The FictionMags Index
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[uncredited] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * The Bride of the Isles: A Tale Founded on the Popular Legend of the Vampire, (nv) 1820
- * The Bride of the Lake, (ss) Reynolds’s Miscellany of Romance, General Literature, Science, and Art #197, April 17 1852
- * Bride of the Sea, (ts) Street & Smith’s Real Love Magazine October 1931
- * A Bride of the Stage [The Belles of Beauty Row], (ss) The Green Book Magazine June 1914
- * Bride of the Unknown, (ss) Ghost Stories September 1929
- * Bride of the Woods, (ss) Dream World June 1924
- * The Bride of To-Day: How Wedding Customs Have Changed, (ar) The Strand Magazine March 1912
- * Brides and Bridegrooms, (cl) The Woman at Home Oct, Nov, Dec 1893, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep,
Oct, Nov, Dec 1894
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1895
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1896
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1897
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1898
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1899
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1900
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1901
Jan, Feb 1902
- * The Bride’s Day, (pm) (by Judd Mortimer Lewis) Montgomery Advertiser
- * Brides Handed Over for ‘Testing’, (ar) Parade #1628, March 6 1971
- * The Bride’s Hope Chest, (ms) Romance April 1937
- * The Bride’s Lingerie, (ar) The Ladies’ Home Journal April 1909
- * The Bridesmaids, (il) Black & White #23, July 11 1891
- * The Brides of Fu Manchu, (pi) Dapper February 1967
- * The Bride’s Sister, (ts) Street & Smith’s Real Love Magazine July 1931
- * A Bride’s Troubles, (ss) Truth #664, September 19 1889
- * Bride Trims Cake, (pi) Woman’s Home Companion May 1948
- * The Bride Widow, (ss) The Australian Journal #126, November 1875
- * Bridge A-bridged, (hu) Here! Is America’s Humor February 1952
- * Bridge and Its Battlefields, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine February 1905
- * Bridge Breaking and Bridge Making, (ar) Chums March 18 1916
- * Bridge, Crossword and Chess, (ms) Mayfair v1 #1, 1966
- * A “Bridge” Fish-Plate Rail-Joint, (ms) Chambers’s Journal June 27 1908
- * The Bridge of Al Sirat, (ms) Mystery Magazine June 1927
- * The Bridge of Cloud, (pm) (by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow) The Atlantic Monthly September 1864
- * The Bridge of Doom [Big Bill Danvers], (ss) The Buzzer #19, February 19 1938
- * The Bridge of Gold, (cn) The Royal Magazine October 1911
- * The Bridge of San Martin: A Legend of Toledo, (ss) Cassell’s Family Magazine May 1880
- * The Bridge of the Gods, (ms) Street & Smith’s Far West Stories May 1931
- * The Bridge, residence of Hugo, (il) Harper’s Monthly Magazine December 1900
- * Bridges and Bridge-Building, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper Sep 21, Sep 28 1889
- * The Bridges at Toko-Ri, (mr) Redbook February 1955
- * Bridges Built in Minutes for Britain’s Marching Armies, (ar) Modern World April 6 1940
- * Bridges Built in Thirty Minutes, (ms) The People’s Home Journal April 1903
- * Bridge Space to Rob, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 25 1921
- * The Bridge They Couldnt Build, (ar) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1935, 1934
- * Bridget McKenna, (bg) The Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America Bulletin #122/123, Winter/Spring 1994 [Ref. Bridget McKenna]
- * The Bridge to Nowhere, (ar) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1937, 1936
- * Bridgette, (pi) Mayfair v26 #14, 1991
- * Bridge Wrecked by Burning River, (ms) Western Story Magazine October 7 1922
