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[]Steber, A. R. (fl. 1930s-1950s); house pseudonym used by Roger Philip Graham (1909-1966) & Raymond A. Palmer (1910-1977) (about) (chron.)
- * American Patriots, (ar) Mammoth Adventure September 1947
- * Back Cover Mystery, (ms) Mammoth Detective February 1945
- * Back Cover Solution, (ms) Mammoth Detective May, Aug 1944
- * Black World, (na) (by Raymond A. Palmer) Amazing Stories Mar, Apr 1940
- * The Blinding Ray, (nv) (by Raymond A. Palmer) Amazing Stories August 1938
- * Courtesy Call, (nv) (by Roger Philip Graham) Other Worlds Science Stories January 1951
- * Lone Wolf of Space (with Joseph J. Millard), (nv) (by Raymond A. Palmer) Amazing Stories May 1941
- * A Man Named Mars, (na) (by Roger Philip Graham) Other Worlds Science Stories October 1950
- * Meet the Authors: Alfred R. Steber, (fa) (by Raymond A. Palmer) Amazing Stories July 1940
- * Meet the Authors: A.R. Steber, (fa) (by Raymond A. Palmer) Amazing Stories March 1945
- * Moon of Double Trouble, (nv) (by Raymond A. Palmer) Amazing Stories March 1945
- * Mystery of the Martian Pendulum (with John Russell Fearn), (nv) Amazing Stories October 1941, as by Thornton Ayre & A. R. Steber
- * Mystery of the Martian Pendulum (with John Russell Fearn), (nv) (by Raymond A. Palmer) Amazing Stories October 1941, as by Thornton Ayre & A. R. Steber
- * Pick the Guilty Person, (vi) Mammoth Detective August 1943
- * Six Clues to Murder, What Are They?, (ms) Mammoth Mystery August 1946
- * Solution to Back Cover Mystery, (ms) Mammoth Detective May 1946
- * Trouble on Tumoa, (nv) South Sea Stories August 1940
- * A Western Legend, (ia) Mammoth Western September 1945
- * When the Gods Make War, (nv) (by Raymond A. Palmer) Amazing Stories July 1940
[]Stebner, J. W. (fl. 2020s) (chron.)
- * Letter from the Editor, (ed) Hexagon Magazine #2 Fll, #3 Win 2020, #5 Sum, #6 Fll, #7 Win 2021, #8 Spr, #9 Sum, #10 Fll, #11 Win 2022, #12 Spr,
#14 Fll, #15 Win 2023
#16 Spr, #17 Sum, #18 Fll, #19 Win 2024
_____, ed.
- * Editor: Hexagon Magazine #1 Sum, #2 Fll, #3 Win 2020, #4 Spr, #5 Sum, #6 Fll, #7 Win 2021, #8 Spr, #9 Sum, #10 Fll,
#11 Win 2022, #12 Spr, #13 Sum, #14 Fll, #15 Win 2023
#16 Spr, #17 Sum, #18 Fll, #19 Win 2024
[]Stech, Joe (fl. 2010s-2020s) (books) (chron.)
- * Editor’s Note, (ed) Compelling Science Fiction #1 Apr, #2 Jun, #3 Sep 2016, #5 Feb/Mar, #6 Apr/May, #7 Jun/Jul, #8 Aug/Sep, #9 Oct/Nov 2017, #15 2020
- * Publisher’s Note, (ed) Compelling Science Fiction #10 Win 2017, #11 Sum, Special Companion Issue, #12 Win 2018, #13, #14 Win 2019
_____, ed.
- * Editor: Compelling Science Fiction #1 Apr, #2 Jun, #3 Sep, #4 Dec 2016, #5 Feb/Mar, #6 Apr/May, #7 Jun/Jul, #8 Aug/Sep, #9 Oct/Nov, #10 Win 2017,
#11 Sum, Special Companion Issue, #12 Win 2018
#13, #14 Win 2019, #15 2020
- * Compelling Science Fiction: The First Collection (with Emily Goodin), (Compelling Science Press, November 2018, an)
[]Stecher, L. J. (Jr.); pseudonym of Joseph Wesley (fl. 1950s-1980s) (chron.)
- * Cakewalk to Gloryanna [Captain Hannah], (ss) Worlds of Tomorrow June 1963
- * The Diogenes Planet [Captain Hannah], (ss) If November 1964
- * An Elephant for the Prinkip [Captain Hannah], (ss) Galaxy Magazine August 1960
- * Garth and the Visitor, (ss) Galaxy Science Fiction April 1958
- * Invasions of Earth, (ar) The Spear of Mars ed. Reginald Bretnor, Ace, 1980
- * Man in a Quandary, (ss) Galaxy Science Fiction July 1958
- * Man in a Sewing Machine, (nv) Galaxy Science Fiction February 1956
- * Perfect Answer, (ss) Galaxy Science Fiction June 1958
- * Upstarts, (ss) Galaxy Magazine June 1960
- * When You Giffle… [Captain Hannah], (ss) Worlds of Tomorrow December 1963
[]Stedman, Edmund Clarence (1833-1908) (about) (chron.)
- * Aaron Burr’s Wooing, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine October 1887
- * Ariel, (??) The Atlantic Monthly August 1892
- * The Attack on Fort Sumter…, (pm) New York World April 16 1861
- * Beyond the Portals: a Song of the Outer World, (pm) Scribner’s Monthly August 1873
- * Christophe, (??) The Century Magazine November 1881
- * The Constant Heart, (??) The Century Magazine February 1883
- * Corda Concordia, (??) The Atlantic Monthly August 1881
- * Could We but Know, (pm) The Golden Argosy November 28 1885
- * Creole Lover’s Song, (sg) The Atlantic Monthly April 1877, music by Dudley Buck
- * Cuba, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly June 1896
- * The Death of Bryant, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly December 1878
- * The Doorstep, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly February 1869, uncredited.
