The FictionMags Index

Book Contents Lists: Page 260

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    The Magic Kiss and Other Tales of Princes and Princesses ed. Tony Bradman (Blackie, August 1987, 0-216-92015-9, £6.95, 94pp, hc, an, cover by Alan Marks)
        Anthology of short stories about princes and princesses.

    Phenomenal Future Stories ed. Tony Bradman (Corgi, December 2, 1999, 0-552-54623-2, £4.99, 205pp, tp, oa)
        Young-adult SF anthology of 10 original stories, by authors including Jan Mark, Lisa Tuttle, and Lesley Howarth. Illustrated by Peter Dennis.

    Crime ed. Ross Bradshaw (Five Leaves Publications, October 16, 2013, £9.99, 215pp, tp, oa)
        Details provided by Terry Zobeck.

    Have You Read These Seven Nottingham Writers? ed. Ross Bradshaw (Five Leaves Publications, 2015, £3.00, 112pp, tp, oa)
        Details provided by Terry Zobeck.

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