- * A Brief Account of the Chief Events of October 1909, (ms) St. George’s Magazine #46, December 1909
- * A Brief Address, (ms) The Popular Magazine September 20 1922
- * Brief Austrian Chronology, (ms) The Dedalus/Ariadne Book of Austrian Fantasy: The Meyrink Years 1890-1930 ed. Mike Mitchell, Dedalus, 1993
- * Brief Bibliography, (bi) Aklo, A Volume of the Fantastic ed. Mark Valentine, Roger Dobson & R. B. Russell, Tartarus Press, 1998 [Ref. John Gale]
- * A Brief Bibliography of “Shilling Shockers”, (bi) The Shilling Shockers ed. Peter Haining, Gollancz, 1978
- * A Brief Biography of George E. Holt, (bg) The Decree of Allah by George E. Holt, Black Dog Books, 2015 [Ref. George E. Holt]
- * A Brief Biography of Hugh B. Cave, (bg) Windy City Pulp Stories #3, 2003
- * A Brief Burlesque, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine October 1891
- * Brief but Pointed, (cl) Pluck and Luck #1473, August 25 1926
- * The Brief Career of Matty Vandam, (ss) Associated Sunday Magazine April 18 1915
- * A Brief Forecast of Good Things, (ms) Collier’s Weekly May 10 1902
- * Brief Glimpses of the Danube, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly June 1876
- * A Brief History of Alaska, (ar) The Golden Gazette v2 #1, 2009
- * A Brief History of Gold, (ar) The Golden Gazette v4 #1, 2011
- * A Brief History of Our Late War with Spain, (sl) (by John Brisben Walker ,[?]) The Cosmopolitan Nov, Dec 1897, Jan, Feb 1898
- * A Brief History of the Story Form, (ms)
- * Briefly Noted, (rc) The New Yorker March 15 2021
- * Brief Notes: Michael Connelly, (ar) Crime Time v3 #1, 2000 [Ref. Michael Connelly]
- * A Brief Pronunciation Guide, (ms) On the Edge of Dream by Jennifer Heath, Penguin Plume, 1998
- * Brief Review, (br) Star*Line Nov 1978, Feb 1979
- * A Brief Review of Some October Films, (mr) Home Chat #1751, October 13 1928
- * Brief Reviews, (rc) Pall Mall Magazine January 1929
- * Brief Reviews of Other Fan Mags, (ms) Sun Spots v3 #4, 1940
- * Brief Sketches of History: Magna Charta, (ar) Young Englishman’s Journal December 21 1867
- * Brief Statements Worth Thinking About, (ms) The Scrap Book April 1911
- * Brief Stories from New York, (ms) New York Stories November/December 1931
- * Brief Story Contest, (cn) My Love Story Nov 1932, Mar, Apr, May/Jun 1933
- * Brief Survey of the “Standard” Car, (ar) The Magnet Library January 19 1929
- * Brief Tales from British Rails, (ms) Railroad Stories April 1934
- * A Brief Text in Astronomy, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #63, November 15 1955 [Ref. W. T. Shilling & R. S. Richardson]
- * Brief Thoughts on Great Subjects, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper September 23 1893
- * Brierley Pit, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper September 17 1887
- * Brigadier General Frank M. Andrews, (bg) Bill Barnes Air Trails February 1936 [Ref. Frank M. Andrews]
- * Brigadoon, (mr) Redbook September 1954
- * Brigandage in Macedonia, (ar) (by L. G. Tufnell) The Cornhill Magazine September 1881
- * The Brigands, (ss)
- * Brigands Kidnap Engineer, (ms) Railroad Man’s Magazine January 1912
- * The Brigand’s Lair, (pz) British Legion Children’s Annual 1935
- * Brigands of the Seaways, (ar) Thrills of the Seven Seas, Dean & Son, 1936
- * The Brigand’s Secret [Sexton Blake], (n.) (by William Murray Graydon) The Sexton Blake Library #251, 1922
- * Brigham Young, (ia) The Rio Kid Western Oct 1940, Win 1943
- * Bright and Breezy, (hu) Yes or No Jul 21, Aug 4, Sep 1, Sep 15, Sep 22 1917
- * Bright Answers?, (ms) Fortune Story Magazine September 1929
- * Bright Anvil Falls on Comic Industry, (ar) Parsec Winter 1998/1999
- * A Bright Bird, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine December 1895