- * Emerson, (??) The Century Magazine April 1883
- * Falstaff’s Song (with Dudley Buck), (sg) The Cosmopolitan May 1892
- * Father Jardine, (pm) The Cosmopolitan December 1894
- * The Feast of Harvest, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly November 1867, uncredited.
- * The Flight of the Birds, (pm) Scribner’s Monthly December 1871
- * Gifford. I. The Closed Studio. II. Of Winter Nights, (??) The Atlantic Monthly December 1880
- * The Hand of Lincoln, (pm)
- * Harebell, (??) The Atlantic Monthly August 1891
- * The Heart of New England, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly January 1872
- * Hebe, (??) The Century Magazine February 1886
- * Huntington House, (??) The Century Magazine June 1894
- * Hypatia, (pm) Scribner’s Monthly April 1873
- * Jamaica, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly February 1878
- * James Russell Lowell, (??) The Century Magazine May 1882
- * Kearney at Seven Pines, (pm) Scribner’s Monthly July 1875
- * Keats. (With Editorial Note on the Illustrations), (??) The Century Magazine February 1884
- * Kennst Du?, (??) The Century Magazine March 1896
- * The Last Token. Rome, A.D. 107, (pm) Scribner’s Monthly January 1878
- * Life “On the Floor”, (ar) The Century Magazine November 1903
- * Longfellow, (??) The Century Magazine October 1883
- * The Lord’s-Day Gale, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly April 1874
- * Lovers in the Tropics West-Indian Idyl, (??) The Century Magazine February 1882
- * Madrigal, (pm) Scribner’s Monthly August 1877
- * Meridian. An Old-Fashioned Poem, (pm) Scribner’s Monthly August 1878
- * Morgan, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine December 1888
- * Mors Benefica, (??) The Century Magazine April 1894
- * A Mother’s Picture, (pm)
- * The Mountain, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly June 1866, uncredited.
- * My Godchild, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly December 1906
- * The Nature and Elements of Poetry. III. Creation and Self-Expression, (??) The Century Magazine May 1892
- * The Nature and Elements of Poetry. IV. Melancholia, (??) The Century Magazine June 1892
- * The Nature and Elements of Poetry. Oracles Old and New, (??) The Century Magazine March 1892
- * The Nature and Elements of Poetry. V. Beauty, (??) The Century Magazine July 1892
- * The Nature and Elements of Poetry. VII. Imagination, (??) The Century Magazine September 1892
- * The Nature and Elements of Poetry. VIII. The Faculty Divine, (??) The Century Magazine October 1892
- * The Nature and Elements of Poetry. VI. Truth, (??) The Century Magazine August 1892
- * The Nature and Elements of Poetry. What Is Poetry?, (??) The Century Magazine April 1892
- * News from Olympia, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly February 1877
- * Old Love and the New, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine May 1861
- * Oliver Wendell Holmes, (ar) The Century Magazine February 1885
- * On a Great Man whose Mind Is Clouding, (??) The Atlantic Monthly March 1882
- * Only the Sunny Hours, (pm) Scribner’s Monthly January 1876
- * Pan in Wall Street, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly January 1867, uncredited.
- * Poems in Memory of J G Holland. J G H, (??) The Century Magazine December 1881
- * Portrait D’Une Dame Espagnole, (??) The Century Magazine December 1889
- * Proem to a Victorian Anthology, (pm) The Century Magazine March 1895
- * The Rose and the Jasmine, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly April 1878
- * Salem, (pm)
- * Sargasso Weed, (??) The Atlantic Monthly October 1897
- * A Sea Change, (??) The Century Magazine August 1892
- * Seeking the May-Flower, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly May 1877
- * Sister Beatrice, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly January 1877
- * The Skull in the Gold Drift, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly February 1875
- * Some London Poets, (ar) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine May 1882
- * Song from a Drama, (pm) Scribner’s Monthly January 1875
- * The Songster. A Midsummer Carol, (pm) Scribner’s Monthly September 1871
- * Song. The Wedding-Day, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly July 1878
- * Souvenir de Jeunesse, (??) The Century Magazine February 1887
- * Stanzas for Music (from an Unfnished Drama), (pm) Scribner’s Monthly March 1873
- * The Star Bearer, (pm) Wide Awake December 1887
- * Stoddard’s Last Poem, (ar) Putnam’s Monthly and The Critic October 1906
- * To A.D. on Receiving the Foregoing Epistle, (pm) Scribner’s Monthly March 1880, as by E. C. S.
- * Toujours Amour, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly December 1867, uncredited.
- * Twelve Years of British Song, (??) The Century Magazine October 1887
- * The Twilight of the Poets, (ss) The Century Magazine September 1885
- * “Ubi Sunt Qui Ante Nos?”, (??) The Century Magazine May 1897
- * The Undiscovered Country, (pm) The People’s Home Journal May 1908
- * A Vigil, (??) The Century Magazine March 1885
- * Whittier, (??) The Century Magazine May 1885
- * Witchcraft A.D. 1692, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine December 1884
- * Witchcraft A.D. 1884, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine December 1884
- * With Hancock at Williamsburg, (te) The Pocket Magazine June 1896
- * The World Well Lost, (??) The Atlantic Monthly December 1883
- * Ye Tombe of ye Poet Chaucer, (??) The Atlantic Monthly January 1881
_____, [ref.]
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