The FictionMags Index
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[]Valentine, E(rnest) Seton (fl. 1900s-1910s) (chron.)
- * The Beauty-Meter, (ar) The Strand Magazine April 1912
- * The Breakdown Train, (ar) The Strand Magazine February 1901
- * Caissons, (ar) The Strand Magazine January 1903
- * “Christie’s”, (ar) The Strand Magazine June 1904
- * A Day with Patti, (ar) The Grand Magazine December 1906
- * If Our Fashions Were Theirs, (ar) The Strand Magazine January 1910
- * “If They Had Thought of It”: Modern Inventions in Ancient Times, (ar) The Strand Magazine November 1909
- * Mr. S.H. Sime and His Work, (ar) The Strand Magazine October 1908 [Ref. Sidney Sime]
- * A Paradise of Patents, (ar) The Strand Magazine May 1911
- * Poulbot and His War Children, (ar) The Strand Magazine May 1918 [Ref. Francisque Poulbot]
- * “The Power of Beauty”, (ar) The Strand Magazine March 1911
- * Romance in a Registry Office, (ss) The Strand Magazine March 1913
- * A Servantless House, (ss) The Strand Magazine February 1911
- * Silverstrand: A Forecast of a Possible Sea-City, (ss) The Strand Magazine May 1905, as "Silverstrand: A Forecast of England’s Sea-City"
- * Silverstrand: A Forecast of England’s Sea-City, (ss) The Strand Magazine May 1905
- * Sir W.S. Gilbert as an Artist, (ar) The Strand Magazine February 1909 [Ref. William S. Gilbert]
- * A Stock Exchange Transaction, (ar) The Strand Magazine September 1903
- * Under an Atlantic Liner, (ar) The Strand Magazine June 1903
- * What Six Rich Men Could Do, (ar) The Strand Magazine November 1911
[]Valentine, Edward (Abram Uffington) (1870-?) (about) (chron.)
- * An Autumn View, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly November 1894
- * Helen, (??) The Atlantic Monthly January 1894
- * Helios, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly November 1895
- * Indian Summer, (pm) Scribner’s Magazine November 1896
- * Leaf and Love, (pm) The Puritan November 1900
- * A Parting, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly March 1898
- * A Rhyme of Rain, (pm) The Argosy September 1900
- * The Rose of Love, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly August 1896
- * The Ship of Silence, (pm) Scribner’s Magazine May 1901
- * Silenus, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine October 1892
- * The Spirit of the Wheat, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly August 1894
_____, trans.
[]Valentine, Edward Irving (1889-1956) (chron.)
- * [front cover], (cv) Collier’s Jan 1 1927, Apr 21, Jun 16 1928
- * [front cover], (cv) Thrilling Tales June 1927
- * [front cover], (cv) Prize Story Magazine Aug, Sep 1928, Apr, Jun, Jul 1929
- * [front cover], (cv) Flying Stories February 1929
- * [front cover], (cv) Love Romances August 1929
[]Valentine, Genevieve (1981- ) (chron.)