- * Bright Bits from the Letters of John Lothrop Motley, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly May 1889
- * Bright Boy’s Composition, (ar) The American Boy May 1907
- * “Bright College Days”, (sl) Once a Week Jun 15, Jun 22, Jun 29 1867
- * The Brightening of Three Dreary Back Rooms—First Paper, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine September 1891
- * The Brightening of Three Dreary Back Rooms—Second Paper, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine October 1891
- * Brighten the Corner [For the Love of Lil], (vi) Liberty November 7 1931
- * Brighten Up Your Holiday Camp, (ar) Tit-Bits #2855, July 18 1936
- * Brighten Up Your Home, (ms) Secrets April 1947
- * Brighten Up Your Wardrobe, (ms) Mystery March 1935
- * Brighten Your Spring Wardrobe, (ms) Mystery May 1933
- * Brighten Your Spring Wardrobe, (ms) The Illustrated Love Magazine May 1933
- * Brighter and Better Holidays, (ms) The Happy Mag. July 1934
- * “Brighter London”, (th) The London Magazine July 1923
- * The Brighter Side, (pm) The Argosy #479, February 6 1892
- * Brighter Than Solomon, (pm) The Golden Argosy August 18 1888
- * The Brightest Lights of Night School, (pi) Ace May 1964
- * A Bright-Eyed Echo, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly March 1898
- * Bright Flame, (pi) Affair v8 #2, 1971
- * Bright Girl from Brussels, (pi) Caper July 1959
- * A Bright Idea, (ar) Christian Novels #2639, November 7 1955
- * Bright Ideas, (ar) Christian Novels #2624, July 25 1955
- * Bright Ideas, (cl) Chums May 31 1919
- * Bright Ideas of Long Ago, (ms) Argosy October 1946
- * Bright Lights, (ts) Real Love Magazine 1st March 1931
- * Bright Lights!, (ts) Real Love Magazine 2nd April 1930
- * Brightly Smiling, (pi) Adam (Australia) August 1973
- * Bright New Face with model Agnes Laurent, (pi) Escapade April 1959
- * Brighton Charmer, (pi) Man’s Book Periodical April 1965
- * Brighton Elopment, (ss) The Wave March 28 1891
- * Brighton—In and Out of Season, (ar) London Society #6, July 1862
- * A Brighton Romance, (ss) Truth November 2 1882
- * Brighton, the Queen of English Watering-Places, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly September 1881
- * The Bright Phoenix, (br) Astounding Science Fiction (UK) June 1955 [Ref. Harold Mead]
- * The Bright Phoenix, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #58, June 15 1955
- * Bright Promise in the Ozarks, (ms) Collier’s September 15 1951
- * The Bright Room of Cranmore, (ss) Fraser’s Magazine January 1850
- * Bright Summer Styles, (ms) Complete Love Magazine September 1945
- * The Bright Young Men of 1958, (ar) Esquire September 1958
- * Brigit, (pi) Cavalier October 1968
- * Brigitte, (pi) Mayfair v3 #4, 1968
- * Brigitte Bardot, (pi) Mayfair v4 #10, 1969
- * A Brilliant Adventure, (cs) The Graphic Christmas 1876
- * A Brilliant Offensive, (ia) Battle Stories #21, May 1929
- * A Brilliant Offensive, (ms) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #65, 1935
- * A Brilliant Performance by Pal, (pi) Metropolitan Magazine June 1896
- * The Brilliant Story Teller, (ar) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #251, November 5 1966
- * Brilliant Styles for Little Women or Larger-Hip Types, (ar) Pictorial Review October 1931
- * A Brilliant Success, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly October 1892
- * Brimless, (pm) The Red Magazine February 1 1911
- * Bring Down the Prices, (ar) John Bull March 23 1946
- * Bring ’Em Down Alive, (ts) True Adventure Tales v1 #2, 1937
- * Bring Home the Buffalo, (ms) Top-Notch Magazine August 1 1928
- * Bringing Back the Runaways, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 5 1929
