Miss Marple’s Final Cases and Two Other Stories by Agatha Christie (Collins Crime Club, October 1979, 0-00-231596-3, £4.95, 140pp, hc, co) [Miss Marple]
Given as “Miss Marple’s 6 Final Cases and 2 Other Stories” on the cover.
7 · Sanctuary [Miss Marple] · Agatha Christie · nv This Week September 12 1954 (+1), as “Murder at the Vicarage”
not the same as the Jane Marple novel The Murder at the Vicarage.
95 · Miss Marple Tells a Story [Miss Marple] · Agatha Christie · ss The Home Journal May 25 1935, as “Behind Closed Doors”
specially commissioned by the BBC as a radio play and read by Christie herself on May 11, 1934.
221 · Miss Marple Tells a Story [Miss Marple] · Agatha Christie · ss The Home Journal May 25 1935, as “Behind Closed Doors”
specially commissioned by the BBC as a radio play and read by Christie herself on May 11, 1934.
324 · Sanctuary [Miss Marple] · Agatha Christie · nv This Week September 12 1954 (+1), as “Murder at the Vicarage”
not the same as the Jane Marple novel The Murder at the Vicarage.
Murder in the Mews and Other Stories by Agatha Christie (Collins Crime Club, March 1937, 7/6d, 280pp, hc, co) [Hercule Poirot]
83 · The Incredible Theft [Hercule Poirot] · Agatha Christie · na The Daily Express April 6 1937 (+5)
expanded from “The Submarine Plans” (The Sketch, November 7, 1923).
149 · Dead Man’s Mirror [Hercule Poirot] · Agatha Christie · na
expanded from “The Second Gong” (Ladies Home Journal, June 1932).