- * Abandonware, (ss) Lightspeed #100, September 2018
- * Aberration, (ss) Fearsome Magics ed. Jonathan Strahan, Solaris, 2014
- * About Mechanique, A Tale of the Circus Tresaulti, (ms) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America #198, Summer 2012
- * Abyssus Abyssum Invocat, (ss) Lightspeed #33, February 2013
- * Adaptation (and Other Conversations), (ar) Strange Horizons August 29 2011
- * Advection, (ss) Clarkesworld #35, August 2009
- * The Advocate, (ss) Eclipse Online January 7 2013
- * And She Shall Be Crowned According to Her Station, (ss) Strange Horizons September 6 2010
- * And the Next, and the Next, (ss) The Living Dead 2 ed. John Joseph Adams, Night Shade Books, 2010
- * And Was Obliged to Go On Dancing: The Red Shoes and the Chastised Woman, (ar) Strange Horizons September 22 2014
- * Another Word:
* ___ An Anxious Introvert’s Guide to the Con Experience, (ar) Clarkesworld #106, July 2015
* ___ A Doom of One’s Own, (cl) Clarkesworld #125, February 2017
* ___ How to Clothe a Character, Using Only Star Wars References, (cl) Clarkesworld #114, March 2016
* ___ My Own Private B-Movie, (cl) Clarkesworld #82, July 2013
- * An Anxious Introvert’s Guide to the Con Experience, (ar) Clarkesworld #106, July 2015
- * Armless Maidens of the American West, (ss) Apex Magazine #39, August 2012
- * Aurum, (ss) Abyss & Apex #42, 2nd Quarter 2012
- * A Bead of Jasper, Four Small Stones, (ss) Clarkesworld #73, October 2012
- * La Beauté Sans Vertu, (ss) April 27 2016
- Some of the Best from 2016 Edition ed. Ellen Datlow, Carl Engle-Laird, Liz Gorinsky, Justin Landon, Patrick Nielsen Hayden, Diana Pho, Ann VanderMeer & Miriam Weinberg, Tor, 2017
- Worlds Seen in Passing ed. Irene Gallo,, 2018
- Body Shocks ed. Ellen Datlow, Tachyon Publications, 2021
- * Bespoke, (ss) Strange Horizons July 27 2009
- * Blood, Ash, Braids, (ss) Operation Arcana ed. John Joseph Adams, Baen, 2015
- * Brand New Girl: Gender Performance in Earth Girls Are Easy, (ar) Strange Horizons January 20 2014
- * Bread and Circuses, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #55, November 4 2010
- * A Brief Investigation of the Process of Decay, (ss) Strange Horizons November 16 2009
- * Captain Justice Saves the Day, (ss) The Mad Scientist’s Guide to World Domination ed. John Joseph Adams, Tor, 2013
- * Carte Blanche, (ss) Electric Velocipede #21/22, Fall 2010
- * Carthago Delenda Est, (ss) Federations ed. John Joseph Adams, Prime Books, 2009
- * Cloud Atlas, (ar) Strange Horizons December 10 2012
- * A Comfort, One Way, (ss) Mad Hatters and March Hares ed. Ellen Datlow, Tor, 2017
- * Daughter of the Dragon: Anna May Wong and the Hollywood Problem, (ar) Strange Horizons April 6 2015
- * Demons, Your Body, and You, (ss) Subterranean (online) Summer 2011
- * The Dire Wolf, (ss) Running with the Pack ed. Ekaterina Sedia, Prime Books, 2010
- * “Do Not Wither/ Look at Me”: Feminist Identity as Supernatural in Orlando and I Am Dina, (ar) Strange Horizons April 30 2012
- * A Doom of One’s Own, (ar) Clarkesworld #125, February 2017
- * The Downsides of Dating a God, (ar) Fantasy Magazine (online) #55, October 2011
- * Dream Houses, (na) WSFA Press, 2014
- * The Drink of Fine Gentlemen Everywhere, (ss) Sybil’s Garage #6, May 2009
- * A Dweller in Amenty, (ss) Nightmare #18, March 2014
- * Eighty Miles an Hour All the Way to Paradise, (ss) Robot Uprisings ed. Daniel H. Wilson & John Joseph Adams, Vintage Books, 2014