- * Bringing Debtors to Time, (ar) The Scrap Book June 1909
- * Bringing Down the House, (ss) (by Fred Whishaw) The Cornhill Magazine February 1895
- * Bringing Dracula to (Screen) Life, (ms) Picturegoer May 1972
- * Bringing Home Big Game, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post January 22 1916
- * Bringing Home Britain’s Cargoes, (ar) Modern World October 19 1940
- * Bringing Home the Bacon, (ms) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine August 10 1931
- * Bringing Home the Gas, (ar) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1938, 1937
- * Bringing Home the King, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper January 30 1904
- * Bringing in the Tree, (pm) Street & Smith’s Far West Romances January 1932
- * “Bringing Our Sheaves with Us”, (pm) (by Elizabeth Akers) The Atlantic Monthly August 1858
- * Bringing the Dead Alive!, (ar) The Terrific Register, Sherwood, Jones, and Co., 1825
- * Bringing the House Down, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly November 1886
- * Bringing Them Across: Life on an American Destroyer in the Danger Zone, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #70, January 1918
- * Bringing the Railways up to Date, (ar) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1933, 1932
- * Bringing Up Baby, (sa) Screen Romances #106, March 1938
- * Bringing Up Mambo, (ms) Collier’s November 17 1951
- * Bring Past to the Present, (iv) Suspense Magazine January 2010 [Ref. Steve Berry]
- * Brings a New “Stalker” to the Pages, (iv) Suspense Magazine January/February/March 2019 [Ref. Lars Kepler]
- * Brings B.C. Into A.D., (iv) Suspense Magazine March 2014 [Ref. Steven Saylor]
- * Brings Bestselling Hero Logan Pike Back in “Hunter Killer”, (iv) Suspense Magazine Spring 2020 [Ref. Brad Taylor]
- * Brings Charlie Parker Back in His Seventeenth Installment, (iv) Suspense Magazine October/November/December 2019 [Ref. John Connolly]
- * Brings Own Audience, (ms) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction April 14 1928
- * Brings Suit for Eighteen Years’ Salary, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 10 1923
- * Brings “The Fox” Out of Hiding, (iv) Suspense Magazine August/September/October 2018 [Ref. Frederick Forsyth]
- * Bring the Jubilee, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #61, September 15 1955 [Ref. Ward Moore]
- * A Brisk Trade in Corpses, (ms) Clues 1st January 1929
- * Bristol and Bucket’s Boom; or, Deadwood Dick’s Leadville Lay [Deadwood Dick], (nv) Boys’ First-Rate Pocket Library #96, 189?
- * Bristol “Blenheim”, (ms) The Lone Eagle February 1940
- * The Bristol “Blenheim” Bomber, (ia) Air Stories (UK) December 1937
- * Bristol’s Fashions, (ms) Call-Boy #1, June 1949
- * Bristow Sets an Example, (ms) Western Story Magazine September 15 1923
- * Britain and America, (ar) Munsey’s Magazine July 1898
- * Britain at Work: Ball point Pens by the Million, (pi) Look and Learn #160, February 6 1965
- * Britain at Work: Bridge Across the Forth, (pi) Look and Learn #166, March 20 1965
- * Britain at Work: Centuries of Twisting!, (pi) Look and Learn #161, February 13 1965
- * Britain at Work: Gas Goes Modern, (pi) Look and Learn #162, February 20 1965
- * Britain at Work: Keeping Britain Tidy, (pi) Look and Learn #164 Mar 6, #165 Mar 13 1965
- * Britain at Work: More Than a Million Lorries, (pi) Look and Learn #163, February 27 1965
- * Britain at Work No. 5: For Those in Peril on the Sea, (pi) Look and Learn #129, July 4 1964
- * Britain at Work: Oil Beneath the Sea, (ar) Look and Learn #158, January 23 1965
- * Britain at Work: Paint for Protection, (pi) Look and Learn #175, May 22 1965
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