (ia) The Ranger October 23 1965 [Ref. Rawdon Hume Middleton]
- * Famous Fighting Aces No. 3, (ia) The Ranger November 27 1965 [Ref. John Hannah]
- * Famous Fighting Aces No. 4: “Cat’s Eyes” Cunningham, (ia) The Ranger December 18 1965 [Ref. John Cunningham]
- * Famous Fighting Aces No. 5: M. T. (“Pat”) Pattle, (ia) The Ranger January 8 1966 [Ref. Pat Pattle]
- * Famous Fighting Regiments, (cl) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #397 Aug 23, #398 Aug 30, #399 Sep 6, #400 Sep 13, #401 Sep 20, #402 Sep 27 1969
- * A Famous Figurehead (Just Erected at the Entrance to Portsmouth Dockyard), (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper September 28 1901
- * A Famous Fireman: Mr. Samuel Goodall, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper March 31 1900
- * A Famous First, (ar) Sky Fighters Fall 1949
- * Famous First Editions, (ar) (by C. Ellington) The Cornhill Magazine March 1894
- * Famous Firsts, (cl) Bill Barnes Air Trails May 1936
- * Famous Firsts, (ia) War Birds #69, December 1933
- * Famous Firsts in the World War, (ms) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #48, August 1931
- * Famous Floods, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine September 1875
- * Famous Flyers—Colonel Roscoe Turner, (ar) Air Adventures February 1940
- * Famous Flying Scotchman, (ms) The Railroad Man’s Magazine January 1910
- * Famous Folks of a Famous Land, (cl) Western Romances #11 Feb, #15 Jun 1931
- * Famous Follies, (pi) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #375, March 22 1969
- * Famous Football Clubs—Birmingham F.C., (ar) The Magnet Library January 14 1928
- * Famous Football Clubs—Blackburn Rovers F.C., (ar) The Magnet Library January 21 1928
- * Famous Football Clubs—Derby County, (ar) The Magnet Library March 10 1928
- * Famous Football Clubs—Leicester City, (ar) The Magnet Library February 4 1928
- * Famous Football Clubs—Liverpool, (ar) The Magnet Library March 3 1928
- * Famous Football Clubs—Norwich City, (ar) The Magnet Library March 24 1928
- * Famous Football Clubs—Preston North End, (ar) The Magnet Library December 24 1927
- * Famous Football Clubs—Sheffield Wednesday, (ar) The Magnet Library February 25 1928
- * Famous Football Clubs—West Ham United, (ar) The Magnet Library February 11 1928
- * A Famous Footballer!, (pm) (by G. R. Samways) The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1924, 1923
- * Famous Footballers: A First-Class Forward, (ar) Jack’s Paper #7, December 12 1922
- * Famous Footballers: A Tip-Top Goalkeeper, (ar) Jack’s Paper #5, November 28 1922
- * Famous Footballers: Dave Jack of Bolton, (ar) Jack’s Paper #17, February 20 1923
- * Famous Footballers: He Played in the Band!, (ar) Jack’s Paper #14, January 30 1923
- * Famous Footballers: He’s a Football Thrill!, (ar) Jack’s Paper #10, January 2 1923
- * Famous Footballers: He Shoots Brilliant Goals, (ar) Jack’s Paper #2, November 7 1922
- * Famous Footballers: Nineteen Years a Footballer!, (ar) Jack’s Paper #13, January 23 1923
- * Famous Footballers: Our Champion Left Half-Back, (ar) Jack’s Paper #4, November 21 1922
- * Famous Footballers: The Man with Five Caps, (ar) Jack’s Paper #8, December 19 1922
- * Famous Footballers: The Skipper of Bolton Wanderers, (ar) Jack’s Paper #3, November 14 1922
- * Famous Footballers: Tommy the Terrier, (ar) Jack’s Paper #6, December 5 1922
- * Famous Football Teams: Aston Villa, (cl) Chums October 14 1922
- * Famous Football Teams: Blackburn Rovers, (cl) Chums October 21 1922
- * Famous Football Teams: Burnley, (cl) Chums November 11 1922
- * Famous Football Teams: Cardiff City, (cl) Chums October 28 1922
- * Famous Football Teams: Chelsea, (cl) Chums October 28 1922
- * Famous Football Teams: Huddersfield Town, (cl) Chums December 9 1922
- * Famous Football Teams: Preston North End, (cl) Chums December 2 1922
- * Famous Football Teams: Southampton, (cl) Chums November 18 1922
- * Famous Football Teams: Tottenham Hotspur, (cl) Chums November 4 1922
- * Famous Football Teams: West Bromwich Albion, (cl) Chums November 25 1922
- * Famous Football Teams:
* ___ No. 1 Liverpool, (cl) Chums September 16 1922
* ___ No. 2 Notts Forest, (cl) Chums September 23 1922
* ___ No. 3 Celtic, (cl) Chums October 7 1922
- * Famous Footer Clubs #1—Cardiff City, (ar) The Magnet Library October 1 1927
- * Famous Footer Clubs #4—Portsmouth, (ar) The Magnet Library October 22 1927
- * Famous Footer Clubs #5—Chelsea, (ar) The Magnet Library October 29 1927
- * Famous Footer Clubs—Arsenal, (ar) The Magnet Library October 8 1927
- * Famous Footer Clubs—Bolton Wanderers, (ar) The Magnet Library November 26 1927
- * Famous Footer Clubs—Huddersfiels Town, (ar) The Magnet Library November 5 1927
- * Famous Footer Clubs—Manchester City, (ar) The Magnet Library December 3 1927
- * Famous Footer Clubs—Manchester United, (ar) The Magnet Library Nov 12, Nov 19 1927
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