- * 86, 87, 88, 89, (ss) Clarkesworld #78, March 2013
- * Everyone from Themis Sends Letters Home, (nv) Clarkesworld #121, October 2016
- * Familiaris, (ss) The Starlit Wood: New Fairy Tales ed. Dominik Parisien & Navah Wolfe, Saga Press, 2016
- * Feature Interview: Jill Tarter, (iv) Lightspeed #12, May 2011 [Ref. Jill Tarter]
- * The Final Frontier: The Beautiful Fatalism of Near Space, (ar) Strange Horizons April 28 2014
- * The Finest Spectacle Anywhere, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #68, May 5 2011
- * Five Freaky Futures Your Kids Might Face, (ar) Lightspeed #6, November 2010
- * Five Planets That Will Kill You Dead, (ar) Lightspeed #5, October 2010
- * Five Upcoming Plagues (We’re Doomed), (ar) Lightspeed #7, December 2010
- * Frame Story: Drive, Shame, and the Aesthetics of Identity, (ar) Strange Horizons December 19 2011
- * From the Catalogue of the Pavilion of the Uncanny and Marvelous, Scheduled for Premiere at the Great Exhibition (Before the Fire), (ss) Queen Victoria’s Book of Spells ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, Tor, 2013
- * Future Perfect, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction July/August 2024
- * The Future’s So Bright I Gotta Wear Shades, (ar) Lightspeed #8, January 2011
- * A Game of Mars [Barsoom], (ss) Under the Moons of Mars ed. John Joseph Adams, Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, 2012
- * A Garden in Bloom, (ss) Shimmer #11, 2009
- * Girl Wonder: Lawn Dogs, Hard Candy, and the Age of Innocence, (ar) Strange Horizons August 13 2012
- * Given the Advantage of the Blade, (ss) Lightspeed #63, August 2015
- * Gods of Egypt: A Three-Act Tragedy, (ar) Strange Horizons December 21 2015
- * Good Fences, (ss) Nightmare #1, October 2012
- * The Gravedigger of Konstan Spring, (ss) Lightspeed #21, February 2012
- * The Guest, Camp, and the Horror of Masculinity, (ar) Strange Horizons October 26 2015
- * Have Courage: Ex Machina, Cinderella, and the Construction of the Feminine Identity, (ar) Strange Horizons June 15 2015
- * Hell Here: Catwoman and the Superhero Origin Tragedy, (ar) Strange Horizons February 4 2013
- * The High Untresspassed Sanctity of Space: Seven True Stories about Eugene Cernan, (ar) Lightspeed #1, June 2010
- * How to Clothe a Character, Using Only Star Wars References, (ar) Clarkesworld #114, March 2016
- * In Praise of the Glorious Mess, (ar) Strange Horizons July 4 2011
- * The Insects of Love, (nv) May 28 2014
- * Intertitles:
* ___ Adaptation (and Other Conversations), (cl) Strange Horizons August 29 2011
* ___ And Was Obliged to Go On Dancing: The Red Shoes and the Chastised Woman, (cl) Strange Horizons September 22 2014
* ___ Brand New Girl: Gender Performance in Earth Girls Are Easy, (cl) Strange Horizons January 20 2014
* ___ Cloud Atlas, (cl) Strange Horizons December 10 2012
* ___ Daughter of the Dragon: Anna May Wong and the Hollywood Problem, (cl) Strange Horizons April 6 2015
* ___ “Do Not Wither/ Look at Me”: Feminist Identity as Supernatural in Orlando and I Am Dina, (cl) Strange Horizons April 30 2012
* ___ The Final Frontier: The Beautiful Fatalism of Near Space, (cl) Strange Horizons April 28 2014
* ___ Frame Story: Drive, Shame, and the Aesthetics of Identity, (cl) Strange Horizons December 19 2011
* ___ Girl Wonder: Lawn Dogs, Hard Candy, and the Age of Innocence, (cl) Strange Horizons August 13 2012
* ___ Gods of Egypt: A Three-Act Tragedy, (cl) Strange Horizons December 21 2015
* ___ The Guest, Camp, and the Horror of Masculinity, (cl) Strange Horizons October 26 2015
* ___ Have Courage: Ex Machina, Cinderella, and the Construction of the Feminine Identity, (cl) Strange Horizons June 15 2015
* ___ Hell Here: Catwoman and the Superhero Origin Tragedy, (cl) Strange Horizons February 4 2013
* ___ In Praise of the Glorious Mess, (cl) Strange Horizons July 4 2011
* ___ In This Together: Duality in Two Apocalypses, (cl) Strange Horizons August 19 2013
* ___ It Follows, and the Zombification of Rape Culture, (cl) Strange Horizons August 3 2015
* ___ A Million Ways to Die in the West, (cl) Strange Horizons July 7 2014
* ___ Oh, the Cleverness of Me!: Masculinity and the Horror Show, (cl) Strange Horizons January 5 2015
* ___ The Persistence of Memory: Cinematic Time Travel in the Surreal, (cl) Strange Horizons October 29 2012
* ___ Putting Out Fires with Gasoline: The Sexuality of Cat People, (cl) Strange Horizons June 11 2012
* ___ “A Strange and Savage Beauty”: Carlos Saura’s Flamenco Trilogy, (cl) Strange Horizons May 9 2011
* ___ Superhuman Masculinity and the Musketeer Mythos in The Fast and the Furious, (cl) Strange Horizons June 10 2013
* ___ Ten Worlds About Ben Affleck’s Batman, (cl) Strange Horizons October 7 2013
* ___ There’s No Happy Ending with Me: The Fall, (cl) Strange Horizons October 24 2011
* ___ A Thing That Lives on Tears: Goodness and Clarice Starling, (cl) Strange Horizons March 17 2014
* ___ Tinker Tailor Soldier Sci-Fi: Espionage and the Speculative, (cl) Strange Horizons February 13 2012
* ___ Winter’s Bone: A Mythic Marrow, (cl) Strange Horizons March 14 2011
- * Interview: Darren Aronofsky, (iv) Lightspeed #47, April 2014 [Ref. Darren Aronofsky]
- * In This Together: Duality in Two Apocalypses, (ar) Strange Horizons August 19 2013
- * Introduction, (in) The Cutting Room ed. Ellen Datlow, Tachyon, 2014
- * Intro to Prom, (nv) Clarkesworld #133, October 2017
- * Is This Your Day to Join the Revolution?, (ss) Futurismic (online) September 2009
- * It Follows, and the Zombification of Rape Culture, (ar) Strange Horizons August 3 2015
- * Keep Calm and Carillon, (ss) Farrago’s Wainscot #9, January 2009
- * Last Drink Bird Head, (ss) Last Drink Bird Head ed. Ann & Jeff VanderMeer, Ministry of Whimsy, 2009
- * The Last Run of the Coppelia, (nv) Armored ed. John Joseph Adams, Baen, 2012
- * The Lenten Rose, (ss) Once Upon a Time ed. Paula Guran, Prime Books, 2013
- * Light on the Water, (ss) Fantasy Magazine (online) #31, October 2009
- * The Lion Cage, (ss) Nightmare Carnival ed. Ellen Datlow, Dark Horse Books, 2014
- * Loving the Alien: David Bowie’s History of Science Fiction Film, (ss) Strange Horizons April 22 2013
- * A Million Ways to Die in the West, (ar) Strange Horizons July 7 2014
- * My Own Private B-Movie, (ar) Clarkesworld #82, July 2013
- * The Nearest Thing, (nv) Lightspeed #15, August 2011
- * Oh, the Cleverness of Me!: Masculinity and the Horror Show, (ar) Strange Horizons January 5 2015
- * Other Kelly, (ss) Reactor May 22 2024
- * Overburden, (nv) Infinity Wars ed. Jonathan Strahan, Solaris, 2017
- * The Persistence of Memory: Cinematic Time Travel in the Surreal, (ar) Strange Horizons October 29 2012
- * Persona, (ex) Saga Press, 2015
- * Prima Nocta Detective Agency Needs You, (ss) Help Fund My Robot Army!!! ed. John Joseph Adams, John Joseph Adams, 2014
- * Putting Out Fires with Gasoline: The Sexuality of Cat People, (ar) Strange Horizons June 11 2012
- * The Sandal-Bride, (ss) Fantasy Magazine (online) #48, March 2011
- * Savage Beauty: Alexander McQueen, (ar) Lost Transmissions: The Secret History of Science Fiction and Fantasy by Desirina Boskovich, Abrams Image, 2019
- * Seeing, (ss) Clarkesworld #50, November 2010
- * The Segment, (ss) After ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, Hyperion Books, 2012
- * Semiramis, (ss) Clarkesworld #57, June 2011
- * She Drives the Men to Crimes of Passion!, (ss) Bewere the Night ed. Ekaterina Sedia, Prime Books, 2011
- * “A Silver Swan, Which Had a Living Grace”: A Brief, Bizarre Collection of Historical Automatons, (ar) Fantasy Magazine (online) #49, April 2011
- * Six A.I. Types Who Annoy Us to Death, (ar) Lightspeed #13, June 2011
- * Small Medicine, (ss) Upgraded ed. Neil Clarke, Wyrm Publishing, 2014
- * So Deep That the Bottom Could Not Be Seen, (ss) Way of the Wizard ed. John Joseph Adams, Prime Books, 2010
- * Sooner or Later, Your Wife Will Drive Home, (ss) When Things Get Dark ed. Ellen Datlow, Titan, 2021
- * Souvenir, (ss) Strange Horizons August 15 2011
- * A Story You Know the Ending To, (ss) Story #2, 2015
- * “A Strange and Savage Beauty”: Carlos Saura’s Flamenco Trilogy, (ar) Strange Horizons May 9 2011
- * Study, for Solo Piano, (ss) Fantasy Magazine (online) #50, May 2011
- * Superhuman Masculinity and the Musketeer Mythos in The Fast and the Furious, (ar) Strange Horizons June 10 2013
- * A Sweet Disorder in the Dress, (ar) Weird Tales Summer 2011
- * Take Four, (ss) Kaleidotrope #9, July 2010
- * Ten Things You Should Know About Twilight, (cl) Fantasy Magazine (online) #20, November 2008
- * Ten Worlds About Ben Affleck’s Batman, (ar) Strange Horizons October 7 2013
- * Terrain, (nv) March 6 2013
- * There’s No Happy Ending with Me: The Fall, (ar) Strange Horizons October 24 2011
- * Things to Know About Being Dead, (nv) Teeth ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, Harper, 2011
- * A Thing That Lives on Tears: Goodness and Clarice Starling, (ar) Strange Horizons March 17 2014
- * This Evening’s Performance, (na) The Mammoth Book of Dieselpunk ed. Sean Wallace, Robinson, 2015
- * Three Dragons, (ar) Fantasy Magazine (online) #57, December 2011
- * Tinker Tailor Soldier Sci-Fi: Espionage and the Speculative, (ar) Strange Horizons February 13 2012
- * Truehearts, (vi) Popular Science August 2015
- * 29 Union Leaders Can’t Be Wrong, (ss) Strange Horizons June 18 2007
- * Visit Lovely Cornwall on the Western Railway Line, (ss) The Doll Collection ed. Ellen Datlow, Tor, 2015
- * Vulturism, (ar) Interfictions Online #4, November 2014
- * The Weirdest Fairy-Tale Wishes Ever Made, (ar) Fantasy Magazine (online) #53, August 2011
- * When the Chatbots Come to Greet Us, (ar) Lightspeed #9, February 2011
- * White Stone, (ss) Fantasy Magazine (online) #24, March 2009
- * Winter’s Bone: A Mythic Marrow, (ar) Strange Horizons March 14 2011
- * Wondrous Days, (ss) Apex Magazine #7, January 2010
- * You Never Get a Seventh Chance to Make a First Impression: An Awkward History of Our Space Transmissions, (ar) Lightspeed #10, March 2011
- * The Zeppelin Conductors’ Society Annual Gentlemen’s Ball, (ss) Lightspeed #2, July 2010
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